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Which day is the Sabbath and is it still valid today?


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No, it's a Christian teaching.   But you deny the deity of Jesus, so you are outside of the authentic New Testament faith, anyway.


Check the Catechism Simply Explained by Canon Cafferata, the official document of the RCC, also available on the internet, to compare my statement.


My point is that it wasn't invented by the Catholics.   The Bible demonstrates the Trinity and it declares the deity of Jesus.  The deity of Jesus is an essential biblical teaching that cannot be compromised.


You are also disregarding the Biblical fact that Jesus is sitting on God's right hand side as Man.

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Guest shiloh357



No, it's a Christian teaching.   But you deny the deity of Jesus, so you are outside of the authentic New Testament faith, anyway.


Check the Catechism Simply Explained by Canon Cafferata, the official document of the RCC, also available on the internet, to compare my statement.


My point is that it wasn't invented by the Catholics.   The Bible demonstrates the Trinity and it declares the deity of Jesus.  The deity of Jesus is an essential biblical teaching that cannot be compromised.


You are also disregarding the Biblical fact that Jesus is sitting on God's right hand side as Man.


Jesus is 100% God and 100% man.  Jesus is not sitting on God's right hand.  God is an omnipresent spirit.  He doesn't have a "right hand."   God has no body or form.  To say that He is sitting on God's right hand is a figure of speech.  The "right hand" is a symbol of authority.  It is simply a way of saying that Jesus has divine authority and only God has divine authority.   You are the one void of biblical fact.

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Eph 2

13 But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.
14 For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us;
15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace;
16 And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby:
 what is meant in these verses
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The Sabbath that you are referring to is not the same as the one that is mentioned in the Ten Commandments. The Sabbath in the Ten Commandments refers to the first seventh day of creation where God has blessed and holied that specific day and He thought it wise that it be included in the Ten Commandments. Paul commented on the Commandments that it be held until Jesus comes again and most of the disciples and Jesus confirmed that by holding the Commandments you are showing your love to God and your neighbour. If you therefore ignore the Sabbath Commandment or any Commandment for that matter, you show that you do not love God. Obviously this applies to people who have already accepted Jesus Christ as their Saviour. I also do not say that if you do not hold the Sabbath, that you will go to hell.





Sorry tff, but that is false teaching.   Paul never commanded the Sabbath be held till Jesus comes.   That is also a misapplication of what Jesus said.   Jesus said that the entire law was summed up in loving God and loving your neighbor as yourself.  


the argument that if you don't keep the Sabbath you don't love God is not in the New Testament.  The New Testament doesn't define our love for God in terms of observance of rituals or feast days.  Rather, our love for God is defined by our willingness to trust in Christ for salvation and live in obedience resulting from salvation, not from a need to keep a set of commandments.


You are right about if you don't keep the sabbath, you don't love God is not found in new testament. But Yeshua says In Matt 5:19....if you keep the least of the commandment and teach them do the same also, you will be called the least in the Kingdom of God...like you keep a few and you don't keep others also, you tell people do the same also.....the scripture speaks for it selfs but you keep them and teach them do so the same also, you will be called the great in Kingdom of God.


So you would you rather be called the great in Kingdom of God because you follow the commandments of God and tell people do the same also or would you rather be called the least in the Kingdom of God because you keep some parts of the commandments of God and tell people to do the same also?


To Love God is to obey His Commandments. Refer to Joh 14:21; Rom 13:8-10; Joh 14:15; Joh 15:9-10; 1 Joh 5:3. By Ignoring His Commandments, you show your NON-LOVE. Paul also did not have to spell each Commandment out when he said in 1 Tim 6:14 that the Commandments be kept until Jesus comes again as he referred to the big picture. He that says that he knows Jesus and do not follow the Commandments are Liars 1 Joh 2:4. Love = Keep the Commandments. Make your choice.


Just because I don't observe a commandment I wasn't given to keep by Jesus doesn't mean I don't love Him.  Jesus never commanded anyone to keep the Sabbath, not a single time.   I keep the commandments Jesus gave and are listed in the NT.  I don't have to observe the Sabbath because it was not given to the Church.


Sorry but you are spreading false teaching and your teachings are rejected. You twist the Bible to make it say what it doesn't say.  You have nothing good to offer here.


To use NT as an argument is poor. The early christian days they have never had a New Testament readings. All they have was Tanakh. So try again...as if  there was no NT

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Guest shiloh357

To use NT as an argument is poor. The early christian days they have never had a New Testament readings. All they have was Tanakh. So try again...as if  there was no NT


Not is not a poor argument.  They may not have had the finalized canon of 27 books established, but even Paul and Peter were beginning to recognize a NT canon.   The letters of Paul were being passed around from church to church, as were the Gospels.   They were being taught by the apostles.   Nowhere were any Gentiles in any of the letters or the Gospels commanded to observe the Sabbath.   If it was required of them, there would have been plenty of admonitions to all of the churches in the NT.  But none exist.


Even if we go only by the OT, no Gentiles were expected to keep the Torah unless they converted to the Israelite religion.  Then they had to be circumcised and all that. They had to become part of Israel. 


But no one outside of Israel, even in the OT were ever commanded to keep the Sabbath.  The Sabbath was only given to Israel in the OT and you cannot find ONE commandment even in the OT that contradicts that fact.

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There are many arguments about which day is the Sabbath day and whether it is still valid or not today. Any opinions? I use the Bible KJV and only texts from the Bible must be provided please to prove your point.

The Sabbath day is from friday evening to saturday evening.   But Jesus is the true Sabbath.   When I got saved, I entered into His rest.  I don't need the sabbath day when I have Jesus.


So you also agree that the Sabbath is from Friday evening to Saturday evening. I do not understand how you can say Jesus is the true Sabbath. The Sabbath is God's rest. How can Jesus be God's rest? Jesus is God's son. If we need to rest on the Sabbath like God, then we should rest on the Saturday, right?


what you don't seem to understand is that the Sabbath is a picture or foreshadowing of Jesus as our rest.   We rest in Christ for salvation, we rest in Him for all that we need.  Jesus is the epitome of God's rest.  He is what the Sabbath day was pointing to.  When we enter into Jesus, we are entering the rest God has provided for our hearts.


Actually Sabbath Day is a foreshadow when Yeshua comes back to the earn to rule as King for 1000 years of peace (sabbath). 


Col 2:16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:

Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.


From what I understand is that the 1000 years, the millennium, is the seventh 1000 years period, also the symbolical sabbath where Satan will be locked in the pit of darkness where he will not be able to influence anybody on this earth. He will be forced to rest on this Sabbath as he has influenced the world to break the Sabbath. I further believe that Jesus will be in heaven with the saved ones, that were resurrected just before the 1000 year period, during this 1000 year period.


your right

Edited by shinethelight14
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To use NT as an argument is poor. The early christian days they have never had a New Testament readings. All they have was Tanakh. So try again...as if  there was no NT


Not is not a poor argument.  They may not have had the finalized canon of 27 books established, but even Paul and Peter were beginning to recognize a NT canon.   The letters of Paul were being passed around from church to church, as were the Gospels.   They were being taught by the apostles.   Nowhere were any Gentiles in any of the letters or the Gospels commanded to observe the Sabbath.   If it was required of them, there would have been plenty of admonitions to all of the churches in the NT.  But none exist.


Even if we go only by the OT, no Gentiles were expected to keep the Torah unless they converted to the Israelite religion.  Then they had to be circumcised and all that. They had to become part of Israel. 


But no one outside of Israel, even in the OT were ever commanded to keep the Sabbath.  The Sabbath was only given to Israel in the OT and you cannot find ONE commandment even in the OT that contradicts that fact.


Instead of using NT verses, show me in the Tanakh that says sabbath day is not for gentiles

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Guest shiloh357



To use NT as an argument is poor. The early christian days they have never had a New Testament readings. All they have was Tanakh. So try again...as if  there was no NT


Not is not a poor argument.  They may not have had the finalized canon of 27 books established, but even Paul and Peter were beginning to recognize a NT canon.   The letters of Paul were being passed around from church to church, as were the Gospels.   They were being taught by the apostles.   Nowhere were any Gentiles in any of the letters or the Gospels commanded to observe the Sabbath.   If it was required of them, there would have been plenty of admonitions to all of the churches in the NT.  But none exist.


Even if we go only by the OT, no Gentiles were expected to keep the Torah unless they converted to the Israelite religion.  Then they had to be circumcised and all that. They had to become part of Israel. 


But no one outside of Israel, even in the OT were ever commanded to keep the Sabbath.  The Sabbath was only given to Israel in the OT and you cannot find ONE commandment even in the OT that contradicts that fact.


Instead of using NT verses, show me in the Tanakh that says sabbath day is not for gentiles


That's the point I am making.  You don't have any verses in the Tanakh or the NT  commanding Gentiles to keep the Sabbath.   The Sabbath, as a commandment is only given to Israel, in Exodus 20:8-11; 31:13-17; Lev. 23:3; Deut. 5:12-15.   


There are no commandments given to the Gentile nations requiring them to keep the Sabbath.   So the truth is that it is YOU that have the burden of proof when you claim that the Bible requires Gentiles to keep the Sabbath.  You don't have any at all.   I think you know that, too.  I don't have to come up with a verse that says, "the Sabbath is not for Gentiles" because that hasn't been my argument.  My argument has been that Gentiles are free to keep the Sabbath day and they are free not to keep the Sabbath day.  It is not compulsory on Gentiles.


So far, you have not been able to drum up ONE verses of Scripture to support your position that Gentiles are required to keep the Sabbath day.   Your argument is impotent and devoid of truth

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you are supposed to be focused on God 24/7/52.........      and in case your math is is little slow, that's every day of the year, not one day a week.    And that's why we don't need  a sabbath.

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Never said you are not supposed to be focused on God every day.

If you are focused on God and leading a holy life what in the world do you need a ten commandments Sabbath.


.....and that is what we are supposed to do.

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