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Everything posted by shortangel

  1. boarder cowboy i'm sorry that you have been feeling this way about these forums, I can kind of relate I almost left over a post that I had written but I didn't because I like these forums & the fellowship here, I don't respond to all the posts either although I try to, God bless you if you decide to leave or stay
  2. that is true Jesus even said if the world hates you then know that it hated me first, Christians will always be perscuated for our faith in Jesus, I agree that the devil is behind the attacks in that middle eastern country it's very sad I agree that secular forces are also riseing up in the U.S. it's very sad but I agree that we are in the last days
  3. my blessed assurance is also Jesus he gets me through the stress & emotional pain
  4. all we can do is pray for Worthy ministries even if we are perscuated for our faith
  5. very interesting, thank you for shareing this, preety shocking but is it true or false prophesy???
  6. pray & do not stop praying don't give in & never stop when the battle gets hard
  7. one of the ways i do soltuide is going for a walk everyday, i like to hear the birds sing in the trees & the streams i also sometimes pray if i feel like it
  8. I've never understood the celebration of Earth Day, but I know I've heard evangelist billy graham mention that we are partialy responsible to clean up the environment, i know that recyleing is a good thing like bottles & plastic bags but i don't know about saveing the whales because God created them & he can take care of them
  9. justpassingthru, yep that was the verse I was referring to :) thank you for explaning it to me :)
  10. I don't think there is any right or wrong way to pray it has to do with the atttuide of the heart, are you sincere when you pray? are you asking, seeking, knocking?? Jesus even said continue to ask & you shall receive, seek & you will find, knock & the door shall be opened, he also said not to pray the same prayer over & over whinch that verse has always puzzled me, I have been finding myself lately continueing to ask God for healing for my family, but I cannot give up
  11. i did read an article about 2 months ago about the Pope meeting with a muslim leader the article mentioned something that this could be the start of a false relgion but i don't know if the article was true or false prophesy, nobody knows the day nor hour of Christ's return
  12. I know that this is a hard topic for most people but I think churches should hold Easter egg hunts & evangelize the lost with the truth of the Gospel, we have to be salt & light in the world even if unbelievers hate us, parents have to decide for their children if they want to allow them to have candy, Easter baskets dye Easter eggs, or do the Easter egg hunts at church,
  13. Amen He Is Risen Happy Easter
  14. sounds good guys like that inspire me to work out more
  15. this is exactly where me & my parents were faced with when we attended our former church, we felt uncomfortable there & in a certain sense we were sort of lonely there, we had been to a couple of small groups but the people sounded like they only cared about themselves & really didn't help us grow in our faith,
  16. this Easter Sunday we are attending a Commanity church that we attended last Sunday, we are looking forward to attending the Easter service :)
  17. because there is not a hello & goodbye thread in here i'm going to be takeing a break from these forums, I will not be posting until the fall, but I will post responses to topics that other people have written, my struggles are getting worse & I feel that I need to concentrate on my relationship with Jesus, God bless you all & Happy Easter
  18. I think a lot of Christians were perscuated around that time they didn't give up on their faith
  19. my favorite thing to eat around the time of Easter is a bag of Barch's jellybeans I like the spiced ones, fruit ones, I also like cooking a ham to eat on Easter Sunday
  20. tomarrow is maunday Thursday the day when Jesus tradtionaly ate the Last supper with his disciples, what do you think Jesus ment when he said, take eat this bread is my body & the cup of wine when he said this is the new covenant in my blood whinch is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins???? what does Christ's suffering on the cross mean to you? for me it means Jesus paid the price for my sins & the sine of humanity,
  21. thank you everyone for your opinions but I will stop posting in this thread I refuse to argue on this topic, thank you for answering my question though
  22. I guess the church was preety historic & was undergoing construction before the fire started preety sad that half of the church has been lost
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