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Everything posted by lovethelord

  1. Hi PreciousPearl, We are to draw near to God in worship, through His Word and especially in prayer. I would stay away from anyone who judges your spiritual state and tries to dissuade you from praying to our Lord. He is the ONLY one you can trust and rely on. All peoples Christian and non Christian will let each other down at some point or time, because we are not perfect like our Lord. We each have our own experiences, personalities and emotions that effect the advice given to anyone (I include myself here as well). Some of my most well meaning advice I've given to family and friends has sometimes not gone over well because I was drawing from what "I" thought whereas God can direct us through prayer.
  2. Hi Blue Lulu, I helped my sister through her breast cancer chemo. She is a Christian who tried to understand why God was allowing this in her life. She tried to have a very positive attitude but in the end what she needed most from me was to just listen to her. She went through many differing emotions ups & downs depending on what she was feeling dayt0day. Like Ayin mentioned, even the joy of eating was taken from her. Her food had a metallic taste and nothing nothing tasted good. You would think she would loss weight since she didn't eat much, but she gained weight from medications! Reading the bible, focusing on certain verses, being surrounded by family members and music seemed to help. You know your sister best. Go by your instincts and just be patients to her needs and requests. I helped take care of my mother-in-law for almost 3 years who had Alzheimers. Honestly, it was difficult to care for her. She was mean and stubborn. I don't know all the details having to do with your father but again, just be patient. Anything he may say if it's not nice, don't take it personally. It's the progression of the disease. I will pray for you, your sister and father for guidance, strength, healing and much love upon you all.
  3. Figure of Eighty, I learned that I needed to stop comparing myself to others and how confident they seemed. I decided to put all my confidence not in self but in our all powerful, all knowing, all present and loving God. I believe that the inner peace and rightness with our own personalities self-esteem happens with we just grow our confidence in our Lord who loves me more than I love myself.
  4. Hi Ohso, I've learned (from my own past mistakes) that the way my face expressions, tone of voice go a long way in how I come across in communicating with others. Maybe it can be the choice of words used and/or consider the other person's viewpoint as much as you can. What you can't do is control how that person will react or respond to what you have to say. Some people may just not want to hear what you have to say and will take it as being judgmental no matter how loving and carefully you said it. The important thing is God sees your heart and motives. Continue in your prayers for wisdom, kindness and truth.
  5. Hi Neighbor, I'm glad you had great results with Kinesiology but having no knowledge what this is, I decided to do a google search and found this on Gotquestions.org. But just thought i would post this for you and others to read more about this before considering this type of treatment. What does the Bible say about applied kinesiology? Question: "What does the Bible say about applied kinesiology?" Answer: Applied kinesiology, or muscle testing, is a method developed in 1964 for the purpose of diagnosing medical conditions, detecting energy imbalances, elucidating nutritional deficiencies and allergies, and determining prescribed therapies. Kinesiology is a form of alternative or naturopathic medicine. According to the handbook Applied Kinesiology Muscle Response in Diagnostic Therapy and Preventive Medicine, the practitioner of kinesiology claims to evaluate five body systems—nervous, lymphatic, vascular, cerebrospinal, and “meridian.” The primary diagnostic procedure in kinesiology is the muscle test. In a typical session, a patient is asked to hold his arm parallel to the floor for the test. The practitioner will then pull or push the arm down while checking the degree of muscle resistance by the patient while the patient holds certain foods, vitamins, herbs, supplements, etc., in his other hand. Supposedly, if the patient is holding or thinking about something bad or negative, there will be weakness in his arm, and his resistance will be less. The arm will be easily pushed downward or will give way suddenly. Conversely, if the patient is holding or thinking about something good or positive, the resistance will be greater because the patient is stronger while holding the item. George J. Goodheart invented applied kinesiology in 1964. He combined elements of psychic philosophy, Chinese Taoism, and ancient Eastern practices with D. D. Palmer’s chiropractic theory. He combined the concept of “innate intelligence” with the Eastern religious concept of energy, ch’i, and the concept that muscles can indicate the condition of body organs via the ch’i’s meridians. He is reported to have developed a series of elaborate charts showing the relationship between certain organs and zones of the body as well as to specific nutrients and herbs. According to Goodheart, the information on the charts was at least partly derived through psychic powers. Goodheart is said to have been involved with the occult. Proponents of kinesiology claim to be able to diagnose disease, discover areas of weakness, pinpoint chemical imbalances, detect allergies, discern nutritive values of foods, and find toxic influences and reactions using Goodheart’s methods. Kinesiologists have also branched out into other areas, claiming to be able to detect whether someone is telling the truth, has a personality disorder or emotional problem, and whether someone or something is inherently good or evil. Information related to past lives can supposedly be discovered using these methods. Some have even claimed the ability to communicate with plants or other forces of nature. Behavioral kinesiology, an extension of applied kinesiology, uses muscle testing for determining basically everything in one’s life, such as music selections, paint colors, dietary choices, and relationship decisions. Touch for Health, a layperson’s version of applied kinesiology, moves even more deeply into the psychic realm. Its claim is that life energy can be regulated and manipulated by mental power alone. This is the New Age practice of visualization. Touch for Health incorporates the belief that "we are one with the universe" and that mental power enables us to tap into the life force that surrounds and permeates us. Credible scientific studies of applied kinesiology conducted by major universities and written up in respected, peer-reviewed medical journals scarcely exist. This is possibly due to the fact that few scientists or licensed medical doctors take its claims seriously. One double-blind study was conducted to evaluate the claims of applied kinesiology and was published in the June 1988 issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. The study specifically tested three experienced kinesiologists who evaluated athletes for four nutrients: thiamine, zinc, vitamin A and ascorbic acid. The results obtained by the three practitioners were assessed for reliability as compared to each other’s findings, standard laboratory tests assaying for nutrient status, and computerized testing of the actual strength of muscle contraction. Statistically speaking, the results were dismal for applied kinesiology. The testers did not agree with each other, failed to discern true nutrient differences, and could not even truly judge real differences in muscle strength. The abstract concludes that "the results of this study indicated that the use of applied kinesiology to evaluate nutrient status is no more useful than random guessing." In another double-blind study published in the March 1981 issue of the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, pages 321-323, kinesiology failed to distinguish a test substance from a placebo. Many studies have shown that kinesiology results are not reproducible. One large review of kinesiology studies published in Chiropractic and Osteopathy concluded that "the few studies evaluating unique AK procedures either refute or cannot support the validity of AK procedures as diagnostic tests. The evidence to date does not support the use of [manual muscle testing] for the diagnosis of organic disease or pre/subclinical conditions." In short, no study has ever shown any legitimate physical model showing how it works based on the known and accepted laws of physical anatomy. No government- or university-sponsored scientific studies are currently available that demonstrate that applied kinesiology is safe, effective or accurate. According to a recent Time/CNN poll, about 30 percent of Americans have resorted to some form of "unconventional therapy," "half of them within the past year." This trend is giving the New Age movement its best opportunity for converting our culture. Many holistic health modalities, including applied kinesiology, incorporate pantheistic/occult philosophy, and spiritual experience that can entice an unsuspecting and vulnerable patient. This can lead to perverted thinking about God that is directly contrary to what the Bible teaches. While it is true that applied kinesiology is not directly addressed in the Bible, we are called upon to exercise wisdom and prudence in regard to those specific issues about which the Bible is silent. While life forces or ch’i has not been proven by science, they are a well-recognized feature of paganism. The manifestation of these life forces, whether in ancient paganism, modern occultism, or parapsychological research, has invariably been accompanied by altered states of consciousness, psychic phenomena, and contact with spirits. Those who have delved into such forces are usually completely involved in the pagan/occult world. Association with and participation in such practices are specifically prohibited in the Bible (Leviticus 19:31; 20:6, 27; Deuteronomy 18:1; Isaiah 8:19). Kinesiologists believe in an inner power, an “innate intelligence,” which is said to be connected to the "universal intelligence"(God) through our nervous systems. This theory operates within the context of pantheism: all reality is God. God is impersonal but conscious energy; therefore, all reality is a manifestation of spiritual energy. And if this energy can be released, man will be both healed and mystically enlightened to his true divinity. The actual manifestations of this energy (e.g., healings) have convinced many that New Age pantheism must be true (which provides a motive for satanic forces to manifest such healings). The Bible teaches that God is personal, that He desires an intimate relationship with us (John 1:12; 14:6; 3:16), that He loves us, and that He acts or intervenes on behalf of those who call upon His name. Throughout the Bible are records that God enters into individual covenants, responds to specific prayers of individuals, and delivers specific messages. In turn, we are called to develop a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. That relationship is dependent on God's grace, not on any works that we do (Ephesians 2:8-9). The biblical worldview of God is that while God is certainly omnipresent (Psalm 139:7-16), He is also transcendent and not part of the creation, (Acts 17:24-25; 1 Kings 8:27). A belief in God’s omnipresence is not synonymous with the belief that God is in everything and everything is in God. God is clearly not in everything and does not approve of everything. There is undoubtedly a realm of darkness, idolatry, and the demonic that we are instructed to avoid (Ephesians 5:11; 1 Peter 5:8). As followers of Christ, we are called to walk in the light, distinct in how we live (1 Thessalonians 5:5). Given the disparity between these biblical teachings and the underlying New Age philosophies of applied kinesiology, kinesiology cannot be considered to be consistent with the Bible. For Christians, Colossians 2:8 provides the best advice concerning applied kinesiology and all other pseudoscientific practices that incorporate New Age philosophies: “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ."
  6. Hi Jesusispeace, I just wanted you to know that I support you here as well. I know how it is to live with emotional abuse and the toll and energy it takes from your life. Getting support and validation for you is very key. Maybe last night, your husband sensed that strength of support you received so far and it changed the dynamics. You were not operating from your own strength but God's and others via prayer.
  7. Hi Neighbor, Wouldn't permitted be the same as allowed? All I know is that I'm glad the Book of Job was included in the Bible. It reassures me when bad things happen to people who seemingly seem good. It shows me that I can't see the whole story and what is happening in the spiritual realm. Job’s friends were certain that there was hidden sin in Job’s life and the events against Job was a result of sin. They felt they were correct in their judgment in him. I learned that we cannot judge others based on what they are suffering. God alone knows the purpose behind Job’s suffering and never even explained it to him either. Job also gives me an example of trust and faith in God despite terrible circumstances.
  8. Hi Trace, Right now you are on a difficult and painful path. You are at a crossroads in your faith where you are doubting God’s love and plans for you. Please resist the enemies thoughts of despair. The Lord didn’t bless you with your intelligence, skills, physical strength and courage to fail now. Finish the race! Please continue to pray without ceasing for what you request. There are people and family around you who love you very much. I know you are suffering and afflicted now, but seek comfort and encouragement in God's Word. Show yourself and your family what real courage is. It's to live on trusting the Lord despite your circumstances. Your faith is displayed and made real by giving your heart to God knowing it is really all in his hands. I say this with conviction having experienced some mighty painful trials in my own life. I will also pray for you.
  9. Coliseum, What a powerful and disturbing story. After reading it, I too wondered if I would be able to withstand such torture especially under the threat of my own child being beaten and killed. Your words above gave me faith that we can count on God "not our own strength or confidence" to hold us up through persecution and trials. What happened to this man, shows what hate and evil lives inside an ungenerated man and what they can be capable of under the right circumstances.
  10. SeraTaru, Thanks for sharing a little more info about your life. Being a former youth pastor you would understand God's love, his amazing forgiveness, trials and challenges that all people face. I'm truly sorry for all that has happened to you, but terrible things happen to everyone at some point in time in their life. It's part of living in this fallen world. God really does understand everything you've experienced and lived through. Release any toxic angry emotions to Him to heal them. Continue in your prayers knowing He will answer them in alignment with His will and timing. We can't stop praying even through the bad times as difficult as it may be. Who else has the power to change our life, but the Lord? Remember, on the Sermon on the Mount Jesus tells us that the poor in spirit are blessed. It's because they know they have nothing worthy in themselves to commend to God. Please reach out again to the Lord. Fully trust Him to help you in your circumstances and any changes you wish to make in your life.
  11. Hi Bella, There is a reason why we experience being lonely at times. It's a feeling that is supposed to draw us to people and first and foremost to God. I see you are new to the forums. Is this what brought you here? We all get lonely from time to time, but God can really use those times in our lives if we let him. When we're alone with God, without the distractions of our phones, TV internet, we can hear his voice much more clearly and seek and do His will. You recently joined Worthy, I believe you can use your feelings to reach out and help others then at some point you won't be focusing on what your feeling but helping others with what they are feeling.
  12. Hi Equippers, Whether he had an affair(s) and (consensual or unconsensual) he was married and committed adultery against his wife and should not be a pastor of a church. I know he owned up to this affair and tried to justify it (wrong attitude), and he can also be forgiven by God (God knows his heart), but I would not personally go to his church. People who have been entrusted by God with many abilities and responsibilities will be held to a higher standard on the last day. Luke 12:48, "But the one who did not know, and did what deserved a beating, will receive a light beating. Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more."
  13. I think scientists are thinking too hard and getting ideas from movies. It reminds me of the movie the Matrix.
  14. Hi Sharms, I used to work in solitude as a secretary in a large warehouse. No one was around. All I had for company were books I would take to read at work. At the time I wasn't a believer or I would have read the Bible. I know the feeling of loneliness and having others around to interact with and make friendships. I'm thinking that some of your feelings can be guides in directing you in next steps. Are you happy and satisfied at your job? We put in long hours at work and this should be considered. Another thing to consider is God's will for your life. Maybe your sense of need to be around other people can be God's prompting to move on to more fruitful pastures?
  15. Hi Melinda I too am shy and don't have the best verbal skills. But, I use what I know are my strengths which is listening and encouragement. I go about it using a message of hope and love. It also has to be someone I know on some level.
  16. Hi Neighbor, This is a great story and also heartwarming, because it shows how young children are simple and see things honestly through the lens of their innocence.
  17. Hi Dennis, I agree with @JustPassingThru, it is part of the end times deception. The Ancient Aliens show deceives people. Some of their shows discuss real life events and/or places that are mentioned in the Bible and give them an Alien spin. They feed people who don't know any better the lie. They can sound quite convincing with the material they present and the experts in their field who talk. I also don't trust what the governments say about the aliens. I believe it is a coverup for their secret weapons and other projects they are working on. The books, movies and eye witness accounts just continue to confuse people and take their focus away from God. Anyways, this is my personal opinion. I just believe what God's Word tell us. The Bible is complete, if there was anything we needed to know about our universe he has told us. The sun and stars were made for people to give us light and seasons.
  18. Hi GreyJay, Since Naaman was just at the very beginning stage of understanding small portions of God’s truth. He understood enough to know that bowing down before an idol was wrong. When Elisha said go in peace to Naaman, I think he was leaving it up to God and Naaman. We know that God in His Word is clear on compromising and worshiping at their alters (even if it is only outwards compromise and not an inward compromise). I don’t think I would be loving if I didn’t share this important fact to the new believer. There are ways to minister to someone without insulting or judging them. I would just be sharing God's truth and point them to the verses. But again, it would have to be done gently and lovingly.
  19. Hi Melinda12, Because God’s authority is just and complete anyone taking Cain’s life out of their own sense of trying to serve justice would be going against God’s righteous judgment. Now of course there are established court systems to take care of criminals (at times I personally think they are a farce). But we should never take our own revenge. There are many verses in the Bible that talk about revenge. But this is probably the most recognized. Romans 12:19, “Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”
  20. Every day to the believer is one of Sabbath rest, since we have ceased from our spiritual labor and are resting in the salvation of the Lord. Hebrews 4:9-11, “So then, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God, for whoever has entered God's rest has also rested from his works as God did from his.Let us therefore strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience.” Galatians 4:10-11, “You observe days and months and seasons and years! I am afraid I may have labored over you in vain.” Romans 14:5-6, “One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind. Whoever regards one day as special does so to the Lord. However, we are told not to judge or be a stumbling block to those who keep the sabbath. Galatians 5:13, "For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another."
  21. Hi SeraTaru, I was just wondering have you tried reading the Bible when you first wake up instead of reaching to check your emails or any other online activity? It's the first thing I've learned to do. Even reading a verse and meditating on a passage for a few minutes can go a long way in how your day begins and strengthen you in you walk with the Lord. In any case, I just want to encourage you and hang in there. I read your apology that you posted at the end of July and I felt it was from the heart. You may already know this, so this would just be a gentle reminder that God shows us that He forgives us when we ask for forgiveness, just as we are to forgive others. However, he lets us live through the consequences of our actions so that we learn to make better decisions and take care in how we treat others etc.. Please know that even asking forgiveness is coming from a place of humility. Continue to be the best you can be and patiently wait through the process. It will work out.
  22. Turtletwo! Absolutely Beautiful! As I was reading your poem I felt I was singing a song in my mind. I can't find the proper words to express how wonderful it is. You have been gifted by our Lord to inspire many by your poems.
  23. BFOJ, I think by some of the comments you received in the beginning of the thread you could have spelled that our more clearer. I don't personally find it useful to speculate because the Bible tells all Believers what we "need" to know after the rapture.
  24. Hi BFOJ, If I'm reading your post currently, not sure how you feel the rapture happened already? God in His Word gives us some important signs that will happen before the proceeding of the rapture that will make it beyond clear to believers that they are from God. Matthew 24:36-39, "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man."
  25. TRlover, I just want to encourage you this morning at work. Remember TODAY is a NEW day. What happened yesterday or before doesn't count for today. *Discipline* your mind and put a stop to destructive negative thoughts and just do your best. You CAN do it!!!
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