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Holly Hobbie

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About Holly Hobbie

  • Birthday 02/08/1973

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    I love to write childrens stories ,poems and songs.
    I also love jigsaw and word puzzles..and surfing on the net,Penpaling

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  1. https://www.facebook.com/share/AuhqnfxxvvjgMuAq/?mibextid=xfxF2i
  2. Growing up I had to be at least 13 and mature to get them pierced. I currently don't have pierced ears and have personal reasons why I would never let my daughters ears get pierced (she is autistic) . If your a mom who pierced her babies ears more power to ya. I never did .
  3. I was very open to open about myself that I itself was not good . I wound up having my savings cleaned out . These sites aren't all they're cracked up to be.
  4. I was scammed pretty bad by e harmony never been on Christian Cafe s dating site. Don't want to be. If God wants me single then I am his Zoosk is another bad site.
  5. Yea I am a natural skeptic when I hear predictions like that. Sorry.
  6. I Just got out of a psych ward after a near suicide attempt in October of last year. I am a born again Christian,who's medicine stopped working plus not being allowed to grieve properly caused me to spiral and I nearly killed myself. I am back with the Lord and am much stronger. Whether Suicide is selfish is a matter of opinion I believe depression is part spiritual and medical. It is okay in my opinion to debate suicide but just be careful of the unsaved or saved fragile souls. Who are looking for the loving forgiving people of God not the condemners
  7. I am in all things aware that I am unequally yoked in my marriage to a man that has jumped so many times from Catholic to protestant and Catholic again two years ago in our 18yrs of marriage While I find many of the "true practicing Catholics " fascinating I have some serious issues especially when it comes to there rejection of Salvation 0r (eternal security) . I have never been able to understand that. I have been trying to get my husband to explain to me where John 3:16 fits in and many other verses that were quoted by protestants in this thread but he confuses the daylights out of me.....I also believe that God is a forgiving God except in blatant blaspheme if I have to go to a man and ak him to forgive my sins instead directly to God or Jesus what's the point of even following Christ? Iis the preist or the pope perfect ? My husband tells me that I worship my bible every time I open it up and pray scripture or pray over it....but he never stops to think could she possibly be trying to medidtate and pray the words or be asking God to show her something in her life? Maybe you do that too some degree and thats great but do Catholics actually pray prayers from their hearts not from a missle ? Why does one need beads to pray when there are prayers in the bible and God often lays things on a persons heart to pray? Why is it necessary to Baptise an infant when they aren't capable of confessing their sins ? Why does it make you automatically Catholic>. Two years ago I went against my convictions to humor my husband and let my kids (who are non verbal ans so severally autistic,they can't talk and aren't potty trained and are like 18 months too two in there minds) get baptised in a Catholic church and now my family claims they are just Catholic when I have raised them up until the age of 16 in protestant churches ? I have so many,many questions and no clear answers.. there is theological answers but i need simple ones I have got that and much more from my religion. . I know in my heart that I am on my way to heaven and won't have to face the tribulation but i mentioned too many things that should go in other threads.
  8. While I find your opinions fascinating I also don't agree with you. I think God would not be so cruel for one thing to make those who believe in him go through the Tribulation . I was thinking of posting my blog here but not so sure now if people are going to argue ...though I see a majority of these are theological
  9. I have been there with my marriage(18yrs) and my husband is in counseling now as I finally built up the courage and told him if he ever mistreated me in anyway again I was out of here After some traumatic events we were forced to place my two severely autistic teenagers in a group home back in February and because of distance ext we are not able to see them as much the trauma of this seems to be making him realize that he is about to loose everything he values and he seems to be trying hard to work on himself to the point where he now goes into his computer room and slams stuff around and blares his music real loud. I am ok with that and leave him alone until I am certain he is calm. He is now learning to give me some space as well . I am no longer afraid of him and he knows I have connections with a friend from a battered woman;s shelter.(He found out accidently one day when he came home from some where and I had left some info from Genesis house on the table. I have two secure places I can go to and a long list of support people one in particular is my aunts house(I have many aunts ) he does not know where she lives and what her last name is. The only thing is we are almost and will be homeless by the end of November if he does not find a job. I am on disability due to several health issues and can't work but I have three places to go maybe even more than that if we do become homeless where I can seek shelter or a place to live so I am prepared....It's just there are a lot of financial things I would have to change of course but I have some big financial problems I have to figure out a way to solve first . I don't know what our savings account number is and we rarely write checks. I am going to go to the bank with someone soon and ask for a financial print out with the number on it .just don't know what they will give me without a current ID.
  10. Yes I am still here things have been kind crazy for me and since this is a deicate subject I unfortunately have to be careful what I say here I will give what ever advice as long as the mods can tell me when I have gone to far apprently I must have in my original post so I am going to do this prayerfully and use some scripture as best as I can. I am sure you know that self harm can come in many forms I was never a cuter I did more superficial stuff that looked like accidents or even rashes. I don't think I should go into detail here without permission.but I will say what has helped me break the addictions I had and how to remain clean from self harm addiction just bare with me as I take this too Jesus and to the mods first.
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