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Everything posted by Heybro

  1. And by their fruit we will know them, is that a correct statement, I believe so. So wherever location it started from is not the issue, it's founder is none other than "the evil one" and to not getting "caught up" in it is paramount for any true follower of Christ, amen, God bless.
  2. Justpassingthru, I remember seeing a clip of Kenneth Hogan and Rodney Howard-Brown speaking to one another "in tongues" like they knew what they were saying to one another. All that you have mentioned was happening in the churches some years ago, and may well still be happening in some churches still? Do you really think they are representing God's character, not I, but the character of the deceiver. All of this "farce" started back in Pensecola and caused a great rift in The Body of Christ worldwide, and divided churches, one of which my wife and I were involved in, here in Australia. Yet again, another ploy of the devil to divide and plunder, stay strong in your convictions, listen to the Spirit's leading, God bless.
  3. It must mean that you talk through your lawyer my friend, so to speak, lol.
  4. Copenhagen,some really good advice given by those above, spot on, I think. Really, for you, your perspectives have changed from being blase, uncaring, to seeing things now with "God's eyes." As has been stated above also, not to be judgemental toward those who are embedded in these things, but with God's love and compassion for "the lost," pray that the light of God's understanding shine forth upon them, God bless.
  5. I think BB has brought through some valid thoughts, as for me, I think that Peter was suffering from a case of "fear of man" syndrome. Though, in saying that, in other places he showed no fear in proclaiming Jesus, just saying...
  6. Micah 6:8 He has shown you, oh man,what is good; and what does The Lord require of you, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God!
  7. I am left shaking my head wondering where in the world did they come to this conclusion, got me beat.
  8. Well said Tigger, I appreciate the thought and effort you put into this post, God bless.
  9. IMHO, I'm of the mind that,no, there will not be other faiths in heaven. It's only this side of Glory that there are divisions between people. When we are in Glory, all that we've known here will be no more, forgotten, we'll all be too busy giving Praise and Honour and Worship to The Lord, just saying, God bless.
  10. Let me see if I can help you here. There is nothing good in any one of us, we can't earn our salvation, it's a free gift. What Jesus requires of us is to FOLLOW HIM. When we give Him our hearts, at the point of repentance from sin (our past life) we are made complete in Him, He took ALL our sin upon Him at the cross, at which point we have been/ set free. It is now our obligation to follow His example and live our lives in the manner in which He showed us how we should then live. It was a "finished" work He completed on that cross, if you want to be "one of the few" best you get on board and with a humble and contrite heart, have love enough of what it took for Him to redeem you from that guilt and shame of living a sinful life. If, though, you choose to not rake Him at His Word, and sit on the salvation, which is now yours, as a believer, but not a follower, you may well be counted as 1 in the other camp. Look at any number of the parables, the 10 virgins, the 5 minas, Matthew 24: 40-53. Matthew 25, the chapter. Maybe after reading these portions, it will give you more understanding, hoping this helps, and, by the way, welcome to WCF Ravippe, God bless.
  11. Thewhitedove, your situation is not a good one to be in, I feel for both you and your husband. With your husband already in a physical stand off with this character, I don't know how he will go fronting him to get your mail, if this man holds resentment toward your husband. Good advice from Tzephanyahu, tell your employers. It may well be that this character is either a "family relation, or friend" of the apartment owners, and as such, has not been dealt with, let alone dismissed. All the more reason it's far better not to employ family or friends because of this very problem. This may or may not help in the current situation, what I have just raised, but the best advice has already been given, and that is to pray, commit it to The Lord and "stand still, and see the salvation of God" in this matter, God bless.
  12. In answer to your reply K9Buck, nowhere in the gospels does Jesus force anything on anyone, He merely opened people's minds and eyes to another perspective on life. There are God's laws which He advocated we should live by, in order that we might live, free from guilt and shame that sin brings. It is entirely over to the individual as to whether they take heed, or follow their own heart, and thereby accept the consequences of their decision. But for you, as a christian, to advocate that it's okay for people to live in obvious sin, going against the natural law of human nature, as God ordained we should live, made me ask the question, "why would you make that statement." Regardless of any government intervention, that is not the issue here, surely you see God's higher rule. Yes, governments make laws, and they make many foolish decisions, but at the final day, we will all have to give an account of how we've lived, just saying, God bless.
  13. K9Buck, may I be so bold as to question your belief system, why, as a christian (supposedly), that you would even post this topic! It is not Sonshine's belief system, it's God's LAW, and commandment. "Let God be true, and every man a liar." If you really do condone, "live and let live" may I suggest you have a really deep and meaningful talk with your Pastor or elder, who can help you more in your walk with the Lord, and explain the Way more adequately, God bless.
  14. If your question is genuine concern, I'm wondering why you are calling yourself ChristianBoy 1243. If you are indeed a christian, then you know why you are a christian as apposed to not being one. If, indeed, I have not understood your question adequately, I apologise, God bless.
  15. Just my 2 bits, when we pray in tongues, the enemy has no idea what we're saying, frustrates him no end. It's our "heavenly language" just between us and Him, God bless.
  16. Ditto Marilyn, amen and amen, God bless.
  17. To get back on topic with the OP. Back in the day, men sat on one side of the building and the women on the other. When something was said that the women didn't understand, they would call out to their husband asking, "what does he mean.?" The women were asked to "keep silent" till they were at home and ask for explanations there in the privacy of their homes, at least, that is my understanding of the situation, God bless.
  18. Amen and amen, my brother, the reality is that Jesus committed His spirit to The Father, and that Jesus, being God incarnate, cannot die spiritually, that truly is the woo hoo, God bless.
  19. I believe that Jesus died physically, as all mankind does, but as we know that the spirit lives on, either to one place, or the other. Jesus, knowing that His Father was able to ressurect Him to life again, and as you pointed out so well Jostler, is now seated at the right hand side of The Father, ever interceding on our behalf. Just my 2 bits, just saying, God bless.
  20. F. Ivan, my question to you is, have you surrendered your life to Jesus, repented from your former lifestyle, surrendered your will to Him. Sometimes we can come to believing in Jesus as a "passive" believer, and not asked for forgiveness of sins. Thinking you can just continue in changing and following The Lord in your own strength. This of course will not work for you and gives the enemy every opportunity to attack your mind. As I don't know the answer to my questions, I await your reply so that we can help you better, God bless.
  21. IMO, if there was to be a gathering together and everyone was invited, I personally would have held it at the church, not at his house, limited space, there would be room for everyone to join in, just saying, God bless.
  22. In essence, in answer to your question Lady Kay, The Word tells us that God will not contend with man forever, so there comes a point where I believe He takes His hands off the situation. Free will is the matter in question here, if people choose to reject God's offer of redemption, that then is their choice, just saying, God bless.
  23. Beau, this is just one of the reasons why my wife and I put a cover over the camera on our laptops, so we control who sees us. We only take the tape off when we skype our daughter who lives overseas. Hope this is helpful to you all, God bless.
  24. And by the way sister, I pray that Sydney is doing well, gaining weight, and loving you loving him, God bless.
  25. Hi there and welcome to you sapphire15, I'm so blessed and encouraged by the responses of my/ our brothers and sisters in Christ to you. So much love and concern to help the broken hearted, the dejected and fallen down one, to bless and encourage, to lift you up before the Throne of God, blesses me, and you, God bless each one of us in our journey to Him.
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