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Everything posted by petula

  1. Sadly , I have known people who have committed suicide and when I was younger I have counseled some . In my opinion , no one takes their life unless they are in such pain ,physicaly ,emotionaly , mentaly and even spiritualy that they literally can not bear their life for one more minute.. They have often prayed ,sometimes for months sometimes just a few minutes . it leaves problems for many , but I've been told that they have felt " their death , would ultimately help those they love . Some experts say that suicide is the most selfish act . God knows our heart , he has counted the hairs upon each of our heads , he is love , and he loves us unconditionally . I believe that nothing is impossible with God , and his judgement is perfect . I believe many suicides end up in heaven , but , imagine the explaining you'd have to do .
  2. Sadly dear , those things are a part of life , not a nice part , but almost every one experiences them . The wonderful , glorious thing is that as Christians we have a constant companion , Jesus who loves us unconditionally. As we get older , we move , we grow , we change and so does everyone around us . Trust Jesus , follow his word ( bible ) people are not perfect , our Lord is . Forgive those who have hurt you , give the whole thing to the Lord , and walk on with Jesus God bless you
  3. Happy new year tt , God bless you dear .
  4. Our Worthy siblings have given you great advice . Please talk to your co workers and tell your boss . Praying for you . God bless you .
  5. Welcome PT, there are some people on Worthy , who may be led to contact you . There will be many who will pray for you. Please do as omega has suggested , 5 posts , God bless you , praying .
  6. Oh Kari luv , first , you have been given great advice in the previous answers . You know there were mistakes made by both of you . You need to talk and pray it out with a Godly woman . Your hopes and dreams have been crushed , and that brings up so many questions and ' what ifs ' , darling he's not the one , our Lord has someone , so much better for you . Put a line under that experience , its over .I know , it hurts . Now wait for the Lord to open the door to the right man . In the meantime , keep busy , become more involved in church and volunteering and take care of yourself , God bless you , praying .
  7. I am learning so much , and thinking about things , thank-you .
  8. Welcome to Worthy , When we pray , we are talking to God , he is already aware of our situation and all its ramifications . You have asked our Lord to help you in this area of your life , listen to him , he may ask you to do things , change things , speak to a professional . Prayer is like all conversations its a two way thing , he will answer you , maybe through the Bible , maybe through a friend or an article or " a still , small voice " . IF it's God s will , you will get the help you asked for . I'll be praying for you and your wife ( she might be a good place to start ) God bless you dear .
  9. I hope things are improving for you , cont prayers , God bless you .
  10. Welcome world of error , Like you I have seen wonderful miracles in some instances and absolutely zilch in others . I have seen miracles through ' prayer and fasting ' and I have seen prayer and fasting ,seem , to fail . I really believe it is totally up toGods will . We are his creation , he knows what his plans are , and for us Heaven is a reward , the walking from one room to another. . I will be interested to read , what other people think . The miracle that blew me away ........ ( there's been a couple ) A lady in our community had broken her neck 12 years earlier , she was bent over , sideways , one half of her body had withered away , the other half had thick knotted muscles , which did most of the work , her head was laying on her shoulder and she looked up at you , with difficulty . I had seen people gasp involuntarily ,when seeing her . She was addicted to pain medication , and needed an injection to relax the muscles enough , so she could sleep . I didn't really know her very well , but she would ring me sometimes ( we both had spinal problems and knew the same doctor etc) she was a Christian . We arranged to go to a meeting at my church , A slight blonde woman , straight as an arrow walked in , I ran over , , , it was L . She told me she had been reading her bible , when she started crying , and Jesus spoke to her , she spent days crying and going over her life , reading her bible and finally fell asleep , upon waking , she was straight , the withered parts were whole , the thick knotted muscles of her neck and shoulders were normal . It was quite a sensation in our suburb , I moved away but , as far as I know she's still praising God , I think everyone who saw it , still is .
  11. Lady , you have received SOME very good advice , may I as an older women add a few thoughts . Older , single women are becoming the new " homeless ' here in Australia and united kingdom , I'm not sure about America , it is being discussed on TV and on older sites , so , she may have genuine concerns about her future . Next time she starts talking this way , take her hand , look into her eyes and tell her you're sorry that she feels this way , wait a few seconds then ask , what does she think she could do , so she can feel more secure . She may or may not , give you some clues . If it continues or worsens , I would speak to her MD , some tests may be warranted . All the best ,praying for you .
  12. Welcome to Worthy , praying for you and your family . I know you're frightened , but please trust in God , he won't let you down . God bless you and your family
  13. Welcome countrycutie54 , you have been given wise advice , follow it and pray . God bless you .......... you are a daughter of God , do not accept abuse or violence from anyone no matter what excuse they give you , tell others , get help , walk away . take care of you
  14. Praise God , I'm so glad things are getting better .
  15. Oh my goodness potato ( dog in my photo ) does not want to be painted , or go behind my ear .
  16. Mmm I got 6 out of 10 but only because Butero told me about " dark shadows ' ( never heard of it ) and star trek .
  17. Oh Jade , I wish I could give you a hug , a cup of tea and tell you it was all over , and now everything will be great . But , you've got a bit of a fight ahead of you , you have the prayers and love of your family on Worthy , and most important you have a heavenly Father who loves you more than anything else in this world ( he loves us all , that much ) This man should be in the courts , I know you loved him and thought he loved you , narcissistic manipulateors are very clever at making you think 'its your fault , and you want it ,' but he tricked you down every step .please find a Christian Councillor , or someone who can help you . Jade , you or I would never ask anyone to do the things , that he made you do , so let that be a little guide for now .Never let someone trick you into doing something that you would not do to a person you loved . You are a child of God , you were led astray by evil , and God asks us to flee from evil , so please stay away from this man ,if he is to be led to Jesus it is not through you ,leave him to Jesus and walk away , please get help , you have an amazing life ahead of you . our prayers are with you , God bless you luv ......petula
  18. If this is proved , it should be on the front page of every newspaper ... I can't wait for the day 'when every knee is bent and every head bowed ' .
  19. Was it a terrorist shooting . praying for those involved .
  20. Ive known about the vault and believe it's a sensible idea . Not so sensible is building the CERN hadron super collider only a hundred or so kilometers away .
  21. Thank-you , I remember being shocked by the assassination , but I was busy and soon forgot . Thank-you for your article , I wonder what the world would be like if it had not happened ...
  22. If you contact the venue they wi!ll happily advise you . I always dress up , but I'm old . You will both love it and be surprised by so many nuances of the performance , have a great time and God bless you both.
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