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22 hours ago, Sister said:

Yes thank you.  I know you believe that.  But have you considered the 3 kings that will be uprooted, and that maybe Trump is one of them?  If Trump is looking out for Israel, he is only going to be in the way of their plans.

From what I can tell, the AC starts out supporting Israel and only later turns on her. I believe the Evangelical church has woven an anti-Leftist, anti-Socialist thread into their eschatology not justified from Scripture. You hear a lot of the rationale that Trump can't be the AC because he's an anti-globalist. But globalism is a fairly modern idea. Yes, the AC will be a type of globalist, but not in any democratic or socialist sense. (Think more in terms of submit or die.) Modern-day Christians have turned conservation, and patriotism into an idol. God will tear it all down. I'll unpack this more at a later date. I may have posted something about it on my Rise of the Little Horn Facebook page. If so, I may cut and paste it in hear somewhere. 

Edited by Jonathan Dane
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1 hour ago, Jonathan Dane said:

Let the record show that you provided me not one single text that says the Antichrist will be Jewish. To use your word: NADA.
Instead, you made an argument from silence and an appeal to reason, as you summed it up yourself: "It is just common sense. No Jew will receive a Non Jew as there Messiah" If my memory suits me, I believe your very first reply was

Perhaps you are not familiar with scripture?

Here is my words, I will place the scriptures referenced by my words....

Read the verse again in context and you will see a JEWISH person there (THIS IS REFERRING TO THE PASSAGE FROM JOHN 5). He is talking to Jewish People, about His messiahship. It is just common sense (AS OPPOSED INTELLECTUAL ELITISM). No Jew will receive a Non Jew as there Messiah, ZERO, ZILCH, NADA.... The Messiah must come from the line of David (ISA 11:1), If they are not from the line of David , they will be rejected. He will come from the tribe of Judah (GEN 49:9-10)... If he is not from the tribe of Judah he will be rejected. Does DJT meet any of these qualifications? NO, NOPE, NEGATIVE.

DO you really think Israel will accept a non Jew as their messiah? ABSOLUTELY NOT, this is just common sense....

SO Here you lie and say I failed to provide you with a single passage of scripture, and there are three in that 1 paragraph referenced!




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2 hours ago, Jonathan Dane said:

I will answer more at a later date (promise) I'm not blowing you off, just busy. Who is the abominable branch?

"When the LORD has given you rest from your pain and turmoil and the hard service with which you were made to serve, 4 you will take up this taunt against the king of Babylon" (Isaiah 14:3)

"I will rise up against them,” declares the LORD of hosts, “and will cut off from Babylon name and remnant, descendants and posterity,” declares the LORD." (Isaiah 14:22)

I'm going with the King of Babylon. I love it when Scripture takes away the guesswork. It's amazing what happens when you study the passage in its context instead of using it as a pretext. (I would admit  that the King of Babylon is a classic type of Antichrist -- a Gentile one.)

But what about the people and the land? (Hey, doesn't the land always refer to Israel? Not if the context says otherwise.) Here's the verse that precedes that: "those pierced by the sword, who go down to the stones of the pit, like a dead body trampled underfoot" 

These are the King of Babylon's people - IN HADES.

12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

The above verses are a referral to when Satan enters the Antichrist, to go into the temple, sit (in the seat reserved for God) and claims to have achieved God-hood, 2Thessalonians2:4.

"How art thou fallen from heaven"    Satan originally was the anointed cherub, but when iniquity was found in him, he fell (Ezekiel 28:14-15).


But Antichrist is cut down to size -  which after the person commits the act, in 2Thessalonans2:4..... God in Ezekiel 28:1-10 has the revealed man of sin killed for his action ._____________________________________________________________________________________________________

14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

In Isaiah 14:14, it is referring to the revealed man of sin, his the mentality, convinced by Satan that he can achieve God-hood.     It refers to both Satan's desire and the revealed man of sin's desire.


15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

The revealed man of sin is killed, Ezekiel 28:8.    The one head on the beast mortally wounded, in Revelation 13:3.


16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;  17 That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?

Referring to him as the rider on the white horse in Revelation 6:2.     And in Ezekiel 28:7, "the terrible of the nations".


18 All the kings of the nations, even all of them, lie in glory, every one in his own house.

Fallen kings over nations who have notoriety as having been great and powerful kings, but find themselves in hell, as well.


19 But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet.

But God has a special disdain for the slain man of sin - because he will be a Jew*, of the chosen people, who were supposed to be a light unto the nations - but the Antichrist, the revealed man of sin, sold out to Satan, as the worthless shepard leader of Israel.

God does not let his soul remain in hell.    The mortally wounded head on the beast in Revelation 13:1-3 is healed.


20 Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land*, and slain thy people*: the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned.

The slain revealed man of sin's body had not been buried yet.   He is still in the casket, though his soul went to hell... until God casts his soul out of hell.   He comes back to life as the whole world watches.   

Revelation 17:8b  8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.


* his land - is Israel

* his people - are the Jews.


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1 hour ago, Jonathan Dane said:

Finally, may I note just one more thing that smells of hypocrisy? You said it over and over again that we should not bring politics into this. In point of fact, I have not. Even the quote a made about Trump's lies was not from the media but from simple observation of watching the man's mouth. I don't need the media for that. Conversely, after going on and on about how we should keep politics out, you provided quite a large paragraph above (See paragraph that starts: "These are the ones...") You can deny this all you want. But it sorta reads like a spade. Where did I provide such a political list in my comments? I did not.

Your whole article is a political hit piece. I am not a supporter of Trump per se, and You can ask R Hartono I was as outspoken about people accusing BHO of being the beast as well. Yes, that one had me going for a while till I saw it for what it was, propaganda of Hate for a political purpose. So Now I oppose anyone who is pushed and maligned this way. There is a reason why the Antichrist is not revealed until its time, and any speculation you may have as to who it is is just that speculation. In Fact, as I pointed out to the BHO crowd, trying to figure out something that is to be revealed by God is akin to unbelief in his will that we should not know until it is revealed by him... Do you understand?  

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2 hours ago, Jonathan Dane said:

Let the record show that you provided me not one single text that says the Antichrist will be Jewish.

Not directly in the text, does it say the Antichrist will be Jewish.    But it also doesn't say, your view, in the text that the Antichrist will be a gentile.   

So you need edit your post, to add - "Let the record show that I cannot provide to everyone else not one single text that says the Antichrist will be a gentile."


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1 hour ago, Jonathan Dane said:

FACT: From the very time they were still in Egyptian captivity, to the Exodus, in the Promise Land, to the Babylonian captivity, to the return from exile, to the time of Christ and beyond, time and time again, Israel has replaced their true Savior with Gentile "stand-ins." They did so with Egypt, and they so did with virtually every nation that was in close proximity with them. They turned their true Savior, Jesus Christ over to their Gentile king to stand trial. Common sense, you say? Yes...common sense....that Israel would not hesitate to once again depend on a Gentile.

The Apostle Paul makes it clear that one is not a genuine Jew by circumcision of the flesh but of the heart. Which begs the question: Regarding the Israel that turns to the Antichrist as their Savior, WHICH ISRAEL IS IT? The Israel of the Spirit? Or of the flesh? Would spiritual Israel, the true Israel of God (Gal 6) turn to any Messiah that wasn't a Jew? Absolutely no. But neither would they embrace a covenant with a man that Isaiah calls, "a covenant of death." So which Israel turns to the Antichrist? Most certainly, it is the Israel that is only "israel" externally. Would THEY turn to a Gentile for salvation? IN A NEW YORK MINUTE. (New York residence address provided per request.)

I've already said that no genuine Jew would come in their own name. Speaking of which, of ALL the things Christ could say, doesn't it appear a bit random that He centered on the fact that the Antichrist would come "in his own name." I've always thought that a bit random. That is, until TRUMP. If you want me to unpack that further, I've already posted it (John 5:46) on this forum under the title: "Battle of NAMES -- Christ versus Antichrist" 

I Agree with your FACT... 

Second paragraph: DJT is viewed not as a messiah figure in Israel, but as a Cyrus figure... ask any Jew and they will tell you that. Israel of Old did not view Cyrus as their messiah. They will not now do so. What you are failing to understand is that the final week is for Israel, Yes the church is involved, but her role will diminish. Part of this final week involves her (Israel) drinking of the cup of God's wrath until she is drunk, and then the LORD rescuing her. She has been blinded until now, and their last great mistake is not being able to see Jesus as their messiah. So they will accept another who comes in their own name. I do not think you fully understand this. The Name Jesus in Hebrew is Joshua, the Old testament prophesies the name of the messiah to be Joshua, by calling the Joshua of the post exile the Branch and saying that is the messiah's name as well. Let me quote those verses for you.

And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is The BRANCH; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the LORD: (Zech 6:12)

What this passage is saying is that Joshua is also the name of the Branch. Which is a reference to Isaiah and Jeremiah's calling the messiah the branch. In other words, the name of the Messiah was given to Israel, and they will receive someone as their messiah who comes in their own name. (See Isaiah 4:2, Jer. 23:5) That is what the passage in John 5 is referring to. Israel in their last act of Blindness thus turns to this messiah figure who is a Jew, but his name is not Joshua. They will realize the death nature of this covenant as soon as it happens for this will immediately be followed by the abomination of desolation committed by this man, For he will not "Regard the God of his fathers" (Daniel 11:36)... This passage alone should get you to see he will be Jewish...


Do you know what the Noahide Laws are? Are you aware of how Talmudic Judaism is corrupt? Go and watch a video on Youtube by "on point preparedness" called "Noahide Laws of the AntiChrist & Hebrew Roots || Mini Documentary" This video will get you to think if nothing else as to what is coming. Yes, there are anti-semetic elements pointing to this as well, but this will explain exactly what is the mark of the beast, and the worship element of the beast. But You will see why I say what I say here. If you are honestly seeking the truth, then you will consider this. If you are worried about book sales you will ignore it. 


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3 hours ago, Jonathan Dane said:

Yes...common sense....that Israel would not hesitate to once again depend on a Gentile.

Go to a Jewish (Judaism) site like Messiah Truth, and ask them if the messiah can be a gentile, a non-Jew?

Once they answer, copy and past their answer in this thread.

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3 hours ago, dhchristian said:

Second paragraph: DJT is viewed not as a messiah figure in Israel, but as a Cyrus figure... ask any Jew and they will tell you that. Israel of Old did not view Cyrus as their messiah.

One of the things that I think is a factor in this argument is anointed's in the Tanach, can refer to kings, and priests, to imply some person chosen by God.

In that sense there were countless anointeds.    The Hebrew word for anointed  has been translated to English as messiah.

But when speaking of "the" messiah, it is only one person.   The person to be the King of Israel, descended from King David.     Israel of old never viewed Cyrus as "the" messiah.   

Isaiah does have in it...  Isaiah 45:1 Thus saith the LORD to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut;

...but it is not saying that Cyrus is "the" messiah.     

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12 hours ago, Jonathan Dane said:

4 to 7 years - 2000 years minus 7 from the resurrection of Christ.

Okay... I first wanted to know if we could start off on common ground before I share my thoughts. By no means am I claiming I'm correct on my views, assumptions and hermeneutics. I too believe the tribulation is getting very close, based on prophetic scripture and comparing scripture with what events, alignments, rhetoric and posturing is occurring today. In my pretribulation view; if the tribulation is getting close, Jesus coming in the clouds for His bride is even closer. I'm not date setting: Based on some hints in scripture, I wouldn't be surprised if something major occurs by the year 2028. I'm excited, watching and waiting for the soon coming of our Lord.

For sake of comparison, let's use your assumption of 4-7 years. From here on out I'll abbreviate the Antichrist with AC so I don't keep typing it. Much is said pertaining to the AC; a couple being he will be a great military strategist with flatteries [smooth, slippery], have great oratory abilities and eloquence of speech. Our leader certainly doesn't qualify for that one. He will start off as a 'uniter' and be extremely popular where he comes from and with the world. Half of our country and half of the world hates the one you're trying to tie to. One of the many titles of the AC is 'the Assyrian', and many more that doesn't fit your thoughts.

Any great military strategist knows it's much better to take over something, rather than destroy it and rebuild it from the ground up for his purposes. If indeed we are as close to the tribulation as we suspect; we should be able to see by now what structure or mechanism is already in place that has the power and resources to accomplish his goals and purpose. Currently, what global body is in place that when it takes a vote or sanctions a resolution, is considered as the "whole world"? I can only think of one, and that's the United Nations. Currently 90% of UN votes and resolutions go against Israel, Israels covenant land grants from God and God's laws and morals. What power and head of that organization does the Secretary General wield? Even the Vatican holds a seat [non voting] at the United Nations. I don't see the UN dissolving and going away anytime soon, but increasing in strength and power and imposing its will. If a certain somebody were not a nationalist but a globalist, I highly suspect the global agenda would be set in concrete by now. Speaking of Agenda's, ever read the UN socialist agenda's and the dates they plan to impose them? Interesting and possibly of prophetic significance!

As the Bible clearly implies, no one will know whom the AC is until he is revealed. We can guess and speculate until the cows come home, but my cows went to slaughter and won't be coming home anytime soon :laugh:

But a couple of interesting people I'm keeping an eye on and their rhetoric and actions are; Barrack Hussein Obama [for obvious reasons] and the President of France, Emmanuel Macron. This Macron is a most interesting person and rose out of obscurity. Other global leaders and countries are paying an extraordinary amount of attention to him and courting him. The European Union seems to be in flux; it almost reminds me of partially strong and partially weak, with iron not mixing with miry clay; the common currency, influx of immigration, borders and Brexit to name a few come to mind. 

I have this uneasy 'gut feeling' we will not see Trump for a second term. I suspect the next president will be a radical left leaning socialist and globalist; and sell out the Constitution and our national sovereignty. From that point on I would imagine global events and changes will occur that will boggle our mind with the speed of them? 

In just recent history some things have become blatantly obvious. The United States, Russia and possibly China are the only active powers standing between nationalism and globalism. Close to half the American population is wanting free bread and circuses [socialism] and open borders. The globe is screaming out for a secular leader to fix our problems and the mess we are in [disparities in income, trade, have's and have not's, global warming, religious disputes and differences, terrorism, threat's, saber rattling, wars and rumors of wars, nuclear threats, etc.]. 

We're living in interesting times, and are getting more interesting by the day. The "convergence" of everything prophetic is here and now; just as the Bible states as birth pangs, it's increasing in frequency and intensity. 

Come Lord Jesus!

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8 hours ago, dhchristian said:

Perhaps you are not familiar with scripture?

Here is my words, I will place the scriptures referenced by my words....

Read the verse again in context and you will see a JEWISH person there (THIS IS REFERRING TO THE PASSAGE FROM JOHN 5). He is talking to Jewish People, about His messiahship. It is just common sense (AS OPPOSED INTELLECTUAL ELITISM). No Jew will receive a Non Jew as there Messiah, ZERO, ZILCH, NADA.... The Messiah must come from the line of David (ISA 11:1), If they are not from the line of David , they will be rejected. He will come from the tribe of Judah (GEN 49:9-10)... If he is not from the tribe of Judah he will be rejected. Does DJT meet any of these qualifications? NO, NOPE, NEGATIVE.

DO you really think Israel will accept a non Jew as their messiah? ABSOLUTELY NOT, this is just common sense....

SO Here you lie and say I failed to provide you with a single passage of scripture, and there are three in that 1 paragraph referenced!




Yes, I do see a Jewish person there - one that was rejected.

If this is your best example, an example where the ONLY specific Christ gave is that this person comes in his own name, it looks like you've been "trumped ", my friend. Sorry.

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