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tintiger78 last won the day on November 1 2011

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About tintiger78

  • Birthday 12/12/1978

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    Iowa, USA
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    Christian music, comedy and ficition books.
    Conservative politics
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    Marvel comic heroes

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  1. Peretti was my intro to Christian fiction and I have been hooked ever since. The only book I didn't enjoy was "The Visitation". Seemed to drag on in the opening and only seemed to pick up in the last 3rd. My favorite was "Monster".
  2. I am aware that Daily Kos is a strongly liberal (with allegations of socialist) "paper". That this piece was written on their site I am certain is of no coincidence.
  3. ChristianMaker, of the two you have narrowed your choices too, the only one I am familiar with is Global University. They are more of a Pentecostal school (I am a member of their home denomination), and if that is what you are looking for, Global is your pick. But I really can't say anything about the other choice you have. So, I fear I am a bit bias on this issue, but I hope I have given you some helpful info. In Christ, Tintiger
  4. Thank you for the update. I have been wondering what has happened to our brother.
  5. It saddens me greatly to think he may have gone without coming to Christ. Knowing his deeply held belief that God is not real, it seems it is most likely this was the case. Now, all doubt is erased for him and he knows the truth.
  6. I prefer Christian Rock/Alt, Rap and other God glorifying tunes with a great bass line and rhythm. But can't take country of any kind and am very picky with southern gospel. Opera makes my ears bleed and Elvis is simply torture.
  7. 2 Tim 2:15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth. When it comes to doctrinal things, I do believe being right is important. But that ONLY comes through proper study of God's word and not our personal interpration. For those places that we have no clear defination (such as the debate over the timing of the rapture), prayer and the guidiance of the Holy Spirit is needed and discussion with other believers is quite helpful. Some things just can't be left to personal opinion (such as faith in Christ being the only way to salvation). But I agree with others that if being right is the only reason for the debate then the focus is in the wrong place. Jesus never argued to prove Himself right. He spoke the truth and left the hearers to respond as they would. Love must be the motive, not ego.
  8. Hi Newman, Here is my take. As a Pentecostal believer, I do struggle with fully understanding the positional arguments that arise from the issue of tongues. I fully believe in it, but sometimes i think we get hung up to much on how it happens, when it happens, how we know it happens....ect. 1. I believe that once a person has accepted the offer of Jesus, the Holy Spirit is then availible to them to help them in their struggles and such. This is different from the baptism of the Holy Spirit, in which the power of the Holy Spirit is released in full force. Peter and John in Acts already were numbered with the believers, but it was after the experience of the upper room that they received the power to to do the things Jesus said they would do. 2. What we in the A/G call the initial physical evidence of the baptism, that being tounges, is where some confusion lays. We see it in Act 2 and in Acts 10 when Corneilus was baptised in the Spirit. And again in Acts 19, when the Ephesisan believers receive the gift. But what of the times when the baptism is said to occur but tongues is not mentioned? We hold that a pattern of behavior has been foundationally laid and that it was the proof that the indwelling has occured. There is a bit of assumption, but something did happen and there was appearently an outward sign that convinced the apostles of it. It has taken me (who was raised in the A/G (Assemblies of God)) a long time to get to the point of accepting this. And I still have questions that arise in my mind. But I see the example left for us in the Book of Acts and now know where I stand. As far as two different tonuges, 1 Cor 13:1 is the only place I am aware of that speak of the tongue of angels. In that context, I believe that is meaning to speak in an eloquent way (that is just my understanding, it is not necessarily scriptural). What Paul is trying to convey in that verse is that he can have the best sounding speeches in the world, but if love is not present in his words they are nothing more than tincans rattling around in a drying machine. I hope this helps in some way. You fellow worker in the harvest, Tin
  9. Shiloh, I could not agree more with your 2nd paragraph. Instead of a time of celebrate the arrival of God on earth in physical human form to accomplish the mission He set in motion, we bow to the altar of Tickle-Me-Elmo and status upgrades. We must return to the manger and understand that we are in the presence of ultimate royalty. There are families that can barely afford the Christmas dinner they put on the table. What if, as a family, we were to give the money we would use on gifts to pay to allow a less fortunate family celebrate with a dinner thye otherwise could not, or to fill the heating fuel tank for their house and keep them warm. Jesus came to sacrifce for us. I think that is what we forget most often at Christmas. Jesus did not come to "get", He came to give. As people that are to follow His example, should we not also give so as to share the relentless love of Jesus Christ? Wow, sorry for the rant. And Nebula, thank you for your post. Much of that I did not know. I always considered that the jewish festivals were fulfilled with the cross, as they pointed to some aspect of the life of Christ. Very interesting! Blessings in Christ Jesus, Tin
  10. I truly enjoy upbeat INSTRUMENTAL jazz. I emphasis the instrumental as I feel the vocals detract from the music and typically speak of things that belong behind the private door of the marital bedroom. Just give me the music and make sure I can hear the trumpet dueling with the saxophone and trombone!
  11. Personally, I am not well versed in this belief, but a Wiki search turned up these names: Richard Gaffin John F. MacArthur Daniel B. Wallace B.B Warfield J. Gresham Machen F.N Lee I hope this helps!
  12. If it works like I hear they HOPE it will work, the system is to trigger at the same exact moment all cross the nation.
  13. Just giving my US friends a heads up. Personaly, I just found out today. http://news.yahoo.com/emergency-alert-system-gets-first-national-test-wednesday-153008739.html
  14. As an active Cain supporter, I may be a bit to bias here, but I truely think this is a smear campaign. I understand the point of the settlement gag restiction, but with that in effect, how did this get out in the first place? I personally believe that if something has happened, it is not what we are being lead to believe.
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