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  1. Dear All After years of having a long track record of several forms of OCD (Car, Germs, Illnesses, being unclean spiritually and lots more) now I suffer from Relationship OCD which is getting worse and worse. I am certain that all of this has to do with deep wounds in my heart, caused by how I grew up with little affection, little to no love from my father, and he being harsh and demanding. Due to this I started to be a perfectionist, since I wanted to earn love so bad my entire life. The same pattern started when I gave my life to God a few years ago, I looked at God and compared him to my father. I just couldn't connect the love of god (which I knew in my head) to my heart. So it's never been a ''loving'' relationship, rather a harsh, demanding and focused on rules and commandments type of relationship. My biggest problems in the last years were: If I liked something, or wanted to buy something (ex. Car, Watch, or even start my studies, or going to the gym) doesn't really matter what, I immediately got the thought ''God doesn't want me to do that, or even: It is sin'' Now this could go from good things to bad things, but it has happened with the good things a lot more often. Strangely once I get the thought something is sin, or God doesn't want me to do that, I get real feelings of guilt as if the thing was actually sin..even tho it might be based off a lie PROBLEM: A few months ago I got in a christian relationship with a girl I love very much, we are very committed and going towards marriage. I want to marry her and we focus a lot on god, we worship, read and attend church together. She has dragged me a lot towards god and vice versa. At the time we were getting to know each other, I didn't have any problems. As soon as I started to like her more and started to think that she might be a very good spouse and wanted to be with her. Something had happened in my mind while in church: I begun getting thoughts of: god doesn't want her to be mine, god doesn't want us to be together. And I love god, I would like to obey him so bad, but I am just not sure whether I am listening to a fear (OCD) or the Holy Spirit? My Parents, church, Pastor, christian counselors, her all of them confirm that we are made to be together and there is nothing deadly wrong about our relationship. That it is serving god and going his direction. There were lots of signs and blessings to our relationship, even If I can't see them 100% clearly due to anxiety, there are noticeable signs of god being with us and blessing this relationship. First my fears were: what if god doesn't want me with her, I am gonna suffer a lot if I still do it.. Then: Is it a conviction of the Holy Spirit warning/commanding me and I don't want to obey because I love this girl thus rebelling against god. Or is it a evil spirit trying to split us up, since we're stronger together and love each other and its a god centered relationship. Then: I am going to lose my salvation since I am not listening to gods commandment or voice. This brought me massive anxiety in the last days, panic attack levels and the fear is just overwhelming. Thanks for reading this, and I really would appreciate every help I can get. Does this sound like OCD? Can I lose my salvation by not following gods voice or even disobeying what he is saying? Is he even saying this? Wouldn't there be more signs and confirmations if it would be so? I feel I am not able anymore to hear the voice of the spirit, since the fears are covering everything up.. Edit: I mean yes, in the beginning there was a time at which sin has happened between her and me, but we confessed and set boundaries and for weeks now we are keeping our relationship as pure as possible. Because we both want a relationship that pleases the lord.
  2. I mean, Jesus rejected being called good (mark 10:18), is it worng to call someone "a good person" or acepting someone calling you that? PS: personally, I started calling people nice persons, referring about their manners/education, but I avoid calling someone good
  3. Our great peril if we won’t let God answer and remove our doubts! Each of us is choosing to believe God or doubt God, moment by moment, depending on what or who we are looking at, and the thoughts we are allowing to occupy our minds: Matt 14:29 So He (Jesus) said, "Come." And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. Peter heard with his heart Jesus speak the word of God. God’s words impart faith, the ability to believe. Peter was thus enabled to walk on the water of God’s word, and to do what Jesus called him to do, which otherwise couldn’t have been done - So too with us: v. 30 But when he (Peter) saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, "Lord, save me!" When Peter took his eyes off Jesus and looked full on at his circumstances, and thought about them with his reasoning faculties, faith died and doubt and fear gained control. He started to drown, but, in a last gasp of faith he cried out to Jesus for help, and he was saved: v. 31 And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" Everything God does requires our believing His word to us, doubt prevents Him from helping us: James 1:6-7 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; Heb 10:39 But we are not of those who draw back to perdition (destruction, through doubt), but of those who (continue to) believe to the saving of the soul. Jn 20:27 Jesus, “…Do not doubt, but believe.” We can doubt God, as to whether He exists, or is willing, fair or right. We can also doubt ourselves as to our ability or need to trust and obey God. What or who we look at controls whether our thoughts are of trust or of doubt. All sin causes doubt and doubt leads to fear: Heb 12:2 Looking (with heart faith) unto Jesus (who is the word of God) the author (source) and finisher (increaser) of our faith… KJV Heb 3:12 Take heed (listen with the intent to obey), brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil (sinful) heart of unbelief (doubt), in departing from the living God. Rev 21:8 …the fearful, and unbelieving… But what about Grace? Grace is God’s word; it can’t work if there isn’t faith to receive it: Rom 4:16 Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace... KJV Acts 20:32 So now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified. Heb 13:9 Do not be carried about with various and strange doctrines (words or thoughts that contradict God’s words). For it is good that the heart be established by grace (God’s words), not with foods (thoughts and words that feed the heart with doubt and falsehoods) which have not profited those who have been occupied with them. As our hearts think on God’s words, or on Satan’s lies, either faith or doubt is produced: Heb 11:6 But without faith (to receive more grace) it is impossible to please Him... Rom 5:17 ...Those who receive (by faith) abundance of grace (God’s words) and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. Jn 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy (our faith). Peter began to doubt, but called on Jesus and was saved, so must we or we’ll go down: Jer 33:3 Call unto Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.' When doubting thoughts come, and they will come because that’s what Satan does. He challenges our faith in God by imparting to us doubting thoughts, questioning thoughts, reasoning thoughts, to get us to waiver in our faith. He did this with Eve saying to her “Did God really say...” (Gen 3:1). Our faith is more precious than gold (1 Pe 1:7), we must not allow doubts to fester and so get a hold on us; we must go immediately to God for help: Phil 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests (questions) be made known to God; Heb 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace (by hearing more of His words) to help in time of need. Ps 27:14 Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart (with His words that impart faith); Wait, I say, on the LORD! Rom 10:17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing of the word of God. God says those who have let Him make and keep them righteous, live by faith (Heb 10:38) and involve Him and trust Him in all their ways. Doubting thoughts will inevitably come, but most will be quickly overcome by those Christians who receive their daily bread of God’s words and hence keep on growing in faith. Disobedience to God will always give rise to doubt. If doubts can’t be overcome it is imperative for any Christian to quickly eliminate sin, if any, and seek God. For God alone is the source and increaser of our faith (Heb 12:2). God will always be found by every Christian who seeks Him with a pure heart (Jer 29:13, Matt 5:8) and He will give them the exact words that always restore their faith. But if Christians allow doubts to continue unabated, they will now be given even more doubting thoughts by their merciless adversary, Satan. Doubt will spread like a cancer with its goal of ruining a Christian’s faith in God and the consequential loss of their soul. Faith is the victory! This overcoming faith comes when we hear God speak with our hearts, not with our heads: Rom 8:7 Because the carnal mind (the human intellect, including that of Christians) is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law (or rule) of God... Rom 8:6 Now the mind of the flesh. which is sense and reason without the Holy AMP Spirit, is death, death that comprises all the miseries arising from sin... Rom 10:10 For with the heart (which is the spirit) a person believes... AMP The words God speaks to us are spirit (John 6:63), they are intended to be received by us first in our spirits not the mind of our flesh; to which our spirits will then communicate them: Prov 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding (your natural ability to reason and doubt, based on what you see); In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Our faith comes from the words God speaks to our hearts, and works by our love for God: Gal 5:6 For if we are in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith...working through love. AMP Luke 7:47 (Jesus) ...Her sins which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom little is (thought to have been) forgiven, the same loves little. Our love for God is increased the same way our faith is, as our hearts receive His words: 1 John 2:5 But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him... 2 Thes 3:5 Now may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God...(into His word) Jn 1:1 …the word was (is) God… We Christians are not saved by our works, but we are saved for works! We can easily say we have faith but if our actions don’t correspond to it, we are deluded: Jam 2:14 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works (that reflect that faith)? Can faith save him? Jam 2:17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works (to evidence it), is dead. True faith, “God’s faith”, which is the nature of Christ always desires to obey His Father: Heb 10:7 (Jesus) …I have come to do your will, O God…, So can you and I if, …I live by the faith of the Son of God… Gal 2:20 KJV Rm 1:5 Through him we received grace and apostleship to call all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith for his name's sake. Abraham believed God. Jesus says to us “Have faith in God” it’s the #1 thing in Christianity: Rom 4:18-21 When everything was hopeless, Abraham believed anyway, deciding to live not on the basis of what he saw he couldn't do but on what God said he would do...He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief (doubt) but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform. MSGE/NKJV Mark 11:22 Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God”. John 6:29 Jesus replied, This is the work (the service) that God asks of you: that you believe in the One Whom He has sent, that you cleave to, trust, rely on, and have faith in His Messenger, (and the words He speaks to you) AMP To be free from ruining doubts we must live in Christ and Christ must increasingly live in us: To grow in confidence, or faith, toward God requires constant daily fellowship with Him, in the Spirit. And, an ever deepening knowledge of Him through His word as revealed to our spirits by the Holy Spirit. This alone will overcome any doubts about God’s existence or His character that arise, either due to the widespread false doctrines in the Church or due to the often initially perplexing turn of events, or behavior of some people, in everyday life. John 6:56 (Jesus) He who eats My flesh (continues to receive My words - Jer 15:16) and NKJV drinks My blood (obeys My Spirit 1 Cor 12:13) abides (lives) in Me, and I in him. Eph 3:12 In whom (that is, when we live in Christ) we have boldness and access with confidence (and without doubts) by the faith of Him. KJV God has made provision in every way to build us up in our most holy faith, so let’s cry out to our Father, “I believe; help my unbelief!” Let’s feed and keep on feeding on His Faithfulness! Amen
  4. I feel scared and condemned because I've never felt joy in God. I have no feeling of affection for Him! I know that joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, so the fact that I don't have it terrifies me. I know that Christians should fight for their joy, but how can one fight for their joy if they're no longer even sure they're a Christian? It feels like a huge weight has been added to my already-heavy shoulders, and I'm stuck in a loop: I can't have assurance because I don't have joy, and I can't have joy because I don't have assurance.Is there any hope for me?
  5. Ephesians 1:9,10 - "For He has made known to us in all wisdom and insight the mystery of His will, according to His purpose which He set forth in Christ as a plan for the fulness of time to unite all things in Him, things in heaven and things on earth. " THE ULTIMATE PURPOSE OF GOD IS TO SUM UP ALL THINGS IN HIS SON. IN EVERYTHING THE LORD IS DOING ON THE EARTH, THE ULTIMATE PURPOSE IS TO BE CONFORMED TO THE IMAGE OF CHRIST. THEREFORE THE BASIS OF WHAT HE IS SAYING TO ME IS THAT I MUST BE FOUND IN HIM. LIKEWISE, KNOWING THAT THE BASIC COMMUNICATION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IS ABOUT THE SON, HIS WAYS, HIS WORKS AND HIS HEART, ENABLES ME TO AT LEAST HAVE A BASIS FOR BEGINNING TO INTERPRET WHAT THE HOLY SPIRIT IS SAYING TO ME. Luke 1:18 - "And Zacharias said unto the angel. "Whereby shall I know this? for I am an old man, and my wife well stricken in years.'" Luke 1:34 - "Then said Mary unto the angel, 'How shall this be, since I do not know a man?'" Both Mary and Zacharias asked how these miracles would occur, but it is evident that Mary asked "how" in faith while Zacharias asked "how" in unbelief. It is clear in scripture that unbelief doesn't please God (Hebrews 11:6), but the Lord doesn't mind us questioning Him for the purpose of instruction so we can cooperate with His will in our lives. Abram knew that it was God's will for him to have a son, but Abram and Sarai came up with their own plan which caused them and the world much grief (Genesis 16:1-6), Abram would have avoided many problems if he had asked the Lord how He was going to accomplish this miraculous event. If Mary had not questioned this angel, she might have reasoned that Jesus would be born through the natural union of her and Joseph. This would have been a grave mistake. It would have disqualified her from being used. Affirmations: I KNOW IT'S NOT ENOUGH JUST TO KNOW GOD'S WILL; I CONTINUE TO SEEK THE LORD UNTIL I KNOW GOD'S PURPOSE FOR MY LIFE. Matthew 12:43,44 - "Now when the unclean spirit goes out of a man, it passes through waterless pleases, seeking rest, and does not find it. Then it says, 'I will return to my house from which I came."' JESUS REVEALED THAT THERE IS A DIMENSION TO HUMAN NATURE THAT ACTUALLY CAN HOST AN EVIL SPIRIT AND PROVIDE IT A TYPE OF REST. THE ASPECT OF HUMAN NATURE WHICH IS MOST SIMILAR IN SUBSTANCE AND DISPOSITION TO THE NATURE OF THE EVIL ONE IS THE CARNAL THOUGHT-LIFE, WHICH IS A DIMENSION OF THE SOUL (MIND, WILL, AND EMOTIONS). IT IS OUR UNCRUCIFIED THOUGHTS AND UNSANCTIFIED ATTITUDES THAT UNCLEAN SPIRITS (MASKING THEMSELVES AS OUR THOUGHTS AND HIDING THEMSELVES IN OUR ATTITUDES) FIND ACCESS INTO OUR LIVES. ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY
  6. What do I really believe? “Death is nothing else but going home to God, the bond of love will be unbroken for all eternity.” – Mother Teresa Many people believe that faith is some form of absolute assurance. I do not believe that. From my own limited experience, there will always be room for some doubt. I think that is healthy and when ‘doubt’ is rejected and pushed underground it can manifest itself in other ways. Being overly defensive as opposed to simply sharing one's faith and viewpoint is one such way. Or extreme rigidity to keep a sense of ‘personal infallibility’ intact is also a common way of dealing with wanting the impossible; that is having absolute assurance. This goes for both believers as well as for those who don’t have a faith of any kind. There seems a need to be ‘right’ in opposition to others. My faith, which I am deeply rooted in, does not spare me from the deep questions of life. Nor does it surround me with a warm blanket of some better life after this one. No, it tells me that in the midst of this life, with all of its chaos, pain, and deep absurdity…is where my salvation, my deeper true eternal life is. As St. Paul says: “We are God’s work of art”. Sounds good, until you see what an artist has to do in order to create a work of art. In some forms of art, the process can be dirty, messy, and chaotic,…yet, in the end, a work of beauty is produced. Faith in God is not about pretending to have cookie cutter answers, though many try it for awhile. One day I was giving a talk, as I was speaking the thought came to me; “do I really believe in what I am saying”. It was an uncomfortable moment, but in the end, I said ‘yes’, I do believe it. Yet I felt buffeted by this question. Faith is lived, not spoken of. Anyone can talk, write and share deeply, but to live it, well that comes from one's ‘inner guts’. I also believe it takes a type of stubbornness to keep searching, seeking and not being afraid of one's ‘inner agnostic’. Some people tell me that belief in God is a form of mental illness. I always find that entertaining since it so self-serving to make that kind of observation. As if that is some form of deep truth. What constitutes mental illness is really a culture construct. A person who is a hapless victim of true mental illness is someone who is outside the broad spectrum of human activity that is considered ‘normal’. I guess in an atheistic state, it is understandable for the government to say that religious believers are mentally ill, yet are they in fact? The atheists I know are no more normal than the believers I am friends with. For an atheist to say a believer is mentally ill has no basis in reality. Granted mentally ill people who are religious will still be mentally ill, the same goes for an atheist as well. Because they act out in ways that go beyond what is considered ‘normal’ and ‘acceptable’. Who is touch with reality? Perhaps none of us are no matter what we say we believe. I can say we are each in touch with a small slice of reality and as we grow hopefully our connection will deepen. I can say this. If God exists then believers are closer to the true nature of reality than an atheist. The opposite can be true as well. The problem is that that question will never be answered in a reductionist manner There are rational reasons to believe in an infinite intelligence. It is also rational to believe that such and Intelligence will seek to reveal itself…Which for me is Jesus Christ. Just because someone is an unbeliever and disagrees with me is not a test for mental competency, unless maybe I lived in China or some other atheistic run Government. Or if believe that I can fly and walk through walls no matter how many times I fail to accomplish that deed. Mother Teresa was a woman of deep faith, however, she often felt alone, in darkness, yet her faith endured. Below is a quote from her that shows this in a profound manner. She was a woman grounded in the reality of faith as well as showing her deep love and trust in her Lord. She is praying from a place of deep suffering, yet she embraces it. I believe that it is grace that draws this prayer from her deepest self. Many people understand Mother Teresa and where she is coming from. Others have to make their own decisions on how to interpret her. I do so from my Catholic Tradition where the “Dark Night of the Soul” is something that we will all have go through if we want to become God’s true work of art. The ‘death to self’ is an act of pure grace yet we have to give our ‘yes’. Jesus, hear my prayer. If this pleases you, if my pain and suffering, my darkness and separation gives you a drop of consolation, my own Jesus do with me as you wish, as long as you wish, without a single glance at my feelings and pain. I am your own. Imprint on my soul and life the sufferings of your heart. Don’t mind my feelings; don’t mind even my pain, if my suffering separation from you brings others to you, and in their love and company you find joy and pleasure. My Jesus I am willing with all my heart to suffer all that I suffer not only now, but through all eternity if this was possible. Your happiness is all that I want. For the rest, please do not take the trouble even if you see me faint with pain. All of this is my will. I want to satiate your thirst with every single drop of blood that you can find in me. Don’t allow me to do you wrong in any way. Take from me the power of hurting you … I am ready to wait for you through all eternity.” —Mother Teresa of Calcutta in a letter to Jesus, from Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light
  7. Psalm 59:9 - "O my Strength, I will watch and give heed to You and sing praises; for God is my Defense." The soul that is not recollected in one appetite alone (the desire for God) loses heat and strength in the practice of virtue. Affirmation: I WILL CONCENTRATE THE STRENGTH OF MY APPETITES ON GOD ALONE. Mark 9:24 - "And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief." Affirmations: I AM NO LONGER TROUBLED BY THE DEMONS OF FEAR AND DOUBT. I REPENT OF MY UNBELIEF. I DRAW UPON THE FORGIVENESS OF CHRIST AND HIS PURITY OF HEART AND THEN I YIELD MYSELF TO CHRIST'S FAITH WITHIN ME. James 3:8 - "But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison." Affirmations: I BOLDLY DECLARE THAT MY TONGUE IS UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. MY WORDS ARE SEASONED WITH GRACE, AND MY LIPS ARE CONSTANTLY GIVING THANKS TO GOD! THIS IS WHAT MY TONGUE SPEAKS BECAUSE IT IS SUBMITTED TO THE LORDSHIP OF JESUS CHRIST. ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY
  8. A Mocking Bird’s lonely song What is considered early in the morning will vary from person to person and place to place. Since we have our Vigil’s at 4 AM, after being here for a few years, that time seems like 6 AM. I am lucky I love the morning hours so when I sometimes wake up at 1:30 and feel refreshed, I like to go for walks, for it is not really that early here. Around the buildings, in our front parking lot by the bakery and also up to the store we have lighting. I find the sunlight too bright for me and the sun too hot, so I seldom go out during the day and now that I am older, I have to wear sunglasses in order to be outside. So the coolness of the night and the darkness are soothing to me. The night lights to me are very restful and calming. So it is a nice environment to be out and to take a nice slow walk. Most mornings I see some deer. Most run when they see me walking, some others just continue to eat. With a very few I can come up about three feet from them and they don’t seem to mind. However if I stop then they start to fidget and stomp their hoof on the ground….then the run off. Yet, there are even a smaller number who seem curious about who and what I am. I guess they figure I am not going to eat them, so a few times a deer has come right up to me, say about three feet and just looked at me. It almost seemed as if they were trying to make some sort of breakthrough in their awareness. One even shook her head and turned away slowly and went back to eating. Deer are beautiful, but for some reason people think they are dainty, when the opposite is true. Their hoofs are very sharp and the strength in their legs is astounding, so I do have a lot of respect for them. At this time, because the bridge that is on the road of our frontage property on 212 is being rebuilt so there is no traffic at all passing us by. So the silence is profound, beautiful and uninterrupted, some mornings the insects are even silent. About two weeks ago, on such a silent morning, as I was returning to the retreat house and was in the parking lot that the bakery sets on, the last tree on the left suddenly became alive with the song of a Mocking Bird. One bird call after another was loudly and joyously sung. So I stopped and listened. Then I noticed there was no response, just this one bird calling out getting no response….yet it continued. It brought out a pang of sadness in me and I wondered about that. As I started to ponder this, I began to see that in some way this bird reminded me of mankind. Even those of us who have deep faith, we do not always get the response we would like from the Infinite One, in fact many of us may never get one. Yet like the Mocking Bird we persist in our prayer of longing for connection. The Mocking Bird perhaps is simply responding to an instinct to mate, as well as making out territory for itself, something powerful and it can’t do otherwise. I envy animals because they are not burdened with the depth of self awareness that we have, they know what they need to do and without thinking do it. We question, struggle and seek to find answers to life’s mysteries. I believe that prayer is a universal response to the world and its often incomprehensible presence in our lives. We can marvel at its beauty, or be terrified at its seeming indifference to us. This reality drives many deeper into faith, into seeking what is behind this wonderful, awful, beautiful and tragic world. Those like the Mocking Bird who continue in their prayer life, find that in spite of themselves deep changes take place slowly over the years. They also learn that prayer is not a protection to the ups and downs of life, yet it gives a center to stand from, a relationship with Infinite-Mystery and in that even aging seems like a grace, for we begin to understand that all stages in our lives are good, but each succeeding stage on our pilgrimage is more important than the one proceeding it. So our last years take on a depth of meaning that younger people may not have any inkling of. I certainly did not. So we continue to sing, in spite of suffering, and in our unconscious futile desire to make prayer into some sort of magic where we can control our lives and get through it unscathed. This is impossible of course. For like that Mocking Bird singing hopefully for a response, it will one day be silent, it will no longer be part of this world…..so it is with us, though unlike the Mocking Bird we are saddled with the knowledge that we will one day cease to exist as far as this world is concerned. So like Mother Theresa, many go through life living in the darkness of faith, yet, in their seeking they continue out of true love and the desire for truth….for me these are the great souls closer to the mystery than those of us who do not live there all the time. Faith is a gift, yet we do have to respond, be open and deal with doubts. Yet why should doubt get the last word, why not let doubt drive us deeper in the mystery instead of escaping into skepticism and atheism. For the Christian the New Testament points to the reality of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is because of that and that only that it was written in the first place. Without the Resurrection, Jesus was just another failed messianic figure, so common in his lifetime.—Br.MD
  9. Blessings Brothers & Sisters.... Glory,Praise & Thanksgiving to our Heavenly Father,,,,,,,,by His New Mercy we are here to see,yet another day,Halleluyah! I heard a wonderful sermon this morning,encouraging & uplifting,Oh the Lovely Word of God & His Blessed Assurances,,,,,,,,I thought I would share it with you,Worthy Family & friends,,,,,,, Never compromise when you stand on your Position of Victory no matter what opposition or obstacles you face,,,,,,,,,the enemy distracts,disrupts & will try to get you off track,stay focused on Jesus,,,,,,keep your eye on the Prize! In Daniel 3:6 we see 3 boys who would not compromise,they would not waiver,they had Gods Blessed Assurance deeply rooted in their very souls,,,,,,,,they knew,God is ABLE,would He rescue them?That was not their concern,they didn't fear because of their Faith,they didn't need to argue the point,they walked their walk with Boldness & Confidence,,,,, Did Shadrach fear the Kings opinion? Did Meshach worry about their popularity? Did Abednego doubt that their GOD is ABLE,,,,,,no,they stood firm on their Position of Victory with their eyes on the Prize,,,,,,, It is not unlike a runner in a race,,,,,,,the runner is way ahead of the pack ,he is focused on the track & then he hears the people in the stands shouting,,,"You're doing it wrong,you need to pace yourself,you'll tire,,,,,,you are going to lose!" The runner goes off the track & into the stands to argue his ways,to tell them they are wrong & he is right,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,even if he wins the argument he will have lost the race,,,, He was distracted,because of opposition & he got off track,,,,,,,,He compromised Jesus never compromised,,,He was not concerned about winning popularity,opposition never worried Him,He was focused on doing the Will of Father God,He knows the Truth & does not have to defend it nor does He have to defend what He does,Pride could not tempt Him,He could not be distracted no matter what the enemy threw His way.............He spoke the Truth & He left the choice to receive that Truth up to His listeners,,,,,, Even His own disciples wondered at times ,but whether they followed Him was their choice,Jesus didn't have to convince them,make excuses.... Standing on the Position of Victory we have Boldness & Confidence in Gods Blessed Assurance,never compromise by argument,excuse,,,,,,,,don't let the spirit of pride tell you that you must prove you are right,don't allow the enemy to distract you by opposition,stay on the track,be a doer of the Word & go about our Fathers Business,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,NEVER COMPROMISE,have Faith,trust God Don't worry about who hears & who does not,it is their choice & the Holy Spirit convicts their hearts,,,,,,,,,,,just love,be kind & spread the Gospel to everyone,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,if God is for you,who could be against you? God Bless you & to Him be the Glory With love-in Christ,Kwik I hope you will embrace this day with Joy,with Thankfulness & be encouraged,,,,,,,STAY ON TRACK!
  10. I have serious doubts about not only Christianity but Religion in general...Anyone care Explain why I should Listen to "Gods Word"
  11. Please,take time to read my post,please Since i got saved ive always doubted my salvation! always and having OCD makes it 10x worse! but Earlier today or the day before,I was convinced I was saved & I mean IVE BEING DOUBTING FOR 2 YEARS! since I was saved. But anyways,I watched a Video from pastor Francis Chan & he spoke on Lukewarm & Loving it.Which i felt convicted by,But i Wouldn't say I am lukewarm.Anyways since then,I went Online & looked at a list of signs your lukewarm,in some of the lists,I tick the boxes of being lukewarm & some lists I don't,but heres an analysis of Francis Chans list of SIGNS of lukewarmness: 1. Lukewarm people attend church fairly regularly. It is what is expected of them, what they believe “good Christians” do, so they go. Isaiah 29:13 I dont think that it makes me a good christian,but because I doubt my salvation,i use that as a reason that i'm saved 2. Lukewarm people give money to charity and to the church as long as it doesn’t impinge on their standard of living. If they have a little extra and it is easy and safe to give, they do so, After all, God loves a cheerful giver, right? 1 Chronicles 21:24, Luke 21:1-4 I havent even started given yet,I kind of feel convicted that I should be giving now,But ive never thought of giving yet 3. Lukewarm people tend to choose what is popular over what is right when they are in conflict. They desire to fit in both at church and outside of church; they care more about what people think of their actions (like church attendance and giving) than what God thinks of their hearts and lives. Luke 6:26, Revelation 3:1, Matthew 23:5-7 4. Ive never desired to fit in at church,to be honest I dont care,I dont even care about fitting in the world,I mean I do at times.I do wear smart clothes,for people to think im cool & for the attention to be on me though 4: Lukewarm people don’t really want to be saved from their sin; they want only to be saved from the penalty of their sin. They don’t genuinely hate sin and aren’t truly sorry for it; they’re merely sorry because God is going to punish them. Lukewarm people don’t really believe that this new life Jesus offers is better than the old sinful one. John 10:10, Romans 6:1-2.I want my sin gone,all of it,i desire to sin free and be like jesus christ! latelty i havent felt that "oh no ive sinned" feeling though,but i know in my mind ive sinned and I repent. 5. Lukewarm people are moved by stories of people who do radical things for Christ, yet they do not act. They assume such action is for “extreme” Christians, not average ones. Lukewarm people call “radical” what Jesus expected of all His followers. James 1:22, James 4:17, Matthew 21:28-31 Radical? i havent even thought about being radical yet? I have times when i think or imagine preaching in the jungle with the likes of Paul Washer lol 6. Lukewarm people rarely share their faith with their neighbors, coworkers, or friends. They do not want to be rejected, nor do they want to make people uncomfortable by talking about private issues like religion. Matthew 10:32-33 I share my faith,not as much as I can do though 7. Lukewarm people gauge their morality or “goodness” by comparing themselves to the secular world. They feel satisfied that while they aren’t as hard-core for Jesus as so-and-so, they are nowhere as horrible as the guy down the street. Luke 18:11-12 No,when i first got saved i was unhappy i didnt have a desire for god,now i doo have a desire..but now i want even more 8. Lukewarm people say they love Jesus, and He is, indeed, a part of their lives, their money, and their thoughts, but he isn’t allowed to control their lives. Luke 9:57-62 Jesus is in control of my life,maybe in some areas i reject him,but jesus is pretty much in control of my life,how i speak,what i listen to,how i act towards others,etc 9. Lukewarm people love God, but they do not love Him all their heart, soul, and strength. They would be quick to assure you they try to love God that much, but that sort of total devotion isn’t really possible for the average person; its only for pastors and missionaries and radicals. Matthew 22:37-38 I love jesus,but i want to love him more than my family,which is hard to do,but i want to! 10. Lukewarm people love others but do not seek to love others as much as they love themselves. Their love for others is typically focused on those who love them in return, like family, friends, and other people they know and connect with. There is a little love left over for those who cannot love them back, much less for those who intentionally slight them, who kids are better athletes than theirs, or with whom conversations are awkward or uncomfortable. Their love is highly conditional and very selective, and generally comes with strings attached. Matthew 5:43-47, Luke 14:12-14 I wont lie,i love some people more than others,im unhappy by that now,but i want to love more people,infact i struggle with that,when im judging someone or something,i change the thought & wrestle it casue everyones gods creation. 11. Lukewarm people will serve God and others, but there are limits to how far they will go or how much time, money, and energy they are willing to give. Luke 18:21-25 I dont think ive ever seen any limits in my serving? I guess there is some, 12. Lukewarm people think about life on earth much more often than eternity in heaven. Daily life is mostly focused on today’s to-do list, this week’s schedule, and next month’s vacation. Rarely, if ever do they intently consider the life to come. Philippians 3:18-20 Not even,im always anticipating the day christ returns for me & always wonder what heavens like 13. Lukewarm people are thankful for their luxuries and comforts, and rarely consider trying to give as much as possible to the poor. Matthew 25:34, 40, Isaiah 58:6-7 i havent even reached that yet 14. Lukewarm people do whatever is necessary to keep themselves from feeling too guilty. They want to do the bare minimum, to be “good enough” without requiring too much of them. 1 Chronicles 29:14, Matthew 13:44-46 I think I do this at times 15. Lukewarm people are continually concerned with playing it safe; they are slaves to the god of control. This focus on safe living keeps them sacrificing and risking for God. Matthew 10:28 nah 16. Lukewarm people feel secure because they attend church, made a profession of faith at age twelve, were baptized, come from a Christian family, vote Republican, or live in America. nope,not even,i feel secured because im saved 17. Luke warm people do not live by faith; their lives are structured so they never have to. They don’t have to trust God if something unexpected happens-they have their savings account. They don’t need God to help them—they have their retirement plan in place. They don’t genuinely seek out what life God would have them live—they have life figured and mapped out. They don’t depend on God on a daily basis-their refrigerators are full and, for the most part, they are in good health. The truth is, their lives wouldn’t look much different if they suddenly stopped believing in God. Luke 12:16-21 I live by faith,but i do doubt my faith at times in certain areas i wont lie 18. Lukewarm people probably drink and swear less than average, but besides that, they really aren’t very different from your typical unbeliever. They equate their partially sanitized lives with holiness, but they couldn’t be more wrong. Matthew 23:25-28, Luke 14:34-35 I accidentally swear at times,but i wouldn't say Im a swearer, Basically i don't meet all these,does this mean Im lukewarm though? i wouldnt say i am lukewarm,if you look into my life and non-believer,its totally different & even of those who just "believe" my problem is in that sermon,i dont know whether he was talkingto people who had being saved for years? cause ive being saved for 2years+ maybe & dont have those things,but i do have a desire for god & his things! my other posts which explains myself to give you an idea of me: I have OCD,to some of you guys,that is the doubting disease,which basically means OCD makes you doubt pretty much everything,at times I've doubted my sanity etc. So anyways,once I got saved I started to read my bible,but at this point I was a stupid Christian,I thought god should do everything for me.and when ever he didn't I would "temporarily" leave him,which was stupid and then I realised god doesn't owe me anything,he doesn't have to do anything for me,god is sovereign. From then the things that changed, my music taste changed,yes if I listen to my old music I can find it enjoyable,but I would feel uncomfortable, bause The music just seems like trash to me,utter garbage,I used to look up to these guys but now I think they're losers,which are going to hell,now I really want to be like guys like Tom Conway, Paul washer and ultimately Jesus. The differences in my life since I got saved; The music thing I don't steal illegal films online angmore ,I buy all my films I avoid looking at certain women so that I don't fall into lust I read my bible,everyday sometimes a little passage,but ibread it,sometimes I get bored with it,but when I find treasure in it I get so happy and ecstatic. I give Christian advice I tell people I am a Christian,when before I used to deny Christ. I remember,when I went to summer camp back when I was unsaved,I would get home and try be a nice person whatever,then it'll fade,now I'm progressing. I delite in Christ,truly I love Jesus Christ,I was going through this bad time and thinking of Christ was such a great comfort. Ive found myself crying at times when I hear a message of Christ,I never used to do that.at all. I truly now understand who Christ is,whereas when I was younger I probably never cared. I want a Christian wife,but I'm sacred I'm not "holy" enough at the moment. I don't talk to non-christian girls because I have no business with them,sometimes I fall into it but I cut It off.primarily because a non Christian girl doesn't interest me really,I just want to find a girl who loves Jesus like me. I find myself trying to follow gods commandements because I love him, and also its my duty as a Christian. Ever since I got saved I did make progress,i started to fight sin off,but I've realised I only really fought in certain areas; lust/porn/masturbation. And now I'm back to doubting my salvation because I've realised I have sin in other places,and now I'm back to square one of doubting my salvation. I'm also scared that I'm just fearing hell so I follow Christ,but truly I believe my fear of hell,overshadows my love for god. I love Jesus,he's being awesome to me,but I'm just scared 24/7. I've just realised that I'm really sinful lately,and kind of feel disgusting. Can someone advise me.I feel like when I started to move along in my walk,now I've stopped. But won't god finish the work he started in me? I'm relying to much on feelings as well,and sometimes don't take gods promises literally. But my question is,a non christian,wouldn't care if they were saved or not? There eyes haven't being open to these things.if you went up to a non believers and asked them if they were saved,in sure they wouldn't even care.:confused I'm a different person,than the one I was before all this
  12. What is FUD? FUD is Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. Anyone is free to comment their opinion. But really the Bible is the standard so if you say "the Bible says..." please at least give the reference. Opinions are great. God's Word is better. I'd like to start the thread by asking three questions: 1. What is the Bible? 2. Who is God according to the Bible? 3. Who is Jesus Christ according to the Bible?
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