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16 hours ago, garee said:

it is he who brings to our mind the things previously taught that we might continue to learn the new ways of ones new born again life. 

God uses people to witness  to him by how they live, how they talk and in their  bei g ready to give an explained  or reason for the hope that they have.

When speaking with intelligent atheists one has to have intelligent arguments that challenge  there views.


Do you have such arguments? 

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12 hours ago, Mr. M said:

Step One: intercessory prayer

And how would you answer their questions about the accuracy of scripture?

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23 hours ago, Who me said:

Both of them became Christians through their investigations  of the evidence for Christianity.

Both of them were searching for truth, most atheists are actively doing the opposite.

You can help those who are searching because they are open to finding, but you just waste your time on those who are not because they aren't.

Best to just plant a seed and hope it falls on fertile ground and grows over time, just ask them if they are happy about life and leave it at that til that seed sprouts and sticks it head above the soil in its it quest for light.


(consider the parable of the sower and how you can practice it)

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1 hour ago, FJK said:

consider the parable of the sower and how you can practice it

Consider how arguments  that demonstrate  the accuracy of the bible can start breaking  up hard infertile  soil so it is more likely  to respond to a gospel seed.

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4 hours ago, Who me said:

God uses people to witness  to him by how they live, how they talk and in their  bei g ready to give an explained  or reason for the hope that they have.

When speaking with intelligent atheists one has to have intelligent arguments that challenge  there views.


Do you have such arguments? 

One has to present the gospel it is the power of God , we show what he requires. He does the work of teaching.

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On 8/22/2023 at 4:28 AM, Who me said:

How would you reach  men like Strouble and Warner, hardened  cynical  atheists who reject  and won't  read the bible?

Oftentimes many of these credentialed people will construct a wall of intellectual gobbeldy gook that looks sort of believable to the layman, but in reality none of it adds up, so they try to find ways to discredit the other side. One tactic is to use the "Evil God" argument because they don't put any of it into any kind of context. God has at times been very firm against those who had experienced His generosity, and then chose to go another way in worshipping false gods. Yahweh isn't keen on allowing anything but worship to Him, especially for those specifically chosen and blessed to be in His service. They knew better. 

This all falls nicely into the moral entitlement atheists preach, but have no basis for since they themselves deny the basis for morality and even deny it exists. They use thier intellectual prowess, either real or perceived, to attempt to build a case for denial of a creator. It's a wall really, that gives them some temporary comfort in not having to face the reality of a God who they will be accountable to one day. Highrow rebellion is basically what it is.

They look at science as their ever changing god and savior, and they believe they have proven the bible is all bunk, often using Genesis as a basis for their arguments. Quoting things that could not have happened according to science, such as plants before light or water where water could not have existed. This is because they all go by the billions of years idea and they discount any other possibilities. The bible tells us Adam was created intact and in the only form he would ever have. In other words, he wasn't an infant, he was a fully grown man at the time of his creation. Never came from anything but God. Same is true for all of creation. It was created as ready to reproduce and fully developed, trees, animals, eveything. 

The ape to man argument breaks down very quickly, when noone has ever found a shred of evidence to back it up. No other creature has the developed language capacity of man and the ability to think on that level. This is because we are made in the image of God and not like anything else that was made, yet they won't admit something entirely different happened with respect to man. 

When we look back in time we see ecosystems that 'handshake' with one another in perfect harmony. There is absolutely zero chance all of these systems and sub systems "evolved" from primordial gunk in a pond. Not to mention all of the specialized animals and insects that could never have evolved from any other creature without dying. I could list several of these specialized animals and prove there is no chance they evolved.

Folks, they are attmpting to turn the tables, but we are on the high ground here intellectually. No matter how many credentialed scientists sign on to evolution. It only shows their complete refusal to acknowledge a creator. 

Only God can change a heart. This is what has to happen, for I believe they are blinded by God Himself due to their stubborness to accept the Lord as is described in Romans. Many of them have made reasons not to acknowledge God that make it easier for them to hate him based on their lies. As a person who claims there is no God, why do they like to discuss ways to hate Him? 

All we can do for some of them is pray. The stakes are very high. They don't seem to fully realize the implications of thier beliefs. I will debate one to my death if it somehow gets through to one them, because one second after they die they are going to realize what they have gotten themselves into. 

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. He has made a way out and that was in love. Hate had nothing to do with it.It is all love that allows us to have passage to God through Jesus Christ.

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38 minutes ago, Starise said:

Oftentimes many of these credentialed people will construct a wall of intellectual gobbeldy gook that looks sort of believable to the layman, but in reality none of it adds up, so they try to find ways to discredit the other side. One tactic is to use the "Evil God" argument because they don't put any of it into any kind of context. God has at times been very firm against those who had experienced His generosity, and then chose to go another way in worshipping false gods. Yahweh isn't keen on allowing anything but worship to Him, especially for those specifically chosen and blessed to be in His service. They knew better. 

This all falls nicely into the moral entitlement atheists preach, but have no basis for since they themselves deny the basis for morality and even deny it exists. They use thier intellectual prowess, either real or perceived, to attempt to build a case for denial of a creator. It's a wall really, that gives them some temporary comfort in not having to face the reality of a God who they will be accountable to one day. Highrow rebellion is basically what it is.

They look at science as their ever changing god and savior, and they believe they have proven the bible is all bunk, often using Genesis as a basis for their arguments. Quoting things that could not have happened according to science, such as plants before light or water where water could not have existed. This is because they all go by the billions of years idea and they discount any other possibilities. The bible tells us Adam was created intact and in the only form he would ever have. In other words, he wasn't an infant, he was a fully grown man at the time of his creation. Never came from anything but God. Same is true for all of creation. It was created as ready to reproduce and fully developed, trees, animals, eveything. 

The ape to man argument breaks down very quickly, when noone has ever found a shred of evidence to back it up. No other creature has the developed language capacity of man and the ability to think on that level. This is because we are made in the image of God and not like anything else that was made, yet they won't admit something entirely different happened with respect to man. 

When we look back in time we see ecosystems that 'handshake' with one another in perfect harmony. There is absolutely zero chance all of these systems and sub systems "evolved" from primordial gunk in a pond. Not to mention all of the specialized animals and insects that could never have evolved from any other creature without dying. I could list several of these specialized animals and prove there is no chance they evolved.

Folks, they are attmpting to turn the tables, but we are on the high ground here intellectually. No matter how many credentialed scintists sign on to evolution. It only shows their complete refusal to acknowledge a creator. 

Only God can change a heart. This is what has to happen, for I believe they are blinded by God Himself due to their stubborness to accept the Lord as is described in Romans. Many of them have made reasons not to acknowledge God that make it easier for them to hate him based on their lies. As a person who claims there is no God, why do they like to discuss ways to hate Him? 

All we can do for some of them is pray. The stakes are very high. They don't seem to fully realize the implications of thier beliefs. I will debate one to my death if it somehow gets through to one them, because one second after they die they are going to realize what they have gotten themselves into. 

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. He has made a way out and that was in love. Hate had nothing to do with it.It is all love that allows us to have passage to God through Jesus Christ.

It would seem to make sence. Using the things seen the unbeliever's (fools, they have no faith. . as a understanding that could please God, none dead  )  as their weapon  they must use the things seen in a attempt at disqualifying the things of God not seen;(faith)

A good example is when the father and son began the ministry in Mathew 4   Satan the spirt of error  having no availability to acknowledge truth hates all flesh (substance seen ) The spirit of error  began with. . . if you are the son of God ????? .  three times he tried to make the word of God without effect. and then the father gave words and rebuked him and he fled.

We know it the power of the gospel that does the work  God works it in different ways  but in the end God cannot be proven by looking in a microscope or trying to view him through a telescope .God as Christ our teaching master  is not made up of the rudiments of this world  

Colossians 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

 The gospel the most powerful tool . . .Taste and see . . . God is very  good.

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All excellent observations in this thread debunking the hoax of evolution. I could detail dozens of ways and examples that evolution is a farce and a religion, the spirit of antichrist. For brevity, I will highlight one of dozens: human life.

Leviticus 17:11 (KJV) For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.

Life is in the blood; Jesus shed His life and blood for us. For this example, let us call it the cardiovascular system and the complex components that must work in unison simultaneously. The pump, circulation and pressure, the plumbing (veins, arteries), the lungs, with the blood and all the components blood contains for oxygen delivery, clotting, nourishment, repair, growth, health, etc.

Many geneticists now privately admit DNA is so complex in all life it could not have evolved and had to be engineered. Thus, the new theory is that the universe was seeded by advanced beings in the hope that the seed would find favorable conditions to spring forth life (panspermia).  Reminds me of the Genesis 3:15 seed war.

Which one above evolves first? How is life sustained by waiting millions and millions of years for the next system to develop and so forth? How does stardust or meteors evolve into pond scum? Then, over millions of years, something crawls out of the pond scum with a fully developed cardiovascular system?

Look here; they point to the lungfish as a link to human evolution. How did the lungfish develop a cardiovascular system over millions and millions of years? From the origin, how did life evolve from dead, lifeless stardust?

Romans 1:20 (KJV) For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

Evolution is one aspect of the spirit of antichrist. Evolution is preached as a fact in public schools and institutions of dumber learning. It is closed to criticism, questioning, debate, and discussion. Questioning evolution gets you labeled, criticized, censured, and ostracized in public, science, employment, and educational institutions—those who dare to mention an alternative of creation typically are fired or lose tenure.

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49 minutes ago, garee said:

It would seem to make sence. Using the things seen the unbeliever's (fools, they have no faith. . as a understanding that could please God, none dead  )  as their weapon  they must use the things seen in a attempt at disqualifying the things of God not seen;(faith)

A good example is when the father and son began the ministry in Mathew 4   Satan the spirt of error  having no availability to acknowledge truth hates all flesh (substance seen ) The spirit of error  began with. . . if you are the son of God ????? .  three times he tried to make the word of God without effect. and then the father gave words and rebuked him and he fled.

We know it the power of the gospel that does the work  God works it in different ways  but in the end God cannot be proven by looking in a microscope or trying to view him through a telescope .God as Christ our teaching master  is not made up of the rudiments of this world  

Colossians 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

 The gospel the most powerful tool . . .Taste and see . . . God is very  good.

Amen brother!

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29 minutes ago, Dennis1209 said:

Many geneticists now privately admit DNA is so complex in all life it could not have evolved and had to be engineered. Thus, the new theory is that the universe was seeded by advanced beings in the hope that the seed would find favorable conditions to spring forth life (panspermia).  Reminds me of the Genesis 3:15 seed war.

You may be aware of the DNA argument that says chimps share 98% of our DNA.

How would you answer that one?

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