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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/01/2015 in Posts

  1. While the term "first resurrection" is used in connection with the Millennium, it actually includes (1) Christ the firstfruits, (2) then they that are Christ's at His coming and (3) then cometh the end (1 Cor 15:23,24). The first resurrection is akin to a harvest, with the firstfruits, the main harvest, and the gleanings. The "gleanings" are the Tribulation Saints mentioned in Rev 20:4-6. Please note carefully that ALL these saints were beheaded by the Beast (v. 4) therefore they cannot possibly represent the entire Church. The main harvest is at the Pre-Tribulation Rapture (1 Cor 15:51-57; 1 Thess 4:13-5:11), and this is a necessity because the Antichrist (the Beast) can only be manifested on earth when the Holy Spirit is "taken out of the way" (2 Thess 2:7) along with the saints within whom He dwells. These saints have "come out of" (escaped from) the Great Tribulation (Rev 7:14) not gone through the Great Tribulation (as most erroneously believe). Why? Because they are "not appointed to wrath" (1 Thess 5:9,10). If there is a first resurrection, then it follows that there must be a "second resurrection", which is called "the resurrection of damnation" (Jn 5:29) or "the resurrection of the unjust" (as opposed to "the just" -- those who are justified by grace). This resurrection is revealed in Rev 20:11-15. It is the resurrection of the damned before they are cast into the Lake of Fire.
    1 point
  2. That's actually false. The Bible does indeed tell us to submit to earthy authority, I.e. worldly governments, unless what they tell us contradicts scripture. To willingly disobey those put in authority over us when what they're telling us doesn't contradict scripture is in and of itself direct disobedience of Gods commands. Look up 1 peter 2:13 if you do not believe me.
    1 point
  3. I didn't say I have all the facts I'm just stating what's already been gathered, seems like you're quick to believe another prisoner's testimony that would insue that the officers should not be prosecuted. Ok let's wait.
    1 point
  4. I think you missed it.....So it wasn't possible for the second prisoner to witness Mr. Gray bang his head against the inside of the BPD wagon when he was already unresponsive.
    1 point
  5. Because it is reported that when the second prisoner was apprehended, it was the fourth or fifth stop in the route and freddy was already unresponsive by then.
    1 point
  6. no, not exactly. God warned of having monarchies... of having government ruled by a king. but God never intended society to be free from authority. God was the one who placed judges over His people. His people didn't want judges, they wanted kings. they got what they asked for... rulers appointed by flawed humans rather than by a divine God. and that is what we are still dealing with all these years later. but God is not an anarcist. to make such a statement is a misunderstanding of scripture.
    1 point
  7. At what time in the route did they apprehend that prisoner?
    1 point
  8. Self inflicted means: (of a wound or other harm) inflicted on oneself. How does one self inflict himself of a spinal injury in circumspect of the events transpired in this case? When he ran, he did of his own accord fall headlong to the ground and damage his spine that way, and did he did have the will to self inflict his injury when he was handcuffed and thrown head first into the paddywagon? The chief of police I believe said that after the autopsy that none of his bones were broken only his back spine. So it confuses me how you arrive to the conclusion that his injury was self inflicting. What evidence are you possessing that shows that? Who said he was murdered by police? I sure didn't , because he wasn't. I don't follow media. I listened to what the chief of police has said, and viewed the events captured on phone video void of bias opinion. I didn't follow the Michael Brown case, for you to link this to that proves that your coming in with preconceived notions rather than looking at this as a case of itself.
    1 point
  9. If it were me I would confess my guilt of abuse of power. Clearly his spine didn't snap by his own doing or happen spontaneously on its own, and clearly he was wrongfully imprisoned for charges of allegedly possessing a knife, and clearly he did not assault any officers that would warrant such accessive force that would damage his back spine and then fall into a coma. For someone to look at the facts already known is not judging before it's time. Only what's left is judgment in regards to the extent of punishment to be issued, of that I can't pass judgment, for that's for the judge and jury to decide. One thing one shouldn't do is look at a battered and bruised body of a 25 year old and not see the physical evidence that's clear as day. If the police report says suspect assaulted an officer than I can find cause for them to use force to defend and protect themselves, but if not , why was the small frame body of a 25 year old treated that way?
    1 point
  10. The last line in the OP is a simple statement of fact. Prosecutors file charges that they think they can get.
    1 point
  11. These are charges that I believe the officers involved should be convicted of.
    1 point
  12. I like your thinking, Matthew!
    1 point
  13. I really don't see how you can say that. You can make the point that the media hypes it, fans its flames and blows it out of proportion if you want, but to say it doesn't exist is crazy. I've seen plenty of it first hand myself. Sir? Is there more than one race on earth?
    1 point
  14. Hey Bonky, My reluctance to engage you on 'evidence for supernatural claims' is based on having previously discussed this issue with you – and you refusing to give reasonable consideration to my arguments. So to briefly recap; Supernatural claims are evidenced by their mention in the Bible which Christians consider, on faith, to be the reliable word of God. This faith is rational in the sense that the reliability of scripture can be tested through several strategies; including (but not limited to) consistency between the Biblical model and the archaeological evidence. In a previous conversation you asked for “an example” of this strategy. () We (myself and other posters) provided you with several examples ( ) Your first response was to interpret our provision of a few examples to mean that there are only a few examples – which you then took as a mitigation of our position – even though you only asked for “an example” (i.e. the logical fallacy called Moving the Goalposts). Similarly in this thread, you have interpreted no response to mean that there are no arguments. By doing so you are employing a fallacy called Argument from Ignorance. Your second strategy was an Appeal to Ridicule. You characterised the Bible as “poorly written”, then described our examples as “poor” and “unimpressive” – though you provided no rational justification, argument or standard supporting these accusations. ( ) Likewise in this thread, you resort to calling an opposing position as “complete delusion by those that feed off the gullible” Then finally, when rationally challenged for being unreasonable, you default to an Adhominem fallacy; implying (without supporting argument) that opponents are being dishonest. ( ) This is a strategy that you have previously used to avoid engaging in rational discussion on the issue at hand. ( ) And again in this thread, a claim of deception is implied by characterising our position of being held “by those that feed off the gullible” So my question is, why should I waste my time formulating a response when you have demonstrated a clear and consistent pattern of refusing to give fair and reasonable consideration to my position?
    1 point
  15. okay, long story short : Its commonly misunderstood.. the 7 years is not called THE Great Tribulation or even THE Tribulation. < tribulation is a description not a title. (Christians certainly have tribulation) But the title of the 7 years is found in Jermiah 30:7 - "THE Time of Jacobs Trouble" - Jacob being Israel The focus is on Israel - Not the church. You can.. I do and it still does not make life easier... I have tribulation! haha seriously tho... Where are we told to store up food for 3 and half or even 7 yrs? Seems worldy to me.... We cannot take the mark of the beast.... during the 7 yrs or so it would be faith plus works.... which doesn;t work!! So our eternal security would be threatened (yes eternal security) The tribulation is called Jacob's trouble and the last 3 years of the tribulation the Great Wrath or the Great tribulation.
    1 point
  16. Especially #4. I'm so fortunate to have been reared in a Christian home where this was practiced. I was taught early that I had to be satisfied not only with God's amount of provision, but His RATE of provision. I rejected these ideas in my 20s but learned very quickly not to buy things if I didn't have the money, and that having to borrow was the basic indication that I was "ahead of God".
    1 point
  17. The Church is indwelt by the Holy Spirit, and it is the Holy Spirit, not the Church, which restrains Satan (2 Thess 2:6,7).
    1 point
  18. i disagree, bopeep. yeah, she was using foul language. and yeah, she was smacking her son. she was acting like a mother enraged with her child for doing something incredibly stupid. her reaction to seeing her son throwing stones at cops was not orchestrated or rehearsed for the sake of getting attention. it was a spontaneous reaction with no knowledge that she was being filmed at the time. and she's facing potential charges for child abuse as a result of her actions. listen, i know it might seem that she's seeking attention because she's getting interviews, but that's what happens when the press starts pounding pavement, knocking on your door, ringing your phone asking you to come on tv. she's accepting those offers to tell her side of things. she didn't want her son to be another statistic. she is a single mom raising six kids. if you've ever been a single mom, you know how all the blood sweat and tears a woman puts into trying to make sure her kids don't end up on the streets, either as homeless or as thugs.. and you know how it can get your blood boiling when you see all your efforts on the wrong side of the front line. the woman deserves a pat on the back for trying to raise her kids above the standards around them. she also deserves our prayers. she may or may not know Jesus, so i won't even speculate, but she certainly needs His touch on her life and that of her son and daughters. I do not agree.I think she was obnoxious.Then she went to television for an interview and people are calling her a hero. did she go to the television or did they come to her... It's my understanding that the TV people tracked her down to get an interview..... We all have different standards of speech these days and we don't all agree on what is and is not acceptable.... but four letter words don't make her a bad mother. The bad mothers are not speaking at all. She certainly is not on my #1 list for character and integrity.I disagree oo.I do not think a mother is supposed to call her children four letter words.How is that kid going to grow up? That kid is growing up better than all the other ones whose mothers didnt come down and tell them to go back home and stop throwing rocks etc. The lesson this kid is learning is resolve your problems with hitting and screaming.
    1 point
  19. i disagree, bopeep. yeah, she was using foul language. and yeah, she was smacking her son. she was acting like a mother enraged with her child for doing something incredibly stupid. her reaction to seeing her son throwing stones at cops was not orchestrated or rehearsed for the sake of getting attention. it was a spontaneous reaction with no knowledge that she was being filmed at the time. and she's facing potential charges for child abuse as a result of her actions. listen, i know it might seem that she's seeking attention because she's getting interviews, but that's what happens when the press starts pounding pavement, knocking on your door, ringing your phone asking you to come on tv. she's accepting those offers to tell her side of things. she didn't want her son to be another statistic. she is a single mom raising six kids. if you've ever been a single mom, you know how all the blood sweat and tears a woman puts into trying to make sure her kids don't end up on the streets, either as homeless or as thugs.. and you know how it can get your blood boiling when you see all your efforts on the wrong side of the front line. the woman deserves a pat on the back for trying to raise her kids above the standards around them. she also deserves our prayers. she may or may not know Jesus, so i won't even speculate, but she certainly needs His touch on her life and that of her son and daughters. I do not agree.I think she was obnoxious.Then she went to television for an interview and people are calling her a hero. did she go to the television or did they come to her... It's my understanding that the TV people tracked her down to get an interview..... We all have different standards of speech these days and we don't all agree on what is and is not acceptable.... but four letter words don't make her a bad mother. The bad mothers are not speaking at all. She certainly is not on my #1 list for character and integrity.I disagree oo.I do not think a mother is supposed to call her children four letter words.How is that kid going to grow up?Maybe if he had a God fearing Christian mother he would not be out there protesting because he would know that is not what God wants for him.
    1 point
  20. It comes when you trust God for everything in your life. It comes when you trust Him for big things in life not just the small. It comes when you realize that you own nothing it is all His.it comes when you come up against something that is totally out of your control but you know without a shadow of doubt, that no matter how things turn out, it is His good and perfect will and it is for your good, it comes when you trust Him, because you know He loves you and you love Him and you leave everything to Him because you are His.
    1 point
  21. okay, long story short : Its commonly misunderstood.. the 7 years is not called THE Great Tribulation or even THE Tribulation. < tribulation is a description not a title. (Christians certainly have tribulation) But the title of the 7 years is found in Jermiah 30:7 - "THE Time of Jacobs Trouble" - Jacob being Israel The focus is on Israel - Not the church. You can.. I do and it still does not make life easier... I have tribulation! haha seriously tho... Where are we told to store up food for 3 and half or even 7 yrs? Seems worldy to me.... We cannot take the mark of the beast.... during the 7 yrs or so it would be faith plus works.... which doesn;t work!! So our eternal security would be threatened (yes eternal security)
    1 point
  22. So true wingnut, And I can see that God has worked that a lot in your life. Yes, as we let go of each thing, not making it (whatever in life) our must have, our source of joy, or foundation we trust in, then we are holding lightly to the things of this world - material things, people, health, etc but holding them in their right position under God & not in place of God. `Where our heart is .....` Always good to have a heart check now & then to see what has taken hold in there. Marilyn.
    1 point
  23. The heart and soul of America will always be the rural country. The cancer and rot of America lies within the urban areas. Why is that? Racism doesn't exist. It's an illusion created by media to manipulate and control our emotions. A long time ago, Americans were taught to respect boundaries and the rights of others. The counter culture has been taking from the heart and soul of America for a very long time. It's appetite for more largesse is insatiable and ungrateful. This growing appetite is self destructive and we are witnessing the implosion of communities that have been devastated by generational poverty. The problem isn't police brutality. If you all remember the run up to the 2012 Presidential election, twitter and facebook were exploding with threats of rioting and looting in the urban areas if President Barack Obama wasn't re-elected. 2 1/2 years later, people have found another excuse to riot and the media is all too gleeful to glamorize this violence and mislabel this as a civil rights movement. Never forget, the Democrat Party is the political party that protected slavery, instituted Jim Crow after reconstruction, and abused minorities for 90 years with institutionalized and state sanctioned oppression. The conservatives are still trying to clean up after the destructive policies of the progressive Democrats. Why do we do it? Because we love our country, we love our neighbors and because we are Americans.
    1 point
  24. Soon Beloved, And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Genesis 3:14-15 Soon And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen. Romans 16:20
    1 point
  25. I was not aware that you were a journalist....
    1 point
  26. Physical death is natural and preplanned by God. However its not what the world has conditioned us to believe it is. Death is a graduation, it should be celebrated and appreciated because we are going to a place even greater than out ability to comprehend. Even if the said person was unsaved their going to face Gods judgement and justice. If we love God and trust Him blindly as we profess than His judgement and justice is something we adore and rejoice over. Jesus didn't cry over lazureths death because he missed his friend, He cried because the people had no clue who He was and what His purpose was to accomplish. What is death to the author of life? What is darkness to the source of light? He had pity on Mary's ignorance and the misery she put herself through was disheartening to Him. Death is glorious, Hebrews tells us its our fear of death that keeps us in bondage.perfect love casts out all fear. When you abide in love there is no fear and your eyes will open to the reality that all things are a beautiful blessing from God. Before Christ we endured curses and condemnation for the chaos we love in and perpetuate, but since coming to Him and allowing Him to live through us, those same obstacles and disappointments we looked at as curses are now called chastisement and discipline that stems from Gods love for us.
    1 point
  27. I agree. Good thing we have the Almighty God on our side. Though it does seem that he seems to be getting so desperate to work out his deception that he's beginning to show his true colours all the more as the end of his allotted time continues to draw to a close. Not everyone is gonna be suckered in by his efforts, especially those who deeply abide in the Lord. I pray that we would all busy ourselves with hiding ourselves in Christ, rather than be swayed by the seemingly logical words of mere men. God help us all. I really mean that.
    1 point
  28. We have the authority as the Body of Christ to resist the spirit of 'racism'. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers of the air. We should be praying against it, not playing the pointing finger game.
    1 point
  29. BE, here's how this works. if this is orchestrated in the manner which jade is implying, and i believe she is right, then this has a snowball effect. most of the rioters are not going to know that they have been manipulated. they are going to think it was their own idea to join. they're also going to think they're protesting for a cause. they're going to think that because they've bought the propaganda that has been repeated for the sole purpose of stirring up dissidents. those who do know that they are part of a bigger plan are as intelligent as they are evil, and are never going to reveal to you or anybody else what the real agenda is. just like over the last two decades, those behind the lgbt movement would never reveal what their true agenda was, although now that they've gathered enough supporters they are systematically stripping christianity out of society by taking away our rights to raise our children and run our businesses according to scripture. it's also abolishing states rights, which is so unconstitutional it should make everybody concerned. the agenda here is to do away with local police and federalize everything. make this nation a police state. and IMO it goes beyond even that, but i'll keep what others may consider a conspiracy theory to myself.
    1 point
  30. To bring civil unrest to the us. Their interests are not what you are claiming.
    1 point
  31. Not everyone can just live life without a (Human) partner at their side, some folks happy with a dog, or even worse, 10 cats running around the house. God created women to be a help meet, a ministry partner. Someone that prays for us when we get one of our crazy ideas. "I had a dream about a fishing boat, I think God wants us to spend all our savings on a fishing boat, and I am suppose to spend more time on the water being a witness to other fisherman. i am pretty sure that was God." Wanting someone to embrace, tell your day to. How someone can make you feel is selfish, and how the first marriage failed. A help meet and partner to do the will of God is someone more than just telling our day to and someone to snuggle up to. As men we love the wife as Christ loved the Church, it's never about us, or how we feel. Let me tell you, Jesus does not get lots of warm fuzzy's with a whole lot of churches out there. Full of unbelief, and Pastors never doing what He directs to do. He is still patient, still loves them, still willing to tell them again and again in case they don't catch on the first 100 times. Now you said the Lord said Put the Kingdom first, seek the Kingdom first. There's a revelation as he quoted you Matt 6, because Jesus also said if you do that, then all the other things in life will be added to you. You certainly don't have to wonder if you will miss something. You also hear God, something else millions are clueless about, so you have a lot of good things going here. Now you want one of God's daughters, someone you can trust, God is just not going to subject one of his to someone that looks a them as a snuggle post so they feel better in life. Millions of girls out there you can just snuggle and tell your day to. You might as well go grab one of them to fill your "Empty" space and flesh needs. If you want a partner though, someone you can help get in her plan and get the plan of God going in your life. To where The Lord in your life is more than enough to keep you happy, and fulfilled to the point there is so much you would like to share that overflow of contentment and steadfastness. When there is no more fear of being hurt again, because there is no selfishness left in you, then go ask God for One of his daughters, who serve him and put Him first in her life. Otherwise, millions of girls out there, they snuggle just fine and can speak when you want to tell them about your day. I have links to free teaching on loving your spouse as Christ loved the Church. It will help turn around some of these fears of being hurt again, and being able to be free, sharing your life with no fear of rejection or disappointment.
    1 point
  32. A couple of things here, if I may. First, put God in the center of your marriage. By doing so, He will show you how to grow into the father/husband you should be, and your young bride will feel the witness of Him in your marriage and stop fretting. Secondly, if her parents are willing to help out by giving you shelter, even if it is at a price, don't throw that away. The cost of an apartment will hinder your goal of building your own house. Apartments are very expensive. If there is a Habitat for Humanity in your area, look into them. That is how I was able to own my own home. The cost of a house through them is only what it cost them to build it, no fee for the labor. That alone cuts the monthly payments in half, if not more. Last, I don't think anyone is truly ready to have a child. This is why having faith in Him is so important. I had 5 of my own, and 4 grandchildren. Each one of these precious children are a blessing, though they all provided different challenges. As a parent, you will be continually learning and changing, as you will as a husband. Accept change and do not become one of those who turn into a "Because I said so ... Do as I say" kind of people. A family needs true communication and involvement. Remember, your wife is a helpmate taken from the side of man to bean equal, not from the head to be above you or from your feet to be below you. God has placed the responsibility on man as a head of the household, but don't let that power go to your head. A true leader leads by example, not by command.
    1 point
  33. That doesn't respond to the content of the thread at all. "thoughts on creationism" is this not the OP?Those are my thoughts.
    1 point
  34. Questions are good as long as you are truly seeking answers. It has been said that to those who do not believe there are no amout of words to convince them, but to those who do believe, no amount of words can change their minds. I believe. I believe in Christ and what He did one the cross. What has He done for me? He purchased my redemption! He did what I do not have the ability to do. His blood covered my sins. What more could I ask of Him? As far as the suffering in the world, too many people blame God for this. But the truth is God created paradise! A perfect world where there was not pain, suffering, or death. But Eve believed the lies of Satan and Adam chose to disobey God. That is when death entered the world. But even then, God had a plan. The Law He gave to the Israelites was the schoolmaster. Sin was exposed and sacrificing bulls and rams covered sin temporarily. But the only permanent solution to sin was if God Himself came into His creation and offered Himself as a "once for all" sacrifice. Christ is our sacrifice - fully human in order to be one of us, but fully God to be our full atonement for sin. All that we have to do is accept His sacrifice. Only I can accept Him for me, and only you can accept Him for you. Each person has to make their own choice. But don't blame God for the suffering in the world. Blame Satan, Adam, and Eve. Have you read your Bible? You should read the Gospel of John. Do you have a youth pastor at your church? I'm sure he would be happy to talk with you about your doubts and help you find some answers. We at Worthy are always happy to answer questions and help to you to find answers. <>< ><> Nathele
    1 point
  35. First, Welcome to Worthy! Head knowledge will not change you nor save you. It is the personal relationship one has with Jesus that saves. You have to believe and accept Him as your Lord and Savior. No church can save, no bible study can save, no amount of knowledge can save. Only a personal relationship with Him as your Lord and Savior saves. Be Blessed, OneLight
    1 point
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