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Depression, suicide, and salvation


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Ive had depression and suicidal thoughts. Im too much of a coward to do it though. Presently im happy and thank God for that, but sometimes i want to leave this world. Thats why im glad i have Jesus, he gives me a reason to go on, not that i have the courage to end it, but such thinking can be difficult. I dont even know what to think about it. It is what it is i guess.

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19 hours ago, Amigo42 said:

Are there any other born-again Christians who experience bouts of depression?  I've been a Christian for over 20 years, and I find that as my eyes have been opened more and more than my desire to not be here tends to increase.  Before I start getting counseling referrals I'm not necessarily suicidal myself.  I'm just being honest.

If we're being honest how many Christians would willingly end their lives if they knew they'd see Jesus on their next breath?  This of course assuming that suicide doesn't necessarily mean lost or unsaved?  I believe that God judges the totality of a person's life not necessarily a poor choice made in a mindset of suffering.  Is it suicide for terminally ill patient who suffers daily to end it all?  Is it suicide for a soldier to willingly jump on a grenade to save others?  What do you all think?

So far in my 62 years, (and a lot of trials) I have not had such a feeling.  I would not waste  the "Talents" God gave me because life got tough. Beside he is always there with us.

Matthew 25:

14 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. 15 And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey. 16 Then he who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents. 17 And likewise he who had received two gained two more also. 18 But he who had received one went and dug in the ground, and hid his lord’s money. 19 After a long time the lord of those servants came and settled accounts with them.

20 “So he who had received five talents came and brought five other talents, saying, ‘Lord, you delivered to me five talents; look, I have gained five more talents besides them.’ 21 His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’ 22 He also who had received two talents came and said, ‘Lord, you delivered to me two talents; look, I have gained two more talents besides them.’ 23 His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’

24 “Then he who had received the one talent came and said, ‘Lord, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed. 25 And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, there you have what is yours.’

26 “But his lord answered and said to him, ‘You wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown, and gather where I have not scattered seed. 27 So you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers, and at my coming I would have received back my own with interest. 28 So take the talent from him, and give it to him who has ten talents.

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20 hours ago, Amigo42 said:

Are there any other born-again Christians who experience bouts of depression?  I've been a Christian for over 20 years, and I find that as my eyes have been opened more and more than my desire to not be here tends to increase.  Before I start getting counseling referrals I'm not necessarily suicidal myself.  I'm just being honest.

If we're being honest how many Christians would willingly end their lives if they knew they'd see Jesus on their next breath?  This of course assuming that suicide doesn't necessarily mean lost or unsaved?  I believe that God judges the totality of a person's life not necessarily a poor choice made in a mindset of suffering.  Is it suicide for terminally ill patient who suffers daily to end it all?  Is it suicide for a soldier to willingly jump on a grenade to save others?  What do you all think?

A lot of people who commit suicide have no hope. Severe depression is an illness and needs to be treated. 

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8 hours ago, Whyme said:

Ive had depression and suicidal thoughts. Im too much of a coward to do it though. Presently im happy and thank God for that, but sometimes i want to leave this world. Thats why im glad i have Jesus

Amen!  Jesus is our hope.

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On 5/26/2021 at 6:10 PM, Marathoner said:

I'm in agreement with you. @Amigo42. Is it suicide to stand between a gun and another living soul? Not at all. Is it suicide to stand still while the bullets fly? No. I'm convinced that when our appointed time arrives, it comes as this pleases the Lord. Only God knows the full measure of our days under heaven.  

Praise God!  Thank you for sharing your testimony.  Truly, God has a plan for those who love him.

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21 hours ago, Sower said:

Misery loves company.:(

Everybody here is fighting a battle (pain/suffering) we don't know anything about. If not at the moment, then in the past.
We don't all talk about it, nor glory in it. What's past is past. We are new creatures now, in Christ, if we are born again.
God tells us to think about the honest true just and, the lovely pure virtuous and praise worthy thoughts.
I purpose to not dwell on my past painful memories, dysfunctional memories, morbid introspection, sin, hurts and pain.
These voices I heard in my mind were my own. Broken record over and over. Down the deep tunnel. (SIN)
They caused me pain, which overflowed to my young wife and children. With God's counsel, I then learned truth.
It was comfortable, familiar, to dredge old thoughts up, pitying myself, over and over. Though I may always remember those thoughts,  I don't have to dwell on them, so I replaced them with the word,
the light and truth, and how now God is my/our deliverer.

"The Lord is my rock, my fortress, my deliverer, my God and my strength, in whom I will trust"
We should set our minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth, taking every thought captive.

I have so much to be grateful for than to revert back into the 'old man' thinking. I gave it up. It works(for me), as God instructs me.

God says no greater love than to give your life for another. But not for self.
God says to
"Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds,
for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness"

God wouldn't tell us that if we couldn't.

 "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
But if I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labour: yet what I shall choose I wot not.
For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better:
to abide in the flesh is more needful for you.
And having this confidence,
I know that I shall abide and continue with you all for your furtherance and joy of faith"

God does not ask us to die for Him, but to live for Him.
I would never give advice or hint at a reason to someone to end their own life. It would be sin for me to do so.
I thank God every day for this day he has made, and each and every day of my life, that he grants to me.
No matter how blessed or how much anxious thoughts crushed me down. I give it to God and press on.
I thank him for the days that he bring those that don't know him to share light, and sow seed.
To be old, alive, is a privilege, not granted to everyone.
God knows our pain and suffering. And he gives us the power to overcome.
Through the word, to reprogram our mind. God says    We have the mind of Christ.    (think about that - do you believe it?)

When God says;  Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

Why does he say;

 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

I believe the fiery darts are doubt,  doubting the faith God has given us, that the shield of faith can/will quench.
The lies of the enemy, satan's army, putting those remembrances(darkness) in our minds, over and over.
Taking out every thought captive and putting it through the filter of the word will give a reprogrammed mind. (Light).
The mind of Christ.

I have to work at this, but I tell you it works.
It really is a choice. I choose His Light.



Amen!  Well said!

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I struggle with depression and in some particularly dark times entertained suicidal thoughts. But God has really been a safety net for me, and during those times He also saw to it that I had earthly safety nets as well, like cats that I didn't want to leave behind and wouldn't trust anyone else with. I don't want to get into whether or not I believe Christians who commit suicide go to Heaven, but I do very strongly believe the following: Our actions (or works, in Biblical terms) can show faith or lack thereof. When we take our own lives it's hard not to see it as a statement that we don't trust God to make it better or to meaningfully use our pains for His glory. And I don't doubt that it makes our Heavenly Father sad. To me that adds up to a very powerful deterrent against suicide.

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9 hours ago, Slug1 said:

For anyone who looses their life to save the lives of others (your Soldier question), they do this because of compassion and love. Has nothing to do with suicide. Scripture supports this:


John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.

Look at it this way too, if you enter a foreign region where Christians are being killed for their faith, and you begin to witness Christ and you are martyred, did you commit suicide? NO, you did not. 

I'll stop here because while I can go on and on, I may not be touching on what you really seek. If you are led to respond, I will do my best to offer answers that may be more focused for you. I do know this, anyone (even you), who is in the place of depression/anxiety, God is still present in the believers life (yours), who is suffering. I may not have believed that fact "while" I was in the midst of the depression/anxiety but after that severe storm in my life, I was able to see not only that God was in my life, but also saw HOW He (remained faithful) walked with me, how He led people into my life to help, how He prevented me from isolating myself. Someday, I will even know exactly who all was praying for me during that season of my life.

Edit: Gonna add something that was on my mind when I first read your post, you asked:



If we're being honest how many Christians would willingly end their lives if they knew they'd see Jesus on their next breath? 

My personal thought on this is as follows: Any Christian who truly dwells on this, lacks hope and faith. "Ye of little faith," IMO fall in this boat. Those of faith think of the "prize," of "running the race," of "purpose" of "others" of "righteousness" etc. 

Thank you for sharing your testimony and for your thoughts.  These testimonies I'm hearing show just how important it is for parents to serve God and raise their kids to do so also.  It seems like people have scars from an early age that only God can heal.  Some get scars for various reasons later in life additionally.  Satan doesn't care when or how.  Thank God that his mercy is everlasting.  Amen!

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4 minutes ago, AnOrangeCat said:

I struggle with depression and in some particularly dark times entertained suicidal thoughts. But God has really been a safety net for me, and during those times He also saw to it that I had earthly safety nets as well, like cats that I didn't want to leave behind and wouldn't trust anyone else with. I don't want to get into whether or not I believe Christians who commit suicide go to Heaven, but I do very strongly believe the following: Our actions (or works, in Biblical terms) can show faith or lack thereof. When we take our own lives it's hard not to see it as a statement that we don't trust God to make it better or to meaningfully use our pains for His glory. And I don't doubt that it makes our Heavenly Father sad. To me that adds up to a very powerful deterrent against suicide.

Amen!  So true 

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This discussion isn't complete without testifying about the other side of suicidal impulses and ideations. There is indeed an other side, an honor the Lord bestowed upon me years ago. How did I reach the other side?

It started the day when I stood between the gun of a violent offender and a woman I didn't know. This was that work Christ ordained for me walk in, that I might lay down my life for others just as He laid down His life for us. There are many ways in which we may do this for the sake of others, so it's good to point out that I was well-prepared to face death. This was His purpose before I was born.
I had no wife... no children... no family... and it pleased our Father in heaven to bring me to her side just in time. How many times had I forsaken my life before that day? She was worth dying for and the same holds true for everyone else! When I was almost dead and the Lord came to me, I committed the life I had forsaken for so long into His hand. The Lord accepted my offering, declaring it acceptable in His sight, and so He brought me to the other side of that battle I had waged for most of my days on earth.

I gave the Son of God my life and He gave me His. The Lord drew me into Himself so I might live in Christ and for Him. This is the hope I have for my brothers and sisters who suffer as I once did, for they are closer to Jesus Christ than they realize. There is an other side, my friends. We forsake our lives so we might live for Christ. :)   

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