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progressive Christianity

ayin jade

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I am sure you will find their roots are the same as those who follow Christ Consciousness.

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3 hours ago, ayin jade said:

There is a movement called progressive Christianity. I feel it is a dangerous movement as it is not scriptural.

Some things that are involved in progressive Christianity include:

A lowered view of the bible. In that, the words of the bible are judged as true or not based on 21st century viewpoint. At times, personal feelings dictate what is true, not what scripture says. The bible is not a reliable source of truth, in the eyes of progressives. Im not going to link to it, but there is a large progressive church that states in its statement of beliefs that "we dont believe the bible is the inerrant or infallible word of God."

Core doctrines are reinterpreted. For example, the gospel message is not about the redemption of man from his sinful state through the sacrifice of Jesus but rather its about social justice. Social justice becomes the gospel. That same large progressive church I mentioned above states that they dont believe people of other faiths go to hell. They also state that Christianity is not the only truth.

Biblical terms are redefined. A good example of this is how love is defined in the bible versus how it is defined today. Putting the needs of others above yourself (bible) versus accepting everyone's beliefs no matter what they believe. That same church I mentioned above states that love thy neighbor means affirming gay lifestyle instead of condemning it.


I may add to this thread with quotes from progressive leaders. This movement, which arose out of the emerging church, is a dangerous trend in the church.

The word "progressive" in the American political realm seems to exclude God. It might stand for some good things, but it also stands for disobedience to God's command regarding homosexuality. "Progressives" really aren't progressive. God is progressive, even if we don't always understand his thinking.

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4 hours ago, ayin jade said:

It is why it is so crucial to be well grounded in the Lord, and to know what the bible says. Otherwise these things that sound good can lead folks astray. 


Actually sitting down  and reading a Bible is the best thing a Believer can do—-

it can NOT be overemphasized !

Intelligent people may disagree, but at the very least —- KNOW WHAT IS IN THERE!!

Nobody is going to get it ALL correct, but at least get to the point where nobody can pull the wool over your eyes ...... 


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4 hours ago, ayin jade said:

There is a movement called progressive Christianity. I feel it is a dangerous movement as it is not scriptural.

Some things that are involved in progressive Christianity include:

A lowered view of the bible. In that, the words of the bible are judged as true or not based on 21st century viewpoint. At times, personal feelings dictate what is true, not what scripture says. The bible is not a reliable source of truth, in the eyes of progressives. Im not going to link to it, but there is a large progressive church that states in its statement of beliefs that "we dont believe the bible is the inerrant or infallible word of God."

Core doctrines are reinterpreted. For example, the gospel message is not about the redemption of man from his sinful state through the sacrifice of Jesus but rather its about social justice. Social justice becomes the gospel. That same large progressive church I mentioned above states that they dont believe people of other faiths go to hell. They also state that Christianity is not the only truth.

Biblical terms are redefined. A good example of this is how love is defined in the bible versus how it is defined today. Putting the needs of others above yourself (bible) versus accepting everyone's beliefs no matter what they believe. That same church I mentioned above states that love thy neighbor means affirming gay lifestyle instead of condemning it.


I may add to this thread with quotes from progressive leaders. This movement, which arose out of the emerging church, is a dangerous trend in the church.

I would be very interested in hearing some of their pig- ignorant quotes ....sounds a lot like the Secular TV shows that try to talk about Biblical Matters around Christmas and Easter....is there anything more sickening and boring at the same time ?

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From;     "ProgressiveChristianity.org

The 8 Points of Progressive Christianity

By calling ourselves progressive Christians, we mean we are Christians who…

1.  Believe that following the path and teachings of Jesus can lead to an awareness and experience of the Sacred and the Oneness and Unity of all life;

2.  Affirm that the teachings of Jesus provide but one of many ways to experience the Sacredness and Oneness of life, and that we can draw from diverse sources of wisdom in our spiritual journey;

3.  Seek community that is inclusive of ALL people, including but not limited to:

  • Conventional Christians and questioning skeptics,

  • Believers and agnostics,

  • Women and men,

  • Those of all sexual orientations and gender identities,

  • Those of all classes and abilities;

4.  Know that the way we behave towards one another is the fullest expression of what we believe;

5.  Find grace in the search for understanding and believe there is more value in questioning than in absolutes;

6.  Strive for peace and justice among all people;

7.  Strive to protect and restore the integrity of our Earth;

8.  Commit to a path of life-long learning, compassion, and selfless love.


To investigate,
Go to    "ProgressiveChristianity.org

At top, click on "Rewilding Christianity"

At the bottom, click on
"Order of the sacred earth"
Ck out "The VOW'




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5 minutes ago, Sower said:

From;     "ProgressiveChristianity.org

The 8 Points of Progressive Christianity


By calling ourselves progressive Christians, we mean we are Christians who…

1.  Believe that following the path and teachings of Jesus can lead to an awareness and experience of the Sacred and the Oneness and Unity of all life;

2.  Affirm that the teachings of Jesus provide but one of many ways to experience the Sacredness and Oneness of life, and that we can draw from diverse sources of wisdom in our spiritual journey;

3.  Seek community that is inclusive of ALL people, including but not limited to:

  • Conventional Christians and questioning skeptics,

  • Believers and agnostics,

  • Women and men,

  • Those of all sexual orientations and gender identities,

  • Those of all classes and abilities;

4.  Know that the way we behave towards one another is the fullest expression of what we believe;

5.  Find grace in the search for understanding and believe there is more value in questioning than in absolutes;

6.  Strive for peace and justice among all people;

7.  Strive to protect and restore the integrity of our Earth;

8.  Commit to a path of life-long learning, compassion, and selfless love.

Basically a combination of atheism, eastern mysticism, paganism, and western ecumenicism all bundled into one package and stamped with Christianity.

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Rev 22:18-19 "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."

It always makes me wonder, the physics-defying mental gymnastics people must have to go through, to look at various lines of scripture and either twist or deny them because it doesn't align with their own beliefs. Clear as day, it says homosexuality is an abomination, but I guess feelings matter more.

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Homosexuality, indeed is an “ abomination”. You ever indulge in “ gossip”.....God equates that with murder.Fortunately every homosexual act that has ever been committed or ever will be committed is under the Blood.They can be saved like anybody else.....rest in the Gospel Of 1cor15:1-4. Any homosexual that cries out “ Lord Jesus, have mercy on me a sinner” will be saved.Sins have been dealt with and are forgiven.Sinning or the lack of sinning is no longer the issue....God gave us the Elixer for Sin. Grace.Are you going to “ cash in” on it? “ ANYONE that asks for MERCY shall receive it” That includes Sodomites.And also Murderers and Gossipers.

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7 hours ago, ayin jade said:

There is a movement called progressive Christianity. I feel it is a dangerous movement as it is not scriptural.

Some things that are involved in progressive Christianity include:

A lowered view of the bible. In that, the words of the bible are judged as true or not based on 21st century viewpoint. At times, personal feelings dictate what is true, not what scripture says. The bible is not a reliable source of truth, in the eyes of progressives. Im not going to link to it, but there is a large progressive church that states in its statement of beliefs that "we dont believe the bible is the inerrant or infallible word of God."

Core doctrines are reinterpreted. For example, the gospel message is not about the redemption of man from his sinful state through the sacrifice of Jesus but rather its about social justice. Social justice becomes the gospel. That same large progressive church I mentioned above states that they dont believe people of other faiths go to hell. They also state that Christianity is not the only truth.

Biblical terms are redefined. A good example of this is how love is defined in the bible versus how it is defined today. Putting the needs of others above yourself (bible) versus accepting everyone's beliefs no matter what they believe. That same church I mentioned above states that love thy neighbor means affirming gay lifestyle instead of condemning it.


I may add to this thread with quotes from progressive leaders. This movement, which arose out of the emerging church, is a dangerous trend in the church.

My colleagues and I have encountered a number of apostates in the last few years who describe themselves as "progressive" and scorn those whom they consider to be "fundamentalists". One such elderly man had retired from a lengthy career as a paid professional minister but when visited for like-minded fellowship revealed he no longer believed the Bible to be the inerrant Word of God and rattled off many of the "progressives" statements which he supported. His opposition to what he described as archaic fundamentalist religious dogmas was so strong that fellowship with him was no longer appealing to our faithful oikos (Gr. household).

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In general, members of this movement do not ascribe to the biblical doctrine of the inerrancy of Scripture, and, again, in general, do not believe that the Bible is the literal Word of God. Progressive Christianity also tends to emphasize what is known as “collective salvation” over the biblical concept of personal salvation. The Bible is clear that God redeems those individuals who believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and rescues them from an eternity of being separated from Him in torment. Collective salvation, by contrast, emphasizes the restoration of whole cultures and societies to what progressive Christians believe is the correct socioeconomic structure, namely, Marxism. Marxism, in turn, is a theory of economics and politics developed by an atheist (Karl Marx) from unbiblical assumptions."

This is what GOT QUESTIONS says about progressive Christianity.  And this is what I understood Pres. Obama also believed.  They believe that to elevate the economics of the poor is bringing them salvation, and they do trend toward Marxism.

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