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Saying good bye


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I am chronically ill and disabled and the time seems to be running up for me. As a believer I am however not very sorry for this :)
I however wanted to say good by and leave you some last thoughts of mine. 

I will never be an atheist, not even when the pain gets harder. As I am trained in philosophical scepticism the level of proof that scientific empircism provides to me is simply not high enough to believe their mechanistic world view. On the other hand the existence of consciousness must be explained, because it is the only thing that we can really be sure exists. But evolution does not require a consciouness. So there is no need for evolution to develope it and how it should be able to do that...

But I have to admit that the worse my health becomes the more I am avoiding most Christians. 

The problem is that it's the atheist now, who actually live the Christian values. The majority of Christians is in contrast extremely mean to the sick and the disabled (like me). This was statistically proofen too (Christians blame the poor aka the weakest more for their fate, than do atheists). If you read carefully than you will see that Jesus judges you for what you have done to the weakest, and to despise and to verbally bully them will hence have consequences (although I don't know how hart they will be).

Furthermore I believe firmly now too that some part of my mind has been shaped by evolution and that this is what we call the original sin or in Germany more to the point "the inherited sin". It's inherited because we inherit it as our genes from our ancestors who where large and by murderes, bullies and rapist. I don't want that this part of my mind (my flesh) to be conserved and I hope that it decomposes together with my brain forever.

If you really want to follow Christ than you need to learn to fight this part of you too (Christianity was always clear that there is a distinction between the spirit and the body and it's instincts):
“Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

And for fighting the flesh, aka your brain successfully you need to know your enemy. Mobbing the poor and the weak is a part of the genetic instincts that are preprogrammed into your body. To understand better that you are not fighting for some kind of "higher goal of society" when you attack the weak I hence suggest watching a bit primate psychology. As they can not make as much verbal "bla bla bla" as we do, it is easier to see through their conflicts than through ours:  

Edited by Alive
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@Nadjeschda It appears you have posted here before. I must have missed these other posts. I wanted to say welcome to the forum since you are still quite new!

 I am sorry to hear of your experiences with people you view as Christians. I pray the Lord will help you day by day through your struggles with disability and illness. I can only say that as a person who has been through serious life threatening health issues myself, maybe I understand a little of what you must be going through. It can be very frustrating when our bodies won't respond to our will any longer. I pray for you sister that you will find strength in the Lord to continue day by day. This web site has a prayer requests area that I hope you will not hesitate to use in order to share your prayer requests.

4 hours ago, Nadjeschda said:

I will never be an atheist, not even when the pain gets harder. As I am trained in philosophical scepticism the level of proof that scientific empircism provides to me is simply not high enough to believe their mechanistic world view. On the other hand the existence of consciousness must be explained, because it is the only thing that we can really be sure exists. But evolution does not require a consciouness. So there is no need for evolution to develope it and how it should be able to do that...

All of man's knowledge eventually comes up short. Extensions beyond known science are only theories which periodically change based on updated information. I believe the theory of evolution itself leaves many unanswered questions. Science isn't supposed to guess ever, yet those who are behind it often do guess and call it a theory. A scientifically postulated theory is still a postulated theory which in layman's terms is a guess. While I admire those who delve into these things using known science I also realize there are barriers to any system that uses narrow intentions to understand wide answers.

Consciousness is a term often associated with many religions and I agree it isn't a thing to be determined fully using science. I don't think we can ignore it because it surely exists. Transhumanists believe our consciousness can eventually be saved and downloaded into another host using a combination of biological genetic engineering and electronics. This is highly doubtful and remains to be seen. I don't think we will ever get to the point of extending ourselves through technology by moving our souls into new hosts. We might make a convincing copy, yet it still would not be "us". Only God can make a soul because all souls come from God. God determines where our souls go based on our relationship with Him. Those Christians who are saved will go to be with the Lord at death in His safe keeping. 

4 hours ago, Nadjeschda said:

But I have to admit that the worse my health becomes the more I am avoiding most Christians. 

The problem is that it's the atheist now, who actually live the Christian values. The majority of Christians is in contrast extremely mean to the sick and the disabled (like me). This was statistically proofen too (Christians blame the poor aka the weakest more for their fate, than do atheists). If you read carefully than you will see that Jesus judges you for what you have done to the weakest, and to despise and to verbally bully them will hence have consequences (although I don't know how hart they will be).

I cannot be sure of the people you are calling Christians. There are many who attend church who are not Christians. Many people say they are Christian when they don't fully understand what a Christian is. And sadly, there are some Christians who shirk their Godly duties to their fellow man at times. I would hope these people are in a minority. I am so sorry to hear that people you view as Christians are showing themselves as mean. This runs in direct contrast to what we are supposed to be. I will pray that God sends real spirit filled believers into your path. I believe many here at Worthy are spirit filled believers who really care and will pray for you. Please let me know how I might be able to help. If it is in my power to do it I certainly will. Just remember that not everyone who seems Christian really is. It is very easy to use the title and never understand it.

4 hours ago, Nadjeschda said:

Furthermore I believe firmly now too that some part of my mind has been shaped by evolution and that this is what we call the original sin or in Germany more to the point "the inherited sin". It's inherited because we inherit it as our genes from our ancestors who where large and by murderes, bullies and rapist. I don't want that this part of my mind (my flesh) to be conserved and I hope that it decomposes together with my brain forever.

Praise God one day we will all have new sinless bodies! 

4 hours ago, Nadjeschda said:

And for fighting the flesh, aka your brain successfully you need to know your enemy. Mobbing the poor and the weak is a part of the genetic instincts that are preprogrammed into your body. To understand better that you are not fighting for some kind of "higher goal of society" when you attack the weak I hence suggest watching a bit primate psychology. As they can not make as much verbal "bla bla bla" as we do, it is easier to see through their conflicts than through ours:  

As I grow older I see how some people treat me differently and maybe this is how you feel. The reality they don't realize is one day they will be in my shoes unless they die sooner. You can't tell or explain this to them though, they will all eventually be where we are in one way or the other. Most people today are too busy to look into the eyes at a soul. Instead they see a walking gut bag who is in their way. God tells us in His word that in the end times there will be cold hearts. People will loose their love. Just tell yourself this every day, " Jesus Loves Me". No matter what the world tells you or how it makes you feel. Jesus loves you. He always will. His love is not based on anything we did to earn it. He loved us enough to make a way of salvation. No matter how bad life gets down here, we always know He loves us. He has a plan for us. He will rescue us from death. He will give us a new life. Old things will pass away. 

Those who openly continue to reject God will become more and more hopeless and empty as time goes on because they have nothing to cling to that lasts. We have the ultimate victory through Christ who died for us.

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@nadjeschda I am sending my sincere prayers that the power of the Holy Spirit engulf you in his arms of love and peace as you proceed down this path towards the ultimate promise made by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  As you move through the days ahead I pray the face of the Lord is all you see and his voice is all you hear drowning out the woes of this life on earth.  Forgive them (people) as they know not what they do.

John 14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.

Jesus replied, "Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again." "How can someone be born when they are old?" Nicodemus asked. "Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother's womb to be born!" Jesus answered, "Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit." John 3:3-5 NIV

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10 hours ago, Nadjeschda said:

The problem is that it's the atheist now, who actually live the Christian values. The majority of Christians is in contrast extremely mean to the sick and the disabled (like me). This was statistically proofen too (Christians blame the poor aka the weakest more for their fate, than do atheists). If you read carefully than you will see that Jesus judges you for what you have done to the weakest, and to despise and to verbally bully them will hence have consequences (although I don't know how hart they will be).

James 1:27  Pure religion and undefiled before our God and Father is this, to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

Isaiah 58:7  Is it not to share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover him, and not to hide yourself from your own flesh?

Luke 14:12  He said also to the man who had invited him, “When you give a dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbours, lest they also invite you in return and you be repaid. 
13  But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, 
14  and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just.” 

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Some atheists are self righteous. I talked to one who said it was sad that I had to learn to love because it should be natural. That person judged me and put themselves above me. That person for all their self righteous boasting  was ignorant of Gods love.

Gods love is given to the humble not t he proud. 

Edited by Whyme
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There is a lot to take in here, and a lot to say, but I am going to have to take my time and process this. I just wanted to make two initial comments

1. This is not goodbye, but rather, until we meet again on the streets of Gold. 

2.Not all the answers are available to us now, and this thing you call your mind is not found in physical matter, it did not evolve, it is the essence of you, your soul. Who you are. And who you will always be when the flesh we have fails us. There are greater things involved in who you are than can be found inside your head.  The brain is merely the interface between our physical existence and our spiritual existence. 

The flesh we inhabit has a sin nature, and it is inherited from our ancestor Adam. We will be free of that when we breathe our last, and our new bodies on ressurections will not have that

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On 3/9/2021 at 2:11 AM, Nadjeschda said:

I am chronically ill and disabled and the time seems to be running up for me. As a believer I am however not very sorry for this :)
I however wanted to say good by and leave you some last thoughts of mine. 

I will never be an atheist, not even when the pain gets harder. As I am trained in philosophical scepticism the level of proof that scientific empircism provides to me is simply not high enough to believe their mechanistic world view. On the other hand the existence of consciousness must be explained, because it is the only thing that we can really be sure exists. But evolution does not require a consciouness. So there is no need for evolution to develope it and how it should be able to do that...

But I have to admit that the worse my health becomes the more I am avoiding most Christians. 

The problem is that it's the atheist now, who actually live the Christian values. The majority of Christians is in contrast extremely mean to the sick and the disabled (like me). This was statistically proofen too (Christians blame the poor aka the weakest more for their fate, than do atheists). If you read carefully than you will see that Jesus judges you for what you have done to the weakest, and to despise and to verbally bully them will hence have consequences (although I don't know how hart they will be).

Furthermore I believe firmly now too that some part of my mind has been shaped by evolution and that this is what we call the original sin or in Germany more to the point "the inherited sin". It's inherited because we inherit it as our genes from our ancestors who where large and by murderes, bullies and rapist. I don't want that this part of my mind (my flesh) to be conserved and I hope that it decomposes together with my brain forever.

If you really want to follow Christ than you need to learn to fight this part of you too (Christianity was always clear that there is a distinction between the spirit and the body and it's instincts):
“Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

And for fighting the flesh, aka your brain successfully you need to know your enemy. Mobbing the poor and the weak is a part of the genetic instincts that are preprogrammed into your body. To understand better that you are not fighting for some kind of "higher goal of society" when you attack the weak I hence suggest watching a bit primate psychology. As they can not make as much verbal "bla bla bla" as we do, it is easier to see through their conflicts than through ours:  

Amen, Along to with others prayers for your total deliverance, May The Lord grant you with the faith, health, and strength in communication.

Love, Walter and Debbie

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On 3/9/2021 at 5:11 PM, Nadjeschda said:

I am chronically ill and disabled and the time seems to be running up for me. As a believer I am however not very sorry for this :)
I however wanted to say good by and leave you some last thoughts of mine. 

I will never be an atheist, not even when the pain gets harder. As I am trained in philosophical scepticism the level of proof that scientific empircism provides to me is simply not high enough to believe their mechanistic world view. On the other hand the existence of consciousness must be explained, because it is the only thing that we can really be sure exists. But evolution does not require a consciouness. So there is no need for evolution to develope it and how it should be able to do that...

But I have to admit that the worse my health becomes the more I am avoiding most Christians. 

The problem is that it's the atheist now, who actually live the Christian values. The majority of Christians is in contrast extremely mean to the sick and the disabled (like me). This was statistically proofen too (Christians blame the poor aka the weakest more for their fate, than do atheists). If you read carefully than you will see that Jesus judges you for what you have done to the weakest, and to despise and to verbally bully them will hence have consequences (although I don't know how hart they will be).

Furthermore I believe firmly now too that some part of my mind has been shaped by evolution and that this is what we call the original sin or in Germany more to the point "the inherited sin". It's inherited because we inherit it as our genes from our ancestors who where large and by murderes, bullies and rapist. I don't want that this part of my mind (my flesh) to be conserved and I hope that it decomposes together with my brain forever.

If you really want to follow Christ than you need to learn to fight this part of you too (Christianity was always clear that there is a distinction between the spirit and the body and it's instincts):
“Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

And for fighting the flesh, aka your brain successfully you need to know your enemy. Mobbing the poor and the weak is a part of the genetic instincts that are preprogrammed into your body. To understand better that you are not fighting for some kind of "higher goal of society" when you attack the weak I hence suggest watching a bit primate psychology. As they can not make as much verbal "bla bla bla" as we do, it is easier to see through their conflicts than through ours:  

What illness ?

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It seems that you have a negative view of Christians.  Perhaps you have had some bad experiences.  But I will not argue with you at a time like this.  I will urge you to focus on the one all loving creator of the world Jesus Christ.  When you feel alone or unloved, he is always there and always loves.  I pray that he will ease your mind, and body.

All "science", philosophy, and studies by men, pale next to the Son of God, Jesus Christ.  I don't mean to lecture, But Jesus is the one and only thing that both of us really need.  Please allow him to comfort you.  He wants to.

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On 3/9/2021 at 2:11 AM, Nadjeschda said:

I am chronically ill and disabled and the time seems to be running up for me. As a believer I am however not very sorry for this :)
I however wanted to say good by and leave you some last thoughts of mine. 

I will never be an atheist, not even when the pain gets harder. As I am trained in philosophical scepticism the level of proof that scientific empircism provides to me is simply not high enough to believe their mechanistic world view. On the other hand the existence of consciousness must be explained, because it is the only thing that we can really be sure exists. But evolution does not require a consciouness. So there is no need for evolution to develope it and how it should be able to do that...

But I have to admit that the worse my health becomes the more I am avoiding most Christians. 

The problem is that it's the atheist now, who actually live the Christian values. The majority of Christians is in contrast extremely mean to the sick and the disabled (like me). This was statistically proofen too (Christians blame the poor aka the weakest more for their fate, than do atheists). If you read carefully than you will see that Jesus judges you for what you have done to the weakest, and to despise and to verbally bully them will hence have consequences (although I don't know how hart they will be).

Furthermore I believe firmly now too that some part of my mind has been shaped by evolution and that this is what we call the original sin or in Germany more to the point "the inherited sin". It's inherited because we inherit it as our genes from our ancestors who where large and by murderes, bullies and rapist. I don't want that this part of my mind (my flesh) to be conserved and I hope that it decomposes together with my brain forever.

If you really want to follow Christ than you need to learn to fight this part of you too (Christianity was always clear that there is a distinction between the spirit and the body and it's instincts):
“Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

And for fighting the flesh, aka your brain successfully you need to know your enemy. Mobbing the poor and the weak is a part of the genetic instincts that are preprogrammed into your body. To understand better that you are not fighting for some kind of "higher goal of society" when you attack the weak I hence suggest watching a bit primate psychology. As they can not make as much verbal "bla bla bla" as we do, it is easier to see through their conflicts than through ours:  

God is with you in your illness. He knows your illness better than you do. 

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