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Which day is the Sabbath and is it still valid today?


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There are many arguments about which day is the Sabbath day and whether it is still valid or not today. Any opinions? I use the Bible KJV and only texts from the Bible must be provided please to prove your point.

The Sabbath day is from friday evening to saturday evening.   But Jesus is the true Sabbath.   When I got saved, I entered into His rest.  I don't need the sabbath day when I have Jesus.
So you also agree that the Sabbath is from Friday evening to Saturday evening. I do not understand how you can say Jesus is the true Sabbath. The Sabbath is God's rest. How can Jesus be God's rest? Jesus is God's son. If we need to rest on the Sabbath like God, then we should rest on the Saturday, right?
Jesus is also God. He also was our Creator, with the Father and the Holy Spirit. They are one God.

Jesus rested from His work when He said "it is finished and died on the cross. He had obeyed our Father perfectly and He had kept all the commandments perfectly on our behalf.. He had paid for our sin on the cross and had put His righteousness on our account sheet. He had purchased us back from Satan with His blood. He also ratified the new covenant with His blood. The new covenant is all about what Jesus did for us, and not about anything we can do. By grace you have saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is a GIFT of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 When we believe in Christ we trust Him and rely on Him.

When we turn from our sinful life to God for forgiveness, He gives us His own Spirit and His own life to live in us. We are born again.

He gives us new desires to want to live a life that brings Him praise. We are adopted into His family. No one has to keep the commandments to be saved. We want to keep them because we are already saved. God demonstrated His love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.

Most Christians celebrate resurrection Sunday, First Fruits in the Jewish calandar and Easter Sunday in ours, and make Sunday our day of worship and rest for that reason. But there is nothing wrong in keeping Saturday. Paul spoke frequently of speaking to the Jews on Saturday mornings and speaking to the gentiles saturday afternoon and evening after sunset till midnight. Saturday evening was considered the first day to the Jews. He spoke of taking up an offering for the poor on the first day of the week when they were gathered together.

I hope this helps to clear up your confusion.



WilIa, Thanks for your reply. I have read many of the articles that were posted on this site as was suggested by some members and there are many different views, some that makes sense and others very confusing. 

I believe the following. Jesus was God. He has given up His Godly status when He became man. He died as man and was resurrected as man and is now sitting on the right hand side of God as man, as the High Priest.There are now two separate entities. The Holy Spirit on this earth did not exist until Jesus was resurrected. God's powers worked through Jesus Christ when He was on earth, and He received it when He was baptized. Only the people that accept Jesus Christ in their lives, the born again, receives this same power from Jesus Christ to work on earth ie. the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is the only way to God. Man cannot go direct to God by cutting Jesus out of the picture. I further believe that when you have accepted Jesus Christ in your life, He has written the law of God on your heart which means that you will want to live out the law that God has given to us as the law of God is the clear indication of what pure love is. Pure love to love God and to your neighbour. By not using His Name in vain, and not carving out statues and pray to them, and holding the Sabbath, your show your pure love to God, by not stealing, murdering, coveting etc, you show your pure love towards your neighbour. God was very specific with His Commandments, and He does not make mistakes, to show what this pure love is. If He thought that we could use any day to rest He would not have mentioned it in the Commandments, but He spesifically mentioned Sabbath, and that is linked to the first seventh day of creation, which incidentally was holied and blessed by God Himself, and this seven day cycle has never changed from creation up to now. The Saturday is the Sabbath and it is still valid and in line with God's Commandments and still needs to be respected, if we love God. Paul has also said that the Commandments be held until Jesus comes again and John said that nothing of the Commandments may be changed.There are many quotes in the Bible that if we love God, we will keep the Commandments, all of them, and not nine out of ten.

Satan is the master deceiver. He does not want people to be saved, to be children of God. That is why he is using his agents to spread the lies or theories, to create doubt in mankind's mind. His first victim was Eve and he tried his deception with Jesus Christ but failed, and that all by twisting the Word of God. We need to be very aware of what is being said and to compare it to God's Word and to see whether it is twisted or not. Satan is doing this as he knows that he has no chance in heaven anymore, and that he is going to be destroyed by fire and brimstone. He is doing everything in his power to destroy mankind as they still have a chance to enter the gates of heaven. The only way for mankind to survive these attacks from Satan, is to love and obey God, and God has given us the guidelines, the Ten Commandments. 



People are deceived if they believe that God the Son and the risen ascended Christ are two different entities.  That is not the Christian faith.  They are one God from the time Jesus was born as God With Us Emmanuel.  He was God the Son in human flesh on earth.  

Satan will be overcome by the Blood of Christ and the word of our testimonies (as to our relationship with God). We can only testify to our experience in court.  

Satan is never overcome by how well we keep the 10 commandments.  As you said, they are guidelines, not the law that we must uphold to make it into heaven.  People are deceived if they believe we must keep the sabbath to keep from going to hell.  

Brother, I am deeply concerned that you have been misguided.  




I do not say that God the Son and the risen ascended Christ are two different entities. God the Son, also the Word that was with God and then became flesh on this earth, is Jesus Christ. God gave His Son the instruction to come down to this earth to do the specific tasks. But to do that He, the Son of God or Jesus, had to give up His Godly status that He had, to become man. That left God the Father alone in heaven while Jesus was on this earth. If Jesus was God on this earth, He could not have died, as a God cannot die. Jesus had to become man to show the people around Him what can and cannot be done as man. He had to be on this earth to prove to mankind that God exists and that He has a lot of power. Jesus did not do the miracles Himself but it was God that worked through Him, Jesus Christ. He also had to show mankind who Satan was and his works and Jesus' job was to break the works of Satan. Jesus had to die on the cross as man, to take the whole world's sin on His shoulders, and not God, otherwise His death would be a bluff to mankind. He died on the cross and was buried like man and God raised Him from the dead. Jesus did not raise Himself. Jesus is now sitting on the right hand side of God, still with the wound marks on His hands, feet and side. Satan now has therefore no proof that Jesus did not die on the cross as man, and that He was a God who could in fact not die, as Jesus can show the people the wounds at judgement day and thus proving Satan incorrect.

Please re-read the first article and look at the total picture that I gave and please do not misquote what I have said. Nowhere did I quote the word hell or that you must keep the Sabbath to keep from going to hell . 


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here are a couple verses I found just to stir the pot

Isa 1

13 Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting.
14 Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them.

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Guest shiloh357

here are a couple verses I found just to stir the pot

Isa 1

13 Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting.

14 Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them.

Those verses don't apply because they were written at a time when Israel was in rebellion and were mixing the Sabbaths and feast days with pagan practices.  

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IMHO, people who argue over which day is the Sabbath are arguing over the wrong thing.  The Sabbath was never about an officially designated day of worship. That is a vanity of man.  For those ancient people, every day was a day of worship...as it ought to be for Christians today.


Here is the original command as it came from God's Hands to Moses:


Exo 20:8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Exo 20:9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:

Exo 20:10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:

Exo 20:11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.


Do you see anything in there about a designated day for worship?  I don't.

The sacrifices and the prayers were made daily.  The temple, when it was built, was open daily, as were the synagogues.  For them, their lives centered around their worship...as it ought to for us.


As for whether it is still valid...some people think that, because we are under a New Covenant, we are no longer accountable to God for His law...no not even the Ten Commandments.  I'm not exactly sure how they work that out, since, surely, things like lying, stealing, murder, adultery, etc are still sins...the only one of the ten, it seems, that people have an objection to is this one...and it seems that the argument is mainly about what day to go to church.  Seems silly to me, since, as we see here, the commandment is not even about that.


For me, however, I am following Jesus, not some man. 

Did Jesus keep the law? 

Then I will also...at least, I will do my level best.

Did Jesus teach others to keep the law?

Then so shall I...as well as I can understand it.


Let others do as they will.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. 

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Doesn't the world honor God's Sabbath, whether it would or no?

What day is the "day off"?  Why do people say "thank God it's Friday"? (That always makes me smile)

What is the usual day for family get togethers, barbeques, the big game, that trip to the beach, the school dance, the big date, etc, etc, etc?

Isn't it Saturday?


Why is it a "burden" to take...and maybe more importantly, to give the people around you...a day of rest?


Husbands, a whole day of not being nagged by your wife with her "honeydo" list. 

Wives, a whole day of no housework or cooking.

Kids, a day without chores.

Just a day to relax and enjoy each other...what a blessing is that?


Of course, if you are lucky enough to afford servants to work for you, or if you own a business, those employees get Saturday off, too...I can see how that might be an inconvenience, especially for business owners who want to take advantage of Saturday shoppers who have the day off and Friday's paycheck in hand. 

But then, Christians aren't supposed to be too attached to material things.  Remember the rich young ruler?

You cannot serve God and Mammon...

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You are still not addressing the points I am making.  For one, you still have provided NO evidence from Scripture that God requires the Church to keep the Sabbath Day.  In addition, your examples so far from the New Testament only apply to extra-biblical rules and man made regulations.


so far there is nothing in your responses to convince me that God still expects me to keep the Sabbath Day which was only commanded to Israel.  Still waiting for that evidence.

Hi once more Shiloh,

Who is not addressing your questions? You asked me to show you where the military were exempted, mocked my first example to you, so then I gave you another; which you simply ignored and chose not to answer.

You didn't give any examples of the military being exempt from the Sabbath.  You provided an example of David and his men (who were fugitives not an army) who took the bread from the tabernacle while running from Saul.  That has nothing to do with the military being exempt from the Sabbath.


Jesus used that example to defend His disciples from the accusation that they were violating the Sabbath when they weren't; they were violating rabbinical rules.  I didn't mock your answer.  I refuted it.  Your comparison is an attempt to force a passage to address what it wasn't meant to address.


Your second example didn't need a response because it was the Lord who fought for Israel.


I also provided much evidence from Scripture that God not only stated that the Sabbath observance was "perpetual", but it is integral to the 10 commandments. Also the Scriptures even infer that Gentiles are to partake in the Sabbath Worship just as the Jews were.

There is nothing in the OT about the Church age.  So there cannot be any OT passages that say that the Sabbath is for the Church or believers in Jesus.  Gentiles who choose to join themselves to the Jewish nation are bound to observe the Sabbath Day, according to the law. 


Also the Scriptures even infer that Gentiles are to partake in the Sabbath Worship just as the Jews were. That was just in case someone thinks "perpetual" is only for Jews.

It says no such thing in reference to the Church.   You are taking "Gentile" and super-imposing "Church" onto that word.  It is talking about Gentiles who choose to embrace the covenant.  The Scriptures nowhere say that Gentiles are bound to Sabbath observance like Israel was.   You are, again, grasping at straws.


Of course few would hardly argue that refraining from murder, stealing, committing adultery and the other commandments is mere poppycock, so why exactly are you singling out the Sabbath again?

The Bible treats the Sabbath day differently.  There is no commandment to the Church to keep the Sabbath day.  All of the other 10 commandments are repeated as commandments to the Church.  The Sabbath day is never commanded as NT observance, even once.   You are relying on OT passages that have nothing to do with the Church or Church age to impose an observance that is not required for Christians.


I want to make it perfectly clear that I absolutely have nothing to gain here by telling everyone why the Scriptures have convinced me of this. In fact I did not always believe this as a Christian until I studied this more deeply than I previously did.

Well you need to keep studying, because your exegesis is way off kilter.


However, that said I certainly don't believe you have proved or given substantive arguments to the contrary that the exegesis of these Scriptures are unfounded on my part.

I have responded to the texts where I felt I needed to respond.   The fact is that you STILL have not provided ONE text that says that the Church is expected to keep the Sabbath.   Your argument remains unsupported at this point.


I could say the same thing to you. You have not supported with any text to convince me that the Lord abolished it, have you? Since I only care about what the Word of God establishes and not men, please give me an exegesis on why the Lord Jesus, in speaking with His disciples on future tribulation, speak of the Sabbath in the future (post gospel going out throughout the earth) if He knew He was abolishing it?

Matthew 24:13-22

"But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. Therefore when you see the 'abomination of desolation,' spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place" (whoever reads, let him understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house. And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes. But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath. For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened.

In Christ, Pat

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Guest shiloh357



I could say the same thing to you.

No, you can't.  I have not made any claims that I need to support with Scripture.  All I am saying is that you have not supported your claims with Scripture that addresses your arguments.  You offered Scripture, but it is Scripture that you have misapplied to issues they were not intended to address.


You have not supported with any text to convince me that the Lord abolished it, have you?


Well, since I have not claimed the Lord abolished it, I guess it follows that I don't have to support a statement I never made.  How about you actually address what I have said instead of trying to refute arguments I never raised.  Think you can manage that?


Since I only care about what the Word of God establishes and not men, please give me an exegesis on why the Lord Jesus, in speaking with His disciples on future tribulation, speak of the Sabbath in the future (post gospel going out throughout the earth) if He knew He was abolishing it?


Once again, I don't need to do that since my argument isn't that the Sabbath was abolished.


My argument is that the Church is not required to keep the Sabbath.  So far, and I have asked you several times for this, you have not yet provided ONE verse of Scripture that tells us that the Church is required to keep the Sabbath day.


So far you have danced around and ignored the issue I raised because you know you can't provide it and can't  admit it.  So it is easier to assign values to me that I didn't express instead of just addressing what I actually said.

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Hi Other one,

Again you miss the point that Jesus was performing the priestly function, as I've mentioned before. He is quite clear that priests performing the work of God are exempt from working because the work itself is the work of God and not servile work.

In Christ, Pat

Yes you have stated that before, and I still say that you are twisting that scripture with you mind to make it something that it's not.   The Jews told him that he was wrong for working on the Sabbath and he said that he was working and the Father was too.   He didn't tell them that they were wrong and he was doing something different, he admitted to the Jews that he was actually working on the Sabbath. 


Now you can rationalize that away any way you want to to settle that in your mind, but the Word plainly says that he was working on the Sabbath.  He agreed with the Jews that he was doing what they accused him of.

Dear Other One,

Accusing someone of twisting Scripture is a very serious accusation and you should at least have the decency to back it up, which you have not. I consider that as a baseless attack. Now when I jumped into this thread I sincerely thought we were going to have a discussion on exegeting the Scriptures with regard to the Sabbath Day. Now, as I have stated before, initially I believed something entirely different with regard to the Sabbath but, through the years, as I have studied it I have come to my current position on it and my intention was to only show why I believe what I do, for that was the original query of the author of this thread. Now if someone convinces me from Scripture I am in error I would gladly accept it because I base my belief of Scripture and not men. So I do not agree with your persistent accusation that I am twisting Scripture. Now on to what I really said:

I never said the Lord was NOT doing work on the Sabbath. What I did say was that He was doing "the work of the Lord", which I agree we "should do on the Sabbath" Contrary to profaning the Sabbath it glorifies the "Lord of the Sabbath", which is what we are supposed to do. My understanding is that the body was not to do servile work on the Sabbath - Jesus was certainly NOT doing that. So you misunderstand me. Hopefully we have cleared that up and you will no longer confuse a misunderstanding of what I was saying for the grievous sin of twisting the Scriptures.

May God reign in helping us to reign in our words brother, Pat

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As for whether it is still valid...some people think that, because we are under a New Covenant, we are no longer accountable to God for His law...no not even the Ten Commandments.  I'm not exactly sure how they work that out, since, surely, things like lying, stealing, murder, adultery, etc are still sins...the only one of the ten, it seems, that people have an objection to is this one...and it seems that the argument is mainly about what day to go to church.  Seems silly to me, since, as we see here, the commandment is not even about that.


For me, however, I am following Jesus, not some man. 

Did Jesus keep the law? 

Then I will also...at least, I will do my level best.

Did Jesus teach others to keep the law?

Then so shall I...as well as I can understand it.


Let others do as they will.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. 

Just because we are not under the old covenant laws is no sign we are not under the commandments of Jesus.....    If you love God with all your heart and soul, will you do anything that would violate the laws against God?   If you love your neighbor as yourself, would you take his/her things or murder them, or mess with the other persons spouse.....

But that old set of laws taught you to fear and obey God and not to harm people.....    but you could hate both God and People and still keep the law......      but with Jesus and his commandments, you not only can't take his things or mess with his wife, you have to care for him/her and make sure they are OK.

Big Big difference between the old covenant requirements and the new.


And did Jesus keep the old law?????     When the Jews accused him of working on the Sabbath by healing people, he didn't disagree with them at all.....    Simply said that he was working, and further more, the Father has been working up to now.


When you are living a holy life as Jesus asks us to do, you remember the Sabbath all day every day......   and you don't have to stop what you are doing to accomplish that.

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I could say the same thing to you.

No, you can't.  I have not made any claims that I need to support with Scripture.  All I am saying is that you have not supported your claims with Scripture that addresses your arguments.  You offered Scripture, but it is Scripture that you have misapplied to issues they were not intended to address.


You have not supported with any text to convince me that the Lord abolished it, have you?

Well, since I have not claimed the Lord abolished it, I guess it follows that I don't have to support a statement I never made.  How about you actually address what I have said instead of trying to refute arguments I never raised.  Think you can manage that?


Since I only care about what the Word of God establishes and not men, please give me an exegesis on why the Lord Jesus, in speaking with His disciples on future tribulation, speak of the Sabbath in the future (post gospel going out throughout the earth) if He knew He was abolishing it?

Once again, I don't need to do that since my argument isn't that the Sabbath was abolished.


My argument is that the Church is not required to keep the Sabbath.  So far, and I have asked you several times for this, you have not yet provided ONE verse of Scripture that tells us that the Church is required to keep the Sabbath day.


So far you have danced around and ignored the issue I raised because you know you can't provide it and can't  admit it.  So it is easier to assign values to me that I didn't express instead of just addressing what I actually said.

Brother Shiloh,

Neither have you, speaking of dancing, and as I previously mentioned, provided a single verse to me that the Sabbath was abolished. I'm all ears.

In Christ, Pat

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