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Why Do atheists Attack Christianity?


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The true atheist is NOT out there attacking Christianity; they don't believe in God, so they DON'T CARE about it. The subject is boring and nonsensical to a true atheist. It is only the pretended atheist--a true God hater--who bothers to attack Christianity.

I think I would agree with this 100% Leonard.

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When the Scripture states, "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness," and "Without faith it is impossible to please God," do you reject these words?

If that is not so, please clarify, for this is what I am hearing.

I'm just stating that I'm human, I don't know everything, and the only thing anyone can work with is what they experience and learn throughout their life. I cannot use experience and knowledge that I do not have, I'm not sure what is so hard to understand about that.

But you don't get it, do you? You do not understand the severity of sin, do you?

I understand that the wadges of sin is death. And according to this site, unless you are saved you will be tortured forever in Hell. I also understand that sin is what separates us from God, thus God must be free of sin and you must be free of sin to approach Him. Just because my views differ from yours and the sites doesn't mean I don't understand them or Christian theology, I just have a different view on some issues.

Actually, it sounded to me like you are. If you have to analyze what the Lord said in order to determine if you will believe it or not, are you not being judge over His word, over His character?

Unless you want to mindlessly follow whatever you're told, you must analyze what you are told and determine for yourself if such statements are true. Are you a Christian because that's what you were told, or are you a Christian because you looked at Christianity and found it to be true? If the latter, than you too have analyzed and "judged" God's Word and character.

Why are you making this a before and after issue? Has God changed?

You asked me why God needed to have Jesus die on the Cross in order for us to determine His holiness. I brought up Abraham and Moses because they lived before such sacrifice was known and they didn't seem to have a problem determining God's holiness, or did they? If not, than God didn't need to send Jesus for us to determine His holiness. If yes, I'm not sure what that implies but it sounds like it would be very interesting theologically. Especially since scripture states that God does not change.

I'm not sure where you learned about Christianity but....God didn't send Jesus so that we could determine His holiness; He sent Jesus as the Messiah to save mankind. That's the basic tenet of the Christian faith and, if you don't know even that, you need to start from the beginning. You say you're a Christian......have you ever read the Bible? :noidea:

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attell60 said...

And during WWII the German army had the following engraving on their belts "Gott mit uns" (God with us), which is a very similar

admission of Christianity. In this particular case, this admission of Christianity, did not bring prosperity but utter destruction.

Therefore, your argument, is a non-sequitur, I am afraid.


HIS girl....



The murder of millions of Jews

"Gott mit uns"...God with us.........

Do you see the absurdity of this list?

Please atell60, if you must humour me, try to do it without insulting my intelligence.

The American founding fathers brought Christianity to the Americas - Your country also enjoys Christian values and principles.

Did you celebrate Christmas with your family in 2010? Or was that the celebration of Santa Claus or just giving gifts to family members on an occasion that is recognised in the Western world as a celebration of the Birth of Christ Jesus?.....or would you rather Germany phase out Christmas celebrations altogether?

Hitler didn't have the "God with us" inscription. It was the soldiers. Would you like to be considered a pro abortion activist just because your president advocates it?

Friedrich Nietzsche is dead but his worlview is poisening society today.

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Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing! Ezekiel 13:3


I try to base my views off of evidence. I know it isn't perfect; we don't know everything and I don't know all that we do know, but I try to have the most rational and pragmatic stances while being an idealist. If God cannot accept my sincerity in the search for truth, then perhaps God doesn't want people to be sincere and just wants mindless followers. And if that is the case, I simply cannot fully support and follow God as He would resemble a tyrant/dictator. In giving us free will coupled with an inquisitive mind, dare I say, God would be quite evil in poising us to oppose His Will than punishing us for it.

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who had endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo its usage" - Galileo....


Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1

From The Tasting

O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. Psalms 34:8

And Knowledge From The Truth

And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be cast into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:

Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.

And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire:

Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. Mark 9:45-48

And Reason From The Mouth Of The LORD

Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. Isaiah 1:18

And Blindness From Fools

How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge? Proverbs 1:22

Casting Accusations

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20

At The One

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6

Who Gave Everything Good

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. James 1:17

These Are Some Of The Amazing Facts Found In The Big Book Of Jesus

Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. John 5:39



And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.

He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.

These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God;

that ye may know that ye have eternal life,

and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. 1 John 5:11-13

And Be Blessed Beloved

Love, Joe

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I'm just stating that I'm human, I don't know everything, and the only thing anyone can work with is what they experience and learn throughout their life. I cannot use experience and knowledge that I do not have, I'm not sure what is so hard to understand about that.

Because you end up using yourself as the standard for right and wrong rather than the Scripture (referring to your original words that I responded to).

But you don't get it, do you? You do not understand the severity of sin, do you?

I understand that the wadges of sin is death. And according to this site, unless you are saved you will be tortured forever in Hell. I also understand that sin is what separates us from God, thus God must be free of sin and you must be free of sin to approach Him. Just because my views differ from yours and the sites doesn't mean I don't understand them or Christian theology, I just have a different view on some issues.

No, what you claim we believe is not what we believe.

Having sin atoned for and "being free of sin" are not the same thing.

Actually, it sounded to me like you are. If you have to analyze what the Lord said in order to determine if you will believe it or not, are you not being judge over His word, over His character?

Unless you want to mindlessly follow whatever you're told, you must analyze what you are told and determine for yourself if such statements are true. Are you a Christian because that's what you were told, or are you a Christian because you looked at Christianity and found it to be true? If the latter, than you too have analyzed and "judged" God's Word and character.

I am a Christian because Jesus revealed Himself to me.

When was the last time you had an actual conversation with the Lord, I mean where you hear Him talking back to you?

I had an absolutely lovely time with Him tonight. :wub:

Why are you making this a before and after issue? Has God changed?

You asked me why God needed to have Jesus die on the Cross in order for us to determine His holiness.

No, this is not what I meant.

Your statement indicated you were determining God's holiness and righteousness by your own merit.

So I asked if you could determine God's nature and standards this way, why did Jesus have to die on the cross?

That's what I meant. My apologies for the confusion.

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Maybe Atheists attack Christians because they are bullies, and they see Christians attacking other Christians, and then they figure they have an easy mark.

The Enemy of my enemy is my ally. Isn't that a paradox?

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There must be a deep resentment against God, perhaps because of what was done to them in the name of God or perhaps they feel that God has abandoned them. God is not some puppet that jumps to the whim of man - God came to man on man's level once. Now man must come to God on God's terms. To think of ourselves as better than God is foolish.

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Guest HIS girl

Maybe Atheists attack Christians because they are bullies, and they see Christians attacking other Christians, and then they figure they have an easy mark.

The Enemy of my enemy is my ally. Isn't that a paradox?

I'm sorry I attacked you in my response to you Gerioke. It was not necessary to be so harsh.

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Maybe Atheists attack Christians because they are bullies, and they see Christians attacking other Christians, and then they figure they have an easy mark.

The Enemy of my enemy is my ally. Isn't that a paradox?

I'm sorry I attacked you in my response to you Gerioke. It was not necessary to be so harsh.

I wasn't referring to you personally. Unfortunately, it's a common occurance among nearly everybody.

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Because you end up using yourself as the standard for right and wrong rather than the Scripture (referring to your original words that I responded to).

I do agree that on some level you use a standard in your head, but that standard can be influenced by outside forces (how do you think people's standard's developed in the first place?). Just as a very simplistic example, I have the standard in my head that killing and hurting people for no reason, or unnecessarily, is wrong. I don't need scripture to tell me this or to give me this idea. So if I read a book claiming to be of God, has perfect morality and what else, and I see some passages/teachings that conflict with this I'm going to be very skeptical of such claims. However, because I like evidence and try to be logical, if a good argument can be made for why this should be my standard it gains credibility. And if it is strong enough evidence, I may adopt that standard as my own.

This is a sugar-coated way of saying that you are operating under the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

"You will know good and evil [on your own]."

We all do this at some level. At one point in your life you did not have scripture as your standard (even if you have to go back to when you were a little kid), but eventually you took the standard of scripture and adopted it as your own (or at least tried, as you learn and grow in Christ your understanding matures and can change).

To get at sort of the heart of the matter for myself, if Christianity claims to have The Truth, and so do the Muslims, the Hindus, the Atheists, the Buddhists and what else have you, how am I supposed to decide what is true unless I look and "judge" what each of these religions/philosophies say, teach, and do? The same thing also applies to different sects and doctrines within Christianity. Just telling me to accept it and believe is really not a convincing argument, and if I was convinced of such green arguments I would be at the mercy of every crazy cult that tried to recruit me. See my concern for just accepting everything blindly?

I just figured out why you cannot understand what I am saying. You have no concept of the transforming work of the Holy Spirit.

If you claim you do, then please explain how He fits into what you just said here?

No, what you claim we believe is not what we believe.

Having sin atoned for and "being free of sin" are not the same thing.

:huh: What exactly are you talking about? In Christ's atonement we are freed from sin (if we so choose). Are you thinking of passages like 1 John 1:8 where it states that no one is without sin?

Atonement means covered, not delivered.

It's impossible for us to be without sin. (1 John 1:8 - 2:2)

We are freed from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2).

But we are not freed from sin.

My response wasn't meant to be some great theological insight or anything, just a bare minimum where words and phrases are used loosely to get basic ideas across. God is without sin, and unless we have Christ who is sin-free we cannot be with God.

But do you understand why? And how?

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