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Who me

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Everything posted by Who me

  1. There is no twisting, I respo ded to what you wrote. Yes God has forgiven All sins, but that forgiveness is only applied to those who repent. We are to forgive others as God forgave us, on repentance.
  2. Whether one calls it communion, .order supper etc etc, it is how we both approach it and how we are lead to it by the minister that is important. We are reminded of what we were, what we are and what it cost both Jesus and God the Father to save us. Who cannot but be moved by contemplating what happened in the garden, on that hill and at that tomb. It is a strange service full of awesome events, horrific acts and mind blowing consequences.
  3. Browsing the Christian news I came across this article that claims that the prosperity gospel is growing in popularity in American churches. Is this something you have come across? Link:-https://www.christiantoday.com/article/prosperity.gospel.gaining.ground.in.the.us/140669.htm
  4. Forgiveness is not easy, it takes courage and a humble dependence on God. Ephesians 4 Paul is addressing Christians, about how we are to live together. Two key phrases, " in your anger do not sin" and " forgive others as Christ has forgiven you" Disagreements, offences will happen, we are to be open with one another, telling a brother that his words or action has hurt us. If we are challenged in this way, we are not to react angrily but in humility listen, discuss and if we have offended apologise, then there has to be forgiveness.
  5. Samples of what. Evidences that show the accuracy of the bible or what? I supplied my favourite evidence right at the beginning, could you clarify what you mean. Thanks.
  6. So you are saying that God forgives us because we have not repented of our sins! The prayer says as God forgives us, so we forgive. God forgives us because we have repented so we are to forgive those who have repented of what ever trespasses they have done against us.
  7. The command is to forgive, the context is when they have repented. We are to imitate God, who has unlimited forgiveness for those who repent, instead of manufacturing feelings of forgiveness which is the unbiblical teaching. To answer your question. We should be praying for the offender that they repent, for ourselves that we have the grace to be able to forgive.
  8. Yes one has to compare do there words match their deeds. Unfortunately it takes time to listen and to see whether this happens. For a church there are a few hints or signs to look out for. How welcoming are they if as a new comer no one or very few people speak to you, that is a sign of a church that is straying from the Bible. Do they have a visible missionary interest? What is there interest in local charities? How willing is the preacher/leadership to answer questions? Example, an eldership is accused of abusing another child, how would that be dealt with? What is the ethnic mix of your area, is this reflected in the church? The bi gest sign of course is whether the preaching is systematically going through a biblical book.
  9. Discussing Christianity is often a battle and as in all battles strategy and tactics matter. Pointing out there inconsistencies and biases is one tactic, as is using arguments and views from atheists themselves. Many historians view parts of the new testament as being accuracy, reliable and very early. Example the credit statement by Paul in Corinthians is reliable viewed as coming from between 3 to 6 years after Jesus's resurrection. Note this is dated by atheist historians.
  10. It is interesting that there is no command about how much one should give in the New Testament, Only in the old are there regulations about giving. Instead we are urged to give generously, in accordance with our ability/wealth, to give regularly and secretly.
  11. The belief in a late date for the authorship of the gospels is very much down to the bias of the critics. See:- a letter to Robinson, the New Testament scholar C. H. Dodd wrote, "I should agree with you that much of the late dating is quite arbitrary, even wanton[;] the offspring not of any argument that can be presented, but rather of the critic's prejudice and :-Bart Ehrman maintains that Robinson's early dates for the gospels, especially those for John, have not been taken up among most liberal scholars of Biblical historicity.[37] Some conservative and traditionalist scholars, however, concur with his dating of the synoptic gospels. from wiki on the, liberal Bishop John Robinson. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Robinson_(bishop_of_Woolwich)
  12. Don't you realise that God forgave us when we repented, and the prayer is saying we will also forgive those who, like us, repented.
  13. So you never talk about church comment on the news, on matters of morality, all you do is talk about work and quote the scriptures. Or do you give a Christian view on the news, morality etc etc. Why not add to that the facts about the accuracy and reliability of the bible.
  14. May I suggest typing your post in something like word so you can use spell check etc before posting. It is a frustratingly slow way of posting, otherwise, take a breath before hitting ' post ' and rereading the post.
  15. Listening to testimonies I have heard again and again how someone came to Christ. Often it is a long drawn out process, no two testimonies are the same, yet there are common features. Atheists going from rejecting the bible as fairy tales, to learning about its historical accuracy, to starting to read it, not to pick apart but out of interest and coming to an understanding of who the bible shows Jesus to be. Yes we ha e to present Jesus, but is there only one way of doing that? Can we not talk about the historical facts a out Jesus? Can we not challenge there views about the resurrection? Or can we only quote parrot fashion what the bible says?
  16. Not just the ' credible " this tactic is used by many online atheists and a knowledge of the sites I've quoted and of many others, helps as they have encountered the ' smokescreen ' arguments and have responses. We are told to be wise and to be inocent, we don't have to constantly reinvent the wheel, when talking about our faith. The questions, challenges etc posed by atheists are not new and they have been answered many many times through out history. We just need to read them.
  17. Repentance, being sorry for, turning away from, changing one behaviour. Forgiveness, putting away all memory of an offence, removing any resentment or anger against someone who has offended and the restoring a relationship. Without repentance there cannot be true forgiveness, this is found through out the bible.
  18. It is o lying Christianity that is offensive to the ungodly .
  19. Consider how arguments that demonstrate the accuracy of the bible can start breaking up hard infertile soil so it is more likely to respond to a gospel seed.
  20. No it is the otherwise around, nonchristiaans will be, are offended by the preaching of the gospel, by the qua.ity of Christians lives is offensive as it shows up the immorality of their lives and they are offended. In the UK laws are being formed that make it a criminal offence to offend someone. This is aimed at protecting gays and against Christians.American hate laws will be twisted to do the same.
  21. So you are saying g that sinners do not need to repent? That Peters response to the crowd on the day of pentecostal, to repent and be baptised was wrong?
  22. And how would you answer their questions about the accuracy of scripture?
  23. God uses people to witness to him by how they live, how they talk and in their bei g ready to give an explained or reason for the hope that they have. When speaking with intelligent atheists one has to have intelligent arguments that challenge there views. Do you have such arguments?
  24. If you are a practicing Christian, that is not just someone who calls the self a Christian, you don't need to do anything. Take a look at a calendar, the months and days of the week are largely named after pagan gods. Using a calender does not cause one to loose there salvation and it is the same with .ost usernames and other products.
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