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Understanding the Prophetic Word


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26 minutes ago, Keras said:

The Great Tribulation is the final 3 1/2 year period before Jesus Returns. The 7 Trumpets and the 7 Bowls will take place i that time. Many Christians will be killed for their faith then, incl the 2W. 

Islam will be virtually destroyed at the Sixth Seal, the next prophesied event, which will clear and cleanse all of the holy Land. Deuteronomy 32:34-43

No the great tribulation is the time of the end. Not three and a half years prior to the time of the end. 

Yes some Christians in Israel will be imprisoned and some killed but that not considered great tribulation. 

The great tribulation is when the armed forces of the north destroy and innihilate many and place the abomination of desolation. People in Judea will flee for thier lives and others burned alive. Many will hide in caves in the mountains for fear. 


No one will be running for the mountains when a few Christians in Israel are locked up or killed. 


The Muslims will continue growing in the field with the wheat untill the harvest. Then they will be burned along with the rest of the tares. 

Edited by Shilohsfoal
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On 9/18/2022 at 4:15 PM, Keras said:

Yes, what you say is correct, but note in Revelation 11:13; at the moment the 2W's ascend, a great earthquake happens. That earthquake is the same one which will happen at Armageddon. Revelation 16:18

No, two different earthquakes.   

The Revelation 16:18 earthquake is global and is part of the 7th vial wrath of God event.

On 9/18/2022 at 4:15 PM, Keras said:

I believe that at the Resurrection of the GT martyrs, the 2W's will be with them, They ARE GT martyrs too!

The 2 witnesses are already resurrected before Jesus returns.    The resurrection of the great tribulation martyrs is after Jesus returns.

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11 hours ago, tatwo said:

Well sir...if your still waiting for your kings arrival...as I said to you before...there is great disappointment in your future...the one your waiting for will make a slave out of you and anyone else who denies the resurrection of Christ...as God and King...just before he destroys you.

Not if you're waiting for the RESURRECTION! Furthermore, the resurrection of the MESSIAH (which is a better title than the Greek translation of "Christos") didn't make Him King. He was BORN "King of the Jews!" That fact NEVER changed in His earthly offer of the Kingdom to the children of Israel. He was so named by the Magi shortly after His birth, and He was promised to be their King at His conception! Even in His death, the superscription on His cross said, "This is Yeeshuwa` of-Natsaret King of the Jews!" And, even in His death, the religious leaders contested the superscription!

He LEFT them and LEFT the earth, until they can welcome Him back as the Anointed of YHWH God! (Psalm 118:26 quoted in Matthew 23:39.)

11 hours ago, tatwo said:

The eternal truth is...The King of kings and Lord of lords has come...Pentecost was the day the Holy Spirit was poured out upon humanity...the spiritual kingdom of God and His throne were established it as prophesied...on the earth in His temple...His people...it was always going to be that way.

No, sir. The King has NOT yet arrived! The promise was stated in ...

Acts 1:9-11 (KJV)

9 And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. 10 And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven (the sky) as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; 11 Which also said,

"Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven (into the sky)? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven (into the sky), shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven (into the sky)."

Pentecost was the day that the COMFORTER was given, but it was NOT the day the King came back!

And another thing: STOP USING THE WORD "spiritual" as though it means something other than the "physical!" That's a MISUSE of the word "pneumatikos!" You are GUILTY of Christoplatonism, a Platonism in Christians, when you use the word that way! There is NOTHING wrong with the physical that God created! What is wrong is the sin and the resultant decay and death that go along with the sin! When that is purged from God's Creation, it will be a time with "NO MORE CURSE," and the physical will be restored to the Garden of Eden!

11 hours ago, tatwo said:

He is here today...ruling in His kingdom on earth and in heaven...of course...Christ Yahshua is the head and He has a body...and as such...sir...we...you and I...are not of the same womb so we are not brothers...not at all.

First, you have His name wrong. His name is NOT "Yahshua"; His name is "Yeeshuwa`" and it means "HE shall save" or "HE shall rescue" or "HE shall deliver!" The name of God is NOT included in His name! It's about the Hebrew GRAMMAR of the word!

Second, I'll say it again: If you think He's reigning today, YOU AIN'T SEEN NUTHIN', YET!

Do you have a King who will say, "Bring those who would not have me to be king and SLAY them before me!"? But Yeeshuwa` SAID that's what He will say!

Luke 19:27 (KJV)

27 "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me!"

Do you have a King who will poke fun at the leaders of other nations in the middle of a U.N. meeting? That's what the prophecy about the Messiah says will happen!

Psalm 2:2-12 (KJV)

2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,

3 "Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us!"

4 He that sitteth in the heavens (YHWH GOD) shall laugh: the Lord (Adonaay, the Messiah) shall have them in derision (mock them)!

5 Then shall he (YHWH God the Father) speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.

6 "Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion! 7 I will declare the decree:

"'the LORD hath said unto me,

"'"Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. 8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. 9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel!"'

10 "Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. 11 Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. 12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little! Blessed are all they that put their trust in him!"

Is that the King you serve? Or, do you expect Him "to love everybody and never do anybody any harm."


People make the mistake of thinking that the Millennium is supposed to be a "time of peace and prosperity." But, that is NOT what the Messiah will do when He returns! Paul put it this way:

1 Corinthians 15:20-28 (KJV)

20 But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. 21 For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 23 But every man in his own order:

(0) Christ the firstfruits;
(1) afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. 
24 (2) Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. 25 For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. 27 For he hath put all things under his feet. (But when he saith, "all things are put under him," it is manifest [obvious] that HE is excepted, which [who] did put all things under him.) 28 And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.

Oh, He'll give His OWN people peace and prosperity, but He will SUBDUE all of His enemies, "till He (God the Father) hath put all enemies under His feet (the feet of the Messiah)."

At the end of the Millennium, after the GWTJ and the carrying out of the sentence to throw the wicked into the Lake of Fire and Sulfur (or the Lake of Burning Sulfur, Revelation 20:7-15), He will then turn over the Empire to God His Father, and He will continue on as the King of Israel.

If you don't know this will happen, you've got a LOT to learn about the QUITE PHYSICAL Kingdom coming! The Kingdom will arrive with the arrival of the King, and His own people - both the children of Israel and those who are true believers - will accept Him gladly as their King! Yeshua` said,

Matthew 25:31 (KJV)

31 'When the Son of man shall come in his glory (Greek: en tee doxee autou = "in the brightness of-Him"), and all the holy angels with him, THEN shall he sit upon the throne of his glory (Greek: TOTE kathisei epi thronou doxees autou = "THEN He-shall-sit upon a-throne of-brightness of-Him"):' 

There's no reason to wonder if He will be the real King or not; the Resurrection will be the proof!

11 hours ago, tatwo said:

You had better repent from that rebellious and disobedient worship of some false god and seek out Christ while He can be found...if not...know that you have been judged already.


YOU'D better be careful whom YOU are calling "some false god!" It is YHWH GOD whom one should "seek while He may be found!" And, His spokeman will be His Messiah, the One Anointed to be KING OF ISRAEL!

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9 hours ago, Shilohsfoal said:

No the great tribulation is the time of the end. Not three and a half years prior to the time of the end. 

Revelation 9:5 proves that the Great Trib of the 7 Trumpets and the 7 Bowls will take some time. in fact they will take place during the final 3 1/2 years before Jesus Returns. 

6 hours ago, douggg said:

No, two different earthquakes.   

The Revelation 16:18 earthquake is global and is part of the 7th vial wrath of God event.

The earthquake of Revelation 11:13 will also be felt globally.  It is the same event, there isn't 2 just before Jesus Returns.

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3 hours ago, Keras said:

Revelation 9:5 proves that the Great Trib of the 7 Trumpets and the 7 Bowls will take some time. in fact they will take place during the final 3 1/2 years before Jesus Returns. 

The earthquake of Revelation 11:13 will also be felt globally.  It is the same event, there isn't 2 just before Jesus Returns.

The earthquake following the calling up of the two witnesses is not just before Jesus Returns, but is just after the mid-point of the 7 years.

The global earthquake of the 7th vials of God's wrath, a the cities of the nations fall.    Differently, in the Revelation 11 earthquake,  a tenth part of the city of Jerusalem falls.

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3 hours ago, Keras said:

Revelation 9:5 proves that the Great Trib of the 7 Trumpets and the 7 Bowls will take some time. in fact they will take place during the final 3 1/2 years before Jesus Returns. 

The earthquake of Revelation 11:13 will also be felt globally.  It is the same event, there isn't 2 just before Jesus Returns.

No where in scripture does it say the great tribulation last 3 1/2 years. Jesus said in the gospel that when the abomination that causes desolation is placed in Jerusalem, that then would be great tribulation,. He says those in Judea would flee to the mountains at that time. 

You honestly believe those in Judea will be fleeing toward the mountains for three and a half years? Really? .What mountains do you think they are running to, the Rocky mountains? 


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13 minutes ago, Shilohsfoal said:

No where in scripture does it say the great tribulation last 3 1/2 years. Jesus said in the gospel that when the abomination that causes desolation is placed in Jerusalem, that then would be great tribulation,. He says those in Judea would flee to the mountains at that time. 

You honestly believe those in Judea will be fleeing toward the mountains for three and a half years? Really? .What mountains do you think they are running to, the Rocky mountains? 


And the GT may only last 5 months, according to Revelation 9:5-6

And they were not given authority to kill them, but to torment them for five months. Their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it strikes a man. In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them.

- Revelation 9:5-6 



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12 minutes ago, Selah7 said:

And the GT may only last 5 months, according to Revelation 9:5-6

And they were not given authority to kill them, but to torment them for five months. Their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it strikes a man. In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them.

- Revelation 9:5-6 



I don't believe that is talking about the abomination of desolation. 

It doesn't take our armed forces 5 months to place an abomination that causes desolation. I expect they could place 50 of them in 50 different cities in one day. Total innihilation of the middle east,maybe a week at the most. 

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1 minute ago, Shilohsfoal said:

I don't believe that is talking about the abomination of desolation. 

It doesn't take our armed forces 5 months to place an abomination that causes desolation. I expect they could place 50 of them in 50 different cities in one day. Total innihilation of the middle east,maybe a week at the most. 

The locust army (of men, not insects) and the antichrist (which is the AOD) are kicked out of heaven by Michael, which, I believe, is the time that the AOD (the antichrist) sets himself up in Mt. Zion in Jerusalem, claiming to be God.  


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11 minutes ago, Selah7 said:

The locust army (of men, not insects) and the antichrist (which is the AOD) are kicked out of heaven by Michael, which, I believe, is the time that the AOD (the antichrist) sets himself up in Mt. Zion in Jerusalem, claiming to be God.  


The abomination that causes desolation is not a man claiming to be God. Let's use logic here. If Aman claims to be God, a few things can happen. First many people would just ignore him, others would laugh at him for being such an idiot. But there will be others who would try to get the poor man some help. Perhaps a soft room so he won't hurt himself. 

Daniel wrote that it is the armed forces of the north that places the abomination that causes desolation in jerusalem. Now think alittle about what the armed forces might have that causes desolation. 

The armed forces are not going to place a man claiming to be God in Jerusalem to make it desolate. They will use the same kind of device they placed in Hiroshima. Our armed forces are not idiots. Give them just alittle respect. 

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