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Who is the Whore of babylon


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16 hours ago, wingnut- said:


I am not claiming that is not what is written, I am simply pointing out that you cannot separate these two things.  You are erecting another strawman here by attempting to attach claims I did not make.  It is simple, the only way these two statements can both be true, is if they are speaking of the same city.


Matthew 23:35 so that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah the son of Barachiah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar.


Revelation 18:24 And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints,
    and of all who have been slain on earth.”


ALL means ALL, it includes those Jesus spoke of in Matthew 23.



The title Mother of Harlots does not imply originator of all harlots, that is a faulty premise and conclusion you are drawing yourself, and not supported by any evidence.  Mother of harlots simply means she gave birth to harlots, not every harlot.  Jerusalem is the only city to be called a mother of harlots in scripture, let's just stick to what is said.



Of course you are, as you did not address a single question presented to you on the matter, instead you regurgitated the same premise that does not hold up.  David is no longer on the throne materially, neither are any of his descendants materially on a throne.  Jerusalem hasn't had a king for thousands of years now materially, they do not dwell in the land unbothered, nor have they dwelt in the land unbothered for thousands of years.

You want to keep cherry picking one verse from II Samuel 7 and disregard the entirety of the prophecy which disproves your claim.  Another example from Hebrews that directly addresses the irrelevance of the material for you to not address.


The people in question...


Hebrews 11:32 And what more shall I say? For time would fail me to tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets—


The truth of the matter regarding materials.....


Hebrews 11:39 And all these, though commended through their faith, did not receive what was promised, 40 since God had provided something better for us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect.


Conclusion, your premise is invalid.  David did not receive the promise, yet reigned from Jerusalem, proving yet again that the material and the spiritual do not go hand in hand related to the promise.  Earthly Jerusalem is not, nor has ever been the promise.



Material ways equate to spiritual insight?  I would be amused if you weren't actually serious.


Hebrews 11:13 These all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth. 14 For people who speak thus make it clear that they are seeking a homeland.15 If they had been thinking of that land from which they had gone out, they would have had opportunity to return. 16 But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city.


This is spiritual insight.


God bless

Well good luck with all that. It is impressive. 


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6 hours ago, Diaste said:

Ya know, I probably watch and read a lot of things, where if people knew, I'd be called a conspiracy theorist. I'm not, I don't think. :) I mean, not everything's a conspiracy; but the ones that exist are big. Anyway, in a lot of the videos and documentaries there is a common theme concerning tech. Most of us have no idea the level of advance that exists. Some say this hidden tech is 10 years ahead of commonly available items, others suggest maybe several decades. What if the AI we see playing chess is just what has been released and authorities have AI more advanced? Could be. 

UFO's for instance. Lot of people think it's ET. From the things I've seen it's just highly advanced aerial vehicles kept under wraps. Or the whole UFO thing is just a distraction to keep people guessing about what's really going on. The authorities must be doing something with the 10-20 trillion that has been suggested is missing from the military budgets over that last 2-3 decades.

I really don't know what the truth is, just that they ain't playing nice when it comes to show and tell.


lol...and this would only translate to someone who theorizes that there could possibly be a conspiracy afoot! And what is a 'conspiracy', (without rushing off to dictionary dot com here, I'm just too lazy this morning, haha) but the idea that there are those who are conspiring. But instead, when people hear that term, they get all sorts of freaky and think it's some sort of tin-foil hat type situation, when it isn't. I have a tendency to go with that saying, "If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, and looks like a duck...chances are very good that it IS a duck..". Just plain old common sense, 'look at the writing on the wall', put to good use, you know?

As for the UFO business, your take could very well be a big portion of it- I always sort of wondered if it weren't a little bit of 'other-worldly' (aka, the demonic) coming through here and there in whatever capacity God allows them to come through at this point in history, in order to somewhat desensitize people to 'other things' like that coming through and being seen at some point as more the rule rather than the exception- just no telling- I think of poor Elon Musk and his ideas about AI, how he sees it as opening a Pandora's box and letting 'things' in, or whatever the case may be- and there is that almost genius of a guy, and because of remarks like that people see him as the 'tin foil hat' type. And yet....some of the crazy business people believe in an every day basis don't qualify them for it, lol-go figure!

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38 minutes ago, Mystic_Pizza said:


As for the UFO business, your take could very well be a big portion of it- I always sort of wondered if it weren't a little bit of 'other-worldly' (aka, the demonic) coming through

People are seeing something. Seen some strange stuff in the sky my self. If people are seeing ET, greys, reptilians, etc., those are demons I would think. Certainly not interstellar or intergalactic travelers, at least in my opinion.

What if these creatures were commonplace back in the days of Babylon? There's a lot of nasty stuff written about those days and I would not be surprised if manifested demons were, if not normal or common, certainly not shocking. 

You could be right, we are peeking behind the veil, might get ripped away completely at some point.

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1 hour ago, eileenhat said:

Here, mods deleted my one and only post, one paragraph long, using scripture about the false prophet to prove who it really is (something God revealed to me in prayer).  Guess they don't want to know.

Maybe God deleted it because once the man of sin/lawless one/false prophet is revealed it all kicks off...if you know what I mean...and we're not quite there yet in the fulness of time.

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18 hours ago, Last Daze said:

The use of the definite article indicates otherwise. 

  • And on her forehead a name was written, a mystery, “BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.”  Revelation 17:5


Definition of the 

(Entry 1 of 4)

1aused as a function word to indicate that a following noun or noun equivalent is definite or has been previously specified by context or by circumstance put the cat out

bused as a function word to indicate that a following noun or noun equivalent is a unique or a particular member of its class the President the Lord

cused as a function word before nouns that designate natural phenomena or points of the compass the night is cold

dused as a function word before a noun denoting time to indicate reference to what is present or immediate or is under consideration in the future

eused as a function word before names of some parts of the body or of the clothing as an equivalent of a possessive adjective how's the arm today

fused as a function word before the name of a branch of human endeavor or proficiency the law

gused as a function word in prepositional phrases to indicate that the noun in the phrase serves as a basis for computation sold by the dozen

hused as a function word before a proper name (as of a ship or a well-known building)the Mayflower

iused as a function word before a proper name to indicate the distinctive characteristics of a person or thing the John Doe that we know wouldn't lie

jused as a function word before the plural form of a surname to indicate all the members of a family the Johnsons

kused as a function word before the plural form of a numeral that is a multiple of ten to denote a particular decade of a century or of a person's life life in the twenties

lused as a function word before the name of a commodity or any familiar appurtenance of daily life to indicate reference to the individual thing, part, or supply thought of as at hand talked on the telephone

mused as a function word to designate one of a class as the best, most typical, best known, or most worth singling out this is the life sometimes used before a personal name to denote the most prominent bearer of that name

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1 hour ago, Royff said:

The Whore of Babylon is Not a Person but All false Religion

It's so amazing to watch as Christians around the world during this pagan holiday season perpetuate the Babylonian lie of Christmas. This Babylonian lie of Christmas which Christians lie to their children about is centered around a tree called the Christmas Tree. This Christmas tree and its demonic[and is in just about every Christian home] roots and the celebration of it goes back to the time before Christ came into this world as a baby.

God warned the Israelites of the worship of this lying Christmas tree, just like the tree in the Garden of Eden, this Christmas leads to the worship of Lucifer. But don’t take my word for it, let's look into the word of God to see what the Lord had to say about this demonic symbol:

“Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel:Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.” [Jeremiah 10:1-5] KJV

Here God exposes the worshipers of the Christmas Tree as heathens and their works are vain, they are workers of corruption. The god of this Christmas tree is a demon by the name of St. Nick, a lying god that the good Christians instill the fear of in their little one from birth. The good Christians tells their children that this demon knows everything about them, can read their every thought. Only God is capable of knowing all this. So what the good Christians are teaching their little one is that this demon of the Catholic Church is God.

Next lie of this demon of the Christmas Tree is that all the wonderful gifts under the tree is given by this demon called St. Nick, robbing the God of heaven of the Glory He so rightly deserves. No matter how much the good Christians claims to love God, they cannot separate themselves from their demonic traditions that they inherited from their mother, the mother of harlots, the goddess of the of the Babylonian Christmas Tree of lies. Everything revolves around the satanic Christmas Tree of lies; Satan aka Lucifer is the father of the lie and all the lies of this symbol of lies; the Babylonian Christmas Tree.

If the tree is evil, then its fruit must also be poison!

This is just one of the many evil gifts of the Mother of Harlots to her harlots daughters, the apostate fallen church of the church of Loacedia.

Trees has great symbolism in scripture, some represents good or angels and men, this one represents demons and hell. Satan’s reproduction of the tree in the Garden of Eden that cased man’s fall and now continue to drag him to the gates of hell because he’s dazzled by the many black lights of Lucifer, by the evil black light bearer; Satan!!

The whore of Babylon and her symbolism are right there in most Christians home. So we don’t have to look very far or hard to find out who are the whore or whores of Babylon; if you have the Babylonian Christmas Tree in your Christian home you are looking in the wrong place, start with the whore of Babylon in your own house this time of year on her celebration day; December 25.

Anyone who goes whoring after other gods are whores of Babylon!

Who loves God enough to abandon this symbol of Satan and destroy it forever from their home and family. There are not many who love that much; this is asking too much of them to give up their traditions even though it was given to them by the very church they claim is the woman riding the scarlet colored beast; that same whore of Babylon; The Babylonian Catholic Church of Rome. 

Is the “Whore of Babylon” and does she have a prominent position in your home? Start your investigation there first.


You are not wrong. I have long thought it's the Catholic church and the pope. Mary worship does it for me. 

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8 hours ago, Royff said:

The Whore of Babylon is Not a Person but All false Religion

It's so amazing to watch as Christians around the world during this pagan holiday season perpetuate the Babylonian lie of Christmas. This Babylonian lie of Christmas which Christians lie to their children about is centered around a tree called the Christmas Tree. This Christmas tree and its demonic[and is in just about every Christian home] roots and the celebration of it goes back to the time before Christ came into this world as a baby.

God warned the Israelites of the worship of this lying Christmas tree, just like the tree in the Garden of Eden, this Christmas leads to the worship of Lucifer. But don’t take my word for it, let's look into the word of God to see what the Lord had to say about this demonic symbol:

“Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel:Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.” [Jeremiah 10:1-5] KJV

Here God exposes the worshipers of the Christmas Tree as heathens and their works are vain, they are workers of corruption. The god of this Christmas tree is a demon by the name of St. Nick, a lying god that the good Christians instill the fear of in their little one from birth. The good Christians tells their children that this demon knows everything about them, can read their every thought. Only God is capable of knowing all this. So what the good Christians are teaching their little one is that this demon of the Catholic Church is God.

Next lie of this demon of the Christmas Tree is that all the wonderful gifts under the tree is given by this demon called St. Nick, robbing the God of heaven of the Glory He so rightly deserves. No matter how much the good Christians claims to love God, they cannot separate themselves from their demonic traditions that they inherited from their mother, the mother of harlots, the goddess of the of the Babylonian Christmas Tree of lies. Everything revolves around the satanic Christmas Tree of lies; Satan aka Lucifer is the father of the lie and all the lies of this symbol of lies; the Babylonian Christmas Tree.

If the tree is evil, then its fruit must also be poison!

This is just one of the many evil gifts of the Mother of Harlots to her harlots daughters, the apostate fallen church of the church of Loacedia.

Trees has great symbolism in scripture, some represents good or angels and men, this one represents demons and hell. Satan’s reproduction of the tree in the Garden of Eden that cased man’s fall and now continue to drag him to the gates of hell because he’s dazzled by the many black lights of Lucifer, by the evil black light bearer; Satan!!

The whore of Babylon and her symbolism are right there in most Christians home. So we don’t have to look very far or hard to find out who are the whore or whores of Babylon; if you have the Babylonian Christmas Tree in your Christian home you are looking in the wrong place, start with the whore of Babylon in your own house this time of year on her celebration day; December 25.

Anyone who goes whoring after other gods are whores of Babylon!

Who loves God enough to abandon this symbol of Satan and destroy it forever from their home and family. There are not many who love that much; this is asking too much of them to give up their traditions even though it was given to them by the very church they claim is the woman riding the scarlet colored beast; that same whore of Babylon; The Babylonian Catholic Church of Rome. 

Is the “Whore of Babylon” and does she have a prominent position in your home? Start your investigation there first.

God looks at the heart.....like he did David. A tree defiling someone who has no understanding of what it SUPPOSEDLY REPRESENTS is pure bunk, IMHO. What if I tell you wallets are evil, are you going to throw yours away ? silly thinking isn't it. Sure, people who came over from Europe brought some traditions with them, but sin is a choice from ones heart to rebel against God. If David met Bathsheba, didn't know she was married, married her and had a child, then found out she lied to him, he would have been without sin. Christians serving Christ and furthering the Gospel through Christmas are not evil, it is a good thing. We pay homage to our creator as having been birthed and died just for our sins, WHO CARES if it's the right day or not, decorating a tree with crosses defiles no one man. 


I agree, the Harlot is ALL FALSE RELIGION.....Or serving Devils, but it is not SERVING Christ Jesus, which is what Christmas does. 

Edited by Revelation Man
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5 hours ago, Royff said:

The Whore of Babylon is Not a Person but All false Religion

It's so amazing to watch as Christians around the world during this pagan holiday season perpetuate the Babylonian lie of Christmas. This Babylonian lie of Christmas which Christians lie to their children about is centered around a tree called the Christmas Tree. This Christmas tree and its demonic[and is in just about every Christian home] roots and the celebration of it goes back to the time before Christ came into this world as a baby.

God warned the Israelites of the worship of this lying Christmas tree, just like the tree in the Garden of Eden, this Christmas leads to the worship of Lucifer. But don’t take my word for it, let's look into the word of God to see what the Lord had to say about this demonic symbol:

“Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel:Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.” [Jeremiah 10:1-5] KJV

Here God exposes the worshipers of the Christmas Tree as heathens and their works are vain, they are workers of corruption. The god of this Christmas tree is a demon by the name of St. Nick, a lying god that the good Christians instill the fear of in their little one from birth. The good Christians tells their children that this demon knows everything about them, can read their every thought. Only God is capable of knowing all this. So what the good Christians are teaching their little one is that this demon of the Catholic Church is God.

Next lie of this demon of the Christmas Tree is that all the wonderful gifts under the tree is given by this demon called St. Nick, robbing the God of heaven of the Glory He so rightly deserves. No matter how much the good Christians claims to love God, they cannot separate themselves from their demonic traditions that they inherited from their mother, the mother of harlots, the goddess of the of the Babylonian Christmas Tree of lies. Everything revolves around the satanic Christmas Tree of lies; Satan aka Lucifer is the father of the lie and all the lies of this symbol of lies; the Babylonian Christmas Tree.

If the tree is evil, then its fruit must also be poison!

This is just one of the many evil gifts of the Mother of Harlots to her harlots daughters, the apostate fallen church of the church of Loacedia.

Trees has great symbolism in scripture, some represents good or angels and men, this one represents demons and hell. Satan’s reproduction of the tree in the Garden of Eden that cased man’s fall and now continue to drag him to the gates of hell because he’s dazzled by the many black lights of Lucifer, by the evil black light bearer; Satan!!

The whore of Babylon and her symbolism are right there in most Christians home. So we don’t have to look very far or hard to find out who are the whore or whores of Babylon; if you have the Babylonian Christmas Tree in your Christian home you are looking in the wrong place, start with the whore of Babylon in your own house this time of year on her celebration day; December 25.

Anyone who goes whoring after other gods are whores of Babylon!

Who loves God enough to abandon this symbol of Satan and destroy it forever from their home and family. There are not many who love that much; this is asking too much of them to give up their traditions even though it was given to them by the very church they claim is the woman riding the scarlet colored beast; that same whore of Babylon; The Babylonian Catholic Church of Rome. 

Is the “Whore of Babylon” and does she have a prominent position in your home? Start your investigation there first.


Is there a gas leak in your neighborhood?

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6 minutes ago, Royff said:

It that the full of your re-butter? Surely you can do better than this in contending for the faith and undeceive the deceive. Could you put this in a couple of paragraphs so I can at least try to get some understanding of what you are trying to say. Surely the Blood that bought you has given you the wisdom to stand for Him better than this. At least try to make an argument and help me understand your thinking, I hope you don't go to the study of the word of God in this way.


I dont debate flat- earthers and I will not debate anybody that thinks Christmas trees are evil.Sorry.

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1 hour ago, Royff said:




I don’t know what bible you study, but I study the King James Bible and it states clearly that, it fruit that defile the man. How can you say Adam did not understand what it represents when God explained to him that it represents death. Since Adam had no idea of what death means God took the time to explain to Adam just what death means; to return to the dust from which he came. How could you say he had no understanding of what the tree represents? You asked, “what if you tell me that my wallet is evil, would I throw it away” my answer is no because there is no warning in the bible that a wallet will destroy my soul.

But God did warn about being too in love and controlled by the contents of that wallet. The wallet itself is not evil, but the lust after the contents of that wallet can lead one to hell as it did with Judas. Yes, it's silly thinking the way you think about it and putting it forward. You say sin is is a choice from the heart to rebel against God, and you are right, but what is this rebellion of the heart? Is it not to disobey God? If God explained in His Word that this tree, this symbolism is of Satan and you try to tell people that its not, how is that not a heart in rebellion against God? It's in His word.

You can’t choose and pick what words of God you will accept and what you will reject, either the bible is the word of God or not. This is just one of the many places in the bible that people reject because they find fault in the word, just like they can’t stand where it states that man is to rule over the woman. How many Christian weddings do you still hear “to love and obey” her husband. It's not easy giving up long held traditions even when shown the error of it in the word of God.

You stated;

“Christians serving Christ and furthering the Gospel through Christmas is not evil, it is a good thing.”

 How are you going to come to know the things of God by practicing the things of Lucifer? You don’t contact hell to get intouch with God. Just as with Adam, its was not so much the tree that led Adam to death, but his disobedience to God. The tree is the symbol, disobedience is the crime against God.

 You cannot love that Babylonian tree of blaspheme and claim to have the same love for God who denounces that symbol.

 You states:

 “WHO CARES if it's the right day or not, decorating a tree with crosses defiles no one man.”

God in Jeremiah chapter 10:1-5 says decorating a tree is in this fashion is sin, you say its not, whose voice are you obeying or disobeying and leading others to do the same?

 Who cares; God cares! Every holy celebration that God instruction told the Jews to hold, they were given a time and day to hold it. It must be according to God’s plan and timing, it's not the worship of God on December 25, we are supposed to serve God every day of the year, but it the symbol Babylon, the Christmas Tree where the problem is. Would you put an image of Satan over your alter to God or would you place pornographic images on the walls of your church, I don’t think the optic would look very good. It's all about the symbolism and obedience to God who we must serve they way He instructs us to. You cannot serve two masters; Babylon and Christ, you must choose one over the other, is it Christ or Babylon?

 Please explain the all the lies associated with this tree of lies. This tree lies more than Donald Trump, the lying prophet who is supposed to return Christ to Christmas, do you see anything in his decorations about Jesus.

You I see are one of those who think the RCC is the Harlot, so I think I would just be wasting both of our time.

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