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Everything posted by Prycejosh1987

  1. The flood will not occur during the future, proof of that is the rainbow and what God said about flooding the earth again, explicitly.
  2. I used to like reality shows but now they are boring. You have to be really bored to watch other people live their lives. Big Brother was good because of actions and reactions and games the contestants had to play. Love island was okay, but i do not have time to watch TV, because i am so busy these days. I do have time to read the bible and pray. We must all do this.
  3. I believe we can pray how we want, as long as its directed in Jesus name. Jesus said if my words remain in you and you remain in me ask whatever you wish, and it shall be given to you. People are forgetting it mainly means praying according to the will of God in Christ.
  4. Hell is a problem not because of who will be there, but because its a wasting away. Imagine spending all eternity suffering and seeing a thick blackness and smoking from a fire. What would hurt the most is the fact that the devil and the demons which completely and utterly hate us, will be with us for all eternity. That is scary. But i want to go heaven because Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit and Father will be there. Inspirational people are in heaven.
  5. We all want to go to heaven, but few are willing to take the risks and requirements to get there. Its not easy, we must take heaven violently by force, according to scripture. Everything in heaven and around heaven will be logical. We must stop focusing on going to heaven to avoid the alternative, but to go to heaven because of Who will be there.
  6. That doesnt make sense. Its like saying i dont need christ even though everything in my life draws me to him. Think about what is said and work on it. All the best.
  7. I believe we can hear from God when we study scripture.
  8. That goes to show you that the miracles Jesus did are eternal in nature. I remember delivering myself from evil. I would seek the holy spirit and manifest until i had enough and had cast it out of me, it took a good 30 minutes in a public toilet to do it.
  9. Just be honest and open and show her you are concerned.
  10. It isnt put on in a literal sense but by completely following Jesus's teaching. The different parts of the suit of armour are put on in spiritual growth.
  11. I think the spirit of death can come on anyone, but it needs to go through a door first. I dont believe can come into us without being invited by our mentality, spirits feed off that.
  12. Deliverance ministry has helped me personally, because it has helped me fight against evil spirits that constantly attack me. I lay my hands on my head take them off command the evil to go away from my life. It works on persistence. I have been delivered from financial and spiritual struggles.
  13. We do play a role, we should always fight back against evil forces that harm our people.
  14. It might be, it could of stemmed from mental pressure, in any case i am glad it is lifted. Negative forces can attacks at any time.
  15. It seems Elena has become depressed. Support her in this time.
  16. We should always be thankful because if we endure in these times of worldly pressure, we will be saved and spend eternity with God.
  17. God has honoured my faith, an blessed my finances and he has healed me, i still have problems but i know that i have Gods support.
  18. I guess the answer is, all people of faith in Jesus Christ.
  19. That is the weapon of attack in the solders armour. It is mainly used in defence as Christians are meant to fight evil forced but love everyone including people that dont like us.
  20. True marriage is working things out together.
  21. It is most likely that these are evil spirits at work to fool people into thinking that dead people are alive. Its like someone said they saw bigfoot and there is no actual evidence of him being seen. Just keep following Jesus and using your faith, and ignore the nonsense.
  22. It seems the devil wants you to die early as he does with everyone else. Just remain in faith and keep praying on your protection.
  23. I have this issue, i am demon possessed because i hear voices and whenever i pray against the evil causing it the voices sound lower in volume. I persist and take medication which is doing a good things for me. admittedly its tough to fight this, because it is so strong and i get severe headaches from it.
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