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How do you witness?


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I think living it is great. I do not think living it is enough. The message we are to proclaim, is the message of the gospel. No one can look at your kindness, and good deeds, your integrity and all of those sorts of thing that are the fruit of the new birth and be informed by observation, the reason for these things.

Paul tells us that people are without excuse for failing to acknowledge God:

"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."

Although they are able to conclude that God is powerful, the cannot look at the stars and the seas, the mountains and the skies and understand from that, that they are hopelessly lost sinners apart from God's grace in Jesus work on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins.

So it is with how we live our lives. Our lives can add credibility to the message, but they are not the message. It is not enough for us to act like boy scouts, we are not out to gain peoples admiration for lives well lived.

Paul also asked:

"How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

We cannot be spiritually lazy and just live exemplary lives, we need to speak up and let people know that there is a way to eternal life, but few are they who find it.

To the question of how do I witness? James 2!

Have your faith before people, surely. Demonstrate that you believe by what you do, but be sure to tell them what it is that you believe. I am intimidated by the idea of telling people about Jesus, it is awkward, but, I am not ashamed of the gospel, so I overcome that timidity and tell people about Him. I do that online, and I do it in person. I do it with people I know, and people I have just met. 

Which is more intimidating, speaking up about Jesus, or standing before a holy God explaining why you didn't?


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We witness by how we live.  Actions speak louder than words.


So I assume that these are people who already know you that you both are talking about.  Know you go to church/ are a christian.  What about those who don't know that?  As I said in my OP, how can somebody connect it to that without knowing why you are exhibiting that salt and light. 


Actually, no.  We witness every second of the day to whomever sees us, be they strangers or not.  If you think about how many people see you throughout the day, you will realize that the vast majority probably have no idea who you are.  Yet, they are left with some sort of impression.  If they are curious, they will speak.  If not, they will ponder what they have witnessed.  If they see Christ like actions in you, their thoughts will steer toward what is good, leading them to consider God in the end.

I believe the Holy Spirit will help guide those who are seeking to know more about doing the right thing or acting the right way.

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 I am curious to know how other people witness...

We always start our day in prayer, looking to be used by God for His glory in this lost generation.

Whether one on one or a few people, I look to be very open about our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ.
With time, most intimidation goes out the door and is ignored as we grow accustomed to sharing our faith.

Along with my 10 hour day today, had a chance to witness to 3 Hispanics briefly, and followed up with a few Spanish tracts.
Upon making a purchase at a busy store, gave two tellers a few Christian tracts. In walking to the car after the purchase, met a man cleaning up the parking lot, witnessed to him for a few minutes about Christ, and his need to repent, and believe on the One who split time B/C A/D Jesus Christ! Gave him a Ten Commandments tract coin and encouraged him to take the test mentioned on the coin at NeedGod.com
Prayed for those I spoke to today and their families after work with the family. :)

Rom 10:14-17
(14)  How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
(15)  And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
(16)  But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report?
(17)  So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

The Word is alive, and speaks to the lost, as well as those of us who are Saved through Jesus Christ!

Rom 1:16  For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

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Hi Pamelasv,

A very good question there Pam. I can tell you just what I have done personally in my life. Obviously it is different for other people as sometimes on trains over long journeys or on holiday situations, relationships develop & so life stories can be told of life changing experiences. (ie, turning to Christ)

Now when I was a young Christian I was able to come along side different people, befriend them & invite them to a meeting. They then received the message of salvation & turned to the Lord. Now as I have grown more in knowing the Lord I teach others to reach out & help them with their disciples. Thus it is a growing of myself to mentor these ones as they grow in giving of themselves to people who do not know the Lord. The first step is always prayer & then looking for the few the Lord would have you to develop that relationship with. People really do not want to know how much you know until they know how much you care. And that takes time. Are we willing to give that time & pray to others.

The misunderstanding I believe is that we all have to reach the unsaved, whereas I believe as we grow in the Lord we should be helping the younger ones to reach out. This creates a Timothy situation as Paul said 2 Tim. 2: 2.


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This has been on my mind lately, its from Oswald Chambers Utmost For My Highest:


In our natural life our ambitions change as we grow, but in the Christian life the goal is given at the very beginning, and the beginning and the end are exactly the same, namely, our Lord Himself. We start with Christ and we end with Him— “…till we all come…to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ…” (Ephesians 4:13), not simply to our own idea of what the Christian life should be. The goal of the missionary is to do God’s will, not to be useful or to win the lost. A missionary is useful and he does win the lost, but that is not his goal. His goal is to do the will of his Lord.


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Interesting reply's.  I think some people are much better at it than others.  Also, I know some people are led by the H.S. in this area and God puts people in their path to witness to, and they ask for it.  Well, hopefully, I will figure this out for how it will work for me, I just don't believe in being silent about it.  I like the tract idea,  I sometimes thought about it, but haven't come across any tracts to use.  I should look for some.  It kind of shows you care if you can hand it out with a smile on your face. 

My husband sends me to the liquor store.  How would that look?  

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Hi Pamelasv,

I know what you mean. But then Jesus walked & talked with all kinds of people in all kinds of situations. Maybe someone there might say something like `I so need this (drink) today,` & you could say, yes I understand, but it`s only temporary & I have found something lasting. And the conversation might develop from there. The important thing, as gdemoss said, is to really listen to people & just give them a little bit more info, & not `bible bash,` or `choke them with info they didn`t ask for, or are not ready for.

There is coming a huge, I say huge financial Tsunami across the world & that will cause men`s (& women`s) hearts to fail for fear of what further is coming on the world. This will be the most wonderful time to help people. Start with their immediate need, emotional, &/or food etc & that can lead to `How are you so peaceful etc as all this happens.` `Oh, I have learnt not to hold on to material things but appreciate what is important...etc` Comments like that move the conversation along & help the person to `THINK` themselves & not just be told everything. If you work with a person, (& the Holy Spirit will teach you if you ask Him & are willing to step out) then you will grow to know what to say & be able to listen to the Holy Spirit as He gives you the wisdom & understanding of that person`s needs.

I do believe one of the biggest draw backs of the denominational era is that we have all relied upon the system to disciple people in meetings & we were just supposed to bring them along. Have you ever been taught by those in the system, to disciple? Probably not. If you would like to have encouragement as you step out in this, you can PM me & I will pray for you & we can discuss how you are going, & I can give you feed back as well.


Bless you sis, in the Lord, Marilyn.



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...I like the tract idea,  I sometimes thought about it, but haven't come across any tracts to use.  I should look for some.  It kind of shows you care if you can hand it out with a smile on your face. 

Hi Pamelasv
I thought to pass a few Christian tract sites your way in a PM.
Because they link to a site that "sells" something, in the past Worthy did not want you to post to merchant sites.

For those wanting to search for them, I'll post the ministries name only here, I'd be glad to PM anyone else that would care for the links as well:

Living Waters Tracts
Chick Tracts
Mark Cahill
One Million Tracts
Fellowship Tract League
Little Bible Ministry
The Tract League

I've used all of these tract sites over the years, they come recommended as each of them has a clear gospel message. The majority that they offer are well done, there are only a handful that I find "tacky" that I do not use. There are other Christian tract companies out there as well!

A few of the sites also allow you to view them online in their entirety if you would like to look at them. Also handy for emailing a link of one along!

A few of the sites also offer a "sample tract pack" that has an assortment of tracts that the ministry has to offer. A good way to check out a lot of them at one time.
We do look to be discerning with some of them, as some deal with certain sins, false religions, etc, while others are general for anybody.

I do use them often for follow up after witnessing to one or many, and hand them out in general when time does not permit one speaking much.
We as a family put them about here and there as well for someone to find later. :)

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From a few of the Christian tract sites on ideas for using them, a few of my own thoughts included. I've used them in all these instances below. :

Leave them:
At Gas Stations (The "business card" size fit well in the credit card slot.)
In Restrooms (The "business card" size fit well in the corner of a mirror.)
At Rest Areas
 In Restaurants
 On ATM Machines
 In bill envelopes when you send in your bill payment to the company

On Vacation:
Waitresses (Make sure to leave a tip, I've heard a waitress or two grumbling upon looking at one without a tip.)
Cashiers (Wait until they are done giving change, otherwise you can sidetrack them. Also applies to anyone else giving you change.)
Flight Attendants
Cab Drivers
Local Employees
Gas Station Workers
Truck Drivers
Fast Food Employees

At Motels:
On Dressers for the Maid. If you are staying more than one day and have an exceptional maid, leave with a tip. They often show their appreciation by folding up your washcloths or TP roll in an origami rose or fan, etc. Kinda funny actually :)
In the Gideons Bible. (Right around John 3:16 is good!)
On Ice Machines
At Pay Phones Where they still exist, nearly obsolete now!
On Newspaper Racks

Traveling By Plane:
Plane Seat Pockets
Inside Magazines
Waiting Areas
Luggage Pickup Area
Meal trays

On Picnic Tables
In Laundromats
In Supply Stores
Game Rooms

Amusement Parks
Leave tracts in the restrooms
Place tracts on the benches
Leave a tract on the rides

Leave a tract at the lane
Place tracts on the video games

Wrap a childrens tract around that candy you're handing out with a rubber-band!
We gave out approximately 90 one year. This allowed for follow up later in speaking to some of the youth about Christ when they came and asked us "Were you the one who gave us the tract about God?"

Santas and their helpers
Shoppers waiting in line
Put tracts in dressing rooms
Take your family to see Christmas lights and hand out tracts to sightseers.
People will be in the perfect mood to receive them.
Do you find it difficult to talk with your coworkers about Jesus?
Give an inexpensive gift (small box of chocolates, coffee mug, etc.) and include a tract in the bag.

At the bank
Place a tract in the drive-through cylinder.
Leave one near the ATM
I'll place the "million dollar" and "How to Get Rich and keep it" tracts at these places! :)

In the "Chapel" or as some are now called "The Meditation Room..."
Leave tracts on the waiting room chairs and tables
Place tracts inside the magazines

At the library
Leave a tract on the desktops
Leave a tract in the restroom

In Doctors offices:
On the magazine tables and in the magazines themselves
Paying your bill to the receptionist

Other Ideas:
Near the salt and pepper shakers or other condiments in restaurants
Letters or Cards to family members, friends, etc. for a birthday, anniversary, Christmas cards, get well, etc.
Near the vending machines or candy machines. I put the pressed 10 Commandment pennies in the change slots all the time. Also in the few pressed penny machines that are still about here and there. :)
On an airplane in a magazine or in the magazine holder or in the bathroom
On a park bench
On a train, subway or in a cab
Movie Theater cup holders
Hand tracts to the passengers on the elevators
Leave a tract next to the handrail on the escalator
Leave tracts on your coffee table for your guests
When paying bills enclose a tract with your payment
Having a garage sale? Set up a "free tract" table, many people take them. Have a few Hispanic ones standing by as well! :)

Missionaries, Homeless Shelters
Send them some, or have the ministry send them to them directly after making a purchase.

Sunday school teachers
There is some great Christian childrens tracts out there.
The pressed 10 Commandment pennies are great for handing out to the students! I've never had any Sunday School teacher refuse them, I simply ask how many they need. :)

I like the 10 Commandment coin for these folks, they stay dry in the rain!
Warning, if the biker is not around, never place one on a parked bike, they can get offended, leave it by their kickstand!

At the site of an accident
After making sure help is on the way, pass some along to bystanders and emergency personal after their work is done.

Chinese Takeout
Pass one along in their own language, readily available as well!

Other Nationalities
Exchange Students
I've given out Russian and many Hispanic tracts over the years.

Pray and ask God to be glorified in anything we find ourselves doing, including the use of Christian tracts. :)

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Preach the gospel wherever you go, and if necessary, use words.

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