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  1. Hi faithful, YOU are the problem, (same for all of us) we want to DO things to show God........ You say God wanted you to do......then you say God was telling you that you didn`t have to do them....... You are NOT hearing God. You are hearing your own insecurities. I strongly suggest you don`t DO anything but concentrate on the Lord and His character from God`s word . Focus on HIM and NOT YOURSELF.
    5 points
  2. Please Describe How You See Worthy #6 To defend the traditional assembled bodies against their imperfections. #7 Encourage participation with other like minded believers regularly(face to face). #8 Discuss the benefits/blessings to belong to a 'assembled' family and its woes. #9 Learn scriptural understanding, share the victories experienced in Christ #10 Present the good news to those viewers/seekers listening, watching us, reminding our selves to think on our testimony we make public here. I now hear some more about how many christian forums ain't so great any more, don't monitor members enough, etc. The vast majority here have no idea what George and his ministers/moderators put into the time and discussions trying to have this forum to honor God and present the full gospel. They work hard trying to accommodate so many, and some adult children also. So if you don't want to go to an imperfect church, and you now don't like imperfect christian forums, (what's left?) maybe instead it's a good time to switch sides and start to edify the body of assembled believers, and members on christian forums, lifting up and not tearing down. Most everybody here knows all the/our imperfections ad nauseam. The body needs edification and not more critics. We get it, It ain't perfect and will never be till the Lord comes for us. And he will judge us as we judge one another. Think on that! Starise pointed out above his "zing" he receives getting together with his fellow believers. very cool. I get it. I also have the same on Sunday but call it family when I assemble with my friends. It's not perfect but it is good stuff. We encourage one another as would a close family. Thanks, Starise...nice topic (sorry for the rant:) "If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother"
    3 points
  3. I like Worthy because the people here are cordial.
    3 points
  4. I take note of those who project the option "I am here to correct doctrinal error ". As much as that is a function of some in the body of Christ, it is also a cause for caution.
    3 points
  5. This devotional today was a fresh revealing to me, that is, seeing how these two verses (2 Cor 5:16 & 17) go together. I pretty much always read verse 16 by itself, not realizing that verse 17 immediately goes to the believer/church! So how do we know the living Christ now? In Spirit! And where is His Spirit? He indwells His believers - so we can know Him in and through one another! (the other scriptural references given are rich in this meaning too!) The New Knowing of Christ "Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer." 2 Corinthians 5:16 The deep significance that Paul opens up here is a new kind of knowing of Christ in contrast to his old knowing of Christ. What is this new kind of knowing of Christ? The obvious answer is in 2 Corinthians 5:17, where Christ is presented in an enlarged way by Paul. He no longer considers Christ merely alone, by Himself. He says, "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation." Here Christ is not just an individual man, but a corporate man. Other persons are "in Him." So the new knowing of Christ is knowing Him as the church (Eph. 5:29-30). It is the knowing of Him according to 1 Corinthians 12:12, where both the one Body and the many members form one whole Christ! It is also the same knowing of Him found in Paul's prayer for the believers in Ephesians 1:17-23. There, the full knowledge of God is to know Christ as the Head of His Body, the church, which is described as being "the fullness of the One who fills all in all." It is the church as Christ which is the new kind of knowing of Christ in 2 Corinthians 5:16. The church described as "the new man" in Colossians 3:10-11 is also the new kind of knowing of Christ. The church as the new man of the new creation is the realm where Christ is all and in all. It is also the realm where old things have passed away and all things have become new! In this realm we know each other as members of Christ. We no longer regard or know each other according to the differences and distinctions of the old creation (Gal. 3:27-28). In the new creation we always prefer Christ in one another. (from The Supplied Life, by B. Freeman)
    2 points
  6. New England USA born and raised . Rural New Hampshire lakes region and Greater Boston Massachusetts city kid until my folks up and traveled cross country to Disneyland , literally we lived in the shadow of the mouse ears. Family tragedy took me to Florida USA, for some 40 plus years now, and a Texas bride has me at the Appalachian mountains of North Carolina much of the year. I am only now rather completely free of business interests that have made it difficult for me to be in the mountains away from cellphones emails text messages. Over the many years I have been in some bigger cities, rural deserts, Colorado river, high mountains, and the coastal as well as interior lands of the subtropics of Florida. And have sailed or boated off the coasts of Maine, California, Georgia, and Florida. It has been a fun run, but now, well I just want to sit on a rocker in a screened in porch and watch the fire flies at night. Further adventure with alligators, bears, snakes, panthers, cougars wolves, and other wild critters are all off my bucket list. Old is what it is. Praise God for the adventures the memories and two wonderful wives, plus kids and a grand one too. That's me. I am not up hiking at Big Bear Valley California anymore either. Again a nice memory from a time now long ago; a time when there were far far fewer people anywhere in this land than there are today.
    2 points
  7. Hi Ad Hoc, I have often thought the same about the cross, when it is Christ on the cross who died for us.
    2 points
  8. Probably, like I did, you are so thankful to be saved that you want to repay God. Adam and Eve tried this as well. A garment is one WORKS (Rev.19:7-8). They made garments of FIG-LEAVES - works of their own making and by themselves declaring them to be Law. But when God appeared on the scene, Adam admitted that he was naked - even though he had his fig-leaves. Try to forget the works and start eating from the Tree of Life. Read a Chapter of the Bible a day - out loud and the works will come automatically. If you serve without the Word you will just be Martha - grumpy.
    2 points
  9. On our news tonight they showed Shadow defending the nest. A raven was flying overhead and Shadow spread out his wings protecting the nest. He was sitting on the nest. Then he got up and looked at the eggs and then sat down again.
    2 points
  10. My Worthy journey started over a decade ago. My grandmother had dementia, I was basically the sole caregiver, the rest of the family was being horrible, grandmother was not taking her diabetes seriously and was quite literally insane and abusive. I came here in part to vent about it and in part to get prayer. I came and went from then on as I was able and inclined, but didn't really settle here until much later. I don't really know why I kept coming here during the years where I drifted and was mired in more family drama, but I did. At some point one of my issues came to a head. I guess it's a form of OCD that comes with very aggressive, out of the blue thoughts toward God and leads to a lot of paranoia about blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. I've had that since I was a teenager. That one bad episode of it ended up driving me closer to God, and with that came a need to further involve myself in Christian things online. Worthy ended up being my primary landing zone for that. I mostly see it as a place to discuss theology, share teaching, and support other believers/seek support. The prospect of fellowship is there as well. In my time here there's been people I've come to respect and enjoy. Some of them have passed on but new people eventually come, too.
    2 points
  11. I like Worthy because - it has been started and continues by George who has the Father heart of God, (my hubby said that). I like Worthy because - I can speak the Truth in love. And over the years I see a glimpse of what God is doing in different believer`s lives. Makes me appreciate the Lord and His wonderful work more.
    2 points
  12. I`ve been thinking some more on this. Now, what I have noted is that unbelievers mostly talk about themselves and put down others. I believe as we, the believers are interested in others, and also encourage them in something they are or do, then they are left with the impression that that person genuinely cares about me. The world is damaged, and it is easy to talk about the wrongs, but it is much harder to encourage someone towards the right way. Yet, this is what we are told to do - encourage and exhort each other.... and that is among believers. (Heb. 10: 25) Yet we do see Jesus encouraging others in the right way who had done wrong, so there is an example for us too.
    2 points
  13. How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth! Isaiah 52:7
    2 points
  14. snow good you will never persuade me to like that white stuff
    1 point
  15. Most years, year after year, one can be at Anaheim under the mouse ears at Disneyland and look up at Mount Baldy to see glistening snow or turn about and go to the Huntington Beach for sunshine and surfing or just walking miles of beach. But then one year in a couple of decades comes a February-March like no other. Without good natural snow the economy of Bear Bear valley suffers greatly. Snow good!
    1 point
  16. Oh not at all trust me. I was responding to @Marilyn C who was saying the outside is not important. MY point is both aside from the occasional human spiritual frailty should line up. The old " What you see is what you get" kinda thing. I seen her statement as more of a personal reflection when we look at ourselves what do we see when we are honest? Oh yes I like to look nice on the outside. In fact I probably care more about that than the average man. I always seen that as my OCD kicking in. You look in the mirror and a hair is sticking up. Noone else notices it but I notice it and it bothers me. If you have OCD or know someone that does you might relate to what I'm saying. When I look on the inside I can see the Lord has His work cut out for Him, but I also see a person who has been broken through several major life events and these things have made me stronger in Him. I see a man who sincerely desires to do all of the right things, but sometimes falls short of it. It's probably good to do a reckoning of ourselves to see what needs to happen. The Lord points out the issues and majorly works in the repairs. Having said that, I believe the more I grow, the more steady I am. This has nothing to do with me. Hopefully that shows to the world. Nothing substitutes for real love either coming into or out of us. I say this not as anything to my credit, but I had led worship in the past for a long time, was out due to trials, and am now being worked back into it in different situations which thrills me to no end, however at the same time when a man preaches or leads a congregation in worship they have that extra burden on them, at least I feel a weight, a responsibility to always be in check. Sins confessed, bad actions corrected, all of that. You can't be fighting with your wife or have any kind of unclean thinking and be effective for the Lord, whether it be in that setting or any other the Lord places us in. In the worship context I have been trying to worship constantly throughout my days all through the day. That way when I am called to lead it, I'm already doing it. And for those in visible places, I sometimes feel the attacks are more intense and can come from the most unlikely places. Satan is looking for that chink in the armor. that crack to slide into. He knows a LOT about us and will attempt to go as far as his chain will allow to thwart the Lord's work. Not to mention our own sinful natures.
    1 point
  17. Interesting choice, Mexico. People have been looking at such choices and trying it for many decades. All seems greener till one day when they decide hey you ain't one of us. Then watch out! Some of my own have tried it and in fact now have their own ex-patriot oceanfront location up for sale. The whole world is in a state of agitation it seems. There being no "safe" place, one needs to understand this is where the rubber meets the road. This is trial time. Is the answer guns? Bigger and better guns? If so better have lots and lots of bigger better ammunition. I have tried the mountains the remote mountains, but now the cities are busing and dumping their drugged up lost souls in the mountains like they do their pet cats and dogs they no longer want. Fleeing seems not to be an answer. Perhaps prayer is a good beginning concept? That and waiting upon God's guidance while reading His word, the guidance he has given us with it's reveal of Jesus from beginning to end. What has happened to the once popular question;" What would Jesus do?" Seems to me He started with prayer, real prayer, and even fasting with prayer, while seeking his Father's will, to give Him strength of his own will to endure that which has been placed upon Him. Even God, it seems to me, struggles in His dealing with this world. Fortunately it is temporary this bit of a mess called the end times or the time of the signs. Maranatha!
    1 point
  18. Just checked and the Eagle is partly snow covered. Snow flurries are slowly coming down.
    1 point
  19. It is again now for me too. Last night the site changed from friends of big bear valley to this 'design' type site. After about an hour it changed back. Weird 🙂.
    1 point
  20. We need some global warming ...we have paid enough for it
    1 point
  21. No, this isn't typical. There are atmospheric rivers coming in recently to cause all of the rain in the lower elevation....and snow in the mountains. Alot of times the ski resorts have to make snow with machines. And usually here in Southern California which includes Los Angeles, we get very little rain. And weather is either warm or sometimes hot.
    1 point
  22. https://www.friendsofbigbearvalley.org It is very unusual for them not to do a change over at any time in the past 24 hours and for the eggs to be left so often as they have been yesterday . I cant believe there is MORE snow after all they have been through ,,, defiantly dont want to be " California dreaming " if this is your typical weather
    1 point
  23. "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." (Galatians 6:9) Just before your "due season" – which is translated from the Greek word "kairos," meaning "set time" – comes the temptation to faint. The enemy does his best to entice you to sit down, relax, and give up when you are just about to step into your set time of reaping. The Lord is telling us to "Come up higher!" It's time you realize that you were never meant to live in a low place. Many have been thrown down into a pit, but like Joseph, you are being raised up. It is time to soar. Come up where the enemy's fog cannot blind you. If your mind has been clouded with confusion, discouragement, and even a loss of passion for the things of God, it is because you are under a spiritual assault. The enemy is terrified that you will know your identity in Christ and walk in His delegated authority. Keep standing -- refuse to sit down or give up -- expose the scheme of the adversary. You are coming out. Your zeal for His presence is returning -- the heaviness you have carried is lifting. You are entering another dimension where you will soar and be encased with the glory of God. The cycle of weariness is over, and your season of reaping is here. ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY
    1 point
  24. You've described pretty much my sentiments on the culture here in the U.S. Anyone living in the larger cities should seriously consider fleeing them. Lawlessness is the new normal with district attorneys unwilling to prosecute many types of crimes. The leadership is abysmal and I suppose it is just a reflection of the citizenship. I don't believe in violence even though I was trained in violence as a youth serving in the military. I'm considering purchasing a firearm for home defense to protect against home invasion(s) knowing that I couldn't accept not doing anything if such a scenario was ever to take place. I'd rather trust God above that such an occurrence never happens , but sometimes trials of the type not foreseen do and will test a Christian and even what appears as a failure in the performance in the trial is actually a passing grade.
    1 point
  25. Hi warrior12, it has been 23 years for me too! I fell away from Christianity for approximately 10 years. (Certain sins I'd refuse to give up), After Jesus came and established me back into the fold, two years after that, I stopped drinking and smoking on the same day. Quit using curse words and moved on to bigger chunks of repentance after that. I had to learn to trust Him by undergoing trials and hardships - like all Christians.
    1 point
  26. Hi Gabriel, yes, it is mounting. I do feel for you over in the USA whereas here in Oz we are not so bad....yet, .......maybe in the cities.
    1 point
  27. That would be my second option.
    1 point
  28. Down under looks better and better everyday.
    1 point
  29. "For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God." - Romans 8:19-21 He designed you, inside and out, to be a vessel. There is a measure of God's glory that has become your responsibility to release on the earth through your calling in Christ. You don't release it all at once. You do it every time you flow in what God called you to do. You do it every time you advance the Kingdom, every single time you do God's work. The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. You have access to heavenly blessings and power here on earth. Examples of Spirit-led good works: God leads you to pray for the someone who is hurting, God gives you a dream of a friend so you call them the next day to give them a word of encouragement, you step out in faith and give a prophetic word to someone—these are all Spirit-led "good works". You disciple a new Believer into an understanding of their Christ identity. You're not saved by these works, but they crank open the valve for God's glory to flow through you. Each of us has a PURPOSE on the earth, and He longs to release His glory through each of us. However, we will never find our true CALLING in Christ as long as we are trying to pretend to be more like that person or this person, thereby limiting the flow of what He wants to do through us. There is a move of God in the earth that only you can fulfill. Creation is groaning in anticipation of you releasing all that glory that God packed on the inside of you. Habakkuk 2:14 - "For the earth will be filled With the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, As the waters cover the sea." ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY
    1 point
  30. Revelation 3:20-22 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. The church at Laodicea received a stern warning in chapter 3 of John’s Revelation. We would do well to reflect on it. The word “Laodicea” is a compound in the Greek; “Laos” which principally means “people”, and “dike”, defined as “principle or decision”. One rendering might read, “rule of the people”, or, in modern terms, “Democracy”. In the western world, we have an affection and even a deep commitment to Democracy. Yet this form of government, “rule of the people” is fatally flawed… because we are fatally flawed by our sin nature, thinking we are self-sufficient and worldly-wise, yet pitifully incapable of ruling righteously. The Laodiceans apparently lived up to their name, trusting in their own resources, wisdom, and capacity, and assessing themselves as quite sufficient. “We are rich, increased with goods, and have need of nothing”, they said. There are democracies and churches today that may be saying much the same. But trusting in their own sufficiency and judgment became a platform for excluding God so much at Laodicea that the Lord told them He was actually OUTSIDE the church, knocking, and desiring to come in! Think, how did a church become a place where the Lord was outside, looking in? We are learning of late not to expect too much from “democracy” as a form of government. That being the case, it should be even more evident that “Laodicean” churches (and Christians) are in serious trouble. Self-rule, self-sufficiency, and self-satisfaction are deadly to spiritual life. God says these folks are “wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked”. But Yeshua is standing at the door, longing for repentance and ready and able to deliver from self-sufficiency and lukewarm faith. Can you hear Him knocking…? Never miss a devotion again! Sign up for our Worthy Briefs!We're being CENSORED ... HELP get the WORD OUT! SHARE!!! View the full article
    1 point
  31. And the 'what remains' after 'the shaking' is exactly what the world and the leaders of this nation are after... if you have been paying attention... they want know who we are. My state just passed a 'Parents Bill of Rights K-12 education'... LET THAT sink in. My wife gets chased around public bus stops on her way to/from work by fentanyl laced homeless zombies. Her co-worker was hit straight in the face (female/ immigrant from Taiwan) riding a bicycle to work by another minority group... and the Police didn't do anything nor did her employer... who is the municipal GOVERNMENT. I live in a metropolitan area that has been ruled by ONE party for over 25 years. It is a ZOMBIE land. You try to go spread the gospel to certain homeless areas there and you better have a living will. That is NO joke. They have guns, they park RV's (100's of them), obviosly plenty of drugs since heroin is LEGAL also, and they occupy private/ public property with a spiritual evil that is beyond comprehension. And half of us are arguing about how one guy is insane and the other guys a crook. Let me tell you something... what I am seeing with my own two eyes and hearing from my wife... it's coming to YOUR town too if this is not stopped. Now go vote for whomever you want... but you keep what I just said in the back of your mind when you are looking for a "good Christian man" to vote for. He doesn't EXIST... he unlikely ever will at the presidential level going forward. I just need a guy who is NOT advocating for this anarchy and wants to put this madness behind us. Currently not ONE of them are talking about it right now. However, One of them has. I HOPE we are in for a rough ride and NOT a nightmare ride as I see playing out... pray to God for his mercy and repent. (I say that to myself as well btw.)
    1 point
  32. Indeed God did give Israel some harsh leaders. In fact Israel begged for a crappy king so God gave them Saul. However that doesn't mean we should vote for them. Had I been alive then I wouldn't have voted for Saul (not that I would have even had a vote) I can see what bidens Trying to do. I have a just, Godly reason to oppose him and Harris best I can, but In the end, God's will will be done. If God places Harris in office, that will be His will, but I don't think it's His will that I support such an evil person. I will support the candidate who I think will be the best, and let God sort the rest out.
    1 point
  33. Awwww, golly gee. You've taken your dishonest quote mining to a new level, haven't you? You conveniently forgot the prepositional phrase, "in the day," like you conveniently forget "the evening and the morning were the sixth day," “All in whose nostrils was the breath of life,” and everything else which contradicts your false religion. There can be no question that evolution is a religion based on lies because you apparently have to lie repeatedly to support it. It's amazing the lows to which your arguments have devolved. Perhaps there is no evolution of arguments in support of evolution. Next you'll re-state the fabrication that water rose to 10,000 feet deep on land 1,500 feet above sea level without any of it running off into the sea. Maybe you'll regale us with tales of the common ancestry of humans and daffodils. Or maybe we'll even get the story of how the early days of creation could not have been actual days because the light that shone on the earth at that time wasn't called the sun (actually, it wasn't called the sun at all in the first chapters of Genesis). Regardless, my previous admonition still stands. Anyone who believes in both the Bible and evolution has a firm understanding of neither.
    1 point
  34. Amen to that brother. I did all three and they all went away when the Lord awaken me to the spiritual realm, which then proved to me the biblical contents of scripture. I had an encounter which was plotted by people who practiced evil, I was first scared and immidiately all three was dropped liked I never did them. Previously smoking was very difficult addiciton, but that dissappeared like smoke. Twenty three years now and have not had a drink, smoke and curse. Not a boast, but I don't miss a thing and now wished I had never done those before. Any way , my favourite scripture verse in reminding me of behaviour is Matthew 10:16 KJV Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. It is not easy interfacing with the world today where I live, especially with all the diversity, woke and laws that prohibit speech, especially in the work place. We have to remind ourselves though as belivers, we are essentially in spiritual warfare when we find opposition in trying to be the best behaviour to others. Some even see it as pride, mainly the ones that know you the most, like co-workers ect. I often think of Joseph, when he was tried and tested, he stood on the priciple of his belief on what must be right in the sight of the Lord. His outcome later on we know. Each believer may have his own unique situation s that he deals with, but encouragement and like minded brothers helps to be better with the advice and as the saying goes "iron shapens iron". The core issue has to be not to wavier in testimony of the gospel and the truth of righteousness. We have to still deal with our own weakness, but in own time and personal space that has to be worked out, as with the process of santification.
    1 point
  35. The nest was again vacated at 2:46 PM for a few minutes and and yet again some ten minutes later. The winds were fierce. I am not sure that is Jackie that returned or shadow, but Jackie appears to be on the nest as the freezing rain and snow has started piling up and darkness has come. I have not seen the two birds together, but think I heard one in flight while thee other was on the nest during the fiercest of the winds. Maybe it is by design that the nest is getting vacated intermittently?
    1 point
  36. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians that Jesus had not only appeared to him, but to the twelve apostles, 500 of Jesus’s followers, and Jesus’s brother James. Paul was a persecutor of Christians prior to seeing Jesus. Another key point is that Paul didn’t have to mention the 500 if he didn’t want to. In essence, he was inviting his readers, many of whom would have been contemporaries of the 500 witnesses to the resurrection, to seek them out and ask about Jesus’s return themselves. Why would he invite this kind of scrutiny if he wasn’t sure his account was correct? source Christ is absolutely unique in being the only person in history who was pre-announced starting a thousand years before He was born, with over 100 prophetic accounts from 18 different prophets from the Old Testament between the 10th and the fourth centuries BC — predicting the specifics of His coming birth, life and death. Hundreds of years later, the details of Christ’s birth, life, betrayal, and death validated those prophecies in surprisingly accurate and minute detail. One thousand years BC, David prophetically wrote about the crucifixion of Christ at a time crucifixion was unknown as a means of execution.... Particularly noteworthy is that there were no accounts of witnesses who came forth and disputed these appearances or called it a “hoax.” Not a single one. Nor do we find any historical record of any witness accounts that were contradictory. While there are skeptics of the biblical Jesus, there’s actually far more reliable historical evidence for His life, teachings, miracles, death, and resurrection than for any other historical figure of ancient times. source About 1,000 times more manuscripts preserve the deeds and teaching of Jesus in the New Testament (about 25,000 total) than there are preserving other classical ancient works of historic figures who lived at approximately the same time, with the exception of Homer, whose Iliad is backed by 1,800 manuscripts. But that is still less than one-tenth the number of ancient manuscripts that back the authenticity of the New Testament.... Additionally, the apostles’ willingness to die for their claims has tremendous evidential value, also confirming the truth of the resurrection. No one will die for something he invented or believes to be false. ibid Referring back to the OP, it is possible to reject the Exodus and still go to Heaven. It is NOT possible to reject the resurrection of Christ and go there.
    1 point
  37. I see you caught that. At least noone checked they don't know why they are here. Of course it ain't over till it's over.
    1 point
  38. The outside should reflect the inside in a sincere person. Why put on airs? We can't ever fool God. Some may fool men.
    1 point
  39. We need to remember what the Lord said to the scribes and Pharisees - "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men`s bones and all uncleanness." (Matt. 23: 27) Jesus exhorted them - "Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may be clean also." (Matt. 23: 26) I think we are trying to get the outside all sparkling new, whereas the Lord says it is the inside that needs the attention first. I also, don`t believe that the unbeliever is particularly looking for a perfect person on the outside (as a believer) but someone who is sincere and honest, who would even admit to failings. It is those in the World System that want to look perfect, beautiful, mighty, and powerful. Did Jesus go round proudly exhibiting those qualities? I think He was more, meek, caring, walking the dusty roads with people and being there in their troubles.
    1 point
  40. The difference: I'm a christian and they're not yet. But they often behave a lot better than me. I have a lot of hope and faith that they will get saved and pray God wakes me up again to intercede much more. If God could save even me He can surely save them.
    1 point
  41. Yeah, there are pages of them that never get past the protection here because human interaction is required.
    1 point
  42. Both. The Lord called me, and I answered --- I came to Him. Ah, but then you probably remember my circumstances. I had no clue until the Lord called.
    1 point
  43. I hope all is well with shadow .. he didnt turn up for the change over and Jackie flew off leaving the eggs unattended for a full 10 mins before she returned very agitated and settled back down on them and still no sign of shadow ???
    1 point
  44. I haven't had any issues in decades! There were times when some of my co-workers would try to create a campaign to get me fired because of something I represented to their sensibilities. The two times I was made aware of it, nothing ever came of it. I tried my best not to hold anything against anyone and treat everyone the same. I retired at 55 years of age enabling myself to be protected from this kind of abuse. A wonderful blessing from our most high God.
    1 point
  45. Satan is a very cunning liar. Look how he has deceived so many with the lie of evolution. Same lie, different telling. He said "You will surely die." Surely doesn't mean immediately. Satan said they would not die immediately. He didn't say they wouldn't die surely. Genesis 1:26 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Thank you for demonstrating the same dishonesty I referenced earlier. You use this verse out of context to validate your lie that all things evolved over time. You ignore that fact that God made all on day six of creation. This is the very definition of quote mining.
    1 point
  46. Hi VA, I like it when you changed that saying to `What is Jesus doing?` However, even that is not quite right I think. 1. When Jesus was on earth He came as Israel`s king and showed His authority over demons, sickness, the elements, multiplied food, etc etc. His kingship was not of this world system, meaning no one gave Him that, but the Father. So, even though we are to pray for others we have not been given Christ`s Kingship and authority in all those realms. 2. Jesus is now glorified and much different than He was on earth as He now has returned to the Father and is seated there with Him. What He is doing is giving His believers His divine nature which is being developed in us - Holy, righteous, true, good, wise, perfect, faithful, trustworthy, honorable, changeless, complete, love, joy, peace, precious, sincere, steadfast, gracious, gentle, caring, merciful, forgiving, devoted, meek, tender, patient, etc. Thus, we look to Christ`s character and work with the Holy Spirit in making us like unto Him. So, it is `being` like Christ first and the doing comes from that wherever we are.
    1 point
  47. Because you are using the same argument Satan used when he got Eve to sin. There will be that, but I refer to a different time. I refer to the Millennial reign of Christ. It is your testimony that the earth brought forth living things through evolution over millions of years. In defense of that claim you constantly quote mine the Bible; deliberately taking words out of context and ignoring the completed verses, then saying your false teaching is the way the Lord actually did it. One could see the wonders of biology and how our bodies can adapt without rejecting core Scriptural doctrine. Properly understood, nothing that is KNOWN about science is in any way in discord with the Bible. However, when science teachers contradict the written word of God, the teachers are wrong.
    1 point
  48. It's so funny when I was at church last Sunday well before this one a lady that prayed for me told me to read Psalms as well so I guess I will.
    1 point
  49. Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom. James 3:13
    1 point
  50. To me the leaders of the world are just playing `musical chairs.` They are all of the world system and will all be judged.
    1 point
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