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Why can't God give me a break?

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This entire summer has been one bad thing after another. Summer classes where I drive hours every day back and forth from home, anxiety issues, money issues, car issues, a beloved family pet dying, and now the air conditioner has gone out for the second time in the last month. Nonstop stress, anger, anxiety, and tears. I've never yelled at family members so much or screamed (in my head) at God so frequently. My family doesn't have the money for all this or the willpower or the time. Why can't we just catch a break?

I know that bad things can always turn out to be working for God's glory...but when?  How do I deal with the pain in the meantime? 

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21 minutes ago, Wintercharm said:

This entire summer has been one bad thing after another. Summer classes where I drive hours every day back and forth from home, anxiety issues, money issues, car issues, a beloved family pet dying, and now the air conditioner has gone out for the second time in the last month. Nonstop stress, anger, anxiety, and tears. I've never yelled at family members so much or screamed (in my head) at God so frequently. My family doesn't have the money for all this or the willpower or the time. Why can't we just catch a break?

I know that bad things can always turn out to be working for God's glory...but when?  How do I deal with the pain in the meantime? 

Is your avatar a pic of your pet?  One of my daughters likes pugs.  We've got a big fluffy dog that is a basically a member of the family.  They can become a big part of our lives.

We all go through different seasons and different places in our walk with God.  I'm not sure why, but sometimes it feels like the storms hit during the lowest places though maybe it's just a matter of being more aware of the storms.

I'm coming out of one of my lowest places in my life.  I had basically gotten too serious about my job (at a Christian non-profit) and reached the point I was having panic attacks and feeling physically poorly very often.  I finally decided to quit after I almost collapsed at work one day.  On my last day I ended up in the ER after I got home.  Ending up in the ER ended up being a huge blessing in disguise because a battery of tests showed I was physically okay and that it was all stress.  It took me several months to learn to rest and relax.   My body (and mind and emotions) had gotten so used to being at a high stress level that I physically went through something like a withdrawal from it for a few months.  As I tried to get used to normal stress levels, it was like any time something happened, my body and emotions would leap back to high stress and I'd feel like someone had punched me in the gut.  Over time, I finally got back to a normal stress level and realized I had forgotten how to live (and enjoy) the present.  My mind and emotions had been constantly elsewhere worrying about things I couldn't control.  I reached a point where I could finally sit outside under a tree and just enjoy listening to birds sing, leaves rustles, squirrels scurry, etc. without my mind constantly racing about other things.  About a year later, I realized I had started sleeping through the night most of the time.  I had gotten so used to waking up and not falling back asleep that I thought it was normal.   What God was dealing with is that I had spent my life being too worried about things I had no control over.  I was expending huge amounts of energy and emotion carrying burdens that God never intended for me to carry.  I emerged from this with a truer sense of Jesus' words about His yoke being easy and His burden light.  I had been slowly killing myself under the weight of things that were not my burden to bear and I had been doing that to some extent my entire life.  Right now, it feels so good to be free from that.  I'm still physically not up to what I was and I think I still have a way to go to be back to full strength and energy, but this was something God knew I really needed.  God used that period of time for me to seriously change a lot.  If I hadn't hit a breaking point, I'd probably have spent the next 10 years or more of my life doing that type of routine until I retired or ended up in an early grave due to stress.   I had one other time similar to that about 10 years ago.  Those two worst times in my life where I was wondering what in the world God was doing were the times of the biggest transformation in my life as well.  In hindsight, that was what it took for God to work on some deep-seated things in my life that needed healing and change.

In my life, the lowest points were usually associated with God moving me into a time of transformation of some type.  In each of these times, one of the things that held me together the most was that I had a consistent spiritual walk.  My bible reading, prayer, meditation, and being with other Christians tended to be fairly consistent, not stellar at points when I was really down, but enough to keep me spiritually centered.  In hindsight, God was there with me and doing things in ways I didn't realize at the time.  These were deep-seated life-changing type of transformations that were not about changing a few things after hearing a sermon but rather deep-seated things the produced big changes in me of the type where people around me noticed a huge difference and I felt completely different afterwards.

One thing I'd recommend is making sure you have some quiet alone time with God (be it bible reading, meditating, or praying) that becomes something that you draw strength from.  It can take some effort at times to change our mindset and allow ourselves to relax instead of worry.  I know that was true for me anyway.

The other thing I'd recommend is be conscious that this might be part of a process God is using to bring transformation in your life (and your family's).  Fortunately for me, this last time around, I was aware God was doing something which led me to be much more spiritually at peace during those months of de-stressing my life.  

Hang in there.  :)   We all have ups and downs in life.  A big part of life is learning to accept and deal with the downs as part of life.   There are times that the most severe downs are actually part of a process God is using to transform us in some way.

In the long run as well, it is those downs that often prepare us and shape us for ministry to others.  I used to view ministry as being having it completely together, having no problems, and coming from a position of strength and near perfection.  Now, I realize that often it is going through those low points that gives us the experience and understanding to actually help others effectively.

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The enemy always attacks us when we are down.    Jhn 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.  That means that the enemy is trying to steal our love, joy and peace so we will be ineffective as God's servant.  As soon as I realize it is an attack, the heaviness usually disappears.  In fact, sometimes the attacks go away till another time.

Grief is real.  God has big shoulders and lets us scream and cry as long as we don't blame Him for the work of the enemy.  Life isn't fair.  Hard things happen.  But He said He would never leave us or forsake us.  So you might try soaking in a cool bath to relax for a bit.  Then, God is always worthy of our praise, just because He is God.   So praise Him anyhow, even if your prayers were never to be answered and even if you don't feel spiritual at all. 

As said, we all go through hard times.  I went through nursing school (high stress) while one son played soccer at one end of town and I had to get the other one to a baseball game at the other end.  So I studied in the car while watching a game.  Then we had a defective furnace and I got carbon monoxide poisoning, and my husband quit his job (a first) due to an abusive boss that would not permit breaks or lunch time, or time off when my dad died.  Yes, the stress was horrendous.  So I can definitely identify with you.  Somehow the bills got paid and we endured. Someone told me "this, too, shall pass".  It comforted me.  A little light at the end of the dark tunnel.  

Different stages in life bring different trials.  Now they are of health issues and the death of my husband and prayer parter of 54 years.  It never stops.  The trials are just different.  I can testify that He has never left me or forsaken me.  We serve a great and merciful God.

1Pe 1:3  ESV  Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,  1Pe 1:4  to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, 1Pe 1:5  who by God's power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

1Pe 1:6  In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials,  1Pe 1:7  so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

God still loves you.  Jesus died for you and is at the right hand of the Father praying for you.

Luk 22:31  "Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, Luk 22:32  but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers."

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8 hours ago, Wintercharm said:

This entire summer has been one bad thing after another. Summer classes where I drive hours every day back and forth from home, anxiety issues, money issues, car issues, a beloved family pet dying, and now the air conditioner has gone out for the second time in the last month. Nonstop stress, anger, anxiety, and tears. I've never yelled at family members so much or screamed (in my head) at God so frequently. My family doesn't have the money for all this or the willpower or the time. Why can't we just catch a break?

I know that bad things can always turn out to be working for God's glory...but when?  How do I deal with the pain in the meantime? 

Hi Wintercharm, Fourteen or fifteen years ago I gathered a small group together for ongoing ministry around the principle of Jeremiah 17:7-8. Blessed is the man that trusts in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is. For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreads out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat comes, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.

We were called "The Evergreen Christian Oasis" and we met every Sunday evening for nearly four years. Of course people came and went, but there was a core group determined to be trees of righteousness planted by the living waters of God and His Word. We all had difficulties and hardships in common and often had to support each other in practical ways outside meeting times. The blessing that comes from trusting in the Lord is like being in an oasis surrounded by desert. The desert experience speaks of three things: discipline, defeat, and decision, and the oasis speaks of victory and overcoming.

The leaves of the tree planted by the water stay green and it keeps bearing fruit inspite of the heat of hardship and the drought of deprivation in the same way that the faith of someone completely trusting in God doesn't wither and they keep praising Him with the fruit of their lips.

If we are in the desert of discipline there is a positive side when we accept it is to bring us into alignment with God's will, but if we are in the desert of defeat it means we have turned away from God and are elevating man's will which tends to naturally default to Satan's will. The desert of decision is where the voice of one calling in the wilderness is heard saying "Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight," and the positive side of making the decision to do this is that it gives God access to your heart and life so that His grace can flow through your faith. With that established we have crossed into the oasis of victory.

Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Edited by Michael37
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I find giving thanks is a cure to most of this....

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:)Thanks for sharing from your hearts!:emot-heartbeat: 

@naominash, @GandalfTheWise, and @Willa...I want you to know that your personal experiences really spoke to me. I'm sure they'll minister to others out there, too. You each had such:thumbsup: encouraging things to say. May God bless all of you.

And may He especially help YOU, Wintercharm. I hope these post replies you received will cause you to feel loved...by us and by God. 

7 hours ago, Wintercharm said:

This entire summer has been one bad thing after another. Summer classes where I drive hours every day back and forth from home, anxiety issues, money issues, car issues, a beloved family pet dying, and now the air conditioner has gone out for the second time in the last month. Nonstop stress, anger, anxiety, and tears. I've never yelled at family members so much or screamed (in my head) at God so frequently. My family doesn't have the money for all this or the willpower or the time. Why can't we just catch a break?

I know that bad things can always turn out to be working for God's glory...but when?  How do I deal with the pain in the meantime? 

I hear you, Wintercharm...because I am going through one of the worst periods of my life. I feel overwhelmed, too. But I think there has been some stuff shared here that may prove helpful to us both. I want you to know I am praying for you that God will guide you on how to cope. I am so sorry :( for your steady stream of problems.

If you ever just need to talk, feel free to write me through the pm. Okay?Remember there are people here who care about you. Most of all, Jesus loved you so much that He died on the cross for you. Greatest love of all! 

P.S. Sending you a big hug. :bighug:

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On ‎8‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 9:49 AM, Wintercharm said:

This entire summer has been one bad thing after another. Summer classes where I drive hours every day back and forth from home, anxiety issues, money issues, car issues, a beloved family pet dying, and now the air conditioner has gone out for the second time in the last month. Nonstop stress, anger, anxiety, and tears. I've never yelled at family members so much or screamed (in my head) at God so frequently. My family doesn't have the money for all this or the willpower or the time. Why can't we just catch a break?

I know that bad things can always turn out to be working for God's glory...but when?  How do I deal with the pain in the meantime? 

Hi Wintercharm,

Life is difficult, and damaged. We tend to forget that and that it is why Jesus came and died and will in time restore all things. However meantime we tend to expect things to work out well for us. However we also hang on tight to the reins of our life and then expect God to make a bed of roses for us. Just talking generally here, but you and me and all of us have to learn that we do make a lot of our decisions and expect God to fix them up when there is difficulty.

Have you thought of a big assessment as to your expectations? Did you choose to drive hours every day? Can you adjust your living expenses? People and pets (sorry) do die and teach us that life is passing, and press upon us that Jesus died for us so that we can live eternally with Him.

What of all those things that you have listed would you trade for eternal life? It helps to put things in perspective and adjust our expectations as that is what is driving you, I think.

Have you a roof over your head, some food, family, friends, clothing, - well that is more than millions on this planet. We all need to be more realistic and actually write a list of what we are thankful for as the enemy would always build up the things we haven`t got or think we need, or what went wrong, (damaged world & system, so why do we expect it to run right?)


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On 8/6/2018 at 9:49 PM, Wintercharm said:

This entire summer has been one bad thing after another. Summer classes where I drive hours every day back and forth from home, anxiety issues, money issues, car issues, a beloved family pet dying, and now the air conditioner has gone out for the second time in the last month. Nonstop stress, anger, anxiety, and tears. I've never yelled at family members so much or screamed (in my head) at God so frequently. My family doesn't have the money for all this or the willpower or the time. Why can't we just catch a break?

I know that bad things can always turn out to be working for God's glory...but when?  How do I deal with the pain in the meantime? 

Jesus said to deal with today's problems, today. There will be problems tomorrow, and tomorrow, until the Glorious Day. Best mental help advice ever given!

Always look down, not up, to feel better. Your remarks indicate:

* You have a family

* You have a car

* You have owned pets

* You live in a home

* You own air conditioning

Do you understand based on those five facts what I mean by "compare down, not up"? I mean people without those five things are worse off.

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On 8/8/2018 at 12:05 PM, Billiards Ball said:

Jesus said to deal with today's problems, today. There will be problems tomorrow, and tomorrow, until the Glorious Day. Best mental help advice ever given!

Always look down, not up, to feel better. Your remarks indicate:

* You have a family

* You have a car

* You have owned pets

* You live in a home

* You own air conditioning

Do you understand based on those five facts what I mean by "compare down, not up"? I mean people without those five things are worse off.


This reminds me of a message that was on an outside message board way out in the country where I was taking a great motorcycle ride——- it said, “ want to get rich quick? Count your blessings!”

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On 8/6/2018 at 9:49 PM, Wintercharm said:

This entire summer has been one bad thing after another. Summer classes where I drive hours every day back and forth from home, anxiety issues, money issues, car issues, a beloved family pet dying, and now the air conditioner has gone out for the second time in the last month. Nonstop stress, anger, anxiety, and tears. I've never yelled at family members so much or screamed (in my head) at God so frequently. My family doesn't have the money for all this or the willpower or the time. Why can't we just catch a break?

I know that bad things can always turn out to be working for God's glory...but when?  How do I deal with the pain in the meantime? 

I was in similar dire circumstances until I stopped moving and let him push me from place to place. Now I'm retired at the age of 30. Have you considered entrusting your life into his hands?

I'm basically telling you to stop fighting where the universe wants to push you.

Luke 14:26

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