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I think my church may be dying. What can I do?

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"When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be, when we all see Jesus, we'll sing and shout the Victory." Cool of the Day, we seem to measure success by numbers, "how many are with us." This is a human failing, for we know that "God looks on the heart," not on the outside, as we do. My wife and I are involved in a small  church assembly, and we've (my wife and I ) have been guilty of looking at the numbers, being disappointed with the lack of continuity of people not always "being there, choosing to stay away, not putting their "hands up" and serving, (like we always do). Father had to show us our "critical hearts," and ask Him for forgiveness. He showed us that He loves them as much as He loves us. We're all at different places in our "walk," and He will deal with it ALL, in His perfect timing. As Jesus said to Peter on the beach, when Peter turned and asked about John? Jesus said to Peter, "what is that to you, You follow me."  Let's determine then, not to concern ourselves with what others are doing, or not doing, let's just concern ourselves with our "walk" and let The Holy Spirit do His work, amen, God bless.

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8 hours ago, Heybro said:

"When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be, when we all see Jesus, we'll sing and shout the Victory." Cool of the Day, we seem to measure success by numbers, "how many are with us." This is a human failing, for we know that "God looks on the heart," not on the outside, as we do. My wife and I are involved in a small  church assembly, and we've (my wife and I ) have been guilty of looking at the numbers, being disappointed with the lack of continuity of people not always "being there, choosing to stay away, not putting their "hands up" and serving, (like we always do). Father had to show us our "critical hearts," and ask Him for forgiveness. He showed us that He loves them as much as He loves us. We're all at different places in our "walk," and He will deal with it ALL, in His perfect timing. As Jesus said to Peter on the beach, when Peter turned and asked about John? Jesus said to Peter, "what is that to you, You follow me."  Let's determine then, not to concern ourselves with what others are doing, or not doing, let's just concern ourselves with our "walk" and let The Holy Spirit do His work, amen, God bless.

Agreed. Again, the numbers were never my main concern. However, most comments went that way and I addressed as such.

My concern is that we are a head knowledge, line by line church which is great and draws in, but, I feel that in our haste to stay on time and get to the Word, we stifle the Holy Spirit. Could that be a reason for the lack of numbers? Yes. Could that be why folks are dying instead of being healed? Yes. 

I've got my answer for the elders. Thank you

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On 5/22/2019 at 4:49 AM, Cool of the Day said:

When I look around I see more and more empty pews. Only select Sundays are they filled. The majority of the buzz from the elders is "how do we attract/keep the younger generation here?"

We are a Bible rooted church, but, I do think we lean more to head knowledge vs. truly getting to the heart and allowing the Holy Spirit to flow freely and unhindered. 

All that said, do any scriptures come to mind that I can pray? Or take back to the elders when they ask me my thoughts/ideas?

God Bless

Repurpose it.

Make "how do we get people saved?" priority number one.

Next, how do we get people to spread out across the globe with the Gospel? Rather than

holing up in a local congregation forever...

You'll have to build new buildings to contain the attendees.

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19 hours ago, Cool of the Day said:

My concern is that we are a head knowledge, line by line church which is great and draws in, but, I feel that in our haste to stay on time and get to the Word, we stifle the Holy Spirit. Could that be a reason for the lack of numbers? Yes. Could that be why folks are dying instead of being healed? Yes.

I've got my answer for the elders. Thank you

A couple of comments.

You've highlighten that obedience might not be important among the church members.

That would be something your minister might want to preach on, that what we believe Does affect how we behave at work or with neighbours.

Talk to pother members are they as concerned as you are? Are they willing to commit themselves to pray?

How willing is the congragation to change? Would an evamgelical college asign students to work in your church and could the congragation suport them?

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1 hour ago, Who me said:

You've highlighten that obedience might not be important among the church members.

That would be something your minister might want to preach on, that what we believe Does affect how we behave at work or with neighbours.

The big problem with the concept of "the minister" is that it produces passive pew sitters who seem to be brainwashed into thinking "the minister" is the only one permitted to exhort on spiritual matters, in much the same way that Roman Catholicism prohibited all but "the priest" from even reading the Scriptures, let alone speaking one to another from them.

 Heb 10:24-25
(24)  And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:
(25)  Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as you see the day approaching.

Thank God for these forums where we can exhort one another as we see the day approaching!

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51 minutes ago, Michael37 said:

The big problem with the concept of "the minister" is that it produces passive pew sitters who seem to be brainwashed into thinking "the minister" is the only one permitted to exhort on spiritual matters, in much the same way that Roman Catholicism prohibited all but "the priest" from even reading the Scriptures, let alone speaking one to another from them.

 Heb 10:24-25
(24)  And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:
(25)  Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as you see the day approaching.

Thank God for these forums where we can exhort one another as we see the day approaching!

However a church is organised there is always one man seeking to motivate others, arange speakers, people to put out/put away chairs etc

It depends on how he teaches the church and motivates them.


Sheep don't lead the shepard, they might think they do, it is the shepard who guides his flock.

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5 minutes ago, Who me said:

Sheep don't lead the shepard, they might think they do, it is the shepard who guides his flock

The operative word being guide, and "shepherd" being a function not a title. Also the NT teaches plurality of leadership.

Acts 11:30--elders at the church of Antioch

Acts 14:23--Paul and Barnabas appoint "elders in every church"

Acts 15:2, 4, 6, 22, 23; 16:4--elders at the church in Jerusalem

Acts 20:17, 28--elders/bishops at the church of Ephesus (v. 17--"elders of the church")

Acts 21:18--elders at the church in Jerusalem

Phil 1:1--the church at Philippi has bishops and deacons

1 Tim 5:17--elders at the church of Ephesus

Titus 1:5--Titus is to appoint elders in every town7

Jas 5:14--"the elders of the church"

1 Pet 5:1-2--"the elders among you"8

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On 5/22/2019 at 2:49 AM, Cool of the Day said:

When I look around I see more and more empty pews. Only select Sundays are they filled. The majority of the buzz from the elders is "how do we attract/keep the younger generation here?"

We are a Bible rooted church, but, I do think we lean more to head knowledge vs. truly getting to the heart and allowing the Holy Spirit to flow freely and unhindered. 

All that said, do any scriptures come to mind that I can pray? Or take back to the elders when they ask me my thoughts/ideas?

God Bless

My own personal belief is that the healthiest churches are the ones who try to obey the Lord's commandments. That is the foundation to build on. 

“If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” John 14:15 RSV

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On ‎5‎/‎22‎/‎2019 at 2:49 AM, Cool of the Day said:

When I look around I see more and more empty pews. Only select Sundays are they filled. The majority of the buzz from the elders is "how do we attract/keep the younger generation here?"

We are a Bible rooted church, but, I do think we lean more to head knowledge vs. truly getting to the heart and allowing the Holy Spirit to flow freely and unhindered. 

All that said, do any scriptures come to mind that I can pray? Or take back to the elders when they ask me my thoughts/ideas?

God Bless

Its not the numbers that show whether a church is truly living or dying .    Its the doctrine .   Stick to that bible like never before .

Its not the quantity that matters , but the quality of sound doctrine getting taught .

We in a falling away and that is what folks need to understand .   Have your church double down on sound doctrine .     GOD is in control .  He knows who is coming

and He knows who will be leaving too .    PREACH SOLID SOUND DOCTRINE and conform not to the skits and things of the world to gain people , or YOU WILL LOSE IT ALL .

OH the numbers will sky rocket ,  but the righteous cause of CHRIST will be gone .     

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Here is a better question .  DID JESUS pander to any age group to get folks to follow HIM .  OR DID HE PREACH TRUTH ALONE and whoever came ,  simply came .

THEN LET THE CHURCHES DO the same . Or suffer the same fate the seeker friendly did .   And that is they grew massive large in numbers ,  but I see zero evidence

of GOD  , the SPIRIT at work in those groups .     They got numbers but lost something far more important .  TRUTH , SOUND DOCTRINE and all TRUE HOPE . 

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