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Everything posted by lovethelord

  1. Hi Coliseum, Thanks for sharing your perspective. When I go to church I usually wear a dress or skirt, even knowing that most of the congregation and our Pastor dresses casually. I'm sure the way I dress is from my old school days when my parents had me dress up when going to church. I let my daughter wear her torn jeans and a t-shirt and don't have a problem with that. When I posted earlier, I was actually thinking of Christians who wear very sexy clothing to church that just doesn't seem appropriate for the occasion. But then again, this is a good reminder for me that I shouldn't judge them. Maybe they were going somewhere special right after church.
  2. I agree. I work for a large healthcare group and one of our lead clinicians addressed a group of doctors at a meeting. He said that most patients are coming to the doctors for their knowledge and expertise to diagnose and give treatment hence is why he dresses in a nice dress shirt & tie everyday. He said that if he came to work dressed in a t-shirt and jeans he doubted he would get the same respect and trust from the patients. He then shared a story of a patient who commented negatively on his appearance when he came into work dressed casually.
  3. Hi Repose, I've seen faces, objects and other shapes myself while looking at the clouds. I believe many of these events (as well as my own) is just a case of our imaginations. If someone did see an image of a face that was verified by others, how would they know this was the face of Jesus as the bible doesn't give us a lot of details on how he looked. I know he does't look like the brown hair, light skin person we see depicted on art and pictures. He would most likely look like a Jewish Galilean from 2000 years ago. John 1:18, "No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known."
  4. The Lord has been good to me in so many ways! One day, I and my 9 year old daughter were in my car stopped at a red light at a large intersection. A car ran through the intersection and was hit by another oncoming car. The car that was hit began spinning out of control and heading right towards my car. I couldn't even move my car because I was boxed in on the sides and behind me. I cried out to God to save us and the car spinning stopped about 2 inches from the fender of my car. I remember how the driver of that car and we in our car starred at each other through the windshields in shock. I will always be thankful to the Lord for protecting us that day.
  5. Hi Revlori, There are times when my own faith and worry have let me down, and I get especially disappointed in myself because I know how great and loving our Lord is. The first thing I do is to pray, but what also makes a difference is to remember what God has done for me in my past trials. He enabled me to get through them and grow my faith and trust to what it is today. However, I know that in the future there will be more trials and my faith will again be tested but it will grow from what it is today. I won’t have the perfect faith and trust needed while living in my body but I look forward to the days of peace of being with our Lord forever. I will pray for you, your family and granddaughter that His loving care, plans and timing be seen soon in your lives.
  6. Thank you Renee for posting such a loving and positive action on all our parts to come together in prayer for Abby-Joy! I will be praying here from California.
  7. Hi Sapphire15, Welcome again. Everyone needs encouragement and especially a Christian who is struggling in this worldly world of ours. Kindness and hope given can really lift up our hearts. My best advice is to keep your eyes focused and trusted on God. You may not see it now, but God has a plan for you and everything you face is under His control. I think you should pursue your interest in art. Painting, drawing or creating is a wonderful gift from God and will be a wonderful way to express your feelings in your work. Sometimes family can be a hindrance to what we want to do in life, but this is "your" life. Strengthen and fortify yourself in God's word so you can stand on a firm foundation when other people are unkind or insensitive to you.
  8. Lee, would you consider using an audible bible? You can download one onto your phone or even listen to bible studies in your car. You may find it easier to understand the Bible hearing it read out loud rather than reading it if you find it difficult. Gotquestions is a great site, but it can't supplant the reading and hearing of the Word. Even going to church and hearing sermons preached may be helpful for you.
  9. Hi Besofo Shel Yom, Romans 8:26, "Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words." I used to feel self conscious when saying any prayer out loud, stumbling and not knowing what to say (when I knew what I wanted to say in my mind). It took practice and deciding to put my focus on the Lord and the person I may be praying for. Because I knew that as soon as I start thinking about what other people are thinking and if I'm saying the right thing, my prayer becomes hindered. Just speak from your heart and God will hear you. It's the quality of your prayer to God that counts not the length of the prayer. Sometimes my prayers are very short ie "Help us Lord"! and leave it at that.
  10. Welcome Omega2xx, We will never fully understand God. He is too big for our comprehension, and just too Big to have a single name. Thank your sharing and welcome to Worthy!
  11. Hi MissMuffet, No human court could determine who a real Christian is except our Lord Father who sees our hearts. There are many who do a good job of looking like Christians on the outside, but like we learn in God’s Word they were never part of his sheep. People who are genuine Christians get confirmation from His indwelling Spirit and a changed life in regards to sin.
  12. I just received something in the mail as well since my drivers license is expiring. I elected to get the Real ID only because if I ever needed to get on a flight I don't want to be prohibited from being able to board an airlane because of it. In fact, I wonder what happens if someone has an emergency and needs to get on a flight. Just to get an appointment is about 6 weeks away.
  13. Trace, I hope you decide to stay. I was thinking about some of the stuff happening and it made me reflect on what Jesus said. A house divided can not stand and I think this can also be applied to Christians. The Body of Christ should not be divided against itself, yet many times we are arguing with each other over beliefs or any belief that differs from ours. Paul spoke about the gifts of the Spirit and how they should all be working together. I believe that we all have unique gifts and talents that can benefit others here. We just have to remember to do everything in love and with much patience for others. 1 Corinthians 12:25, “that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other.”
  14. Hi Alex44 Are you asking if it is okay to use your money to fund resources such as books, videos, music to enhance your Christian life? This would not effect salvation. You could spend your money on a hobby or buying non essentials and still be saved. When God tells us not to love money, it is to put your trust, belief and confidence in money to meet your needs rather than seeking God and trusting Him.
  15. Ohso, Only someone who has lived and experienced abuse could understand the conflicted feelings you have. I have many years experience of being married to someone who is abusive. Your own words tell us what kind of man he is and how difficult it was for you to leave him in the first place. His psyche is damaged at a level that he only feels powerful and in control when he can breakdown the self-worth of another. Since he isn't a Christian, he doesn't even have the living Spirit inside to minister to him which means he doesn't have a clean conscience to keep him from harming you or others. Please don't be manipulated with guilt and whatever he will say to get you back. You need to surround yourself with a lot of support and validation of your feelings. You are loved by our Supreme God, he loves you and will direct your path. I think He is already giving you answers you need.
  16. Johnthebaptist, I’m of the mindset that God doesn’t want us to sit passively by that's why He gave us a mind capable of making choices. He wants us to participate in decision making not just sitting back thinking since He is in control of our circumstances what's the point of doing anything. We are to use the information given to us through the reading of the Word, wisdom/learnings gained from trials and even conflict with others to make decisions for living. We know that God is in control of our circumstances, but we listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit and pray to God for guidance in all things. Below is a verse I like, because it is a statement requiring an active part on our end. Just like our salvation is an action on our part to request forgiveness of our sins. Matthew 6:33, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need”
  17. Thanks VOG! So true, when our life just like the weather becomes unsteady or unpredictable we can always count on God to remain the same. He is faithful, He is love and truth. He can be counted to on to see us through the hard and difficult times. Knowing He was with me has helped strengthened me so many many times.
  18. jesusispeace, I truly am so sorry for your whole situation and especially with your daughter. I have one daughter who is 13 years old and as I read your post I'm picturing myself in your situation and I would be so heartbroken. However, no matter the circumstances that caused the distance between you, know that all daughters want their mothers. Grandma and everyone else even dad cannot replace you in her life. She is also at the age when her emotions are fluctuating depending on her hormones. Currently, she is under the influence of dad and other family members but she still loves and needs you in her life. Continue reaching out to her in love and let her know you are there. She will come around. I absolutely don't doubt it. Keep your trust and faith in the Lord through prayer. He can heal all relationships.
  19. missmuffet, I also think that disappointments must have a purpose. Even our closest loved ones will disappoint us at some time in our lives. I've even been disappointed in myself for some reason or other, but I notice that when I bring my focus solely onto God, I can rely on Him fully. My Hope in Him, in the end He will satisfy all our deepest longings and I can't for that time to come.
  20. Great point! I've learned through my own disobedience that I should have just listened to what God was telling me and then I would have avoided heartache and other difficulties in my life.
  21. Hi Repose I don't believe the Israelites were misguided. God was clear in His commandments about worshipping other Gods and anything other than Him. The Israelites, surrounded by other nations, constantly backslid into idolatry and would often start worshipping other deities alongside with God. I think this is an example of people putting their will before God's like many today.
  22. Hi Existential Mabel, The best way to prepare for persecution and be ready is to have a strong grounded relationship with God, fortify myself with his Word and Prayer. I'd like to think my faith is strong, but if I was being tortured I wonder if I could withstand that even though I know I love the Lord. That's why I'm going to do what the word says here and pray for the protective armor and rely on God to see me through if and when the time comes. Ephesians 6:13, "Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand”
  23. Hi Yeshua153 I was just wondering who is the "other jesus" you are talking about.
  24. VOG, Amen, the right response to the Holy Spirit’s conviction is repentance. God is trying to bring our sin to light so that we can repent and be forgiven. Most importantly, when we ignore the Spirit's conviction and keep on ignoring it, our hearts get a little harder each time. Like you noted, be wise, humble and and ask for forgiveness.
  25. Nobleseed, Abusing children is evil and horrible. But, God will forgive the abuser if he/she sincerely repents and asks for forgiveness of his sins through His son Jesus. Don’t think that ends there. They will have to live with the consequences of their action. He/she will have to live with the knowledge of the harm they did in emotions and body to an innocent child. I don't even know how they could make amends, but I trust God in what he says in His Word. Jesus says He came to heal the sick (I understand this to mean sick in mind and body). Mark 2:17, “When Jesus heard this, he told them, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.”
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