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Everything posted by Heybro

  1. Hi Kelsey, this can be a problem for sure, but one that can be overcome. Some good advice above, mine would be not to try too hard but to just be yourself and folk will soon have a "turn around" in their thinking. It can be frustrating, especially when you just want to be friendly, and as you said, you've been among them for a year so far, something should have happened by now? Have you ever considered whether you both need to look for a friendlier congregation, we've known some more "traditional" churches to be fairly "staid" with newcomers, and aren't overly friendly to new people, we didn't go back. Sorry if I sound negative, not meaning to, but I hope this is helpful, God bless.
  2. I have heard it said that in the 1st church era that the men sat on one side of the church, and the women were on the other side. If something was said from the front that was not understood from one, or more women, they used to call out to their husbands, "what was he saying" wanting clarity. It was said of them to refrain from calling out in church, and ask the question when they were in their own homes, that's my understanding. As always, I hope this helps, God bless.
  3. Thanks for the reply Michael, couldn't help myself, and yes, all too common for sure, been there, done that. Oh, how blessed are we that "our lives are hid with God, in Christ." There surely is NO SAFER PLACE, than to be secure in The ROCK Of All Ages.
  4. Just thought that I would add to the thread with a little of my humour! As far as "dating an unbeliever is concerned, I don't think that it's currant," lol. Seriously though, why would you put yourself in a position of being "compromised" in your christian stance by being put in such a position. Anyone considering going down that road, PLEASE, read Matt6:33 Seek First The Kingdom of God, and His Righteousness, and all these thing shall be added unto you, and He Will make your path straight. Ask yourself, "What is my 1st response, to please God, or please the flesh, WWJD? As always, I hope this is helpful, God bless.
  5. Thanks for your reply to this post Neighbor, yes, there can be many complications we find ourselves caught up in, in this life, Ultimately though, I find that it's part of that "relationship thing" that we are caused to "work on" with, not only our spouse, but all relationships in life! To get back to the "subject matter" of this thread, "like a child," I feel led to share "a moment" in my life that I hold dear to my heart, that will stay forever in my memory (by God's grace). I was watching telly and I was lounging quite comfortably and our youngest daughter, who was 16 at the time, remember, 16, just came up to me and "plonked "herself alongside me, and nestled in my side and rested her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her and we just kept watching the TV. I tell you, it was the best feeling a father could ever have, that your own child, now a teenager, would voluntarily do that. It reminds me of how our Heavenly Father would have us come to Him, to have that kind of relationship too, with us, what do you all think? I know that I am forever grateful to have that relationship with mine, God bless.
  6. Hey Michael, haven't seen you for a while, welcome back. Behold and Willa particularly have been spot on (not saying others haven't), but in my thinking, "working out your salvation" isn't necessarily being "work oriented" as such, but as has been said to working it out in your life, decisions being made, attitudes, (especially when you hit your finger), how do you react, do you (spit the dummy), or do you say, "praise The Lord." Making right choices in everything, people are always watching us, looking for us to slip up, so that they can point the finger and accuse us of being just like them, "they want to justify their sin," so they can say, "see, you're no better than us. I don't know whether your workers are christians, but guaranteed, they're looking at you to set the example, it's called, "BEING CONSISTENT." As always, I hope this helps, God bless.
  7. I believe it absolutely was a test, as a "mark" to know what is in our hearts. It's a "hallmark" to see our growth in The Lord, is not our heart to follow in The Master's footsteps. This is a classic "what would Jesus do" situation that would be good for us all to take to heart to always remember. There are times when "things" are at "sale prices" then we can say "Praise God" for the blessing then. God bless.
  8. Hi Virginia, and welcome to WCF. There are some gems given to you above to meditate on. I don't think you can really go wrong with what has been shared. Keeping a "right heart attitude" toward your dad is paramount, hard though that may be, but as The Word tells us, LOVE CONQUERS EVIL, and "they will know that we are christians by our love." Proverbs 25:21,22. " If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat, and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink.22 For so you will heap coals of fire on his head, and The Lord will reward you. So really, you just need to walk in the "opposite spirit" that your dad is displaying toward you, and you will surely see the result. Pray also that The Holy Spirit convicts your dad to show him the "falseness" of Islam, and the reality of relationship that is only found in Jesus as Saviour and Lord, amen. As always, I hope this helps, God bless.
  9. My wife and I excelled in english at school and our spelling was right up there as well. What we're both finding now is that at times we're asking each other "how do you spell that word again,?" Senior moments" now are very much a reality, all too often we're finding and is a bit of a frustration to be honest, especially after so many years of "cruising." Remembering people's names too is an issue with me in comparison with when I was younger, maybe all signs of "getting older" and coming to terms with it, oh well.
  10. I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus The Nazarene, and wonder how He could love me, a sinner, condemned, unclean. How marvellous, how wonderful, and my song shall ever be. How marvellous, how wonderful is my Saviour's love for me. He took my sins and my sorrows, He made them His very own, and took my burden to Calvary, and suffered and died alone. How marvellous...
  11. Thank you, my dear brother for your insight and demonstration of Who We Are in Christ, we're followers, are we not of "Christ in Us, the hope of glory." You just keep preaching it "like it is" I'm with you in it. To God be the glory, great things He Has Done, so loved He the world that He gave us His Son...
  12. Welcome back Rebecca, and God bless.
  13. Hi Scott, sad to read of your situation, and while it is hurtful when you have poured out so much love and sacrifices, to have them ignored is not a pleasant thing to take onboard. The fact that your eldest is spending more time with her folks is no reflection on who you are, or what you've sacrificed for your family! While they may be taking that for granted, it's still there. They have grown up with you, but at this point of time, he is needing to "please his wife, and that means spending time getting to know her folks." The holidays away is hurtful, especially when you can't reciprocate, but look at it this way. Her folks are probably struggling with the fact that their daughter no longer lives with them, and because they can, they dangle the "we can afford it" line in order to hang onto their "little girl." Like you, they need to let the kids go, and figure it out for themselves, love them, trust them, and if they need help, they'll come running, be patient, but do pray for them always, bless them in Jesus' Name, we all go through these things. My wife and I live in Australia, our youngest daughter married a young Dutchman, whom we love, but they live in the Netherlands, not down the street, not in the next suburb, but half a world away from us. As always, I hope this helps, and God bless.
  14. 1 Corinthians 14:33. For God is NOT a God of confusion, but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints. Ohso, take this statement to heart and quit worrying about what may or may not be. As Willa and others have stated, give it ALL to the Lord, praying, His Will be done. The common enemy of our faith is trying to trap you and keep you in guilt and fear that you have caused this sickness. The sickness is (his) not yours, leave him to God. As always, I hope this helps, God bless.
  15. My dear sister Willa, as I have run out of my share of "reactions again" I just want to give you a personal "worthy" to the comments above. I don't think that being"alpha female" is meant to be "dominant" in that sense, but I think you have worded it perfectly, just saying, God bless.
  16. Gidday folks, thanks for the topic Annette, I've enjoyed the replies for the most part. While I can and do understand the position that frienduff and short angel point out, I think that we do need to remember that God is our "Father"and what father would not delight in seeing their children doing something "harmless" such as churning homemade ice-cream, and grandies learning "life lessons" from them. Isn't that what HE teaches us along life's journey? In getting to (know Him) we find what is pleasing in His sight, unlearning our way, and because we want to learn how to please Him because we love Him, our way should just "drop away." Let's not be too straight laced and rigid in thinking that "that isn't what God desires of us," instead, shake ourselves loose and "chill" a little bit. My thoughts, just saying, hope this is helpful, God bless.
  17. To answer Annette with your original question regarding whether to say anything, or not, it would be my answer to say that, "we need be sensitive to The Holy Spirit's leading." So much to learn regarding the "power" of the tongue, with it we bless, and with it we curse (negativity). Our life here is very much a "learning curve" isn't it, sometimes we need to extend more grace, and definitely a lot more love. Love and blessings to you all.
  18. As Willa said above, and I'll finish the rest of the quote, " and the rest of the day as well." lol, just to be sure, to be sure!
  19. Cindy Lynn, it's my prayer that this question has been settled in your heart now. The consensus is that The Trinity are equal, one with the others, are in complete harmony together. Prayer is, basically, just talking , we don't have to put on any "airs or graces" to get God's attention, it's after all, a "come as you are" reality. He (they) take us where we're at, He is God, He knows, He sees, He understands, and most importantly, He answers. As always, I hope this helps, and God bless.
  20. Yea and amen to all who've posted. Melinda, 1stly, can I make this categorically clear, The Mormons are a "cult" there is NO validity to them in the things of God. If your friend is "sold out" to Jesus, and in the humility of her heart thought she was doing the "right thing" in getting baptised, as a mormon, as others have posted, in God fearing, Bible believing church, she should get re-baptised. In my own experience, (devoid of this thread), I got baptised as a 10 year old. Born into a pentecostal family, I stood up in front of the congregation, gave my statement of faith and went through the waters of baptism. Some years later, I understood that I was baptised cos I knew that I was wanting to please my father. I came to the realisation that in God's Kingdom there are no grand-children, only Children. On that basis, I went through baptism again, for myself. Not for my dad, not for an organisation, but for my spiritual health and well being. For your friend's conscience sake, and the freedom she seeks in Jesus, go for it girl, and stand with her and by her, Jesus came to set the prisoners free, Amen.
  21. Hi Curious again, if you really want to know more on Revelation, may I suggest that you click onto Marilyn C and follow her thread, "Mid Trip anyone," she is very knowledgable on eschatology, blessings.
  22. Thank you for your reply and explanation, blessings.
  23. Dear Faither2, I don't know where you got the idea that "faithing" is a word, it isn't! just saying, blessings.
  24. My darling wife brought this very message to our congregation over a couple of weeks last year, a timely message for reflection.
  25. While there is merit in both of your insights Neighbour and Jostler, for both are worthy, there must be a balance for both are true. There is work to be done, for our time here is definitely coming to a close. I'm reminded of Paul's exhortation to us about "faith and works" for both must walk hand in hand. Don't you find guys, that after a day at "work," you come home and you need to "draw aside" and rest awhile? As always, I hope this helps, God bless, as together we sow and grow.
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