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Everything posted by lovethelord

  1. Greenie, I just want to encourage you in your continued walk with the Lord. Read His Word, pray and "listen" to hear his voice, attend church or be with other Christians to support you. You can finish the race you have started. Your wife may complain when your focus is not on her but she is "watching" you and how you live it. It really is true, I unconsciously watch other Christians in what they say, what they do and their decisions. It helps me as well, because I know the reversal is same about myself and helps me to try and reflect God's light even when I'm not feeling my best. You would probably be the best example of to bring her back into fellowship with the Lord.
  2. Hi Melinda I started attending over a month ago, when our church re-opened their doors which is now outdoor service. I was watching online previously but like you noted above my heart and soul needed to be with other Christians which is what drew me out.
  3. Hi Mike With so much negative and alarming news around us escalating in the past months I too asked myself if the end was approaching. I believe this is an important time for all Christians to display the light within us and be ready ourselves. God tells us simply below: Mathew 24:36, "However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows. “When the Son of Man returns, it will be like it was in Noah’s day."
  4. Azgal15, Thank you for sharing your story, I know God doesn't want you to live in fear and doubt regarding your salvation. We know our minds are not perfect and our emotions can change day-to-day depending on our circumstances and thoughts. You can change the dialogue in your mind by just trusting what God says and believing it. God does not lie and if he says he can forgive our sins over and over again believe it. We should also allow His Spirit to work within us to help guide us in our choices and to prick our minds when we are doing something wrong so we can correct it before we do something we know is is not right. I think most people have a particular sin or another that they battle with, but with God living within us we have the power to overcome no matter how difficult. John 10:27-30, "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me, for my Father has given them to me, and he is more powerful than anyone else. No one can snatch them from the Father’s hand."
  5. notsolostsoul, We need more people like you to step up and report wrongdoing. It is very hard to do because no one wants to be retaliated against or fear they may lose their job (even though company policies and laws state otherwise). I just finished completing our company's compliance course and I also work in the healthcare industry and there are many health and safety laws for protecting patients and personal medical info. I know you stated that the Compliance department has stopped accepting any more information from you but have they given you a status on what is happening. I know it takes some time to investigate reported issues, to review documentation, audits or interview people. If federal laws are being broken it is a crime. If patient quality of care is being effective it is a crime. Would any of your former colleagues be willing to step up, report or confirm some of your claims? I believe you feel the way you do because you feel the need for further action and it could be the prompting of the Spirit. Not many people like to make waves especially in the work place but if no one says anything then nothing changes. The fact that you left your job because you saw laws being broken can even be grounds for a lawsuit if you wanted to pursue this. I understand your dilemma it is not easy deciding what to do.
  6. Great replies. I'd also like to add it keeps us humble and not to think too highly of ourselves and to recognize that we sin many times in the day in thought and deed. It helps us to depend on Jesus for everything.
  7. They said maintenance wouldn't be done except for emergency things like leaks, floods, electric or stove repairs. Hi Debp, I would refuse to let the plasterer come into your house since you are correct he is in contact with many people and we want you and your mother to be completely protected from unnecessary contact. I recommend taking a picture of your bathroom walls so you have proof that the repairs are not urgent. Also, keep the notice they sent you and if they try to pressure you to let the plasterer inside. See the link for City resource that can probably assist you in Los Angeles: https://hcidla.lacity.org/renters
  8. LadyKay, You felt awkward over this situation because of the rude behavior of this woman. We could say that she should have excused herself to speak to this acquaintance and/or brought you into the conversation and introduced you, but there are people like this everywhere and not just at church. What makes this notable is the fact that it happens at church when everyone should be sensitive, caring, loving to each other's needs. Please know that in all these situations Jesus sees everything. Be yourself, do your best in all situations and we can all learn from the things we ourselves experience and or observe. Also know, that I've also experienced such a behavior from others several times in my life as well.
  9. Hi Thewhitedove I recently heard this very thing from my husband who is also a non believer (in that he doesn't believe Jesus is God). His statement was his response to a question he asked me on why I believe Jesus is God. In any case, all we can do is follow the Spirit's prompting and preach the gospel when we find an interest or opening given to us by others. As the Bible tells us we can only speak the message and God through others may further grow the seed that we planted in other ways. As the bible verse notes below, we are told why nonbelievers respond the way they do. 1 Corinthians 1:18, "The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God."
  10. Hi @Neighbor Because of your post, and @Alive instructions I was able to add a signature to my name too! Thanks
  11. Hi ahmedcrow, When God has given visions to people in the Bible it was for a purpose. I'm glad you are looking for the truth through his word and see if it aligns with what He tells us. If God granted you a vision, I feel that he would give you the means to understand the meaning of it as well.
  12. Hi Ahmedcrow, The reason why the devil and none of his demons would ever repent or be open to the gospel message is that the Bible already tells us that they freely separated themselves from and against God. We can't rewrite the Bible. There is no second chance for the Satan and his demons. Revelation 20:10, "and the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever."
  13. Hi CaptWalker, I don't believe the Lord would want us incurring debt to get his will done. Sometimes, it's hard to decide if it's God's will or our will that is doing the leading. Secondly, you could only miss a couple of payments before the credit card company sends it to collections, so you need to get a job to make money to continue on your trip. This is a big decision requiring trust, faith and a plan as well. If you feel strongly that this is the Lord's leading, why not work your way across the country. It may take a long while to get to your destination but if it's the Lord guiding you, He will present opportunities your way to help you.
  14. Blue Lulu, My reply would be to continue pursuing the Lord in prayer and in reading his Word. We will never be able to fully understand why people, friends, family hurt or disappoint us but as long as there is sin in the world it will happen. That is why I only count on the Lord and trust him fully since I realize I don't have control over the people around me but the Lord can do anything in his power and will.
  15. Hi Lee_ When I ask forgiveness I pray directly to God and thank him in Jesus name for hearing me. Sometimes, I even ask the Spirit to speak to me and show me where I've sinned so I can repent, but again I ask God to forgive me.
  16. Hi cha cha, I believe God wants us to forgive everyone. Even those who don't care or even realize they did anything to require forgiveness. I look to Jesus who gave me the example: Luke 23:34, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do."
  17. Hi Wesley It seems he may have more of a legalistic faith with his rules and regulations. I understand your predicament because you enjoy the biblical teachings and other church members. You say he started the church you attend, but who owns the building (is it in his name). Can he be asked to step down? Is it possible to go to one of the visiting (rotating Pastor's churches)? I will pray for you and this situation!
  18. Hi arandanos182, Welcome to Worthy. I'm concerned that your boyfriend is not a Christian. When a person is not a Christian they don't feel there is higher being ie: God to answer to for their choices and decisions made in life. Most importantly, they are not indwelt with the Holy Spirit to guide them in wisdom and daily living. You both believe you eventually want to get married but until that time you are actually living with him with no security and he gets the benefits. What happens if an unfortunate fight or incident happens and he chooses to not sponsor you anymore, you will left without a home and sent back home. If he intends to marry you, you both need to come up with a solution to get you your marriage license and make some sacrifices in personal income. Please also request prayer from the prayer forum to get support and guidance on what to do. I truly appreciate your honesty in your post about your past lifestyle. The Bible gives a lot of wise advice on what is considered sexual immorality and God approves marriage. 1 Corinthians 7:2, "But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband." 2 Corinthians 2:14, "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?"
  19. ohso, You can only do your best with the wisdom given to you from the Spirit. I would listen well to whatever your friend’s are asking and stay on the subject without bringing God and religion into it. If they ask you about God then take advantage of the opportunity to share your faith with them. Trust the Spirit to guide you. Be kind and try not to be judgmental in your replies to your friends. You must already be doing something right, since they continue to seek your advice.
  20. Hi Alive, This is great encouragement for anyone. I remember when I first became a believer all I had to go to for learning and growth was my bible. My family didn't go to church or read the bible and neither did my friends. All I know is that I wanted to get to know the Lord and understand His will for my life and I can He blessed me with understanding when I had none before.
  21. Hi Dee, I like how the woman rejoices in the future, in contrast with being worried or fearful about it. I love reading Proverbs with all it's words of wisdom simply laid out.
  22. Hi Melinda12, It is hard to contemplate family members killing or harming one another but I know it happens frequently. I've seen so many stories featured on the news stations and/or online articles having to do with murders among families. Joseph is a great story in the bible because it show how God uses an evil act and works behind the scenes in Joseph's life to protect him. It gives us encouragement that even when others want to harm us, God has a greater good planned for believers and our own understanding will be enlightened in the end.
  23. Hi AngellnTraining93, I doubt these men are possessed. Remember, if you are a Christian be a light to others. Also, this verse came to mind after reading your post. We all are sinners and sin in different ways. Luke 18:11, "The Pharissee, standing by himself, prayed thus: 'God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector."
  24. Hi BeauJangles, I know you reached #50, but I have another to add. Let me add that I absolutely love dogs, however, it bothers me to see people drive with their pets on their laps. I'll tell you why, my aunt has a little dog and drives everywhere with her. Well one day, this little dog jumped off her lap and out the window! Thankfully, the little doggy was okay when my aunt went back for her.
  25. Hi Coliseum, This was interesting info since I didn't know anything about Al Capone except that he was a famous gangster. But God tells us that all our good works won't save us. It's having a regenerated heart lived out in faith and shown by our works. Only God knows if in the end he was a saved man or not.
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