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Worthy Ministers
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Everything posted by Aimes

  1. I know this is true about myself for many many things. I'm glad HE can use us imperfect people to bring about HIS perfect plan.
  2. I heard somewhere that clean socks are one of the most needed items among the homeless, that's where I got the idea. I used to go to Dollar Tree and buy them and the snacks, it made it pretty affordable and I liked being able to bless them with the little bag of goodies. I really need to start doing it again.
  3. I'd post gif's but they never work for me. *shrugs* Vote for us, we're the team to make everything wonderful again!
  4. God bless you, brother. He is faithful to us all. I truly believe we're to be His body and minister to the NEEDS of others. As we're ministering to their needs I believe the seeds will naturally be sown. I once heard a minister say "how are they able to hear the things of Christ if their stomachs are growling loudly from hunger...". We so often focus on sharing His good news with them (which is so very important, don't get me wrong) without realizing we should also be meeting their physical needs as well.
  5. I've seen this a lot as well, people taking a personal convictions and making them a general "sin" for the whole body. I think that's where each of us need to be strong in the Lord, to know what His Word says is sin. If it's not in the Word and I don't feel convicted over it personally I tend to just disregard it. Having a personal relationship with God is so important as The Holy Spirit will definitely let you know if you're doing something wrong....trust me LOL Good topic, Lady Kay. I look forward to reading the replies.
  6. One of the most heart wrenching decisions I ever had to make was leaving the church I was saved in...my pastor turned the way of hyper grace and left sound doctrine. I tried....I prayed....and I cried. He had been the only Pastor I'd known to truly love and serve Jesus (I grew up in a ultra religious environment and most of the pastors I saw growing up didn't represent the Christ I now love), but this Pastor truly knew the Christ who had come to rescue me but had slipped away. It was so difficult but I knew that I couldn't remain there if I wasn't being fed Truth. I'll be praying for you. It's hard to leave a church that you love.
  7. I've been known to give to people who are asking on the street if I have cash. I'll also sometimes carry gift cards to various fast food places to hand out. I try to ask the Lord for direction and guidance, sometimes I feel Him tell me no and I don't give in those instances. I used to carry plastic bags with clean socks, bottled water, and some snacks in it but I fail to remember to restock those sadly and go months without having it handy. I always try to keep in mind that I'm just a couple pay checks away from being in their shoes. I'm blessed and feel like I should try to share in what the Lord has given to me, whether they're lying or not doesn't take away from that fact that it's "more blessed to give".
  8. "But I will hope continually and will praise You yet more and more. My mouth will tell of Your righteous acts, of Your deeds of salvation all the day, for their number is past my knowledge. With the mighty deeds of the Lord God I will come; I will remind them of Your righteousness, Yours alone. O God, from my youth You have taught me, and I still proclaim Your wondrous deeds. So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim Your might to another generation, Your power to all those to come. Your righteousness, O God, reaches the high heavens. You who have done great things, O God, who is like you?" Psalm 71:14-19 (ESV)
  9. This is so related to what the Lord was speaking to my heart this morning. I was praying and asking the Lord why it seems so many have turned away from me (losing friendships I never thought I would, people passing away, etc). I was telling Him I just felt lonely, especially with all the CoVid stuff keeping us more secluded, and just feeling a bit blah honestly. Instantly I felt Him say "Aimes, did you ever think I've drawn you away to be with Me?" As I thought on that Word I just couldn't shake that in these last days God is pulling His people into these quiet corners and closets. He's building us up, making sure we KNOW Him for all He is, He's making sure we're prepared. It's in these quiet places that we're being built for battle. Sorry, don't mean to spill all my words in your thread, but the title just pulled me in because that was what I heard this morning, "Drawn away to be with Him".
  10. My calling and election are made sure. I am "in Christ" and God's Word tells me when I close my eyes here for the final time and breath leaves my physical body I will be with Christ in heaven. I don't fear death. I'm prepared to meet Jesus whether that be today or 50 years from now. Whether by Corona or any other event/illness.
  11. I would never believe those lies about Buddy. I've seen him care for and nurture many mice during his campaign, even giving them his own personal cheese slices when they were less fortunate. I hear he even directed some to a temporary shelter. I believe it was 1234 Jaws Ln. LadyKayLand, USA
  12. I've learned to just not ask questions. The answers are often quite confuzzling.
  13. Yes. I think it comes down to knowing that God is GOD. My plans are not His. His ways are not mine, they're better. Though I may not understand why certain things happen as they do, I simply have to exercise faith that says He knows what He's doing and I can walk with Him knowing that. Everything He allows has a purpose. We may not see that purpose while we dwell here on earth, but one day we will see it as He does, in the fullness of it all. As for fighting, I think we're simply to rest in Him. There is no need to fight. Believe Him for His will to be done, His promises to be fulfilled, and for Him to continue the work He began - and find rest in Christ.
  14. Sounds about right to me ..... that's the way we do things over here too
  15. Who knows. Perhaps I'm wrong. Just seems odd that she would reach out. Yes, Yes we do. This is true.
  16. I mean ...maybe? LOL (just kidding) I don't think it makes you a jerk but perhaps the Lord is opening your heart up to something new? I know for me, He often uses situations like this to prod me to do something. I'm not a huge connection keeper to be honest. I keep up with a few friends I made in the last state I lived in, some from the last church I attended, but let's be honest. Life moves on, people build new connections with the people they spend most of their time with. For me, most of my friends have gotten married, had children, and live lives that are vastly different from mine. So, life happens. I don't think it makes you a jerk - you just close doors more completely than others do perhaps. It does sound like this woman may have a deeper interest in you than you seem to have in her, so that may be something you should address before it goes further; but that's only the view from the outside of it, I'm sure you know her feelings better than us internet people can decipher.
  17. I am not a parent (perhaps I shouldn't have chimed in being as I don't have kiddos). I have had a large hand in raising my "adopted" sisters kiddos, spent several years working with children in a pre-school setting, and spent much of my adult life working youth ministry. All of the above has made me appreciate fur-babies a lot more LOLOL (just kidding). Kids are great and a blessing from the Lord, but they do need people to raise them well.
  18. I'm thankful to have been raised by one of the "old-school parents". My Mom didn't care if I liked her, she was more concerned that I grow up to become a kind, decent, respectful, moral, human being.
  19. The problem with kids today: They were given trophy's for participating. They were never told no. They were raised thinking the world revolved around them. They weren't spanked. They weren't taught respect for others. Their parents wanted to be "their friends" and didn't parent.
  20. "For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love." Gal 5:6 Verse 6 points to the answer, law keeping doesn't count for anything, we're saved by faith alone. He encouraged them in verse one to not become slaves again, slaves to what? law keeping for righteousness. "For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery"
  21. If you'd committed the unpardonable sin you wouldn't be concerned about losing Him. One who has been given over to a reprobate mind doesn't care about losing their salvation. Welcome to Worthy by the way! We're glad you're here. Please rest in Jesus, His hold on us is much stronger than ours on HIM and He doesn't let us go very easily. The Word tells us to dwell on good things. When these thoughts come in and start plaguing you, please go read God's promises. Truth drowns out the lies.
  22. We've obtained secret pictorial evidence from the scene (found inside Lady Kay's pantry). This 4 lb container of peanut butter was traced back to the deaths of Buddy's Aunt and cousin.
  23. *MNN (mouse network news) releases video footage of Lady Kay buying Costco sized containers of peanut butter with a viscous grin on her face*
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