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Everything posted by Zemke

  1. Mary had chosen that good part but it wasn't the only part. It's not an either-or decision. We deal rightly with the serving part by spending time with the best part. "Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus." John 11:4 It's good to know life in this world stinks. We shouldn't get too comfortable. Eternity is a day closer every day.
  2. There is a book written in 1951, "THE FLOOD, In Light Of The Bible, Geology, And Archaeology" by Alfred M. Rehwinkel You may be able to find a copy on Amazon. Interesting read. He had sons at an age starting to ask questions that deserved deeper answers and was taken back by the lack of compiled facts about the flood so he did some research and put one together himself.
  3. From a spiritual perspective this world is still in the hands of the wicked one. 1john 5 Satan hates all humanity, especially the Jews and the Christians. The world is already deceived, the Jews are deceived and why he is trying to, and succeeding, to a point, deceiving the church. It's why Jesus told us and warned us, as do the apostles, "Do not be deceived." Jesus is coming back, the Jews have been brought back for the final conflict and everything will end with the last enemy to be swallowed up, death. "Don't be soon shaken, the end is not yet," Watch and be ready. So expect the world to do the same, by that I mean hate Israel. It isn't logical, the only stable democracy in the Middle East that grants the same rights to it's citizens as we do in the west but here we go. They have brought back forests and are one of the leading exporters of fruit. You would think other sorounding nations would say, "Hey, teach us, how did you do that? Iran, once known as Persia, are not Arab people. They historically worked well, most of the time, with other nations and were friendly with the Jews for thousands of years until 1979. Islam grew in population eventually taking over Iran that year, a country that had nothing to do with Islam or being Arab through its history. They now hate Israel. Things can change quickly, we ain't seen nothing yet.
  4. The Psalm seems to sum up the extraordinary promise of God to those who call on His name. No matter the difficulty, pain and suffering in this life, He is with us and ultimately we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. The words are comforting and we don't have to be a theologian to understand some deeper meaning. Usually, the songs we like say so much with little words.
  5. Thanks. That makes sense. It seemed to be naturaly that way when I read them.
  6. I've read the books some time ago but do remember the first book holding my attention and not having any problem with it. I thought its visions and all were, if not anything else, entertaining. I don't remember having issues with the first book but the later books seemed out of balance or something. But the question I have is about you putting 1Enoch concerning the dead sea scrolls. Is it true the stories were oral until the second temple period when they decided to put it in writing? And also, are the first two books the true Enoch and the others added later and on that, only 1Enoch? I've heard and read a few things but to the best of your understanding what do you think? I kind of sit thinking the first two books are legit and the others added. I also don't have a problem with 1Enoch since I didn't seem to find anything heretical doctrinally. In other words, I didn't find it challenging or changing any existing sound doctrine. Just behind the scenes information that one could accept or deny at no risk.
  7. This is true, even the more when we see things further and by that, I mean more Hebraic. For instance in Johns gospel when it comes to the actual events of the arrest, crucifixion and burial of Jesus all the characters of the garden narrative in Genesis are present. Well with the exception of the naked man taking off and hiding. We find that in Marks account. John stated he wrote the things he wrote so that the reader would believe. The narrative in John is what is called a Midrash. It was a way of teaching in second temple Judaism and what it does is use a known narrative to teach a present truth. In this case and how John starts his gospel by stating 'In the beginning" He is showing the literal fulfilment of scripture, not just a "thus saith the Lord" type statement but literally fulfilling every crossing of the T and dotting of an I. The garden narratives in John. The gospel accounts are more than just a historical account. It's Johns gospel where we read the Tomb and Golgotha are in a garden or garden area. Mary mistook Jesus for the gardener. A woman was the first to taste of the bad news and a woman was the first to taste of the good news. It's a reversal of the fall but also fulfilment. Jesus physically, literally fulfilled all first coming events and there is nothing to suggest the second coming will be different. A Jew reading John in the early church era would see this, it was evangelism. More than just an account of history for us today but a showing forth that Jesus is the Christ. "Not one jot or tittle will pass away till all things are fulfilled." And by all, I would think He meant all.
  8. There is responsibility humanity has concerning the earth and there are those who destroy the earth. The percentage that human activity has on the fluctuations and changing weather and temperature is debatable and many scientists aren't sure how to even interpret the data. But there is humanity that does destroy the earth. And the nations were enraged, and Thy wrath came, and the time came for the dead to be judged, and the time to give their reward to Thy bond-servants the prophets and to the saints and to those who fear Thy name, the small and the great, and to destroy those who destroy the earth. Rev.11:18
  9. Last fall there was an activist from South America who spoke before Congress. I only skimmed the article but what he was presenting was the same things 30 - 40 years ago were being said. The Rain Forest has such an important function on weather patterns that the continual deforestation will continue to contribute to the changing climate. Back when I was young and involved to a small degree with activism concerning the Rain Forest the climate was big preaching. They predicted increased storm strength, changing rain patterns and the unknown effects because we never have been without the forest. That's why I believe the same people we protested against contributing to the burning of the forest is the same power money people behind the sale of "Global Warming". They have flipped the activist to fight for them instead of against them. And why the talk about the effects of the rain forest on climate is rarely spoken of. This poor activist came and went with very little notice. I'd be surprised if there was even a third of Congress in attendance. Nothing Al Gore predicted has even happened and with possible 200 feet rising of the oceans and life ending in 12 years if we don't become socialists I think the real fear mongers are becoming apparent.
  10. That's right, stand on your ideological beliefs and starve your people. After all, it's better to be morally right than factually correct. It's what happens when we make morality and facts mutually exclusive. Cortez for Queen!!!
  11. You're listed on the mortgage so yes you can stay in touch with the bank and also pay them to keep the mortgage up to date. If things go bad, say heading toward divorce, the best thing to do is not mess around. An attorney will go before a judge and force the house on the market. Let the attorney do their job. Stay out of the way and move forward. Any equity after the sale will be distributed between you two as per any agreement you make. Checks will be cut. Do not let him keep the house with your name on the mortgage. If he has good enough credit and pays the fee he can have your name removed but this is important for you to have a clean break. Well with this part of the breakup anyway, sad to even talk about it but these things have become a reality way too much. So sorry. Don't mess around with this financial situation. Your right to be concerned and a divorce attorney earns their wage by putting that concern in their hands. Best advice - "Let the attorney do their job." Houses have prolonged the pain and frustration of these situations. Cut it off quick. And just to add that most attorney offices have paralegals to answer basic questions of your rights in situations that over the phone or even a brief appointment will cost you nothing. Better to hear it from people who deal with this every week than someone like myself. Knowing your rights and legal capabilities and hinderances is a positive thing. Call a divorce attorneys office for an appointment or see if you could just ask a few questions over the phone. There may be a listing for advice in the yellow pages. They won't offer legal advice on what you should do until you retain them but they will inform you of your rights and what the law says.
  12. I believe we are all on the same page. I don't think any of us are happy and dancing during trials. Jesus prayed that we would have His joy a few hours before being arrested and right before that He prayed "if there be any other way." But for the joy set before Him, He endured the cross. "His joy", I'm thinking, isn't singing and dancing with smiles and happiness. It can include that but more along the lines of faith in "all things work 'together' for the better" and that He has an expected end for us all.
  13. You've seemed to find a wonderful way to expound on "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." What a nice devotional meditation for Saturday night. Blessings to you too.
  14. Carrot celery juice does something to satisfy the acids that are searching for satisfaction in your system. If you don't have a juicer cut up carrots and celery sticks and have them handy anytime you have a craving or better yet eat some before lunch and a few right after. The nicotine is only a small part. It's your body that is in need of the routine of all the crap associated with tobacco. The nicotine cravings will stop but the other cravings and acidic leaching will go on for a while. Something that simple works. Carrots and celery plus a good dose of really wanting to not be a tobacco addicted controled by a substance person and wanting freedom from weakness and be a stronger human being helps. Replacing a smoking habit with a juicing habit is a great move. It's helped many people with energy and overall health especially a bad habit. Swap a bad habit with a good habit.
  15. And the stock answer from the left is, "Capitalism is destroying the planet man." When the only hope for a green energy-driven economy that's sustainable is the capital-driven economies to subsidies it until it is sustainable. And then a healthy market economy to maintain the infrastructure. The more left we go the barbarity and instability of culture are inevitable. It's really a fools game. Is there one leftest regime in history that hasn't destroyed its people and economy? Where has socialism actually BUILT the economy? It only distributes the economy already in existence. Without capitalism somewhere in the mix, it fails. Not one country people consider a successful socialist state is doing it without the foundation of a market economy and the freedoms to pursue success along with it. The left will never build a green world. They only know how to rip things down and have Gin dreams. Or Pot dreams, whichever form of medication is prefered.
  16. Yes, a state can choose to be tyrannical and destroy civility and economy. But the line of becoming a national security threat and human rights violater is in there somewhere. Welcome to the 'put on hold' status of Cuba. The amount of protection on our borders is only going to increase. Wasn't one of the main reasons, besides oil and merging markets, for influencing the southern hemisphere to be market-driven democracies, national security? In a way, all this Bernie Sanders type hate of capitalism compromises our national security. Doesn't it? We really do have many wrong people making decisions for the future of America.
  17. This seems to be happening to a few people I know and myself. A friend and brother who is going through the same thing put it this way. "I've always known the intellectual and moral depravity of abortion but recently my heart emotionally has become like a flood. I weep deeply like nothing I've done before." This guy had been an EMT for many years eventually running a crew and had expressed how emotionless and cold the job had made him. And he wasn't one to be emotional before he took the job. I saw a segment of testimony from an abortion doctor this morning and my whole day has been heavy. You're not alone in this, silent no more. May God continue working in our hearts and convict the hearts of women who are pregnant to turn to His love and wing of protection for their ability to raise a child. And for the many who have had abortions to fall into the arms of a loving forgiving God who is calling on all peoples everywhere to repent. He has appointed a day in which His Son will judge the world, today is the day of salvation.
  18. The wealth and ease of life we experience in the western democracies is coming to a close and is also not consistant with most christians throughout history. Persecution and being hated is normative. Counting the cost is something a Muslim does when the Holy Spirit conviucts them and they repent. Knowing full well they will lose family and friends and possibly their life for being a believer in Jesus Christ. The reality of these things is coming to the west and will wake up those who can be awoke and is why Jesus said to the churches, "Those that have ears to hear let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches." Eyes to see, ears to hear, fine rament and purified gold. The only place to get that stuff is at the feet of Jesus. Praise God for trials and problems, it may be the only way He keeps us attentive in our easy culture. What do we do when things go wrong? Get on our knees. It works. The first people to fall away when real trouble comes will be the money preachers. All they will be concerned about is saving their fortunes.
  19. Similarities are tough. They both were kings and faulted with pride. David of coarse repented but Saul made excuses. Saul went mad in a sense to keep power by trying to kill David. David knowing he was anointed was patient and didn't take the opportunity to kill Saul when it was in his hand. It's a type of the madness of Satan even knowing he cannot win still thinks he can win by going after the Jews and the church to maintain power in this world. Don't think I've thought much about similarities, it will be interesting to hear what others see.
  20. There is a sense of constriction associated with the term persecution. Like with the word boa constrictor. The sense of tightening, a constriction that can be felt and ignored to a point until the serpent has now got a grip that one can not escape. Standing firm is what we are called to do and what we see is organizations trying to release the pressure. We have a sword of truth that is the only freedom available. We are to love as Jesus loved and Jesus told the truth and without truth, we cannot love. These are growing difficult times, being able to hold the truth in love or to love in truth will try us all but we are called to stand firm. 'We ain't seen noth'n yet' but every decade it seems we are constricted a bit more. We have brethren in areas of the world being beaten by the dragon, the serpent deceives, the dragon destroys. Among Jesus' final warnings were 'do not be deceived.'
  21. I know he can defend himself but I took what he wrote as a referral to the statement that has gone around, "The church wrote the bible so the church can rewrite the bible." It's a derogatory statement about the state of affairs these days with this issue. What interests me is a question I was asked, "Has there ever been a time when the church was actively persecuted over homosexuality?" I'm sure there have been issues but has there been a large sweeping movement against the church in history based on this issue? Imprisonment, closers, recognized legal status taken away due to the moral issue?
  22. Tozer books are exhorting, to me anyway. I had always been excited to read the scriptures after reading a Tozer article. Many of his books are articles he wrote as an editor of a Christian publication so short chapters and a point being made in less fluffy writing can be expected. I had liked his book, "The Counsellor". Read it years ago, it's about the Holy Spirit. Thanks for posting, I have a trunk of books I know a few Tozer books rest in. I need to dig them out.
  23. That's a great story. So many times there is a division caused by a statement of faith on this issue. That's a blessing, thanks for sharing. I too had somewhat of the same experience but the ending for myself and a few others was unhealthy. A person really has to want the truth for their eyes to see. I'm not sure how many times I went back through references adding more each time and one pre-trib aspect or question I had would fall or be answered until I finally Just said, "It's not pre-trib." It was a profound experience for me because it just wasn't about the rapture. It was about having God lay on the table a question, Are you going to trust the words of man or trust the words of God? Our Hellenistic systematic theologies have done us a service but at the same time have kept us in a holding pattern to see anything further. So when we speak of the things we plainly see and make sense of, it's silly or simple or just plain dumb to many sitting atop a mountain of theological complexity. Not realizing the rolling hills of scriptural references running from beginning to end. But as Daniel said there will come a time when those that have understanding will teach the many. Maybe after the son of perdition is revealed there will be more ears to hear.
  24. Now you see, when these people act civilized and are healthy for the nation it will open doors for the other 8,000 in Ethiopia. A sound, rational immigration policy that moves slowly but it moves and harkens to civility and not mayhem rushing at a border. It's the mayhem that's uncivilized and immoral to promote.
  25. Thank the Lord I have any understanding at all. Pray for God to lead you into truth and healthy discipleship. Not sure what it's like where you live but some areas are hurting for healthy teaching and fellowship. But to stay in context with this message, eat good food.
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