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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/2017 in Posts

  1. An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.” The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?” The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”
    3 points
  2. Bless you OldSchool........and seek to know Christ, that He would reveal His word to you.
    2 points
  3. 1. Because that was God's plan for this earth. That was His plan for our salvation if we choose to believe in Jesus Christ. 2. I don't know what God will do.....ever. I am not God.
    2 points
  4. My brother was not actually an atheist but agnostic. His wife dragged him to a Church service one Sunday. This was not their usual Church. My brother said that something came over him. He really could not describe it. He went home and could not put down his wife's Bible. He then became a born again Christian.
    2 points
  5. I think it would be beneficial to have a topic where we can encourage each other to be ready for the return of Christ. We know that iniquity will abound in the last days and that consequently, the love of many will grow cold. This is why the writer of Hebrews encourages us to stir up one another to love and good works and all the more as we see the day drawing near. We are cautioned numerous times to stay awake and be vigilant so its reasonable to assume that their will be an increasing tendency for us to be lulled into complacency. I'd like for this thread to be a countermeasure against that. The posts can range anywhere from what it means to be ready, to practical guidance in our daily walk with the Lord, to scriptures that encourage us, to knowing and understanding the events around us, to what actions we should take. In as much as it's possible, I'd like to stay away from debating eschatological differences in this thread and focus on the one thing that we all can (I think) agree on, being ready. I think that our being ready primarily depends on being doers of the word. This is what Jesus said makes one wise, and we know that the virgins that were ready were called wise. So, I think a good place to start is an honest look at our lives, at the activities we are engaged in. Some revealing questions to ask ourselves could be: How much time do we spend in prayer and in renewing our minds in the truth? How are we using our spiritual gifts for the edification of the body of Christ? What kinds of things do we treasure? Or put another way, what topics seem to dominate our conversations? Maybe there are activities in our lives that we need to repent of, not necessarily things that are unlawful, but things that aren't exactly expedient. Jesus cautioned against becoming entangled in the cares of this life and just generally wasting time. I find it beneficial on occasion to engage in a perspective check by asking myself these kinds of questions.
    1 point
  6. I don't even know, I don't really post this for an answer but rather just to get it of my heart because I have no one to share it with... I'm adopted. 19. South Africa is to expensive for me to live on my own and I have to study. I honestly have a really hard time. My adopted parents think I don't hear anything but I am so trained by hearing everything they say because I used to listen how my dad abuse my mom... Why do some people go trough the minimum and othershave to suffer all their life? Whenever I go to someone to talk to they just tell me: stop playing the victim. I don't want to hear that. People don't understand. Why tell someone that went trough and abuse that struggle with finding love by people stop playing the victim... I don't even feel loves when people day that. My adopted parents children absolutely hate me. I hear them talk with my mom thst I'm not their sister. I'm not part of the family. It really hurts. I feel unwanted.. the youngest sibling bullies me..sometimes verbal but mostly by actions... her body language definitely talks. When I try to talk to my parents about my hurt they tell me it's all in my head. I know God is an answer but I sometimes just need a human to support me. Don't everyone deserve someone who cares. I go to sexual men online to just found someonethat will actually listen to me. I know it's dumb, they're the only people who stay. My parents notice that I get thinner but rather they'll tease me and say I look anorexic... but it's just weight I loose because of my emotions. I just wish people won't reject me so much. It really hurts. I have to study next year. I got accepted in the university and my parents don't even believe that I'll make it... in one teaching thst I watched it said "your real parents can disown you but not your adopted parents" it seems so true for everyone but I feel like I am disowned but I still live here. Thanks for reading.
    1 point
  7. A dear friend of us left this earth last week to be with the Lord, he was a great man who loved the Lord, I'm sure his eyes have seen the glory of the Lord! Psalm 166:15 Blesses in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. Life Life is just a stepping stone, A pause before we make it home.A simple place to rest and be, Until we reach eternity. Everyone has a life journey, A path to take with lots to see God guides our steps along the way, But we were never meant to stay. Our final destination is a place Filled with love, His majesty, and grace. We celebrated the life of a loved one who has gone before us, the race he has won. His journey has now ended, His spirit has ascended. Claiming the great reward With Jesus , our Lord! Our Eternal Dwelling …7For we walk by faith, not by sight. 8We are confident, then, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord. 9So we aspire to please Him, whether we are here in this body or away from it.…2 Cor.5:8
    1 point
  8. Sorry, this is long. But this is an important topic. Either God created everything, or NOTHING exploded and became SOMETHING. For me, one of the main reasons i believe in God is the sheer impossibility of the alternative. We are living on a 6,371 km diameter rock, hurtling through space at a speed of 30 km/sec 93 million miles away from a 27 million degrees Fahrenheit inferno and no-one in charge. The Bible is not a book. It is a COLLECTION of 66 books, written over a span of 1600 years, across three continents by over 40 writers inspired by God in three languages. Big Bang Baloney- EVIDENCE DISPROVING THE BIG BANG THEORY Did the Universe begin with a super explosion of a small mass 10 billion years ago? Briefly, the following problems are observed in our solar system that defy the Big Bang explanation: 1. Uranus and Venus rotate in the opposite direction to the other planets. 2. Some planets have eccentric or tilted orbits. 3. Some planet’s satellite moons move in retrograde (backwards) motion. 4. Our moon has a lower density than earth. If it was thrown out from earth, it’s density would be more. 5. The sun’s angular momentum is 1/200th of the planets. This small angular momentum makes it unlikely that the planets could be thrown out of the sun. Source: “Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation”. D.R. Peterson, p.45. Big Bang theory says that a large quantity of nothing condensed by gravity into a single tiny spot and then exploded outward into hydrogen and helium to eventually form stars, galaxies, planets and moons. Question: What is wrong with this theory? A lot! 1. Nothingness cannot pack together. 2. There would be no ignition to explode a speck of nothingness. 3. The theoretical explosion would fall back on itself giving a theoretical black hole. R L St. Peter, 1974. 4. There is not enough anti-matter in the universe. A Big Bang would produce equal amounts of matter and anti-matter, but only small amounts of antimatter exists. (Asimov’s New Guide to Science, p.343). 5. The anti-matter from the Big Bang would have destroyed all the regular matter. 6. There is no way to unite all the outward rushing particles from the central explosion, because they would keep getting farther apart over time travelled. (See Novotny’s research). 7. The particles would maintain the same speed and direction forever, with no way for them to begin circling each other as gas clouds. Linear motion would not change to angular momentum. 8. Neither hydrogen or helium in outer space would clump together, because gases on earth push apart, but never clump together. Gas clouds in space expand, and don’t contract to form anything. 9. Careful analysis has revealed that there is not enough matter in gas clouds to produce stars. 10. If the Big Bang theory were true, instead of a universe of evenly mixed stars and galaxies, there would only be an outer rim of fast moving matter. 11. There is not enough matter in the universe to explain the origin of matter and stars. The universe is 100 times less dense than the Big Bang theory requires. Where is this “missing mass”? This too little matter could not form stars. 12. The Big Bang would only produce hydrogen and helium, not the other 90 elements. 13. The nuclear gaps at atomic mass 5 and 8 make it impossible for hydrogen and helium to produce any heavier elements, because neither a proton or neutron can be attached to a helium nucleus of mass 4. If it were not for this important “helium mass 4 gap”, the sun would radiate uranium towards earth. There is no stable atom of atomic mass 5 or 8. So a hydrogen fusion reaction (bomb) combines hydrogen to form deuterium, which doubles to form Helium 4 and stops there. Hence a hydrogen explosion (even in a star), does not cross mass 5 gap (E.g. H=1.008; Deuterium=2.016; He=4.006; Lithium=6.939; Berylium=9.012; Boron=10.811, etc.). 14. There are no first-generation stars (containing only hydrogen and helium) in the sky, which supposedly exploded to give second-generation stars, as the Big Bang theory requires. 15. Random explosions do not produce intricate orbits of suns, binary stars, galaxies, star clusters, planets and moons. 16. There are not enough supernova explosions to produce the heavier elements. We can see stars up to 15 billion light years away, but why are we not seeing many stellar explosions far out in space? Because the Big Bang theory is wrong. The stars are doing fine. 17. The most distant stars, which evolutionists date to the time of the Big Bang, are not exploding, and yet contain heavier elements. 18. According to the Big Bang theory, older stars should have more heavy elements because they are continually making them. But all stars, from ‘young’ to ‘old’, have similar amounts of heavy elements 19. Why do some stars spin backward to other stars? The Big Bang theory can’t explain this. 20. Why do stars turn? Why do galaxies rotate? Why do planets orbit stars? Why do binary stars circle one another? How could super fast straight line motion from a Big Bang change to rotating and orbiting motion with angular momentum? 21. Why is the universe so “lumpy” with galaxies grouped into galaxy clusters, which are grouped into larger super clusters? 22. Evolutionists claim that background radiation in space is the best evidence that the Big Bang occurred as the last remnant of a Big Bang explosion. This is wrong because: a) It comes from all directions except one direction being the Big Bang source. b) The radiation is too weak to fit the theory. (Fred Hoyle). c) It lacks the required 2.7K black body spectrum required for the Big Bang theory. d) The spectrum should be a much hotter 100oK black body spectrum than its 2.73K spectrum. e) It is too smooth. Instead, this background radiation is what we’d expect from the billions of stars in the universe. 23. According to Big Bang theory, the further we look out into space, the further back into time we see. This means that the furthest stars and galaxies should be the youngest. Yet research shows that furthest away stars are just like those nearby. 24. If Big Bang theory were true, all stars would be moving in the same direction, but stars, clusters and galaxies are moving in various directions opposite to one another. 25. Every star is redshifted to some extent. The further a star or galaxy is from us, the more its light is shifted. Big Bang theory concludes that this proves that the universe is expanding outward from the source of the Big Bang. They base this on the hypothesis that the “speed theory” of redshift is the only cause of the redshift. (If light is travelling towards us, the wavelength is compressed or blueshifted. If it is moving away from us, the wavelength is stretched out or redshifted.). Other explanations for this redshift are: a) Gravitational redshift. In 1915, Einstein predicted that gravity could bend light and thus cause a redshift. This was later proven correct. As light travels towards us from distant stars, it passes other stars, which slightly slows the beam, causing its spectrum to be shifted towards the red. b) Second-order Doppler shift: A light source moving at right angles to an observer will always be redshifted. This would be explained by the universe moving slowly in a vast circle around a centre. c) Energy loss redshift: Light waves may lose energy as they travel across long distances. Big Bang theory maintains that the speed redshift is the only cause of the redshift, so they can say that the universe is expanding outwards as a result of the Big Bang. Speed redshift is not the only cause of redshift because: a) Nearly all stars and galaxies are redshifted. If Big Bang theory really occurred, the universe would be rushing out from where the explosion occurred, not away from earth. If there was a Big Bang we could locate its origin by measuring redshifts. b) The closest stars and galaxies are the least redshifted. The further away a star is, the more would gravitational and energy loss redshifts slow it. c) Quasars strongly disprove the speed theory of redshift. Some quasars have redshifts of 300% which equals speeds over 90% of the speed of light. Some quasars have redshifts of 400%. Three quasars, according to the speed theory are moving faster than the speed of light. One quasar appears to be moving 8 times faster than light, which is impossible. 26. Most binary stars circling one another are of different composition. Big Bang theory can’t explain this. 27. Stars within globular clusters ought to be all crashing into one another if any nonthinking force brought them together, but they are not. 28. Stars never get closer than 3.5 light years apart. Would randomness produce this? No. 29. Stellar evolution is non-observable. Stars are not evolving in space. Plants and animals are not evolving on earth. 30. The sun would have to spin extremely fast to hurl off planets and moons, yet it rotates very slowly. 31. Big Bang theory cannot explain where stars, planets and moons originated, nor how they arrived at their present precise, intricate orbits. How could every moon be located at the precise distance to keep it from flying into or away from its planet, from a Big Bang explosion? 32. Uranus and Venus rotate backward compared to all the other planets. The other 7 rotate forward. 33. One third of the 60 moons rotate opposite to the rotational direction of their planets. Why? 34. Our planets and moons are so strikingly different that they could not have originated from the same Big Bang source. “If you look at all the planets and the 60 or so satellites (moons), it’s very hard to find two that are the same.” (Ross Taylor of ANU Canberra, in “The Solar Systems New Diversity”, Richard Kerr, Science 265, 2 Sep 1994, p.1360). 35. The chemical makeup of Earth’s moon and Earth are distinctly different, implying that the moon formed under different conditions. 36. Nearly all of Saturn’s 17 moons are extremely different. It has 3 sets of moons sharing the same orbit. Some moons travel clockwise, others travel anti-clockwise. The surface of Iapetus is 5 times darker on one side than the other. Hyperion is potato shaped. Enceladus has an extremely smooth surface, whereas other moons are much rougher. Why? Titan’s atmosphere is thicker than earth’s. How could all these moons originate by chance? Elemental Forces of the Universe. 37. Gravity Force is perfectly balanced. a) If gravity were stronger, smaller stars could not form. b) If gravity were weaker, bigger stars could not form, no heavy elements could exist, only dwarf stars would exist, which would radiate light too feebly to support life. 38. Proton/Neutron mass ratio The neutron mass can only exceed the proton mass by twice the electron’s mass (About 1 part per 1000). a) If the proton to neutron mass ratio were less, atoms would fly apart. b) If the proton to neutron mass ratio were greater, atoms would crush together, quickly decaying into a neutron, positron and neutrino, thus destroying hydrogen, the main element in the universe. The Master Designer planned that the proton’s mass would be slightly smaller than a neutron’s mass, otherwise the universe would collapse. If protons decayed, the universe would collapse. 39. Photon mass to Baryon mass ratio. If this ratio were higher, stars and galaxies could not hold together by gravitational attraction. 40. Nuclear force holds an atom together. a) If it were smaller, there would only be hydrogen and no heavier elements. b) If it were larger, there would be no hydrogen but only heavier elements. With no hydrogen there would be no stable stars, and no life. c) If it were 1% weaker or stronger, carbon could not exist, nor could life exist. d) If it were 2% stronger, protons could not exist. 41. Electromagnetic Force in an atom binds negative charged electrons to a positively charged nucleus a) If it were smaller or larger, no chemical bonds could form. b) If the electron charge were 3 times larger, no element could exist other than hydrogen. c) If the electron charge were one-third as large, all neutral atoms would be destroyed by the lowest heat-such as is found in outer space. Conclusion: It would be impossible for evolution to produce the correct balance of these forces. They were planned. These 4 basic forces (gravitational, electromagnetic, weak and strong nuclear forces) differ so greatly in strength, that the strongest is 1040 times stronger than the weakest of them. Yet Big Bang theory mathematics requires that all basic forces had to be the same strength before and just after the Big Bang Explosion occurred. Evolutionists cannot claim that these precise, delicate balances of forces occurred by “natural selection”, or “mutations”, for we are here dealing with the basic properties of matter. There is no room for gradual “evolving”. The proton-neutron mass ratio has always been the same. It will not change. It began just right. There was no second chance. This applies to all the other forces and balances in elemental matter and the laws of physics governing them. If you open a typical science book on astronomy, you will find theories about the origin of the universe and stars stated with great certainty to the public. By 1970, so much scientific data had repudiated the basic aspects of various cosmologies, that in April 1972, the top minds in stellar physics, chemistry and astronomy gathered at the Nice Symposium to resolve: a) How did the first cloud break apart and change into stars? b) How did the gas clouds whirl to form stellar objects to solve the angular momentum problem? c) How did the gas push itself into solids? d) How did the planets, with their present properties and solar distances form? If you attend such a closed-door conference, you will find worried men, desperate theories, scientific facts condemning these theories, a lack of alternative explanations, an atmosphere of hopeless despair in the face of unproven ideas, and no solutions or scientific experiments to alleviate the situation. Key: The problem is that evolutionists do not want the public to know that scientists cannot figure out how galaxies, stars and planets originated.
    1 point
  9. This statement is actually correct. There's only a small number of scriptures in the entire bible that pinpoints the year at which the tribulation will begin. This is one of them. Good to see someone else knows about this prophecy and recognizes the timing.
    1 point
  10. See now you speak good words of wisdom when you're not arguing with me. LOL! j/k.
    1 point
  11. It is a time to get together and be thankful and to eat some good food and then go lay down and take a nap.
    1 point
  12. Hmm. Is the one that cut off the thumbs and big toes of 31 kings he defeated? I recall Joshua and the Israelites captured him? Can't think of his name.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Thanksgiving may be my favorite holiday. It is a quiet time of family. Not the hectic frenzy that Christmas tends to be. Living in arizona we can enjoy the outdoors too. So we start by going out for a nice meal, then spend the afternoon together outside doing something, then get a second turkey dinner elsewhere. It is one day I know for sure he has off, and given how crazy his work schedule is, how we can never be sure what type of hours he is working (like his upcoming vacation just got canceled), it is a day for us to be together, as a family. For that alone, thanksgiving is a good day. By our front door we have some fall decorations, metal gourds etc. We have a turkey and a pumpkin that both say "give thanks". We see it every time we go in and out. A good reminder to us for each day, not just thanksgiving day itself.
    1 point
  15. Just before getting saved, I was into all that sort of stuff you ask questions on. Then the Lord saved me. I immediately turned away from that garbage. You should too. Use this as your example in acts 19:18-19 18 And many who believed came and confessed and showed their deeds. 19 Also many of those practicing the curious arts, bringing together the books, burned them before all. And they counted the prices of them and found it to be fifty thousand pieces of silver. Notice that they turned AWAY from their past interests in ungodly things. If you are a Christian, stop indulging in this garbage.
    1 point
  16. His love would send the SON so as we mere sinners could be saved from HIS HOLY RIGHTEOUS WRATH which will one day destroy all evil. IT was the only way to save those He loved. GODS JUDGMENT is RIGHTEOUS against all evil. In fact if we had all ended up in hell , well it was what we all earned. BUT The LOVE of GOD made a way out . THE ONLY WAY OUT . as in ONLY way out . gotta say it a few times since interfaith seems to be gaining ground.
    1 point
  17. Thanks, Roy. I have no interest in the Jewish calendar. What really matters is God's timing, which I posted in #3, proving that we are only 12/13 years from when Jesus will Return. This fact should have everyone on the edge of their seats, anticipating dramatic events and getting ready physically and spiritually for all that must happen before that glorious time. But, as we know, people mostly just don't want to know about anything that may disturb their cozy lifestyle. And woe betide any preacher that says anything about Bible prophecy! The sheeple are quite happy to have their ears tickled with prosperity theology and then a whisking outta here by a Grandfatherly God that won't let them face any kind of difficulties. Going to be a very nasty shock for most, which is obviously how God wants it to be! As for calculations of times during the last days, I believe the Sixth Seal event will move the earth out of her place, Isaiah 13:13 This will result in a 360 day year, that will make the time periods given in Daniel and Revelation work correctly.
    1 point
  18. I put her in the same category as Lena Dunham or Amy Shumer. Pathetic, talentless creatures that desperately need the Lord. They debase themselves because they have no hope; they are lost. A true Christian has respect for themselves and seeks to be like the Lord. I would hate to be like those people. I used to revile them, now I pity them.
    1 point
  19. Zorgbar, if you are still 'looking' at these things, you are still into them. Listen to what everyone here has told you. Repent of this and pray the blood of Jesus over yourself and your home. Christians are to have NOTHING to do with the occult. You cannot be both a Christian and a follower of satan.
    1 point
  20. I think we should celebrate it the way churches did hundreds of years ago. before even the traditional one we know. They would fast starting the night before around six. then the day of they would continue the fast , and come together and be thanking GOD, singing praises, then at the end of the day around evening.........have a big meal. then after the meal do a communion. Wouldn't that be a real beauty. Be blessed Annette.
    1 point
  21. Hi Annette don't want to sound silly ? I don't know what thanksgiving is it's not a UK or Irish tradition
    1 point
  22. Hi Marilyn, You know, another prophecy that sticks in my head, Daniel 12: 4. This generation can clearly see the ways and means in which a lot of this prophecy can come about, and is shaping up. Imagine trying to if it were possible, trying to explain the knowledge and technology we have today to your great grandfather (Nuclear energy, nuclear bombs, satellites, Smart Phones, space travel, computers, etc.). And Israel becoming a nation in one day on May 14, 1948. Looking forward to reading your blog.
    1 point
  23. Even if by some creative surgery a womb could be placed in a man, men are not equipped to be a mother. We do not have the same makeup, physically, chemically and emotionally. What a hellish thing to even try.
    1 point
  24. Hi, "the Jesus going to the cross thing" - Really, that's the way you want to frame a question?
    1 point
  25. Oh, yes He did. He spoke the truth with boldness and in love. Perhaps you should spend more time in study and less time trying to tolerate sin and calling it love.
    1 point
  26. I think a lot of confusion arises from everyone using a common set of terminology and applying different definitions to those terms, especially when it comes to tribulation, great tribulation, wrath, and all of the prefixes attached to them.
    1 point
  27. Here. I just found out myself.
    1 point
  28. Love. Love. Love. Certainly He could have done that, as it happened when they first tried to kill Him. "So all those in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath, and rose up and thrust Him out of the city; and they led Him to the brow of the hill on which their city was built, that they might throw Him down over the cliff. Then passing through the midst of them, He went His way." - Luke 4:28-30 But no one can take His life, it was He who gave it for us. "Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father." - John 10:17-18 He did not came to do His own will, but the will of the Father. "For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me." - John 6:38 A love greater than this?! Not possible. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." - John 3:16 "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends." - John 15:13
    1 point
  29. Daily Reading 7 If you prefer, you can look up the following verses in your own Bible, or by whatever means and in whichever version you choose. Luke 8:26-56 Genesis 13:1-14:24 Psalm 7 Audio 8:09 Audio 2:16 Audio 1:56 The above verse addresses are linked to Bible Gateway. That is an easy way to read (or listen to) the Bible verses, and choose your version. Personally, I prefer written, that way I can go at my own pace, and think about it, before moving on. Nothing wrong with doing either or both. The Bible says faith comes by hearing. See the picture below to get an idea of what to expect if you follow the above links. Note: The audio will not play the exact verses, it will play the
    1 point
  30. that's a good analogy. It's like they have one brain between them all and they fight over who gets to use it and when.
    1 point
  31. that is true and I think her opinion is about as relevant as the lint on my dryer filter. But the problem arises when the brain dead liberals follow this garbage. 'White Privilege' is the new buzzword for the intellectually challenged.
    1 point
  32. Cutting the cord on cable? I guess, cause I too feel like I am being fleeced. But it is a hard game to end for it gets bundled- with home security system, and really good internet service provider too. But at $174 a month now for rather slim pickings on programs that I will watch at all, perhaps it is time to leave the womb, cut the cord, and chance real life, without the idiot box's worst offerings through cable. Maybe I will practice by just trying to not watch any cable news for a week. That alone will likely be healthier for my spirit.
    1 point
  33. I by no means mean this in a condescending or trite manner but as serious counsel. Take a deep breath. Think about noble and good things for awhile. Consider the good that is done on this site and the people whose posts are usually insightful, edifying, and encouraging. Find something positive to do away from the computer that will take your mind and heart off of what has hurt you here. This is an opportunity to learn how to walk patiently and calmly. Be an example of how to respond to show others how to do it. Learn to walk away and not respond when someone says something that you think is out of line and directed at you. Most of the people reading the thread will see it for what it is. There are people here that are zealously convinced that their opinion on certain matters is equivalent to God's and that anyone who disagrees is walking in error and needs to be corrected because they are causing terrible damage to other Christians. Some of them are convinced that it is their Christian duty to correct each and every post and poster who is in error from their point of view. The bottom line is that no type of response other than repenting of error and acknowledging that they are completely correct will be acceptable. Anyone disagreeing is by and large either deceived or an intentional false prophet and wolf. Any use of scripture by such deceived people needs to be corrected. They are defending God's Truth against the devil's attacks. My guess is that some of them have doubts that people who seriously disagree with them are actually Christians. They are saving souls from Hell and the urgency of that overrides any concern for gentleness, politeness, and patience. Indeed, driving out the devil's minions is a noble thing to do until all of this forum reflects God's Truth as they wholeheartedly believe the Bible to teach it. I guess I find it relatively easy to deal with it because I was a poster child for that many years ago. I was the spiritual equivalent of the "grammar police" type of person who simply could not let any misuse of the English language go without correction. One of my favorite phrases was "it really bothers me that..." and then I'd point out all the problems I'd see in churches and Christians. Some were real and some were just people not believing exactly the same things I did and acting the way I thought they should. I'm happy that the internet didn't exist back when I was like that. I hate to think what types of things I would have said would be stored in digital form to this day. I have affectionate feelings for those overzealous types. They are sincere believers and I like their enthusiasm. God will take off the rough edges at some point and they'll probably end up embarrassed and regretting some of the things they've said to people. Now, having said that, I've seen some behavior on this forum that starts to approach the type of bullying and "popularity cliques" most of us experienced in middle school and high school. This is basically where someone tries to achieve dominance over someone else by using manipulative words and posts. They snidely attack someone and then deny doing it. They place any blame for escalation on the targeted person. Any attempt at defense is immediately criticized as being inappropriate. They try to shut down and dismiss anyone who disagrees. A few of their supporters hop in and agree with them. Their goal seems to be to acquire a group of followers that submit to them and their opinions. Instead of dialog and reason, they use authoritative attacks of "you must agree with me because I am right". They continually hit back with some combination of "you are not a Christian" or "you are too stupid or sinful to understand the truth" or "nothing you say is valid" to manipulate people who disagree. Of course, those words are not directly used as violations of forum standards and phrased a bit more politely, but that is what is insinuated. Sometimes this happens quickly and some poor person ends up alone on the receiving end of this without much support from anyone else. I do NOT attribute each and every disagreement to bullying. Misunderstandings inevitably occur and we need to learn how to forgive, reconcile, and move on. However, I've seen this sort of thing happen often enough on this site that I cannot rule out some degree of bullying occurring. In my opinion, bullying has absolutely NO PLACE on this site. Whether intentional or not, motivated by good intentions or not, any type of bullying is NOT Christian in any way shape or manner. I haven't been around here a long time, but it's pretty clear that people are getting hurt by this and it's violating the bounds of godly and fruitful Christian dialog and engagement. How many people who are not Christians come onto this site, read these types of posts, and then decide they don't want anything to do with us? How many Christians get scared off because they simply don't want to deal with it? How many forum participants don't contribute their opinions, insights, and experience because they don't want to risk being at the receiving end of some of the "loving" posts that they've seen others receive? How many people are afraid to ask sensitive questions?
    1 point
  34. There ARE rude, unchristian members and downright fakes on this site. But a believer shouldn't let any of these people dictate to them. They WANT believers to leave Worthy and they post unbiblical and dishonest garbage to muddy the waters. And they are working really hard at it. That being said, sometimes well meaning people post before thinking and don't realize how they come off to others. How can you let anyone drive you away from where you want to be?
    1 point
  35. Once people get married, the dynamics of opposite gender friendships change. That's a given. The friend should realise this as should the newly married person. Ive come in late to this discussion so my point of view has most likely been said
    1 point
  36. Many are so PRIDE Filled they think they cant be tempted. and go anywhere they desire. JUST REMEMBER THOU shall NOT TEMPT THE LORD. And anyone who thinks they cant be tempted, they DECEIVING THEMSELVES. YOU be blessed lady muffet lil. And praise the LORD SISTER .
    1 point
  37. I am afraid that is a package deal. Temptation and what you were talking about. Perhaps it comes down to trust. If a husband or wife trusts their spouse then they do not have anything to worry about. Unfortunately that is an old story. Many spouses have been shocked and heart broken thinking they could trust. Human beings are just that and everyone is subjected to temptation.
    1 point
  38. 16And the elders of the company say, ‘What do we do to the remnant for wives — for the women have been destroyed out of Benjamin?’ 17And they say, ‘A possession of an escaped party [is] to Benjamin, and a tribe is not blotted out from Israel; 18and we — we are not able to give to them wives out of our daughters, for the sons of Israel have sworn, saying, Cursed [is] he who is giving a wife to Benjamin.’ 19And they say, ‘Lo, a festival of Jehovah [is] in Shiloh, from time to time, which [is] on the north of Beth-El, at the rising of the sun, by the highway which is going up from Beth-El to Shechem, and on the south of Lebonah.’ 20And they command the sons of Benjamin, saying, ‘Go — and ye have laid wait in the vineyards, 21and have seen, and lo, if the daughters of Shiloh come out to dance in dances — then ye have gone out from the vineyards, and caught for you each his wife out of the daughters of Shiloh, and gone to the land of Benjamin; 22and it hath been, when their fathers or their brethren come in to plead unto us, that we have said unto them, Favour us [by] them, for we have not taken [to] each his wife in battle, for ye — ye have not given to them at this time [that] ye are guilty.’ 23And the sons of Benjamin do so, and take women according to their number, out of the dancers whom they have taken violently away; and they go, and turn back unto their inheritance, and build the cities, and dwell in them. 24And the sons of Israel go up and down thence at that time, each to his tribe, and to his family; and they go out thence each to his inheritance.
    1 point
  39. Great Post KiwiChristian. I agree with you mate, the big bang theory is the greatest load of garbage ever perpetrated upon mankind.
    1 point
  40. Ok I have to ask ... It sounds like you are living with this partner, without the benefit of marriage. First it is a sin to live together like that, and a Christian should know this. Secondly, if you are not married to her, you really do not have claims on what she can and cant do. Sure, she should respect your feelings on the matter, but you do not have the authority of leadership over her if you are not married. I suggest counseling if this is an issue. And if you are living together without marriage, either marry or live apart without intimacy until you marry (IF you marry).
    1 point
  41. 1. True. Are we talking changes within a kind? ie: big dogs, little dogs, black dogs, brown dogs? Or are we talking about dogs coming from non-dogs?
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  42. 1. The key Problem for 'evolutionists' is defining what "evolution" IS. 2. In the way they are Portrayed (In Secular Shangri La)...There are no: Galaxies, Stars, or Planets. regards
    1 point
  43. I think learning to lead a simple life is crucial to being prepared. Then we have less to hold us back if we have to run. And if we will more likely resist taking the mark if we have fewer assets to lose by doing so.
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  44. I posted this in a different topic which expresses something that I wanted to share here:
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  45. Amen. Dig in people dig in. A great door from which a great FLOOD of adversaries comes forth soon. its building in the minds of many even now as we speak. Let us have no fear of what is coming. Just embrace the LORD and know the REWARD is great. eternal life is something none of us deserved, but by grace have received. Jesus bled for all, soon many of us will bleed for him. Just remember pray forgiveness for them. But understand truly a great massive persecution against us is building . It had to end in someones generation. And the signs show us very clear what days these be. Just be blessed and praise the LORD.
    1 point
  46. Hi Last Daze, That is so true and all the more as the days grow darker. Now remember I said that I thought that ` a door was opening...` Well when I came home from helping my friend who had been in hospital, my hubby, Trevor, had this scripture he had just been reading - ` For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.` (1 Cor. 16: 9) Amazing how the Lord confirms with each other. So looking forward to these wonderful opportunities that the Lord is `opening` for all of us. Especially as the days grow darker, I believe that people will be drawn to the `light` of God in our lives, the hope, the joy, the thankfulness, when all around is despair, negativeness, fear and doubt. all the best bro, in His service, Marilyn.
    1 point
  47. I agree that things will get worse before they get better. In Matthew 24 Jesus' initial response was for us to take heed that we are not deceived. Truth will be flung to the ground and lies will be prevalent. This increase in deception leads to immorality and lawlessness, causing the love of many to grow cold. I don't think any of us knows exactly what to expect which is why it is critical that we gain spiritual wisdom through acting on the teachings of Jesus (Matthew 7:24-27). When we walk in the Spirit we acquire the discernment needed to make wise decisions and persevere through whatever might come our way.
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  48. Hebrews 10:24-25 New King James Version (NKJV) 24 And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, 25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:24-25 Good News Translation (GNT) 24 Let us be concerned for one another, to help one another to show love and to do good. 25 Let us not give up the habit of meeting together, as some are doing. Instead, let us encourage one another all the more, since you see that the Day of the Lord is coming nearer.
    1 point
  49. What we need to be ready for is what must happen before the glorious Return of Jesus. And many prophesies tell us that for those who stand firm in their faith on the Day that things get real bad, then God promises He will pour out His blessings upon all His faithful people. Isaiah 30:18, Ezekiel 34:11-16, Isaiah 32:15-20, Romans 8:18
    1 point
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