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sugarbear last won the day on October 23 2019

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About sugarbear

  • Birthday 11/21/1964

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  1. Thank YOU for responding. I love you too sister ?
  2. Cold shoulder from a brother or sister...when LOVE should be the constant bond Why wouldn't we ALWAYS want to show that we are very fond We share the greatest commonality there could ever be We've all been born again...we have ALL been set free Instead sometimes we take things to heart and get an attitude We we could be loving on each other, but no.....we choose to feud It doesn't have to be this way but seems pride gets in the way It's really such a waste of time, because none of us are promised another day One one day we will see that we were wrong But it's really best if we just try to get along We we don't always see eye-to-eye and that's understandable but to take things so personally without even knowing all the facts...leaves a lot of room for improvement. I include myself in this. We make (((our))) feelings top priority sometimes. I pray the Lord will help me to do better in this area. after all it's really about him and not about me to begin with. I love my brothers and sisters, but if I only choose to SHOW them when I agree with their point of view, I'm really cheating them out of a blessing. Dear Lord help us all to get our focus where it needs to be.
  3. I love Mondays! I look at it as a chance to start fresh. Never a dread. Praise God for each and EVERY day!
  4. Me and my AMAZING Momma relaxing after a good lunch and paddle ball session. I love her too the Moon and back a GAZILLION times. She's my GREATEST encourager.
  5. He raised a Silkie Chicken is so I know haha. ♥️
  6. I have a new thought on Halloween. Okay...I`ve had, and read MANY opinions on this topic. First, let me say that it`s NEVER about "me"!!! I don`t think I HAVE to be right. So unimportant! We all have strong opinions at times, so moreso than others. haha. Originally, I just said that Halloween wasn`t a big deal these day, that it`s much different than it started. I kinda still do, HOWEVER...the Lord knows my heart, and that I`m ALWAYS open for Him to teach me, correct me, or whatever else He needs to do. I prayed this morning this very thing. I think it`s a really big deal to some people, for whatever reasons. They simply cannot embrace this holiday. I believe that we should try and be as respectful as we can for these people. I get nothing out of disagreeing with you guys or anyone else for that matter. Not really the debating type. I think MOST , not all of the time it`s pointless. The great debaters deserve their accolades. I can promise ya`ll this....if the Lord shows me that I`m wrong about my attitude towards Halloween, I`ll change it, FOR SURE!!! BTW...I don`t celebrate it, I only acknowledge that it exists. I don`t have kid, so no trick or treating in my world. I`m all for a special day of teeth rottning candy, lol. In moderation of course. I DON`T think kids need to dress up as anything evil. Cute animals and such. Just remember, as Christians, we will disagree on many issues. I hope that we learn to handle it gracefully. It`s not a requirement that we agree on everything. It IS a requirement that we LOVE one another. I really do love you guys. As for Sugarbear, I`m ALWAYS working on MY attitude. God bless!
  7. October 31st and God is still on the throne. ♥️ It's HIS day. Praise Him today and every other.
  8. My opinion on Halloween is a tad different. YES, it started (a VERY long time ago) as an evil thing, no doubt...HOWEVER, when it came to America, it wasn`t at all thought of for the same reasons. It was more about family and just something the kiddo`s could enjoy. (((community))) Having said that...it`s not required to dress up like witches or demons. That`s always our choice. I think for the most part, Halloween is nothing more than a time for the kiddos to get LOTS of candy. I can assure you that THEY aren`t concerned about anything history as to WHY they get to indulge in the sweet stuff on this particular day. They are just happy campers. There are still gonna be people who use this day to do evil, or celebrate evil, but they will on any OTHER occasion as well. It`s a heart/soul issue. I don`t sweat Halloween. It isn`t the same as what it originally started out to be. Most parents just love seeing there babies in really cute costumes. Love ya sis!
  9. Another AWESOME day that the Lord has given us to live for Him. ? Such a privilege!
  10. HAPPY MONDAY!!! with love from Sugarbear and Mama Bear
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