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sheya joie

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sheya joie last won the day on February 12 2013

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About sheya joie

  • Birthday December 31

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    southmost texas
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    For those who may be wondering, I no longer have home internet, which makes it hard for me to participate here like I used to. Oh, and CONSIDER ME A LLAMA!!!

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  1. My favorite is Hark, the Herald Angels Sing. Charles Wesley really lined out the Gospel message in that song!
  2. I kinda assumed Oy Vey was a bit like a facepalm, but perhaps I was mistaken.
  3. Main reason I don't wear shirts with messages on them is I often have to stare at a message shirt to read the message, and don't want other people to wind up staring at MY chest.
  4. Thanks for posting that. One of my more recent thoughts about evidence for a spherical earth is star trails. In the Northern hemisphere, the star trails make concentric arcs around the North Star, and in the Southern hemisphere, the trails make the same sort of arcs around a point in the sky directly above the South Pole. This could not happen on a flat earth!
  5. Definite crazy cat lady here! Like cats? Oh yes!
  6. Wow, Morning Glory, you will be missed!
  7. As for people eating lamb, check the Book of Exodus. Lamb was the main dish of the Passover meal, the menu having been provided by the Lord God Himself.
  8. Oo, learning to spell? (Good to see you!)
  9. Can you wear earbuds and listen to something soothing/upbeat/Christian on the job?
  10. Elijah asked for death, and his replacement was Elisha.
  11. Keep in mind that the shooter had been adopted. Likely his adoptive parents (both of whom have died; the mom last Nov, the dad some time before) had the last name Cruz, but what the shooter's ethnicity is, I don't know.
  12. The home part was planned; the alone part was not. Our birth attendant was also in late pregnancy and couldn't come at the last minute. All went well. (This was not our first home birth, so I'm sure that made a difference.)
  13. Hey, great! I've had a few home births too (and a Home Alone birth, like you!).
  14. Since the eclipse was supposed to be take place over the Pacific, I didn't figure I would see it from here in Texas. But this morning when I had to go out before dawn to take the trash bin down to the curb, I turned around to look up at the sky - and there it was, low in the west, a bright moon with only about a third of it shining! Lovely sight!
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