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Blood Bought 1953

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Everything posted by Blood Bought 1953

  1. Perhaps the confusion stems from you early post in regard to those “DIRECT COMMANDS”.I think you may mean well , but i’Ve got another direct command for you.If I were to cold-cock you in the face would you turn to offer me the other cheek ? Do I need to go any further down this road?You seem to come across as one who is willing to forgive her but not until she suffers enough first.God forbid somebody would “ get away with something”. Are you blind to the suffering she is currently enduring? I hope you are not the type that would “ cast the first stone”. She doesn’t need to be preached law. She knows she fell short.Let her and God work it out.You are taking on one heck of a load “trying to keep her from sinning”.Unless you are Holy Spirit Jr., let God’s convicting Spirit do its job.Its obvious He has.OUR JOB as Paul would say, is to forgive her and restore her to the fellowship.In a spirit of meekness.As I said earlier, YOU might be next to mess up.I pray with all of my heart that God will grant her wisdom in this matter.When we sin, God chastises us—- that is what she is presently experiencing.She should thank God for the chastisement, painful as it may be, for if we are not chastised by God in order to make us wiser ( not in order to get his “ pound of flesh”) we do not belong to him.Thank God for His Grace and use this new wisdom to get back on course.If a rocket ship that is heading for the moon gets off course do we shoot it down? Of course not! We nudge it this way and we nudge it that way until it reaches its goal.That is what God does with our lives.The further off course we go the more painful that nudge can be, but we are still headed for the goal.As far as Salvation goes, it’s like Zola Levitt used to say. When you stand before Jesus at the Bema Seat, if anybody would ever bring up this transgression, Christ is gonna say “Sin? What sin? I don’t remember it” . This Sister needs to do as we all should do....Trust Jesus to guide you, learn from your mistakes and enjoy your life, do your best to live the life Jesus wants you to live and FORGIVE YOURSELF! “We are who are in Christ are no longer under condemnation” We are under grace, not Law......run , don’t walk from modern day Pharisees who would tell you different.
  2. I’d take a church that blared the music of The Rolling Stones over a church of pious, self righteous religionists That preached a message that adds to Paul’s Gospel with works and caused me to be “ accursed” and not even know it. “JESUS SAVES plus NOTHING is what I want to hear.Some music is waaay more appropriate than others, but countless lost church goers will sing “ Nothing But The Blood” this Sunday and not believe it .I DO believe it and may crank up a little Ozzie Osbourne before I get to my Bible study.It means nothing.Its the message—- not the music. Works salvation sends one to Hell,not questionable taste in music.
  3. Cletus.....I hope my post to Fidei sufficed to answer your concerns with my thinking in regard to repentance.Let me know if I can straighten you out in the future.That last line was just a little joke.....lol. God bless .
  4. I agree completely.If a person does not repent he is not saved.Repentance is built- in to Paul’s Gospel thAt SAVES if merely BELIEVED.That saving Gospel has two parts.....the first part says we must BELIEVE that Jesus died for our sins.That means you admit you are a sinner that has to have Jesus to die for his sins because Jesus alone can do it.One has essentially shown that his mouth has been shut by the law and he has thrown off the self-righteousness that had him convinced he was going to do things his way—- not God’s way.That is evidence of a “ broken and contrite” heart”. All that is left for this man to say is , “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me a sinner!” THAT is repentance ! I will stand on what I said previously. NOWHERE in the KJV dies it say we have to repent of all of our sins to be saved.The Holy Spirit in us AFTER we have changed our mind about who we are and SIMPLY BELIEVE that Christ rose from the dead will take up the task of cleaning up the inside of the cup-something No man can do.The Holy Spirit will finish the work He started, if we will let Him.Why not trust that Spirit to do it? After all , had He not first softened the heart to prepare one for the Truth of repentance and receiving the Gospel, everything else would have been moot.May God bless us all in our understanding of His Word.
  5. Some things have refused to change,going back all the way to the days of Jesus.The Letter of the Law vs.the Spirit of the Law.Its on full display in this thread.Which did Jesus prefer ?A Sister in anguish, I’m sure she is gaining comfort from this intellectual debate about the Letter of the Law.Once we ascertain the exact legal point of her transgression,then maybe we can move on to the degree of forgiveness we bestow upon her. Should she be forgiven seven time or seven time seventy? My vote goes with the latter.Careful how you vote — you yourself may need some forgiveness someday.
  6. Thank you for your thoughtful, intelligent response......it’s late here and I am getting too sleepy to respond....God willing, I’ll get back to this tomorrow......zzzzzzzzzzzzz
  7. My heart breaks for you , Jen77. You come to a supposed Christian site looking for love and understanding and 99% of what you find is judgement and condemnation.Its as if you have been thrown to a modern- day den of legalistic, old- Testament mentality Pharisees.As a sin,divorce can’t hold a candle to murder. Never forget that our Bible was mostly written mainly by murderers( Moses David Paul) All forgiven,loved by God and considered heroes.We all sin every hour of every day.Big sins , little sins. All Covered by the Grace of God and the Shed Blood Of Christ.There’s a word I have not seen mentioned in all these judgmental postings—— GRACE! If you believe Jesus died for your sins , and if you believe He rose from the dead, you are a forever saved Member of the Body of Christ.You are untouchable.Do the same thing with your sin that your LOVING Father did. Put that sin of adultery on the Cross and leave it there!You are saved by your faith....your performance is a stench in Gods nostrils—— just like my performance and everybody else’s.Paul said we are to be meek,humble and forgiving when a fellow Believer stumbles.Why? It may be THEM in the hot seat next time! Please accept the forgiveness that is already yours.As you have no doubt learned the hard way, we pay for our sins in our Earthly lives.NOBODY enjoys a divorce.You have no doubt been chastised enough.Thank Jesus for His Grace and forgiveness and move on in you Christian walk.Ask God for His peace in this matter....He is eager to grant it to you! It’s called “ MERCY”—— another non-existent word in this thread of guilt and hypocrisy.Never consider yourself a third rate Christian.We all have the potential to be the best or the worst.Some need to learn this. God bless you, fine Sister!
  8. I drove the “ porcelain bus” many times, crying out for my old buddy “ Buick O’Rourke”. What I really miss is the warm smiles from my insurance man as I paid exorbitant monthly fees due to 3 DWI’s.....ahhhhhh......those were the good old days..........NOT!
  9. The only thing worse than never hearing the word “repent” in your church is to hear “ repent from your sins to be saved.” It ain’t in the KJV. Nowhere.The repentance God demands is “repentance toward God, with faith in Christ.To repent means to change your mind from whatever it is that is keeping you from believing Paul’s Gospel given to him by Jesus .That is usually the sin of self-righteousness that in essence tells God that you are “ good enough” that you don’t need His cure for sin and all,it’s ramifications.Anyone can come to God , but we are told that NOBODY comes lest the Spirit draw him. The “ Hound Of Heaven”, as Luther taught , must find you and soften your heart, make that heart contrite so the scales will fall off of you eyes and you finally see that you are not “ good enough” for anything other than an eternity in Hell.Seeing it, experiencing it, realizing you are a lost sinner is the repentance required for salvation .Once you have been rescued from your “ fool’s paradise”and discover that only the Shed Blood Of Jesus could save you, you will find that you will repent quite often from your daily sins.You now have a new nature that battles with your old nature and sometimes the old man will win.That is when you repent.Not for salvation, but for a renewed fellowship with the One you are sorry you let down .Then you Thank God for His Grace and continue your Christian walk of faith.God bless.
  10. We supposedly worship a God that spoke and “ nothing became everything” yet some have trouble believing a great fish could swallow a man ? Let’s continue down that road and Call the story of Balaams talking donkey a lie or the parting of the Red Sea was just a pretend story.Lets just take our pick . Maybe the resurrection of Christ was just a spiritual one .If every God-breathed Word of the Bible is not true—— toss it in the trash.If Jesus claimed that Jonah was swallowed by a goldfish , you would be wise to believe it. It’s all or nothing.
  11. Congratulations! Your reward in Heaven will be very great! Jesus said you are very blessed when the world curses you and your message.If you are not making enemie with your message, something is wrong....paraphrasing here....” blessed are you when you are cursed for my namesake, rejoice and be very happy for your reward shall be great” “ if they persecute Me they will surely persecute you” Keep up the good work —- you are certainly doing something right!
  12. As soon as my eye caught that they were referring to God As a “ she”.......I was outa there......no offense to you lovely ladies out there....lol
  13. I spent almost 10 seconds at the site......ten seconds I’ll never get back.....what a crock!
  14. By the Grace of God,I live a life where I understand what true Sabbathing is.....a complete rest and rejection of any and all works to receive or maintain salvation. God has blessed me with peace and joy.I hope this does not come off as bragging.Its just the truth.The worst sinner that ever made a post at this site —- trust me.Before I learned how to practice faith , I was a miserable wretch of a man.I am still a wretch, but no longer miserable.I am happy. It never seemed possible before.I thank God for His amazing grace.
  15. You are correct and it should not go without mentioning that most of these “Gospel” tracts contain no gospel at all.They all promote “ giving up your sins” in order to be saved.I wonder how many souls are in Hell at this moment because the had the intellectual honesty to know they can’t do it ,and thus rejected a “gospel” that did not save to begin with.Had they been given the TRUE Gospel in Paul’s Gospel thAt SAVES if merely BELIEVED , they would be given the Holy Spirit and then they would find themselves equipped to repent from daily sins. An unsaved man can’t fight the old man that still dwells in us all.Its difficult enough for a Believer to fight this spiritual battle.For a non- b eliever it is hopeless.That is precisely why “ repent from your sins to be saved “ is not found in the saving Gospel of Paul, given to him by Christ Himself.For that matter, “ repenting of sins to be saved” is nowhere in the KJV.Believe and only believe the Gospel...get Gods Spirit in you for that and repentance of sins will follow naturally.Using “ will worship”, as Paul called it , to stop sinning does not save and it will not keep you saved.Simply believing 1 cor15:1-4 will.Lets give the unsaved man a chance to get started—- once started, God will finish what was started.Only He can transform the “ inside of the cup” to transform you into the image of His Son.That takes faith.Thats what God is looking for.Not will-power. ,
  16. The Law is great if we understand it was the tool God used to show us that nobody can keep it. Thank God, He gave us a better way to be saved .Grace.
  17. I have mentioned Paul’s “ my Gospel” so many times here I risk sounding like a broken record.Of course I could not care less.It is the Gospel thAt saves in this current Age of Grace.It is what God is going to ask us about when we face Him.It is the Gospel thAt is hidden from those that perish.If you add to it with your works you “ fall from grace” and then it gets even worse.You are “ accursed”.Pretty serious stuff, huh?Somebody said that the guy with the orange wig seen at football games holding the placard that says John3:16 should switch it to 1Cor15:1-4. I would not have a problem with that.If somebody will provide the wig and a football ticket , I would be willing to make my own sign. ( please, no Bengals tickets)
  18. Darn you Debp.....you beat me to the punch.....lol......cat lovers MUST check this act out.....How on Earth these girls get these cats to do all of these things is amazing! I hope they win the million dollar final prize
  19. Those who belong to the Body of Christ are untouchable .If you believe Paul’s Gospel from 1cor15:1-4 you are in that body.
  20. Pauls “ my Gospel” If it is believed and not added to with works is what saves us today in this Age of Grace.It is what God will ask about when you meet Him.It is hidden from those that are lost. 1cor15:1-4
  21. Wow. Where to even begin? Good luck with this one, Shiloh......You and he both have my prayers.....but for entirely different reasons.whew!
  22. In my misspent youth i put away more than my share of Ripple wine and MD20/20, but I suspect those are not the types of wine we are discussing here......when I was not stealing Ripple, I remember it cost 89 cents a fifth.....it was overpriced.......lol
  23. Sombody remind me to contribute my following observation of this wonderful post to the thread of “Popular Sayings and Quotes” but it has to be said———“ Truer words were never spoken”.Exemplary post!
  24. Some individuals who are Catholics become saved despite the teachings of their church.I don’t know how.
  25. One could fill a warehouse with Catholic errors.Only one is needed to show an absolute cluelessness about what Christianity is about.The belief in purgatory.one would be hard-pressed to find a better way to trample the Blood Of Christ.A fairy tale straight from Hell.
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