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On ‎2‎/‎7‎/‎2020 at 3:59 AM, John n Claudia said:

Micah 5:5 tells us that the antichrist will come from Assyria.  There are also prophecies in Isiah chapters 7, 10 and 30 that also indicate that Assyria will persecute the Jews during the last days.  Many people overlook Revelation chapter 17 when the angel tells John that the Roman Empire must die and another empire must rise up.  The response when this is pointed out is that this is the empire of the antichrist, but in context, this empire must be similar to the six empires that came before it and so they must rule over an area that includes the Holy Land and they must defeat the previous empire.  Once you have this as your starting point and look at world history, it becomes obvious who the seventh empire is and where the empire of the antichrist must come from.

Hi John,

Glad we agree on the Assyrian from ancient Assyria - Syria, Iraq and Jordan.

Rev. 17 does NOT say the Roman Empire.

The 7 heads, are 7 leaders.

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18 minutes ago, Marilyn C said:

Hi John,

Glad we agree on the Assyrian from ancient Assyria - Syria, Iraq and Jordan.

Rev. 17 does NOT say the Roman Empire.

The 7 heads, are 7 leaders.

@Marilyn C, thank you for letting me know that I am not the only person who sees the seven heads as seven leaders and seven empires.  It has been a lonely fight against these preconceived ideas and it is nice to know that there is at least one other person who agrees with me.  When I first started my investigation into Revelation, I really did try to believe the generally accepted view of the Tribulation years with a pre-trib rapture and the peace treaty brokered by an antichrist from Europe.  However the more I compared what the scriptures actually say to how they are interpreted the more uncomfortable I became with those beliefs and the more concerned I became with how Satan would use the incorrect beliefs.  At this point, I really believe that Satan will use the list of five commonly held misconceptions in my earlier post to convince the world that the antichrist is Jesus in his second coming and Christians around the world will fall for this trap and worship him.

This will start during the Tribulation when Assyria is attacking Israel and some politician in Europe will step up and try to negotiate a cease fire between the warring countries.  Just as the politician is making progress, someone in the press will recognize that he is doing exactly what the Christians say the antichrist will do.  An article will be published and the idea will go viral.  The politician will be demonized and have to resign in disgrace.  Since the politician has been outed as the antichrist, this removes any suspicion among the world population that the Assyrian leader is the antichrist even though that is exactly who he is.

Then, at the abomination, when the real antichrist claims to be Jesus in his second coming, he will explain away the requirement of a pre-trib rapture by congratulating the world on identifying the European leader as the antichrist and claiming that the inability to create a peace treaty resulted in a change to the end time schedule and the rapture is no longer necessary.  All of this will be believable because of the misconceptions and everyone knows that the tribulation starts with peace.

The other misconceptions will also be used and because so many Christians have bought into these lies, they will be easily deceived into believing the antichrist is Jesus and will worship him, falling into Satan's trap.  My heart breaks for everyone who has been deceived and I have been fighting these beliefs ever since they were revealed to me in the hope that at least one other person will hear and remember that they were warned when these things start to happen.

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2 hours ago, John n Claudia said:

@Marilyn C, thank you for letting me know that I am not the only person who sees the seven heads as seven leaders and seven empires. 

Hi John,

I only see the 7 `heads` as 7 leaders, NOT empires, just leaders of the final Global Government. We are nearly up to the 6th leader of the G20 and then the 7th, the A/C will come as a peace maker. 

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3 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

You MISSED the whole point. Its about THE TIMING, not the Jews vs, the Gentiles. We ALL come to God by faith alone, irregardless of the TIMING that we come to Christ in. Thus the Jews are BLINDED until the Gentile Church's fullness comes in as per the nation of Israel. But both Jews {IN PART} and Gentiles make up the Church by coming to Christ in faith. Abraham BELIEVED God so his salvation was also by faith. Likewise, after the Rapture the Remnant Church {Gentiles who get saved after the Rapture = REMNANT Church} comes to Christ by faith as do the Jews who Repent like Zechariah 13:8-9 says {1/3 repent} so all men come to God by Faith alone, thus both Jews and Gentiles are the same, BUT....As a Nation the Jews are Blinded until AFTER the Rapture !!

@Revelation Man, Once again you are confused.  The rapture does not come until the end of the tribulation and there is no such thing as a remnant church.  How else do you explain the angel telling John in Revelation 10:7 that the church will end when the seventh trumpet sounds?  The timing of the rapture is told to us five times in Revelation (Rev 4:1, 7:9 - 17, 10:7, 11:11 - 12, 18:4 - 5) and every time the rapture occurs it is at the end of the Tribulation, not the beginning.

4 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

Because the Beast is DEAD.......Until the Church Departs {2 Thess. 2} he that WITHHOLDS WILL WITHHOLD.

Once again, let us look at look at 2 Thessalonians 2 in context and see what that says.  Once again, I am quoting from the ESV:

3Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, 4who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. 5Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things? 6And you know what is restraining him now so that he may be revealed in his time. 7For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way. 8And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming.

In verse three, we see that the rebellion is going to come with the first half of the tribulation and then the antichrist will be revealed.  Note that this verse says that there will be a rebellion in the first half of the tribulation.  A time of rebellion is not a time of peace, so this passage disagrees with the very scenario you are painting for the start of the tribulation.  We now get to the specific portion of scripture that I highlighted and is typically interpreted to say that the church is what is doing the restraining.  The first problems with this interpretation is that the Church is never referred to as masculine.  The Church is the bride of Christ, she is female, not male.  The second problem with this interpretation is that the Church does not restrain Satan.  Instead we call on the name of Jesus and depend on the Holy Spirit to restrain Satan.  This passage is saying that the Holy Spirit will leave at the midpoint of the Tribulation, giving Satan and the antichrist free reign over the Earth and all of the people living on it.  As members of the Church, we need to be aware of what is going to happen and prepare ourselves for this so that we will be able to endure until the end and be saved (Matthew 24:13).

This passage does not imply that the Church is going to be raptured at the beginning of the Tribulation.

5 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

The Jews Repent BEFORE the Day of the Lord which happens at the 1260 event. So the Jews must repent BEFORE the AoD {1290 event} happens in order to understand they MUST FLEE Judea when they see this sign, then 30 days later the 1260 happens, but the Two-witnesses show up 75 days before the 1260 at the 1335. Everything is BACKWARDS from what you think, each number is how many days it is from each NUMBER until these wonders end or the Second Coming. 

Please do not make claims without scripture to back you up and also be careful with the conclusions you draw.  The Jews have repented many times in the past.  Repenting from your sins is not the same thing as accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior, in the case of the Jews, from believing that the Jesus who walked the Earth 2000 years ago really is the promised Messiah.  Where does the Bible say that the Jews will accept Jesus as the predicted Messiah before Jesus returns?

When Daniel talks about the number of days in Daniel chapter 12, we see:

11And from the time that the regular burnt offering is taken away and the abomination that makes desolate is set up, there shall be 1,290 days. 12Blessed is he who waits and arrives at the 1,335 days.

The 1290 days listed here tells us that the abomination will occur 1290 days before Jesus returns.  This is also 30 days before the midpoint of the Tribulation when Satan will be thrown from the air to the ground and the Great Tribulation starts.  This is also the time when the Jews flee Jerusalem.  As I mentioned above, there is a difference between repentance and acceptance of Jesus as Messiah, just because the Jews repent of their sins at this time, this does not mean that they have accepted Jesus who will not return to Earth and proving to them that He is the Messiah for another 3.5 years.  If I understand your comment about the 1335 days, you are saying that 45 days before the abomination the two witnesses will appear.  Once again, we disagree on when they will appear and I am also pretty sure that we disagree on who the two witnesses are.  Rather than arbitrarily putting this date on the appearance of the two witnesses, I interpret this passage according to the common English meaning of the words.

Suppose I make the statement: After November 30, I will visit you in 20 days.  I am really looking forward to day 25.

The interpretation of this is very straightforward.  I will get to your place on December 20 and am really looking forward to celebrating Christmas with you.  It does not mean that I am going to be doing something on November 25th, five days before November 30'th.

This is an exact parallel with what Daniel says in chapter 12.  Verse 11 gives a starting point and tells us that after the abomination, there will be 1290 days and then Jesus will return.  It then tells us that anyone who manages to make it through the next 45 days will be blessed.  This of course begs the question of what is going to happen during those 45 days.  If we think about this, we know that after Jesus returns, He needs to defeat all of the enemies of the Jews, reunite all twelve tribes and set up the Millennial Kingdom.  This passage is telling us that it is going to take Jesus 45 days to accomplish all of this.  People who make it to day 1335 will be blessed because they made it through the 45 days with the 70 pound hailstones, the kingdom has been set up and Satan has been locked in the abyss.

6 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

This again is you not understanding the scriptures. If you read all the Gospels you will see Jesus is not saying John was Elijah, the Angel specifically tells Johns dad he isn't Elijah, and Jesus is making a point about John having done his job, he did the EXACT SAME THING Elijah will do, the difference is its not Israel time to repent. Go read Luke ch. 1, you will see, John is not Elijah.

Of course John the Baptist and Elijah were different people.  You asked a question about Biblical prophecy and I told you what Jesus said and how Jesus viewed John the Baptist and Elijah as having the same message for the Jews.  It also points out that the Old Testament prophet Elijah is not going to be one of the two witnesses any more than he was the same person as John the Baptist.

6 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

Its the BEAST SYSTEM that Got Healed, Rome was just at the helm when it became wounded. The Beast System is Satan's Dark Kingdom man. The Anti-Christ HEALS the Beast System, not Rome per se, thee problem is you don't grasp the clues God is giving us, the Little Horn ARISES out of the Fourth Beast, NOT the Fourth Beasts territory, which could have been the 3rd Beasts TERRITORY, or the 2nd Beasts TERRITORY, its about the Fourth Beasts HOME TERRITORY !! Else it could have come out of any of the Four Beasts  Head !! People try way too hard to make their ideas fit God's truths, when God does what He does for specific reasons. The Fourth Head is the Roman/European Kingdom, thus when the Fourth Beast is mentioned its not talking about half the world that they conquered, its speaking about their Euro Centric homeland. Thus he must arise out of Greece because of Dan 8, thus Dan. 11 now makes sense. I don't just say things are of God because I guessed. So you keep repeating your Islam angle, and I will just let you keep thinking it I shall jot debate you on it anymore, its a waste of my time.

It was the head of the beast that received a mortal wound, not the beast itself.  Since the head received the wound, it must be the head that gets healed.

The antichrist is not going to heal the beast system.  In fact, the antichrist is not even going to part of the revived empire until after it is created.  We know this because he is the little horn that uproots three of the original ten horns.

with regard to the fourth beast, Daniel mentions that it is different from the other three beasts.  As an Old Testament prophet, Daniel only saw the history of the Jewish people.  Since the original Ottoman Empire did not overlap with the Jewish nation, Daniel was not told about them.  Instead, Daniel saw the Roman Empire and then the vision went on to the empire of the antichrist.  This means that we need to combine the visions of John and Daniel to understand what is really going on here.  Since the empire of the antichrist is the rebirth of the Ottoman Empire, the fourth beast that Daniel saw was a combination of the Roman and Ottoman Empire (the sixth and seventh head of John's beast) and that is what made it different from the other three beasts.

6 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

When you get to heaven you will see you were wrong on the Islam angle. 

Thank you for the gracious vote of confidence in my salvation.  I pray that both of us will endure until the end so that we will be saved and be able to rejoice together when we meet in Heaven .

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1 hour ago, Marilyn C said:

I only see the 7 `heads` as 7 leaders, NOT empires, just leaders of the final Global Government. We are nearly up to the 6th leader of the G20 and then the 7th, the A/C will come as a peace maker. 

Thank you for the clarification.  We will all find out soon enough who is correct and how the last days will end.

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46 minutes ago, John n Claudia said:

Thank you for the clarification.  We will all find out soon enough who is correct and how the last days will end.

Hi John,

You may be interested in this photo. The Islamic leader with Trump is the host leader of the G20 for this year. He is Saudi Arabia`s crown prince Mohammed bin Salman.




Who looks happy?

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The beast isn't going to rise through any political organization.

Rev 13.

One of the heads of the beast appeared to be mortally wounded.

The first focus is the a mortal wound to one of the heads. Not going to get into who the heads represent, just that this mortal wound is the focus.

But the mortal wound was healed,

Right or wrong this wound is healed. It's more than likely a mortal wound to a leader of some entity. Rev 17 tells us there is a succession of kings which the heads represent.

and the whole world marveled and followed the beast. 

The world marvels because of the miraculous healing and they follow the beast, based on the healing of the head wound.

They worshiped the dragon who had given authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast,

So here we not only have the beast but the dragon as well, both receiving worship. Since it's apparent the world can see the beast we can probably see the dragon as well, or at the very least a representation of the dragon. I think we will see the dragon in bodily form.

“Who is like the beast, and who can wage war against it?”

It? Is this because it's an organization and not a person? Or is it both? I think it's because scripture calls this person a beast. It's not a 'mankind' it's a blasphemous conjoining of a fleshy vessel and an evil spirit, an it.

And the second beast performed great signs to cause even fire from heaven to come down to earth in the presence of the people. 

Not only is there supernatural power evident in the healing of a mortal head wound but there are also great signs and wonders performed, even fire descending from heaven is seen by the hand of the second beast. Is this some kind of hologram? I have read there is speculation on the existence of tech to project an image on an atmospheric salt layer. Is that what this is? I have my doubts. It looks to me like the second beast wields real power

Because of the signs it was given to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived those who dwell on the earth,

Because of the signs the second beast is allowed to perform the world is deceived. The world isn't deceived by slick political speeches, fancy hair or expensive suits, a powerful military or a rich country or organization; the world is deceived by supernatural god power. This is where our test lies. Is it our Lord and God Jesus Christ or are we being deceived? We are in for quite the show.

The second beast was permitted to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship it to be killed.

The second beast is going to animate a statue. Well, in my studies this is actually personal totems made by individuals for personal worship of a false god. Billions already have such things. It's also a tracking/warning system to root out those who refuse to worship the beast. In any case we have another example of supernatural power. I guess you can all go ahead and think what you want. The end of the age will come about through supernatural means and mankind will be subjugated, not a part of ruling with the beast; whose purpose is to destroy the earth and every living thing.

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13 hours ago, Charlie744 said:

Thank you very much for responding and I am sorry to put you through this... best wishes always, Charlie

No problem, I had a Heart Attack in 2016/found out I had Diabetes and in November I has my prostrate taken out so I have my bad days. No ones fault, mostly mine when I don't eat properly, I get tired and have brain fogs.

14 hours ago, Charlie744 said:

OK.... I can candidly confirm that I am completely lost!!!! I went back and read through some great comments from many folks to the original post by Revelations Man -Daniel 11 & 12 historically explained step by step. So much information and knowledge here in this forum!  Included in that discussion / thread I believe I saw a reference to the 2300 days (evenings and mornings).... not sure if I caught this correctly but I am not sure if / how this would relate to chapter 11... (if I misunderstood, please accept my apology).


The 2300 days is not 2300 days, the translation is wrong, its 2300 Evening and Morning Sacrifices which means its 1150 days. 

14 hours ago, Charlie744 said:

Unfortunately, I am still unable to understand 11.  I have attempted to section 11 into at least two parts: Section 1 would begin with verse 5 and would begin sometime during the pagan Roman period (I know everyone / most / many contend this begins with the post Alexander powers). The second section would consist of the papal Roman period or power where the "little horn" comes to power. Then chapter 12 picks gets us to the end of time and the second coming.


Well, understanding it and understanding the TIMELINE is two different things. I gave everyone the timeline. Verse 5 is Alexander the Great, so it can't be the Pagan Roman Period. So all I can do is give you the facts, I can't make the facts fit your POV.

14 hours ago, Charlie744 said:

The basis for all of this is as follows: the last two chapters should address three things: 1) what will happen to Daniel's people (Jews), 2) the rise of the "little horn" and ALL his attempts / actions / events, etc. to corrupt the Word of God and His Plan of Salvation, and 3) the end times (chapter 12).


The last chapter is all about the End Times, chapter 11:36-45 is also about the End Times. Dan. 11:21-33-maybe 34 is about Antiochus Epiphanes.

14 hours ago, Charlie744 said:

Consequently, I am then attempting to take the first section of papal Rome and identify some actors and events that might be more easily identified and then try to fill in the blanks if you will. But as mentioned, I have having some serious difficulty. I am sure everyone will comment and reply that is because I am ignoring the starting point  - post Alexander Greece and Antiochus, etc. (there are only four kingdoms and the last three are Medes - Persia, Greece and Rome. In both chapter 8 and here in 11 (first four verses), they are specifically identified, and in my opinion, are complete - they are behind us in the prophecies.  And everything after verse 4 should provide details of the fourth kingdom only - those events and actors that are directly affecting the three areas of concern mentioned above -

Yes, you are never going to be able to put it together by using the Wrong timeline.

14 hours ago, Charlie744 said:

Daniel's people, little horn, and the end of times. Also, I might mention another point which I certainly can not prove and would not attempt: I believe there were approximately 400 years or so where there really was no further prophecies or prophets sent to the Jews prior to the coming of the Messiah. Essentially, it was dark for that time. To me this also identifies (bad choice of words) with the "transition" period from the 3rd and the 4th kingdoms - it is also a dead period and we might / should try and identify the meaning of verse 5 and beyond as beginning with the 4th kingdom.

I haven't looked at it, but John the Baptist was sent.

14 hours ago, Charlie744 said:

Again, this is why I am attempting to unpack and learn 11 by searching for the proper actors and events belonging to verses 5 to 21 initially (the reason I stopped at 21 is because I think this might refer to the little horn and then I can work back to verse 5...).


Well I gave them to you, but if you are looking at a Roman angle at that time you are out of step.

14 hours ago, Charlie744 said:

Sorry for the long winded comments but if I am going to ask for anyone's assistance, and I see from the responses so far it is going to be difficult to get anyone to put aside the post Alexander beliefs, I should provide you my reasoning for my approach.


Well we can't help you find that which does not exist. 

God Bless.....you are looking for a phantom I am afraid.

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12 hours ago, Marilyn C said:

Hi Rev. Man,

So we agree that the `little horn` arises out of the 4th beastly kingdom/Federation of the end of the Gentiles rule. And that kingdom is in the Middle east as Dan. 2 `s Great Image revealed.

`You, O king, were watching; and behold, a great image! This great image whose splendour was excellent, STOOD BEFORE YOU...` (Dan. 2: 31)

So where was the King of Babylon? Where was the Great image`s feet? In the Middle east, in Iraq.

No its in the E.U., he Conquers the Middle East Countries of Israel by passing OVER Syria & Lebanon and all of North Africa I will COLOR CODE IT.

Daniel 11:40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.

41 He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.

42 He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape.

43 But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.

He comes from the NORTHWEST........He comes from Europe and is born in Greece, NO NATION in the Middle East is Northwest of Israel, only Europe is Northwest. The Fourth Beast was Northwest of Israel, the Little Horn ARISES out of the Fourth Beasts Head. He comes from one of the Four Generals Kingdoms, thus we get the Dan. 11 RUNDOWN via the genealogy of Kings !! Its pretty obvious when we step back and let go of our own beliefs what God is telling us, all the clues point to the E.U. Kingdoms coming back together, even Dan. 2 tells us they will try to reemerge but can't, they via the SEED of men try to reunite Europe down through the ages [Royal Marriage} bit it doesn't work. Satan is not allowed to bring this Beast back until AFTER the Rapture.

Notice the Petra area will not be conquered by the Anti-Christ, that is because God is in control, of course and that is forbidden.

Babylon is the WHOLE WORLD under Satan Dark Rule.

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10 hours ago, John n Claudia said:

@Revelation Man, Once again you are confused.  The rapture does not come until the end of the tribulation and there is no such thing as a remnant church.  How else do you explain the angel telling John in Revelation 10:7 that the church will end when the seventh trumpet sounds?  The timing of the rapture is told to us five times in Revelation (Rev 4:1, 7:9 - 17, 10:7, 11:11 - 12, 18:4 - 5) and every time the rapture occurs it is at the end of the Tribulation, not the beginning.


No, that would be you who are confused, the Rapture happens pre 70th week. The Jewish Bride and he Bridegroom spend 7 days in the father's house as per tradition. The 70th week is the Jews time again, once the Gentile Church's time is come full. The Church is SEEN in Rev. 4 and 5 BEFORE the Seals are opened, IN HEAVEN, verse 4 shows that they have all the promises made to the 7 Churches of Rev. chapters 2 and 3. They sit on THRONES, with White Robes and they have Crowns on. In Rev. 5:9-10 we see they are REDEEMED, angels are not redeemed.

In Rev. 19 we see the Church returns with Jesus on White Horses whilst THE BEAST and his minions are still on earth. In Rev. 12:17 the REMNANT can only be the Gentile Church, it CAN NOT be Jews, and I can prove it. The Woman {Israel} is PROTECTED so whoever is getting harmed can't be the Woman that Flees Judea {they Repented the 1/3 of Zechariah 13:8-9} unto Petra. And the verse says they have the TESTIMONY of Jesus ANN keep the Commandments of God so that can't be the 2/3 who do not REPENT can it ? Because they are not of Christ and they perish according to Zechariah 13:8-9, so NO Jews ca be the Remnant can they ? NO !! So the Remnant must be the Gentile Church who have the TESTIMONY of Jesus !! And since the word Remnant means a SMALL PART of something that is left, that means the REMNANT CHURCH on earth is the small part of the Gentile Church of Jesus that is now on earth, whereas the Church is in Heaven, marrying the Lamb. 

Rev. 4:1 is AFTER the Church age {Rev. chapters 2 and 3}......Rev. 7:8-17 is not the Rapture, you have misdiagnosed this, its the Church in Heaven which came out of the 2000 year Church Age Tribulation {Jesus said we would have CONTINUAL TRIBULATION} so the Great as in 2000>7 means the greater period of tribulation, which is the 2000 some odd year church age period over the 7 year 70th week tribulation period, you can have BOTH, the Greatest period of tribulation AND the Greatest time of tribulation, God can refer to both and does so via those in Rev. 7:9-17, THEY CAN'T be Tribulation {70th week} Saints because Jesus SPECIFICALLY tells them they MUST WAIT until their fellow brothers are killed in like manner as they were AND in Rev. 20:4 we see that the ones who are JUDGED there {after Jesus returns} are the ones who REFUSED to take the Mark of the Beast. and they live and reign with Christ for 1000 years....Pssstttt, how can they be in Heaven in Rev. 7:9-17 if they are not raised and JUDGED until Rev. 20:4 ? THEY CAN'T, its the Church Age who are seen in Rev. chapters 4 and 5 who are seen BEFORE the Seals are opened and then once again AFTER the 6 Seals are opened and just before the 7th Seal is opened !! 

Rev. 10 is a FLASH FORWARD to the end Rev. 18 starts in Rev. ch. 6 and its not the Church Jesus is speaking about there, that is the 144,000 or Fleeing Jews which is really 2-3 million Jews unless more escape to Israel in the next few years then it would be more Jews. The 144,000 is a METAPHOR for ALL Israel, not every Jew but all the Jews {1/3} who repent. 

Rev. 1 is Jesus Glorified {The things which YOU HAVE SEEN}.............Rev. 2 and 3 is the Church Age {Things which ARE}...........Rev. 4:1 is The Rapture or the THINGS WHICH ARE HEREAFTER

Rev. 4 and 5 is the Church in Heaven BEFORE the Seals are opened. Rev. 6 is the Seals being opened. Rev. 7 is the 144,000 or the Jews Fleeing Judea AND the Church seen one last time IN HEAVEN After the 6 Seals have been opened, NOTICE, God says hold up on the 7th Seal which brings the Trumpet Judgments until the Jews make it to Petra {ARE SEALED}, then and only then are the Trumpets allowed to be opened. If you doubt this look at what God says in Rev. 7, HURT NOT.....the Trees, Seas and the Earth.....what do the Trumps hurt ? The Trees, Sea and the Earth....BOOM. Jesus/God is not allowing the Trumps to come to pass until the Jews make it to Petra, that is why they are being held up. There are no 144,000 Jewish Preachers, thats all hogwash, nowhere in the bible is that ever stated, FIND IT !! No one ever wins this challenge with me.  My brain is OK today, so I am feeling frisky. SMILE. By the way, those people Fleeing in Rev. 18:4-5 are the Jewish Peoples....Come out of her my people, lest you partake in her sins and receive if HER PLAGUES !! Or the Trumpet and Vial Judgments. 

Rev. 8 is the Trumpet Judgments, Rev. 9 are the first Two Woes. Rev. 15&16 Ends the book of Revelation as per Man's Rule on earth and as per Satan's rule over Mankind. All the other chapters are Parenthetical Chapters save Rev. 20,21 and 22 of course.

Rev. 10 is a FLASH FORWARD....Rev. 11 is about the Two-witnesses Ministry on earth, it starts 75 days BEFORE the First Seal us opened {DOTL} and thus the Two-witnesses also must DIE 75 days before the Beast dies.

Rev. 12 and 13 both start in Rev. ch. 6 with the Seals being opened. 

Rev. 14 lasts 7 full years, its the Harvest Chapter. We see Israel {The Wheat} on Mt. Zion in verse 1 and we see the Wicked Tares in verses 18-20 being Harvested in the Wine=press of Gods Wrath, where God BUNDLES them up to be burned 1000 years later. Meanwhile, in a sorta soliloquy, the Church is Raptured in verse 14 by Jesus, but it actually happens BEFORE the other two Harvests mentioned in Rev. 14.

Rev. 17 starts in Rev. ch. 6 also, the Beast and his Kings kill of Islam and ALL RELIGIONS thus God Judges the Harlot Religions via the Beast.

Rev. 18 is Babylon {WHOLE WORLD} being Judged. It starts with the First Seal and runs through the 7th Vial !! In verse 2 where it says Babylon is become a habitation of devils, well of course it is, Satan and his Demons are cast to earth and Apollyon and his demons are released from the Bottomless Pit. Israel is told to COME OUT of Babylon meaning to Flee to Petra. The Merchants CRY and  BEWAIL at the burning of Babylon {THE WORLD} because 1/3 of all the Trees will be burned by the first Trump and ALL the Grasses are burned. 1/3 of the Sea turn to blood, 1/3 of the Sea Creatures die {Fish/Shrimp} 1/3 of the ships are destroyed {Commerce is shaken} 1/3 of the drinking waters are poisoned, the sun and moon turns dark from the Smoke, thus the veggies will not grow !! And the THREE WOES haven't even come yet. The Anti-Christ himself kills 2 billion people, the 200 Million Angelic Army slays another 1.5 to 2 billion people, ALL THIS is bad for these Merchants.....thus they cry and bewail, its prose man !! 

Babylon's Judgment comes in ONE DAY {the Day of the Lord lasts 3.5 years}. Babylons Judgment comes in ONE HOUR...............we see that the Kings rule ONE HOUR with the Beast and we know that is a 42 month period of time so.........Babylon is Judged over a 42 month period of time, from Rev. 6 {First Seal} to Rev. 16 {7th Vial}.  

Rev. 19 covers 7 full years like Rev. 14 it is the Church in before she Marries the Lamb, then we return with Jesus to defeat the Beast and his Minions who are still ON EARTH as we return from Heaven. 

I got much more than this, the Rapture indeed happens BEFORE the 70th week. I'll finish up later on this reply.

P.S. Rev. 20 is the Judgment Seat.....Rev. 21 and 22 is the ever after and New Jerusalem.

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