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Who me

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Everything posted by Who me

  1. John 14v15 “If you love me, keep my commands. I make that one command. But I am being pedantic.
  2. What have I said that implies that I attend a church with a false porophet in charge of it?
  3. And then what? The gospel is more than 'just believe'. In fact it is not even that, as the devils believe and they at least tremble. Jesus said a surprising thing. He said If You Love Me. ( well do you, do I? ) He put a condition on that love or a prove. He went on to say,' You will Obey My Commands.' That is not earning something, but showing that we do indeed love him by keeping his commands. What did he command:- Love the Lord Your God with all ones mind, bodyand soul and to love your neighbour ( including enemies ) as you love ones self. To put it anotherway keep the 10 commandments.
  4. You have to review the claims being made for each military action taken or proposed and decide whether it is right and just or not. Regardless of what view you hold or your family holds you should support and pray for those in the military. Just to be provocative. What about your support for the police who often have to use leathal force in sometimes questionable circumstances?
  5. This ois even more incoherent then your first reply to me.
  6. As part of your reserch into where you were going to live, didn't you check out what churches were in the area, what your pastor thought of them and sites like christianityexplored web site.? Even if you just visit churches on sunday the uk site shipoffools mysteryworshipper is useful for providing feedback on how a church welcomes visitors and qwhat the service is like.
  7. He really gave us only one commandment. If you Love me you will obey me.
  8. Look at the prayers offered to God through out the bible. They all show that the person praying has thought deeply about the situation and is using his intelligence to understand the situation, the bible and to express his hoped for result.
  9. May I suggest you talk this over with him, expressing that his priorities need to change and if he disagrees arange marriage councelling with your pastor. As the bible says, a Man shall leave his parrents and join with his wife and the two become one. Is he a Man or a mummies boy who has never let go of the apron strings.
  10. How do you know what to pray for, for this person? God wants intelligent accurate prayers from us, that show that we understand the situation and praying for the 'good' of that person. Saying God 'bless' mr X doesn't meet that requirement.
  11. I'm not qulified to give advice on a situation as mixed up as yours. I can only suggest that you talk to your minister. He is the one you will be going to for councelling, for advice and for help.
  12. Are you agreeing with me or making some obscure point against me? I really don't understand your post.
  13. Why, if the understanding was wrong and that is discovered at the second coming. Will anyone care about missunderstandings of biblical prophercy when they are experiencing the reality of Jesus face to face. What. Those in hell will have far greater concerns than to correct their understanding of biblical theologuy and prophercy. Those in heaven won't care at all about prophetic understanding
  14. What is wrong with the minister in your local church? tv or online church services should be the exception, not what you normally watch rather than attend church. Those who preach a health, wealth and prosperity gospel should not be watched ever or such churches attended. The Christian life is to serve and glorify God and in doing that we should find that we are living our lives to the fullest extend.
  15. What if the millenium precides Jesus's return? What if the millenium is like much of revelation a picture of a period of time and not a literal 1k years? What if we are All wrong about how we've understood/interpreted revelation? So long as we are gathered into heaven will it matter?
  16. Matthew 6:10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Jesus taught them to pray for the kingdom. And the kingdom is a spiritual one. Jesus taught we are to worship in Spirit and in Truth. That there will be a new heaven and a new earth when he comes again. There is no need for a physical earthly kingdom.
  17. Then ask questions of the minister, remind them of what Jesus said about worshipping in 'spirit and in truth'. Did Jesus promise fine homes and good clothes to those who followed him, or did he say that foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of God has nowhere to lay his head. Are they grater ten their master?
  18. Acts1:6 6 Then they gathered around him and asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” 7 He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” No earthly kingdom. No earthly kingdom so this is wrong. Jesus commanded them in Matt 28 to Go into ALL the World. The good news was not for the Jews only just as in the OT the Law of God was not just for the Jews. They were to be an example, an inspiration that brought the wotld to Jerusalem to seek God.
  19. As one light has said, they quarreled over taking John Mark again, Paul didn't want him, while Barnabas thought he had potental and took him on a different trip. Later in 2tim4:11 Paul is asking for Mark.
  20. The one thing none of us want is God's justice. The one thing we all need is God's mercy and grace. Justice would lead us to hell as that is what we deserve. Mercy and grace leads us to a relationship with God and the promised hope of a place in heaven. Count your blessings and thank and praise God for them.
  21. Grace. The humbleness that allows another to talk, to listen and seek to understand their viewpoint before, gently showing them they are wrong. This does not have to be a piledriver smashing them deep into the ground, but it can be a sewing of seeds to think about that will disturb and upset their convictions.
  22. Sorry to hear that. If fit and active there probable are opertunities either for paid work or for voluntary work where you can engage people in conversation.
  23. Good question. To me it means living to follow the 10C, not as a means of gaining salvation, but as a way of judging how I live to gether with the varrious commands from Jesus and the apostles etc to love one another.
  24. And often this excludes the possibility of the supernatural and it is this tat makes arguing for Christianity so difficult. Fortunately we do not make people Christian. Our task is to talk, argue and debate with them and pray for them. It is God who saves them.
  25. I find biographical books difficult because they so rarely show the down side of life, Corries does try to do that. one biography I'd recommend is 'Missing believed Killed by Margret Hayes. You can get it from dayone publications. Suggestion alternate these sort of books with more challenging theological books and do take what ever you're reading in to work to read at lunch time, as it can generate conversations.
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