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Worthy Ministers
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Everything posted by Debp

  1. Thank you for posting the article. Hadn't heard of these wonderful, godly men before. Such a story....
  2. Christ is risen! Thanks for your post!
  3. All good replies to you already. Also, I think being in prayer can also be when our hearts are directed towards the Lord. For example, sometimes when one is walking, this might occur....not having any words but just our hearts towards Him. To me this is part of the praying without ceasing. About closing "in Jesus' name," although usually I say that, sometimes I just say amen. Because praying in Jesus' name actually means we realize He is the only reason our prayers are heard. We realize we are not being heard because of our own merits but because of Christ.
  4. A more excellent way, that reminded me of.... After speaking of the many spiritual gifts possible to believers, Paul wrote "and yet I show unto you a more excellent way." 1 Corinthians 12:31. Then Paul continues with the famous love chapter, 1 Corinthians 13....the more excellent way. We must always consider and allow these words about what love truly is to flow outward to others. We can say or teach everything spiritual, but it means nothing without having the love of God for others.
  5. Yes, someone who claims to know Christ should manifest at least some of the fruits of the Spirit.
  6. I appreciate the artistic beauty of old buildings, especially old churches. The stained glass windows usually tells stories or themes from the Bible. So I'm sorry for the loss of such an old structure.
  7. Also, someone who is dead in Christ should seek to put their pride aside. The "old man" doesn't want to give up pride. We should be willing to put on the "new man" so that our lives will truly change. Besides the fruits of the Spirit which the Holy Spirit enables us to manifest, it's always good to remember 1 Corinthians 13. Good works will naturally follow when we are yielded to the Lord.
  8. All good advice already given. Keep loving her with Christian love. If you have a good, loving church, why don't you invite her so she can hear some sermons, prayer, etc? It's important she meet Christians who are actually loving their neighbors as Jesus taught us to do. She probably doesn't know much about Jesus and would be receptive. So sorry she experienced that man's hatred.... explain people like that are not really following Christ. I am always glad when Christians reach out to others, especially when they are from a foreign country that is not known as a Christian country. I know a sweet Muslim young lady (not practicing, just from a Muslim country)....I always hoped that Christians would reach out and be her friend in college that she might know Christ. So far I think my mom and I are the only Christians she met.
  9. Sorry you misunderstood what I was saying. I definitely believe in grace alone... through which we do receive the law which is written into our hearts. Not keeping rules and regulations in a legalistic manner, but rather an outflowing of the Holy Spirit helping us to walk worthily of our calling in Christ.
  10. P.S. For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
  11. Now we have a law that is written in our hearts. I don't believe in sinning....but this comes from the law written in my heart through Jesus. Sometimes I hear some Muslims say that because we have the Savior, they think we have a license to sin. They can't understand that although we are forgiven and our sins are paid for by Christ....that we don't want to sin. We seek to walk with Jesus. However, this comes from the law which is written in our hearts, not legalism. We are not under a legalistic system such as the Muslims but under grace.
  12. I was taught in Bible college that the poor in spirit means those that know they have need of God. To me, knowing we have need of God is something that is in, or touches our inward heart. This will help keep us humble, something only head knowledge cannot do.
  13. Yes, I don't want to go in circles either.... I have peace about this.
  14. Often times studying "religion" can not only be a source of hardness of heart, but it can become pride. We must all keep a humble heart before the Lord.
  15. I celebrate Easter as remembering Christ's resurrection. My conscience is clear.
  16. I agree with everyone who said don't look back. Living in the past doesn't help anyone....it can hinder a person. Learn to get your eyes on Jesus, and on current things in your life. The Lord should be our focus...not people who are detrimental to us.
  17. Amen! I do love these holidays myself. I love the cheer, love and warmth shown especially around Christmas. I love walking into a store and hearing Christmas carols! When people in the stores say happy holidays to me, I always respond Merry Christmas! I always give my many neighbors a Christmas card....a good way to share the message of Christ!
  18. I totally agree with you. The secular world seeks to get rid of any mention of knowledge of Christ. Therefore, I am very glad there are the holidays of Christmas and Easter!! As Christians we can celebrate the true reasons for these holidays!! Also, at these holidays, we can have more opportunities to explain to others why Christ was born and resurrected. We can have more opportunities to invite someone to church. I get prayer letters from Christian Aid Mission and native missionaries use Christmas and Easter as opportunities to share Christ. Muslims and Hindus are eager to attend these gatherings each year. Anything that causes the name of Christ to be proclaimed is good in my book!!
  19. Thanks, lovely poem....I love that it is an actual person who was in ministry!
  20. You can discuss freely, only now it is in the non-conformist forum area. Since this is such a large forum to moderate, apparently George thought this would be the best. I do enjoy your other posts and hope you will stay. Except for this topic, I wouldn't know you are not accepting the statement of faith fully.
  21. When we are finally with the Lord, why would God need to add more to the written Word? To me, too much speculation isn't good.
  22. P.S. The funny video is only a couple of minutes long as it's from the news. Which team are you on? The black or silver car? (Yes, people choose sides! ) I am team black car as everyone knows he was backng into the space correctly. Silver car came up from behind to try to steal the space! Naughty, naughty....
  23. Oh wow....I wonder why people aren't more careful about the edge. I'm even careful about raised up sidewalks which are a tripping hazard around here!
  24. Neither driver will budge! This went on for 90 minutes as one car was backing into a space and the other car was trying to drive head first into the space on the street. A lady across the street filmed it all and tweeted updates on the stubborn drivers. To make it even funnier, there were other parking spots available down the street! The standoff finally ended when a different car adjacent to the coveted parking spot drove away!
  25. Don't go by your feelings, go by faith in God and what He says in His word. We are human and sometimes can have different feelings at times.
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