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  1. You should let your good works be evident to all, so that God gets the glory, and others are helped. If you do it for show, to elevate yourself, then you are off track. Motive counts for a lot, consider the Pharisees!
    4 points
  2. For some reason, men get better with age in the looks department. A woman can spend a ton of money on cosmetics and age defying products, and A LOT of time in the bathroom....to no avail - men on the other hand, a shave, combed hair and Cologne - a million bucks!!
    3 points
  3. No we shouldn't boast at all. But that doesn't mean not to help someone because others see you doing it. Helping someone in need comes first.
    3 points
  4. Matthew 6Contemporary English Version (CEV) Giving 6 When you do good deeds, don’t try to show off. If you do, you won’t get a reward from your Father in heaven. 2 When you give to the poor, don’t blow a loud horn. That’s what show-offs do in the meeting places and on the street corners, because they are always looking for praise. I can assure you that they already have their reward. . . 3 When you give to the poor, don’t let anyone know about it.[a] 4 Then your gift will be given in secret. Your Father knows what is done in secret, and he will reward you.
    3 points
  5. Whether it be a small thing or big? Is helping others through life what its all about?
    2 points
  6. Basically yes. That would effect more good results than what any large group or church is doing now. Not as if by rule or by rote, nor as if under obligation to rules, but subject always, in everything to the MASTER JESUS. See in SCRIPTURE how JESUS taught the apostles and disciples to live, simply and with motives being purified to serve GOD. Every one of the WORDS that proceed from YHWH , HE says that is what we are to live by. "Every one of the WORDS" is truly a life long experience, learning and DOing HIS WORD (be not hearers only, but DOers.....)... HIS WORD is more important and more valuable than gold, yes, even more than much fine gold..... So as we are permitted and enabled and willing, let us learn HIS WORD DAILY, relying and trusting our FATHER in heaven to accomplish everything concerning SALVATION as HE says.... for us and for as many as will come to HIM.
    2 points
  7. personally I would prefer mine to be between me and God with as few others as possible knowing about it. My wife, and maybe my pastor if it is through the church. I never give as a tax write off and do not report anything I give to the church on my taxes.
    2 points
  8. Should we boast, period? I thought that was a no no.
    2 points
  9. Ukraine had an elected government and Obama/Hillary sent Victoria Nuland (Asst. Secretary of state) with cia operatives to Ukraine and they orchestrated a coup that overthrew the elected government and then hand picked the people to take thier place. At least one of the Oligarchs (against Putin) in Ukraine gave millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation. Would we allow Russia to come to Canada and overthrow the government and move thier troupes into Canada right on our borders... I would hope not. This whole mess in that area is fomented by the Obama Administration and carried out by Hillary Clinton and the people working under her. So don't tell me that Putin is the bad guy in this situation. American Global dominance stemming from the PNAC think tank is the problem in the world today..... and the people behind all that works behind the scenes making thier will done across the world. And it goes way way beyond Republican/Democrat issues..... and that is what President Trump is against and he needs all our prayers to keep him alive to carry out stopping it. I personally think God worked him into office, but without His protection I don't see any way he will survive.
    2 points
  10. Extraterrestrial Life? No verified form of life, which originated outside of earth has ever been observed. If life evolved on earth, one would expect that the elaborate experiments sent to the Moon and Mars might have detected at least simple forms of life (such as microbes) that differ in some respects from life on earth (a). [See [url=http://www.creationscience.com/onlinebook/FAQ316.html#wp4584911] “Is There Life in Outer Space?”[/url]] http://www.creationscience.com/onlinebook/webpictures/lifesciences-mars_surface.jpg[/img] Figure 6:Mars Lander. Many people, including Carl Sagan, predicted the Viking Landers would find life on Mars. They reasoned that because life evolved on Earth, some form of life must have evolved on Mars. That prediction proved to be false. The arms of the Viking 1 Lander sampled Martian soil. Sophisticated tests on those samples did not find even a trace of life. If traces of life are found on Mars, they may have come from comets and asteroids launched from Earth during the flood—as did salt and water found on Mars. [A prediction, later supported by a NASA discovery, is on page [url=http://www.creationscience.com/onlinebook/Comets10.html#wp11253138]281[/url]. For a full understanding, see pages [url=http://www.creationscience.com/onlinebook/Comets2.html#wp1069425]270-321[/url]] a. The widely publicized claims, made by NASA in 1996, to have found fossilized life in a meteorite from Mars are now largely dismissed. [See Richard A. Kerr, “Requiem for Life on Mars? Support for Microbes Fades,” Science, Vol. 282, 20 November 1998, pp. 1398–1400.] [[url=http://www.creationscience.com/onlinebook/LifeSciences15.html]From “In the Beginning” by Walt Brown[/url]]
    2 points
  11. Altruism 2 If evolution were correct, selfish behavior should have completely eliminated unselfish behavior (c). Furthermore, cheating and aggression should have “weeded out” cooperation. Altruism contradicts evolution (d). c. “Ultimately, moral guidelines determine an essential part of economic life. How could such forms of social behavior evolve? This is a central question for Darwinian theory. The prevalence of altruistic acts—providing benefits to a recipient at a cost to the donor—can seem hard to reconcile with the idea of the selfish gene, the notion that evolution at its base acts solely to promote genes that are most adept at engineering their own proliferation. Benefits and costs are measured in terms of the ultimate biological currency—reproductive success. Genes that reduce this success are unlikely to spread in a population.” Karl Sigmund et al., “The Economics of Fair Play,” Scientific American, Vol. 286, January 2002, p. 87. d. Some evolutionists propose the following explanation for this long-standing and widely recognized problem for evolution: “Altruistic behavior may prevent the altruistic individual from passing on his or her genes, but it benefits the individual’s clan that carries a few of those genes.” This hypothesis has five problems—the last two are fatal. Observations do not support it. [See Clutton-Brock, pp. 69–72.] “...altruistic behavior toward relatives may at some later time lead to increased competition between relatives, reducing or even completely removing the net selective advantage of altruism.” Stuart A. West et al., “Cooperation and Competition between Relatives,” Science, Vol. 296, 5 April 2002, p. 73. If individual X’s altruistic trait was inherited, that trait should be carried recessively in only half the individual’s brothers and sisters, one-eighth of the first cousins, etc. The key question then is: Does this “fractional altruism” benefit these relatives enough that they sire enough children with the altruistic trait? On average, one or more in the next generation must have the trait, and no generation can ever lose the trait. Otherwise, the trait will become extinct. From an evolutionist’s perspective, all altruistic traits originated as a mutation. The brothers, sisters, or cousins of the first person to have the mutation would not have the trait. Even if many relatives benefited from the altruism, the trait would not survive the first generation. The hypothesis fails to explain altruism between different species. Without discussing examples that require a knowledge of the life patterns of such species, consider the simple example above of humans who forgo having children in order to care for animals. Edward O. Wilson, an early proponent of this evolutionary explanation for altruism, now recognizes its failings: “I found myself moving away from the position I’d taken 30 years ago, which has become the standard theory. What I’ve done is to say that maybe collateral kin selection is not so important. These ants and termites in the early stages of evolution—they can’t recognize kin like that. There’s very little evidence that they’re determining who’s a brother, a sister, a cousin, and so on. They are not acting to favor collateral kin.” Edward O. Wilson, “The Discover Interview,” Discover, June 2006, p. 61. [[url=http://www.creationscience.com/onlinebook/LifeSciences14.html]From “In the Beginning” by Walt Brown[/url]]
    2 points
  12. Altruism 1 Humans and many animals will endanger or even sacrifice their lives to save another—sometimes the life of another species (a). Natural selection, which evolutionists say selects individual characteristics, should rapidly eliminate altruistic (self-sacrificing) “individuals.” How could such risky, costly behavior ever be inherited? Its possession tends to prevent the altruistic “individual” from passing on its genes for altruism (b)? a. “...the existence of altruism between different species—which is not uncommon—remains an obstinate enigma.” Taylor, p. 225. Some inherited behavior is lethal to the animal but beneficial to unrelated species. For example, dolphins sometimes protect humans from deadly sharks. Many animals (goats, lambs, rabbits, horses, frogs, toads) scream when a predator discovers them. This increases their exposure but warns other species. b. From an evolutionist’s point of view, a very costly form of altruism occurs when an animal forgoes reproduction while caring for another individual’s young. This occurs in some human societies where a man has multiple wives who share in raising the children of one wife. More well known examples include celibate individuals (such as nuns and many missionaries) who devote themselves to helping others. Such traits should never have evolved, or if they accidentally arose, they should quickly die out. Adoption is another example: “From a Darwinian standpoint, going childless by choice is hard enough to explain, but adoption, as the arch-Darwinist Richard Dawkins notes, is a double whammy. Not only do you reduce, or at least fail to increase, your own reproductive success, but you improve someone else’s. Since the birth parent is your rival in the great genetic steeplechase, a gene that encourages adoption should be knocked out of the running in fairly short order.” Cleo Sullivan, “The Adoption Paradox,” Discover, January 2001, p. 80. Adoption is known even among mice, rats, skunks, llamas, deer, caribou, kangaroos, wallabies, seals, sea lions, dogs, pigs, goats, sheep, bears, and many primates. Altruism is also shown by some people who have pets—a form of adoption—especially individuals who have pets in lieu of having children. Humans, vertebrates, and invertebrates frequently help raise the unrelated young of others: “...it is not clear that the degree of relatedness is consistently higher in cooperative breeders than in other species that live in stable groups but do not breed cooperatively. In many societies of vertebrates as well as invertebrates, differences in contributions to rearing young do no t appear to vary with the relatedness of helpers, and several studies of cooperative birds and mammals have shown that helpers can be unrelated to the young they are raising and that the unrelated helpers invest as heavily as close relatives.” Tim Clutton-Brock, “Breeding Together: Kin Selection and Mutualism in Cooperative Vertebrates,” Science, Vol. 296, 5 April 2002, p. 69. Six different studies were cited in support of the conclusions above. [[url=http://www.creationscience.com/onlinebook/LifeSciences14.html]From “In the Beginning” by Walt Brown[/url]]
    2 points
  13. A theory is never proven, so I am not sure why you were taught that. Proof only exist in mathematics and logic, it is not within the realm of science. Or as a professor used like to says "Proofs are not the currency of science."
    2 points
  14. When I was first saved I went about condemning everyone as sinners on their way to hell and speaking bible verses at them arguing out of the law their need for Christ as Savior explaining to them that we all sin everyday all day and that we would never overcome sin but that through faith in Christs finished work on the cross we would be saved anyway. My expeience was that people hated me and didn't want anything to do with the things I was preaching and at first this was evidence to me of the persecution I would receive as a direct result of preaching the gospel. But one day something inside of me directed me to verses that spoke about how the common people heard him gladly, the Jews feared Jesus because the people loved him and that even as a child he grew in favor with men. So then I was convinced I was doing something wrong. I then met a man, who grew up Roman Catholic and still a member today but who disagrees with much of their teaching, who took me with him to minister to others and also counselled me daily. I was taught how to listen to others by him and how to address their needs using scripture without quoting chapter and verse. He taught me that once they tasted the word, even paraphrased, and were able to apply tge principles to their life they would grow hungry for more. When the time was right we would give them a full understanding of the gospel message. Although we were not overbearing with Romans Road we always made sure that those we ministered unto knew that we did it out of love for God through Christ. We were careful not to condemn but rather to point out the full affects of sin in the peoples lives by sharing our own experience, what we were like, what happened, and what we are like now. The message was always that power over sin comes through the Spirit of God through Christ but those words only come when we are able to demonstraight that power through works. I still minister this way to this day. I find that most people are not repulsed by my preaching any longer though they do not care for knowing they cannot deliver themselves from sin. None of us do!
    2 points
  15. A halal supermarket in a Paris suburb has been told by local authorities it must start selling alcohol and pork or else it will be shut down. Good Price discount mini-market in Colombes has been told by the local housing authority, from which it rents its premises, that it has not followed the conditions on the lease that stipulate that the shop must act as a "general food store." The authority argues that all members of the local community are not being served properly if there are no alcohol or pork products in the Good Price store, which is run as a franchise and which last year replaced another small supermarket. “The mayor of Colombes, Nicole Goueta, went there herself and asked the owner to diversify the range of products by adding alcohol and non-halal meats,” the mayor’s chief of staff, Jérôme Besnard, told The Telegraph. He said locals, particularly older residents, had complained that they could no longer get the full range of products at Good Price, which replaced a regular supermarket, and had to travel some distance now to do their shopping. “We want a social mix. We don’t want any area that is only Muslim or any area where there are no Muslims,” Mr Besnard said, adding that the town’s reaction would have been the same had a kosher shop opened on that spot. The Colombes housing authority argues that the store breaches French republican principles by prioritising a certain group within society rather than catering to all categories. It has taken legal action to bring an end to the lease which would normally run until 2019. The case goes to court in October. Soulemane Yalcin, who runs the shop under franchise, said he was merely catering to the demands of his customers in this area of large public housing estates. “It’s business,” said Mr Yalcin. “I look around me and I target what I see. The lease states ‘general food store and related activities’ - but it all depends on how you interpret ‘related activities’,” he told Le Parisien newspaper. He has hired a lawyer to fight the housing authority’s bid to get him evicted. The row in Colombes came as another town - this time in the south of France - decided to take action to stop another perceived breach of republican principles . The mayor of Pennes-Mirabeau, near Marseille, is seeking to ban an event at a water park that is open only to burkini-clad women and children. The event organised by a local community group said the need for modest swimwear was because there would be male lifeguards on duty at the Speedwater Park venue. Burkinis are banned at municipal pools in France, as are women-only events, but private venues are in theory allowed to host them. But the mayor of Pennes-Mirabeau said he was outraged by this “provocation” and that he would use a bylaw to ban it on the grounds that it is likely to cause public disorder.
    1 point
  16. (Worthy News) - Germany sent several hundred troops to Lithuania Wednesday as a contribution to a NATO-led effort designed to counter what the international alliance perceives as a military threat from Russia. The mission, to which NATO agreed last year, would see the mass mobilization of 200 vehicles, including 30 tanks, and 450 soldiers to the Baltic State, which is flanked on both sides by Russian borders. By spring, Germany was expected to head an international battalion of some 1,200 soldiers from NATO members such as Belgium, France and the Netherlands. They were all dedicated to keeping an eye on what they say is Russian aggression amid one of the tensest periods of relations between Russia and NATO. Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite called Russia's behavior "an ongoing military buildup around our borders and aggressive actions in our region," according to European news outlet The Local. [ Source ] View the full article
    1 point
  17. I absolutely will and I hope others here will as well, cherubim.
    1 point
  18. If they are fighting against it and have repented and turned away from their sin they aren't a homosexual any more. You can't be both
    1 point
  19. Isnt it important to know your enemy? And how to deal with it? Shall we ignore or like it doesnt exist? How about those, that have a ministry helping people that have these problems, shall they just..say the same? I recommend John Ramirez.
    1 point
  20. Okay, as a funeral director, and a cemeterian, I had much experience with grief and the grieving. Denial of loss takes on a few forms, and all fail leaving the grieving person in worse shape for the denial. The most common denial is the cremation without funeral nor any place of burial nor remembrance. That does not work out well for the grieving person. Second is the newer stylish Christian "life celebration ceremony" with it's trappings of memories on a display table, happy testimonies and a food eating gathering. There all better now we met we celebrated we ate. Nope doesn't cut it the pain still hurts deeply and everyone has scattered, thinking all better let's move on and pretend we don't see the greiving anymore. There is need absolute need to define and mark the grief in order to handle it and to also go through the suffering of it without being crushed into dismal dispair. I have met with, countless numbers of times, the closest person to the deceased long after they have cremated and disposed of their beloveds cremains, either at sea or by scattering on land. They come back into the funeral home or cemetery office building and sit. I would see them and they knew not what to ask or say, they just knew they had a need to be at the last place of some contract and be with someone that has some experience in deaths. They simply had not been able to organize their grief into something they could work and handle. So it was overwhelming them. I would share of their "problem" and offer possible solutions for their consideration, such as making some remembrance item, selecting a place of remembrance and having them engrave some marking at that place. Didn't neeed to be a cemetery, could be anywhere. But often I did present a very affordable way to have a marker, a memorial, placed on a "partial" burial site at very little expense. They would then have a dedication service, and again when the marker arrived, an unveiling dedication and remembrance service, something they could lead themselves if they wished. The whole process is borrowed from the customs of orthodox Jews where a specific calendar of events is followed, tearing of clothes, wearing of an arm band, visiting a place of remembrance, and finally at one year the unveiling of a marker, And that formally ends the time of grieving. The process allowed a rather full satisfaction and recovery. So the point is; let individuals grieve! Do not make everything all happy talk. It is the worst days of their lives. It is not happy happy happy, I'm just a happy fool for Jesus, I do not tear up, I do not cry, for all is better. It isn't better, not for the person surviving. It flat out hurts!- Acknowledge the hurt in the surviver, hold them in person as well as in prayer, and do not leave them to have to pretend all is well. It is not well until the loss is acknowledged and the heart's painful grief is satisfied by a process of orgainized grieving, something that has order, a beginning, a middle, and importantly an end. All so that it may be endured. And then if allowed the time, survived.
    1 point
  21. People at funerals are usually in shock. Seeing the body often helps them come to grips with the reality. It will be another month before the loss sets in. But at this time they are irritable from lack of sleep and their emotions are raw. They are very vulnerable and easily offended by even the best intended words. On TV they usually say "I am so sorry for your loss". It shows compassion without being judgmental. I usually tell them that if they ever need to talk, I will be glad to listen. Often people just need a friend who will listen. After my father in law's death they had a family meeting. I was not invited. But apparently they discussed there feelings about him and where he might have ended up. He had been abusive toward his children and used them selfishly. He hated Christians. In fact he was a bigot who hated most nationalities, ethnic groups and religions---an Archy Bunker. He loved money. His funeral was conducted by Elks and Shriners lodges, so his judgement was based on people passing ranks in the lodges and paying their dues.. Some people think God judges a person fit for heaven if the good outweighs the bad!. My husband hopes his dad had repented before his sudden death and he misses him because he was his father. But we don't miss his controlling presence in our lives. Many people may miss the companionship of an unbeliever. It does help to remember the good times. Often it is due to the death of an unbeliever that Christians grab onto false teaching such as universal salvation. They desperately wish that person had accepted Christ and even become angry at God. Some even reject their faith. Our God is a just God and we don't know the hidden secrets of their hearts. We can't judge them righteously as God can. I believe that Christians miss those true Christians who have gone to be with Christ even more than unbelievers. Christians tend to be less selfish and more supportive of those they encounter. They have usually been salt and light in a dark world. So they may have been hated by unbelievers but are very missed by believers. The bible says that the apostles mourned and grieved deeply over the death of Stephen. On the other hand some Christians have fed the stereotype of being legalistic, self righteous and judgmental and are remembered bitterly. Only God knows if they were truly saved. Others may remember them in a better light, having a different perspective. Certainly all are grief stricken at the death of a child, more so since their hopes and dreams for that child are gone. This fact often splits up marriages. There may be a lot of blame, often toward medical staff or parents blaming each other. Some never resolve this and learn to forgive or face reality. We are relieved and rejoice for people who were Christians that they are no longer suffering, knowing that they are now filled with the peace and joy of being in Christ's presence. But there is usually a huge hole left in our lives that no one can really fill. Sometimes people use the loss for good, to try to make a positive impact on the world. This is the best outcome of our grief. Psa 34:15 ESV The eyes of the LORD are toward the righteous and his ears toward their cry. Psa 34:16 The face of the LORD is against those who do evil, to cut off the memory of them from the earth. Psa 34:17 When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. Psa 34:18 The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Psa 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.
    1 point
  22. All we know is what is written: " And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off" Daniel did not tell us how long after.
    1 point
  23. Something which most Christians are not aware of is that the common chronology is based on Ptolemy, and that is actually 82 years more than it should be. So it was exactly 483 years (69 weeks or "sevens") from the proclamation of Cyrus to restore and build Jerusalem until the crucifixion of Christ (when Messiah was "cut off"). To gain a proper understanding of this, people should study The Chronology of Old Testament by Martin Anstey. Which means that the entire 70th week of Daniel is yet future.
    1 point
  24. So, 72 of the 380 arrest of foreign born people were from the list of 7 banned countries. Where did the other 308 come from and why are we not banning people from those countries as well?
    1 point
  25. Just post the true and literal word of God. The word of God will point to finding forgiveness and to see the glory of God. We can not change a person's heart but we can plant a seed by posting Scripture.
    1 point
  26. Hi Praise2God4ever, Good question & very much needed today. In the 70`s & `80`s all I had to do was befriend someone & then ask them to a church meeting. there they heard of Christ dying for them & their need of forgiveness. However over the years I noticed that not many people wanted to go to a meeting. Thus I sought the Lord as how to disciple others. Due to having CFS I am limited in strength. However a couple of days a week I would go & visit a few people that the Lord had brought along side me. We would share God`s word, discuss life`s journey, family & then pray. Over the years these ladies have grown & now do this with their disciples whom God brings across their path. I still work with these ladies & we pray & share of our, & other`s needs. They found that befriending someone whom is interested to know more of God`s word, or asking for help with life`s issues has also enabled them to grow, seeking the Lord for answers & wisdom. Thus my `method` is to disciple a few who will over time also disciple a few etc multiplying & building into lives. Too often people can get tricked into quick numbers but then they tend to fall away for there is no `walking with them over time.` The key is to go `deep` with a person & that can take a few years but the reward is great as they mature & then in turn go into the harvest. God has various ways, & sometimes you may only have that opportunity with that person & never see them again. Well share your testimony & then leave them to the Lord for another believer to guide them further. Hope all that is helpful.
    1 point
  27. Universalism is the belief that every man will be reconciled with God eventually - that people don't go to hell (permanently, at least). I myself am not a universalist, though with reading the Bible, I am finding more support for it (or possible something that just seems to support the doctrine). So, I'm not making this thread so that I can debate others, but so others can give me their reasoning for being universalist or for not being universalist. So, do you believe in universalism? Why/why not? This thread is to help me understand more about universalism. I personally will not be debating, though others are free to debate, and I may ask a few questions from time to time. God bless!
    1 point
  28. Because they work for Satan and gay rights have to be shoved in everybody's faces until we all shut up, bow down, and embrace homosexuality. It started with legalisation. Next they wanted a few more rights. Then they wanted total acceptance. Now they want obedience, reverence, and privileges that they are not entitled to - such as 'gay marriage', adoption of kids and homosexual propaganda in schools.
    1 point
  29. Then we'll just have to agree to disagree. I do believe that we should give God our time, and make Him first in our lives. But can you give me a single Bible verse that supports that people who do not read daily will go to hell?
    1 point
  30. And there was some question at the time as to whether this referendum was completely kosher. I guess we will never know, since news about this region is rarely objective and totally factual. Also Russia undoubtedly fomented trouble is this region to have its way in Crimea and the Ukraine. There is plenty of blame to go around on all sides. As to Europe and NATO trying to deal with Russia at this time, it is more wishful thinking than anything else. Everyone looked the other way while Russia was building up its military might, and now they are wringing their hands.
    1 point
  31. The people of Crimea voted in a referendum to become part of Russia...in 2016, as they have been traditionally a part of Russia..time the rest of the world respected the will of the people.. The reason the globalist Germany/Nato is so upset with Russia is Russia is disengaging from the debt money system which the globalist bankers control every country that subscribes to it's diabolical methods...Russia realizes that and wants to stay our of the debt system which now engulfs USA, Canada, GB, France, etc etc.....cannot blame them for that..also the globalists love war, they make lots and lots of money from armaments, and loaning their debt laden money to the participants...it's a win win situation for them.
    1 point
  32. Regarding "What has Russia done to deserve this?", the answer would be its annexation of Crimea, its invasion and occupation of eastern Ukraine, its massing of armaments and troops in Kaliningrad and along the borders of the Baltic and Eastern European states; its stirring up of rebellion among the many ethnic Russians living in the Baltic states, its possible assistance to North Korea in its nuclear and ballistic missile programs, its "false flag" bombings in Ryazan, its continued poisoning, shooting, and blowing up of innocent dissidents who threaten to expose its crimes, and on and on. It truly is an Evil Empire (not the precious Christian People, but their Czarist masters, who threaten them with arrest, torture, and death should they dare strive for democracy and transparency). God help them. God deliver them.
    1 point
  33. Yes, I have. When I was working at a nursing home in my home country there was a lady that were bound to bed, suffering in pain, screaming kicking and biting. It was difficult for the carers to even help her. I came recognised what was going on, saw the entity in her eyes they were very black and evil. I prayed, she fell to peace. My college looked strange to me. The demon looked through her eyes like it wanted to kill me. So i was told to pray iver her by God so she could get peace. I did and did the cross on her forehead. The carers talked how. Strangely quiet shes become. I went in last time and prayed told the demon to leave. Two days later she was dead. God told me its kept her alive only to plague her that she shouldve been gone long ago. another time I was on the phone with my friend. She said she was heading into witchcraft sadly. She asked me not talk about God, not talk about God. Then, she start to speak in tounges, backwards. She growled as well. I told it to shut in The name of God. It did and she regained herself. She didnt even remember doing it! Thats what I can remember now but to me its always been faith confirming and a yes!!! Im saved!!
    1 point
  34. Blessings Seve,,,, I do not see anyone "editing" or twisting what you are saying,in quotes,,,,,what I do see is a lot of commentaries(by you) ,highlighted in red,in between the Holy Scriptures of Gods Word,,,,,,,,,Scripture must be read in Context and in full,it is very important who is being addressed & in what point in time ,where etc.......One cannot take verses of Scripture out of context to support personal interpretation,,,,,,, Worthy readers.... These are the views of our posters,not Worthy Christian Forums,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, With love-in Christ,Kwik
    1 point
  35. Spiderman I think you are having difficulty here because you may be not fully comprehending Gods Power & His ability to do what no man can do,,,,,,what is impossible for man is not impossible for God,,,,,God does not NEED anyone to Save anyone,He uses His willing servants at His Will,because of Hos Plans & Purpose,not out of need or necessity,,,,,,,,,,,,let me give you an example & perhaps it will help,,,,? You know, in part ,the situation in the middle east,,,,,,the islamists do not really have any access to the "media" as we in America do,many (most) of them will never have an opportunity to meet an evangelist,read a Bible or hear a Sermon,,,,they live in a very "closed off" world,,,,,,closed off to outside influence & will not have much or "anything" to do with any people except their own fellow muslims,right? And yet we hear,time & time again ,ex-muslims who have turned to Jesus.....how? By either a dream,vision or some other kind of personal supernatural visitation from Jesus,,,,,,,we hear Testimonies from these individuals & we can only give the Glory,Praise,Honor & Thanksgiving to God Alone,,,,,,,,,God gives every one of His Creation the opportunity,one Way or another to accept Him as Lord & Savior,,,,,,,,to know Jesus,the Way,the Truth & the Life,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, hope that helped
    1 point
  36. Blessings Spiderman That was NOT the answers you were given and it is not the answer you are looking for,obviously,,,,,,,,,,,No,no one is learning the Gospel after physical death,they will know the Truth they have REJECTED but God's Grace will no longer be available,it is too late,,,,,,"Seek the Lord while He may be found" Isaiah 55:6.........once a person has died,it is too late So the answer to that question is "NO",,,,,,,,,God WILL NOT be Preaching some people after their death,He does not hold then accountable for what they do not know while they are alive & while they are living they ARE given the opportunity to accept His Truth,not after they are dead,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,That is the Truth of it,it is not & will not be the way you hope or would like it to be,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,God is Just,He is Sovereign,His Ways are not our ways,His Ways are much Higher than ours,,,,,,,,,,,,,,His decrees,His Word is Final,,,,,,,
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  37. Blessings Robert,,,,, You didn't necessarily have to delete it,,,,that is why I explained that it was your interpretation so that others could comment,,,,,,,It is quite alright to express your observations,etc......it is not so much "what" you are saying but "how" you are saying it,,,,,, For example,,,,,,"Here is my take on what is Written" or "I have found that in my experience" etc,,,, just not as in "teaching",,,,,,,,or in teaching fashion,refer to T0S With love-in Christ,Kwik
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  38. Blessings Angels,,,, That was back in the 80's,,,,,,my eyes were burnt,I could not produce tears they were swollen closed,the doctor put a dressing & gave me artificial tears & ointment for the following day so I could change the bandages,,,,,,the very next day I took off the bandages and they were just fine,I could see ,perfectly,,,,,,,,,it was truly a Miracle,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Praise Jesus! With love-in Christ<Kwik People talked about that for a very long time,they saw what my eyes looked like when they were burned by the acetone,,,,,they were so swollen they say they looked like they were coming out of the sockets,as the swelling went down(very rapidly) they felt sealed shut,the doctor had to grease them up top pull back the lids,,,,,,,,it was very painful until I woke up in the morning,it felt as though nothing happened,,,,,I just needed the "tears" for about a week or so
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  39. Of course He Will Tigger,we are His,,,,,,,,,, With love-in Christ,Kwik
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  40. Blessings Last Daze... I'm glad you have clarified that you WILL still be around,I would not like to see you go ,you are a dear Brother that contributes much,,,,,,,Praise Jesus I'm not sure what you are trying to do,I suppose you are hoping to distribute tracks,pass on literature or something ,,,,,,,as far as I know that is not permitted,,,,,,,,,is there something you would like to discuss in this Thread? With love-in Christ,Kwik
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  41. Certainly,your on the right track!!! It is very good that you are truly considering these things,,,,,,,what a wonderful journey God Will take you on,just hold on to His Hand,,,,,,,,,,He Will get you where He Will have you to be & guess what,it is the greatest Joy you will ever know! With love-in Christ,Kwik as they say"Let go & let God"
    1 point
  42. Blessings Spiderman I can't really comment without knowing a few things,,,,,,,,you say"some muslim' told me,,,,,,etc....& give is a link to Christianity Today,did this muslim fellow give you this link? Odd that he would be reading Christianity Today,I just don't understand how the Topic came up,who is he in relation to you & what is the context of the conversation,,,,I mean it is not usual that some muslim would walk up to a total stranger to simply give them a website? So how could I advise you to say one thing or another?Too quickly people respond by trying to defend the Word of God which needs no defense or to refute what the other persons beliefs are,sort of a retaliation,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I don't believe it is the best way to spread the Gospel So,I would love to hear how the conversation took place,what your relationship to this person is & when do you get the opportunity to talk with him,,,,,I would love to have more information to get a better idea about the best way to talk to him,I'm wondering,what did you say? I'm sutre you didn't say"I'll get back to you",right?Sometimes I think we put too much thought(self) into preparation instead of simply trusting the Holy Spirit to lead us & guide us as to our responses,the best preparation is being firmly established in Gods Word,it is the Holy Spirit that convicts a man's heart With love-in Christ,Kwik
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  43. Words,,,,,,,,,the enemy is a liar,,,,,,,,,his prime target is the BELIEVER,he walks about as a lion ,seeking to devour who he CAN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Okay,here it is,for you Angels,,,,,,,,it is a Testimony ,,,, "Blind Faith" Many years ago I opened a business on a "wing & a prayer" ,I put everything the Lord Provided me with to get a full service salon going(cosmetology),I named the business "PJ's Salon",it stood for "Praise Jesus",,,,,,I had zero capitol when I opened,a big overhead & only my own client base,,,,I hired 3 people & simply trusted God,He lead me there & He would certainly make it flourish,before I opened the doors each morning we Praise the Lord & had a little Bible Study,,,,,one particular morning the Topic was about Blind Faith,the girls(my employees) did not quite understand the true meaning of one having blind faith,to walk by that Faith & not by sight,to trust God with every ounce of your being,,,,,so how do you explain? How can you show them? Well,it was time to open for business so we bookmarked our places in the Word of God,to be continued the next day....... The place was packed,there were lines out the door,everyone was busy with clients & we could hardly keep track of the "walk-ins",,,,,,people talking,busy busy,I was at my desk doing nails on one of my favorite long time clients,her name was "Bubbles" ,she was a Jewish lady & a dear friend,,,,, Suddenly I heard screams,hideous screams,unGlodly sounds of many coming from one woman who entered the doors,,,,,,she was a black woman with piercing green ewyes,dressed like a foreigner with a turban & sort of a kaftan or robe,sandals ,she was carrying a basket,,,,,,, her mouth was not moving but the wailing & screaming was coming from her? It must have been obvious that I was completely distracted & pre-occupied because Bubbles kept saying"What's wrong,what's wrong?" But I didn't answer,inside I could hear the Lord telling me to "rebuke her ,get up & stand on your Position of Victory,,,,,,rebuke her!",,,,,,I looked around at my lucrative business & thought"No,I cannot get up & start rebuking demons in front of everyone,they will think I'm insane!" So I didn't,the woman was taken to one of my girls & I could hear her saying something about "Jezebel" & my girl looked like she was crying?,,,,,I was so confused & I needed to just get up to think & process the whole thing that I excuse myself ,grabbed the little bottle of acetone(100%) & told Bubbles I needed to refill it,,,,,I walked to the rear of the salon to a showcase where I stored the gallons of products underneath,,,,,,, I unscrewed the cap &filled it,I was about to screw the top back on & I felt something grab my arm,it threw the acetone into my face,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I felt unbearable burning,my eyes were on fire & I could see NOTHING,100% acetone,a full bottle directly in my eyes!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Well,in that very second "self" hung on the Cross,I forgot all about being the "proud" proprietor & was quickly humbled into WHO I am in Christ Jesus (Glory to God),,,,,I dropped to my knees in the middle of the establishment & began praising the Lord,rebuking the enemy & declaring that I knew I was not blind (though I saw nothing but black) because I was HEALED by Jesus Stripes,,,,,,,,I called out to my girls to pray with me & I needed them to lead me to the door to go next door to the doctor,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,my eyes burned beyond belief but I knew what happened & that it was okay,the Lord allowed this (because I did not obey immediately)to display what :"Blind Faith" is,,,LITERALLY!!! To make a long story much shorter,Bubbles(the Jew) drove me to the ophthalmic surgeon after the doctor next door called him & sent me there because my eyes were burned badly,,,,,,,,we got there,he said"It's a Miracle"but my eyesight would return in a couple of days,only the outside protective covering was burnt,he gave me medicine & bandaged me,,,,,Bubbles said"Maybe there is something about that Jesus of yours"and when I got back to the salon(blind & bandaged) everyone that was there ,was still there because every single person was a Christian,they had all been praying & waiting-lol I asked everyone"Who was screaming?",,,,,,everyone said:"No one but the moment you started shouting Praises & rebuking the devil the woman(the green eyed woman),,,,,ran out of the salon,she even dropped her basket & left it behind!,,,,,,Blind Faith was what the enemy thought he could disprove,God used me to demonstrate His Authority & what blind faith is all about,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lesson learned,these days I don't question or hesitate when God leads me to do something specific,,,,,no matter who ,what,when or where,,,,,,had I simply "obeyed" none of that would have happened & besides,it would not have been out of order or even odd because everyone there was a Christian(except BUbbles & the accuser) Anyway,that is my testimony,I do hope it will encourage someone today to know that we do have Authority in Christ Jesus against all principalities,rulers of darkness & spirits in high places(demons) they are real,they are here to kill,steal & destroy ,,,,,,,Glory to God,they are nothing in comparison to Almighty God With love-in Christ,Kwik BTW,,,,,,,Blind Faith is simple,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,trust God no matter what,give Him Glory in all things,,,,,,,with God for you,who could be against?
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  44. Praise the Lord,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,thank You Heavenly Father that we are Made in Your Likeness With love-in Christ,Kwik
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  45. Everybody is just looking to line their pockets,imo,,,,,isn't that always the root of the problems that arise?When it comes to the truly poor & needy there is no problem in America,never has been really,,,,,an indigent person can go to any "State" or "County" hospital or clinic and get help,care,emergency & any medical provision,free of charge,,,,,our tax dollars have always paid for it As a matter of fact it is easier & less burdensome to get doctor & hospital care if you have no money,no insurance & no income but the moment you have a little income is when the problems begin,,,,,,,so imo it is not about helping people to have medical coverage but more about getting the most out of the little guy so that the gov't can put less into socialized programs,,,,,,,,am I making sense? The poor are not getting anything more than what they always had(free) the nothing changed for the lower income people ,the higher income folks can afford whatever happens & only the middle income guy now has to shell out more than ever or be penalized for it & it really is the "Unaffordable Health Care Act",,,,,,so something has got to give,,,,,, Physicians do not like getting "less" for their services & have opted to not accept many of the insurance providers terms so they do not participate,,,,,,,who suffered,the middle guy,,,,,,the poor people go where they can get help,they don't have a choice,,,,,,Maybe the real problem lies within the FDA,AMA etc,,,,,,look at the tiers for cancer treatment programs or Hepatitis programs,,,,,,$80,000 for a cure for HepC ,1st tier is for people with liver damage & excessive viral load,,,,or the gov't denies treatment because it is too expensive until everyone in the first tier is treated,,,,,,cancer,chemo,one pill for $5000.00?!!!!! C'mon,something is wrong with this picture,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I don't know how to begin purposing a solution but I believe it would be good to start with the drug companies ,kick backs & all the other "roots" of the problem,,,,,,,,I'm sorry,I guess I'm just thinking out loud Love<kwik
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