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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/2019 in Posts

  1. I'm not struggling to identify with your posts at all. It's describing a very real fight I'm in and deep dissatisfaction with some longstanding issues I used to feel free to make excuses for and I just can't do that any more. A timely word at least for me. He's calling me to a higher way of being and denying me the ability to excuse not letting Him take me there. Edit to add: and no, I don't find it demoralizing I am gleefully aware that He who has begun a good work in me will be faithful to complete it As much as my flesh may want to resist certain aspects and cling to it's unholy desires, my heart is to obey Him and be found worthy to labor in His field. It's harvest time.
    4 points
  2. Hi Montana Marv, I just thought maybe you forgot about this verse? Revelation 13:7 | And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. Who are the Saints? We are the Saints.......
    3 points
  3. I think the church has always been this way. Read Pauls letter to corth. There always been a struggle with holiness and fervent living for the lord. It's always the few who are fervent. Jesus said to the churches in Rev buy gold tried in fire. He said he was watching us. There is nothing different or new. We are told to en courage each other as we see the day approach.
    3 points
  4. In case you mean sin which you have been struggling not to do, but you do it anyway > I find that God keeps me knowing it is wrong, and He keeps correcting me in my character so I grow and do better. And as I say no to wrong things, then I find myself having better love sharing with Christians, and caring for ones who are not Christians . . . instead of how I can get suspicious and critical. Loving is better ? He can encourage you that He is the One who succeeds in us; our own effort is not what really works, and this is why we do fail; so depend on God. And pray for others also to be truly changed by God > have hope for yourself and for others. Know that God is unconditionally loving and generously forgiving; but this is our example, required of us! "And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma." (Ephesians 5:2) God bless you ? I am Bill, pleased to meet you ?
    3 points
  5. An event is beginning in places like Denmark , I think Bulgaria , and this event will cause an even greater division and yet an even greater sharpening of the church . And the event is an event that will come unto western churches and churches the world wide . One man In particular has found himself in the cross hairs of an agenda . But in his own words , as he prayed , he was given great peace . He even said This was a blessing . He said this will cause many to sell out , but it will also cause many to be refined . A hint . Persecution may kill or imprison the body , it may cause the loss of all material things , But unto those who are excersied theirin and Lovethe LORD it works wonderus patience and helps to perfect them . Due to the creation of an false all inclusive world peace unity GOD , in time all folks will turn on the true ones . But as the threat of persecution increases and persecution itself increases , The lambs will only prosper and though many will be killed , those who loved not their lives will reap the great reward . In the mean time , BIBLE UP and be made wise unto salvation through faith in Christ . Because this delusion is a nasty one . very deceptive , very and highly deceptive . For it focuses on LOVE , yet its love is not compatible at all with the LOVE THAT COMES FROM GOD . It focuses on unity , YET its unity is in no way compatible with the UNITY of GOD . It speaks with a very seductive and silver lined tongue . And its talking all groups captive more and more . This we must avoid at all costs or go under the delusion many will . The focus must be on the TRUE GOSPLE , that must be first and forefront . Sound doctrine and correction are essential to be both taught and enforced . The lambs must be made ready IN CHRIST and HE WILL make us ready every day . We have all we need to overcome in CHRIST , but if we heed not Him , expect only to fall .
    3 points
  6. I am sure that some here reading this will rise up with indignation. They will share all sorts of figures as to how many labor on the mission field, how many dollars have been shared to send those laborers into the field. They will recite how many have been reached and professed faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And all they share will be accurate and true. And yet I still stand by my statement. We as His church are failing in the one mission we have been entrusted with on this earth…. to spread the gospel of Jesus to the uttermost parts of the earth. Bear with me here. I do not dispute that through missions work, flyers, radio and tv ministries, multitudes have now heard about Christianity. But sadly, the truth is that how we as everyday beliefs are living out our faith is not matching up with what we say we believe. In other words, people are not being drawn to have what we have, because frankly, what we have is not doing what it promises to do, to set us free indeed, to make us overcomers, victorious over the world, the flesh and the devil. They see no joy, no passion for the one we say we love with all of our hearts. They do not see us walking as strangers and pilgrims on the earth. So what do they see? They see a people healed only slightly, a people who draw near Him with our lips, but our hearts, where our time and money hand hopes and dreams are invested, they are still ours. Self still rules. They see a people who try to gloss over their worldliness and lack of the fruits of the Spirit with excuses, like “No one is perfect” and “God is not finished with me yet.” To us, they make perfect sense, because they ARE true. But if we are truly honest, we will admit, especially for those who have served God a long time, that we are not much closer to acting as godly, set-apart children than when we first were saved. In truth, many of us actually less on fire, less excited about Jesus. And that brothers and sisters should raise huge red flags. And the fact that it doesn’t reveals to us that something is wrong with our understanding of what the gospel promises. The world looks on. Granted, some in the world have no love for the light, and love the darkness their lives center on. But make no mistake, there are multitudes out there who are searching for real answers in these troubled times, real peace, real joy. They have innately understood that things do not make one joyful. The best this world can offer is a happiness that is fleeting, leading one to seek for the next ‘high’, whether it be things, money, power, sex, self worth, whatever. They hear us. They understand what Jesus supposedly did with their heads. They are moved by His compassion and love even when He offered up Himself for a world that did not deserve it. But then they hit “the wall”. Us. His followers. Those who say they love Him and believe in Him and have accepted His sacrifice. Ouch. They see us go to church on Sunday mornings. They hear the ministers on tv. They listen to us politely if we get bold enough to witness to them. But they do one more thing. They observe us. And what do they see? They see a people whose actions contradict their words. They see our lack of real joy. They see us more passionate about our team or our favorite tv show than about Jesus. They see us love the things of the world, just like they do. In short, they see our hypocrisy, and that to our shame. So what will it take for us to truly fulfill the great commission? How can we actually draw them to Christ? In Ezekiel chapter 36, God shows us clearly in these last day what will move the seekers in the world to come to Jesus. "....and the heathen shall know that I am the Lord when I shall be sanctified in you before their very eyes." If the lives of those claiming to follow the Lord do not line up with how God says His followers who believe shall walk, let's not deceive ourselves. Danger lurks. Do we not realize that holy hearts, lives that burn solely for Jesus, actions that are pure and full of love.....these are the real testimony that confirms to the lost that we are walking in the truth. Our lives are the Bibles they read. Are we truly giving our all, running our race as if there is only one prize? The answer is pretty self evident for the vast majority of the church.No, we are not..... at least not yet. ☺️ Ah, but changes..... HUGE changes… are on the horizon. God is not finished with us yet. People think if we begin having miraculous signs and wonders, then they will come. But let us realize this. If we still are found living out our lives as compromised, worldly, one foot in-one foot out Christians, we will end up making our converts just like us. Listen, true revivals in the past have been spurred by holy leaders leading people onto the highway of holiness, where the joy wells up so easily, so powerfully, that men and women bound by sin want what we possess....or in truth want the one who possesses us. Let us remember, in these last days, Satan will come with all sorts of lying wonders and deceive many. Those seeking signs rather than the giver of the signs will bite.... hook, line and sinker. The ultimate draw must be the goodness and love of Christ, and if our lives do not display it, our attempts at evangelism will fail miserably. So how can the lost know who they should believe? It is simple. Good trees bear good fruit. If selfless love is not present in those with signs following, God says "Stop! Run!" If patience, kindness and gentleness are not accompanying those who seem so doctrinally astute, close your ears. Was this not the case in the ministry of Jesus. He said as much. 'You seek me for the miracles” or “You come because of the free loaves and fishes" Those followers did not last. They were those who had the good seed cast on the hard ground of their self-centered and did not put down deep roots. Do we not think it is wise we checked the depth of the soil we are attempting to grow in? It was Christ's holy life and loving heart that drew the true believers. In the book of Acts, those outside the church said "Behold how they love one another!" Talk about the real tool for evangelizing the lost. Sadly, today we are content with a new mantra. "I am not perfect, just forgiven", and using it to somehow give validity to our secret sins and compromised walks, and you know what? Jesus weeps. Holiness. Real spiritual fruits overflowing our of us. That, guys, is what we need. But first we need to believe such a walk is even humanly possible. You see, until it bothers us that our churches are satisfied with things just the way they are and put no effort on teaching holiness or even seeking God as to how to walk pleasing to Him (or in truth even believing it possible in this life), we will simply march on in our powerless take on what real Christianity is. Far too many of us are content to be half-hearted, lukewarm, forgiven children, following Him, but at a comfortable distance, of course, and living compromised lives with the world.....and thinking nothing is wrong with it. Whether we care to admit it or not, we are fulfilling the characteristics of the Laodecian church almost line for line, content with being forgiven for our Achilles heel sins, yet often knowing we will do the same sins again with no guilt and worse yet, possessing no desire to really be changed. And all the while we reason as we have been falsely taught... "Thank God for grace that allows me to live like this!" We have come to believe that living a life of holiness is hard......no, impossible. We are wrong. And why do we believe this? Because somehow, in our minds, we feel that our salvation was all the Lord, but holiness? That burden falls back on our shoulders. And who is sufficient for that? You and I agree here. No one........ unless.......unless we have missed the real key to living as overcomers. God is even now awakening us and restoring to us the HOW of holiness and guess what, glory to God? it is not hard. It is an easy yoke! Is your appetite wet? Or are you chaffing inside at the audacity of saying sins that have bound you for years, even decades can be overcome? Here is the key question. Do you want to be free? REALLY free. If you were told how to change from struggling child of God to an overcomer, would you really want it? How many there are that picture living a holy life to be hard and restrictive and totally unpleasurable. Will it cause change? You bet. But know this. It may upend your life, but in a wonderful way, and the thought of going back to what you were content with before? Not a chance. More to come. I pray you stay tuned.. I can promise you this. If your hunger or even your curiosity is pushing you to follow along, if you will take to heart what will be shared here in the coming posts, you will discover the Christian life you had hopes of when you first got saved...... before you got religious and lowered your expectations. Guaranteed. Bold words? No doubt. True words? You bet. Prepare to be amazed. Many blessings and thank you for reading, Gideon
    2 points
  7. I honestly don't know how to explain this but I do know there is no "junior" Holy Spirit. So, yes, a newborn can evangelize if they're submitted to Him and let Him work through them...from day one. A newborn can do anything the Holy Spirit can do through a seasoned saint. It's not about us. It's not about who i am. It's about who He is and what He has FINISHED. I remember the joy of my salvation and looking back I can see that Jesus loving, well meaning Christians stamped that out of me with all the best intentions and it didn't take long. I had a good two day "honeymoon" with the Lord before the rules and requirements got all my attention and took my eyes off Him and His presence, focusing me on what I had to do but had no clue how to do. I was not taught to focus on Him and behold Him while He began the transformation process of becoming more like Him. I got religion instead of relationship. And it killed my growth for years. But He is faithful and in time - over time - He refocused me on Him and got me back into a place He could grow me again. And I'm not complaining either. It is what it is and He is able to make up for any years the locusts ate. He does, He is and He will continue to. I am becoming a witness and He's not finished with me yet
    2 points
  8. Welcome to Worthy Rainatou! Praying for you and your baby ,hopefully you find some wonderful friends here who will support you in your Christian walk with the Lord
    2 points
  9. The True Gospel, properly understood, would seldom be rejected .People usually do not reject Christianity.They reject “ religion”. The fact that Christianity has been turned into a religion by many is the tragedy that makes people reject it. They would rather take a chance on going to Hell than have to be religious.I don’t blame,them.Religion says “ do”. Christianity says “ done”.Well meaning but poorly taught Believers tell potential converts that they must “ repent of their sins” to be saved.That is nowhere to be found in the KJV.Repentance is mandantory for Salvation.It is a change of mind that takes you from unbelief in the finished work of Christ to the belief that it is only HE that can save you from your wretched, lost state.It is a one time event that changes you for life.Once a person is saved, there is another type of repentance which is regret and sorrow for our daily sins.People are told they have to change to be a Christian , start walking the straight and narrow, clean yourself up, etc. None of this is true, but the poor unsaved sinner is never told the Truth.We dont clean ourselves up and then invite the Holy Spirit in.We invite the Holy Spirit in and let HIM do the cleaning. He started the work and God will “ finish the work that HE started”. If we let Him.That takes faith.That is what He is looking for.That is what people need to hear.FAITH PLUS NOTHING.Simply come to Jesus with a contrite heart,thank God for His Grace and let Him save you and change you from the inside out— an act only God can perform.
    2 points
  10. Hi, I see some real wisdom and love in this post. Thank you for making it. May God richly bless you for it, Much love in Christ, Not me
    2 points
  11. Don't limit yourself. Show interest. Your future best friend you haven't met yet may be the mailman or the clerk at the corner store. Might even be that guy who offended you in church. Remember, God is in control. You can be a friend to anybody. Remember the good Samaritan. Become a sower of the seed, the good news. Share your interest's. Wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove. Purpose in your heart to be friendly. "A friend is a present you give to yourself."
    2 points
  12. I think I can explain an answer at least in part. At one point He "adjusted" my understanding of Acts 1:8 I was born again under the influence of a Baptist ministry and baptist doctrine. (Please don't hear any of this as bashing Baptists....it's not. I praise God for the faithful witness He exposed me to there). This verse was used to show me that "Now that you're born again, you must witness! Shout it from the rooftops!" And frankly as an 8 yr old boy that TERRIFIED me. I had little technical understanding of just what had happened to me and had NO clue how to speak to others about it. I was almost immediately kicked into a position of feeling like I was failing Him and not obeying Him. It affected my walk for many years. My incomplete understanding left me vulnerable to feelings of inadequacy, condemnation and certainty I was no use to Him and He could not possibly be pleased with me. And satan made plenty of hay with it. Later He exposed me to a much more complete understanding in which I realized that the indwelling Spirit and the Baptism in Him is NOT primarily a power to witness in words. It is the power to engage a process of BECOMING something. That "something" is a WITNESS. Yes, when we have become a witness words will flow. But first we must become the words. It is our LIFE that is the witness, it is in BECOMING like Jesus that the world begins to see Jesus in OUR life. THEN the words that will naturally proceed from that make evangelism effective. Until our life is a reflection of His, our words have no power and the world scoffs. He is even now working among us and in us to rectify that "cart before the horse" circumstance we have mistakenly begun to accept as "normal" When our lives and words agree...His power will be released
    2 points
  13. 9 And the Lord said unto Moses, Lo, I come unto thee in a thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak with thee, and believe thee for ever. And Moses told the words of the people unto the Lord. 10 And the Lord said unto Moses, Go unto the people, and sanctify them to day and to morrow, and let them wash their clothes, 11 And be ready against the third day: for the third day the Lord will come down in the sight of all the people upon mount Sinai. (Exodus 19:9-11)
    2 points
  14. Now put those hands up and let all that has breath praise the LORD . We the ones that got all hope . No matter what is and is to come against us , whether we live or die , We belong to the LORD . Hands up one and all, and just praise the Lord .
    2 points
  15. Hi FHG, I must admit that I've never heard that analogy before, about the oil and wine. It's got a really nice ring to it though. Yup, I'm liking it.
    2 points
  16. That's just it sister . Folks don't realize how simple it is to see in revelations such pure truth . It can be summed up real simple . The beast , HIS WRATH comes against the SAINTS , BUT GODS wrath comes against WHO , the beast and those of his kingdom . REAL simple .
    2 points
  17. Hi Gideon, I do agree with your picture, however I would say it is not of the real church, but of the Laodicean false church. And this `OUR CHURCH` that you spoke of is of OUR making and fashioned after a business model with a corporate head in charge. That is not, as we know from God`s word how we as believers should gather together. Then I believe that the real church that the Lord gave His life for and that He has been building and maturing over the centuries and over the world is alive and well and doing what the Lord would have us do. We will not see the numbers on seats in `OUR `church, but by faith believe that the Lord is well able to build His church and the gates of hell....... So let`s be encouraged and keep listening to the Holy Spirit obeying what He tells us to be and do, & let`s believe He who begun a good work will complete it... Marilyn.
    2 points
  18. Hi Jostler, God's perfect love casts out all fear. We know that He is who He says He is. He always keeps His promises. We know that we will be supernaturally protected like the Israelites in Goshen when the plagues were being poured out upon Pharoah and Egypt. How about this verse: Revelation 6:6 “And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.” God said, "Hurt not the oil and the wine," which sybolize the Holy Spirit (Zechariah 4:3,6)and the blood of Jesus (Matt 26:26-29. Even though the Church was in darkness, God preserved His true Gospel of salvation. All true believers have the Holy Spirit and have been washed and cleansed by the Blood of Jesus.
    2 points
  19. That's right , they need to HEAR the gospel and truth and they need to see it at work too . Todays wacked out version is doing nothing but causing a falling away to get worse . For they focus on good works , BUT THEY DONT PREACH NO JESUS , nor Preach repent and believe . now that is a dead end with no hope . THE GOSPLE SHOULD be first and foremost and leave not the other undone .
    2 points
  20. Then I am going to have to guess, that at most there is only one person who does that perfectly, and I am guessing that you must think that is you. There are lots of believers, who do not come to the same understandings. Things are spiritually discerned, that is true, and that separates believers from unbelievers. However, just because we now have a new nature, does not mean we are rid of the old nature. Living by the Spirit, following His lead, will never lead us to sin. Are you free from all exercise of sin in your life? If we can sin, we can also make other errors.
    2 points
  21. thats not wat i meant, not feeling but a true sense of understanding that makes sense
    2 points
  22. @Gideon Very good. Looking forward to your words. Blessings; Jostler, what a heart! May God enlarge Himself in you above all you can ask or think. Keep that heart! Blessing; Much love in Christ, Not me
    2 points
  23. If you endured the OP and I have not totally demoralized you, praise God. You see, if our lack of victory, lack of joy, lack of fervency for the Lord who bought us is what is keeping the lost at arms length, we have to seek how to change that. If God tells us that it is when He shall be sanctificed IN US that the heathen will know we possess the truth ( or more accurately, are possessed by the truth), then should it not become obvious to us that it must be possible? Walking in holiness and righteousness is key to winning the lost. Being filled with love for one another, and even for those who hate us is what will draw those who want to come to the light, but up til now have not seen Christians display that light of life. Instead, We have succeeded in lowering the standard as unattainable, and been fed the excuse that this is why Jesus came, because we need forgiveness. True enough. At the beginning. But has He not promised to change us. To fill us with fruits of righteousness? To set us free indeed as we learn to possess our vessels in sanctification and honor? He has indeed. Then what gives?? What gives is that we are walking in only half of the good news. Yes, Jesus died for our sins. Yes, if we confess them and repent, He is faithful and just to forgive us. But we have been ignorant of the second part of that verse.... to cleanse us of ALL unrighteousness. Listen, all you who hunger for real victory in your actions and in your thought lives. God is even now taking off the blinders of His true saints, and those who are found hunger and thirsting not just for forgiveness that they commit again and again, but for true inner heart righteousness that expresses itself outwardly with holy lives, with loving actions, with a true hatred of the actions of their old nature, God is giving us what we desperately have needed...... the HOW of walking as holy, living sacrifices. To be continued...... Blessings, Gideon
    2 points
  24. Why Pretrib Logic Fails Miserably on the Daniel’s Seventy-Weeks Prophecy by Alan E. Kurschner Here is the pretrib logic: Pretribs reason that since the Seventy-Weeks prophecy in Daniel 9:24–27 was given to Israel,the Church cannot “exist” on earth during any of its fulfillment. Here is why this common pretrib argument fails: First, pretribs such as Crone would have to deny that the Church exists during the New Covenant fulfillment, since Jeremiah prophesied specifically to “the people of Israel and Judah.” (See Jeremiah 31:31–34). I am sure that Billy Crone would admit that he is a New Covenantbeliever. Pretribs cannot have their cake and eat it too. This obvious logical inconsistency seems to escape their minds. The New Covenant was not made with the Church, but the Church is governed under this covenant as the New Testament teaches that the New Covenant was extended to the Gentiles. We have to look to the New Testament for its progressive revelation to learn these matters. Why can the New Covenant that was made to Israel be applied additionally to Gentiles, but the 70 weeks prophecy made to Israel cannot also include God working with the Church at the same time? We are never told. Billy Crone and other pretribs are myopic and do not allow the New Testament progressive revelation to give us more information about the particulars of the 70th week of Daniel. Many more examples could be given from the Old Testament. Here is another one: Peter in Acts 2:16-21 is citing from a prophecy from Joel that was given to Israel and applying it also to the new Church situation. You cannot have a more explicit OT prophecy made to Israel while also including an application of its fulfillment to the Church. Second, pretrib logic on this issue simply does not follow. It makes a category error by confusing what with when. They argue that since the Church did not exist during the first 69 sets of seven years (483 years), therefore the Church cannot be there for the last seven years. That is a non sequitur. It fails logically. The fact that the Church did not exist at the time of the first part of this prophecy (69 sets of seven years, 483 years), who is to say that God is not going to work with both the Church and Israel during the last part of this prophecy? The Church does exist now. So logically it can be here for the last seven years. When you allow for New Testament progressive revelation, you can learn more than what the Old Testament reveals. Imagine that! And just to clarify these prophecies to Israel are not being replaced by the Church. The New Testament is simply telling us that God is expanding his redemptive program to the Gentiles, while he keeps his promises to Israel. The Danielic passage is addressing Israel. Pretribs is trying to say more than it does by making it say that no other redemptive group can exist at that time. Third, God has worked with both Israel and the Church at the same time in the past and he does in the present. In the past: Jesus made a prophecy to Israel about God’s judgment upon them (Matt 24:1–2; Luke 19:43–44). When was this prophecy to Israel fulfilled? It happened in AD 70—during the Church age! Do you know where I am going with this? Once again, why are we told that the prophecy to Israel about the 70 weeks excludes any fulfillment during the Church age, but a prophecy to Israel about its judgment is not? When you have a theological system such as pretribulationism built on a web of assumptions, you will inevitably face internal inconsistencies. In the present: God also works with Israel and the Church at the same time, not just in the past, but the present: “(19) But again I ask, didn’t Israel understand? First Moses says, “I will make you jealous by those who are not a nation; with a senseless nation I will provoke you to anger.” (20) And Isaiah is even bold enough to say, “I was found by those who did not seek me; I became well known to those who did not ask for me.” (Rom 10:19–20) “I ask then, they did not stumble into an irrevocable fall, did they? Absolutely not! But by their transgression salvation has come to the Gentiles, to make Israel jealous.” (Rom 11:11) “For I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you may not be conceited: A partial hardening has happened to Israel until the full number of the Gentiles has come in.” (Rom 11:25) These passages teach that God in this present Church age is working with Israel to make them “jealous.” These reasons are sufficient to show that pretrib logic fails miserably when they claim that the Church “cannot be here” for the last part of Daniel’s prophecy.
    1 point
  25. You are loved sister . Lots of folks are gonna talk them selves into all out evil and will take the mark . Its sad , but its true . sadly we will see many so called Christians taking it and reasoning out as they call us crazy for not taking it . I mean they gonna say NO WAY is this it ,we shoulda been raptured before the mark. THAT scares me for so many . You watch how many gonna take that nasty thing , that pope francis called a gift from GOD that can help solve all the worlds ills . I don't think folks are paying attention . BUT IT IS the FP that actually causes the world to worshp the beast and take its mark . Folks don't realize how far along we are . DO THEY
    1 point
  26. foolish virgins will probably take the MOB, they could not "overcome" or "endure to the end" So Jesus will say, Depart from me, I never knew you.
    1 point
  27. Have you ever heard someone say that we need to approach a topic without God so that we can stand on neutral ground? Or, perhaps they tout a neutral approach to the evidence at hand? This is a common approach amongst unbelievers when discussing evidence of this or that. Many Christians seem tempted to set their Bibles aside and try to argue towards God, rather than from God in order to remain neutral. Does the Bible weigh in on neutrality? Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. Matthew 12:30 The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. Romans 8:7 You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. James 4:4 Since it is clear that the Bible says there is no neutral ground, the idea of neutrality seems to be unbiblical. Further, it is a self-refuting claim. To claim neutrality would be to claim that the Bible is wrong. When the unbeliever claims that they are neutral, they have just claimed that the Bible is wrong. That is not neutral ground. You are either with Him, or against Him. Don't allow them to pull you into that trap and force you to argue towards God, instead of from God. You cannot defend the Bible by abandoning it at the onset of the debate, or you've already lost. Next time someone asks you to be, or claims to themselves be neutral, remember that they aren't. And you shouldn't be either. Everyone, without exception, interprets evidence based on their worldview and no worldview is neutral. We must hold fast to the ultimate authority of the Bible, at all times. He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it. Titus 1:9
    1 point
  28. Chapter and verse please? Otherwise it is just an opinion.One could maintain that jay-walking is the unforgivable sin, but without Scripture to back it up it’s just plain silly.
    1 point
  29. Jer 31:31 Behold, the days come, says Jehovah, that I will cut a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah, Jer 31:32 not according to the covenant that I cut with their fathers in the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which covenant of Mine they broke, although I was a husband to them, says Jehovah; Jer 31:33 but this shall be the covenant that I will cut with the house of Israel: After those days, says Jehovah, I will put My Law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. Jer 31:34 And they shall no more teach each man his neighbor and each man his brother, saying, Know Jehovah; for they shall all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says Jehovah. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sins no more. Jer 31:35 So says Jehovah, who gives the sun for a light by day and the laws of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, who divides the sea when its waves roar; Jehovah of Hosts is His name; Jer 31:36 if those ordinances depart from Me, says Jehovah, the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before Me forever. Jer 31:37 So says Jehovah, If the heavens above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth below can be searched out, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done, says Jehovah.
    1 point
  30. Wrong, the Bible is the Word of God and inspired by the Holy Spirit, and if you want to know if your understanding is right, then you test it with the Bible, feelings are deceiving and only Gods Word is the truth.
    1 point
  31. . . . and when that happens, the will stand accountable to God for that. Meanwhile, sometimes people just disagree one what it is that the word of God actually says. Who among us, can claim to be the infallible interpreter? People not only need to follow the word, they need to follow their convictions and not violate their conscious - hopefully all those things are aligned.
    1 point
  32. Long story short, I believe Willa has said it right, "that by virtue of the fact that we are in Christ and He is in us."
    1 point
  33. Heb 7:27 He has no need to offer sacrifices every day like high priests do, first for his own sins and then for those of the people, since he did this once for all when he sacrificed himself. For all sin for all people
    1 point
  34. Shalom This may not be to everyone's taste but I personally love this beautiful cover of Psalm 63 by Deanne Shallenberger. One of those great finds you stumble across on Youtube! Love & Shalom
    1 point
  35. 21 Moreover, look for able men from all the people, men who fear God, who are trustworthy and hate a bribe, and place such men over the people as chiefs of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties, and of tens. 22 And let them judge the people at all times. Every great matter they shall bring to you, but any small matter they shall decide themselves. So it will be easier for you, and they will bear the burden with you. 23 If you do this, God will direct you, you will be able to endure, and all this people also will go to their place in peace.” (Exodus 18:21-23)
    1 point
  36. If that teaching is correct, Moses, David and Paul are in Hell today .I doubt if you or anybody else believes that.
    1 point
  37. But when I get proud I usually don't know it. God has to remind me or give me a whupping.
    1 point
  38. You have spoken well, Cletus, and there is truth in your words, so may it be that the Scriptures and the care of those we fellowship with keep us from the sin of pride, for we cannot reign over sin as kings if we are assenting to it.
    1 point
  39. We are kings and priests by virtue of the fact the we are in Christ and He in us.
    1 point
  40. When Corrie TenBoom was asked to speak to the German people she found them very knowledgable and could quote doctrine verbatim. However, they did not know God--they knew about Him. So Corrie compared it to a piece of chocolate. The could tell you all the ingredients and how to make it, even the chemicals and food components. Yet they had not experienced tasting chocolate! "Taste and see that the Lord is good".
    1 point
  41. Shalom, brothers. Wow! I don't think I've EVER been so misunderstood! I'm not pushing FOR ecumenism; I'm pushing AGAINST it! Frienduff thaylorde, your responses make the LEAST sense! How can Yeshua`s words to "love one another" be opposite to His Great Commission?! Can you recognize your nonsense here?!
    1 point
  42. If I could also put in a little shot?In light of the above regarding non-essentials to our salvation ,I am sure Satan is literally laughing all the way to the "Soul Bank" in spite of Christ's confident assurance to the Father in His last hours on this earth regarding all Christians/believers or Disciples whatever "name" one gives us as children of God. "22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one.23 I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me...26I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them."(N.I.V.John 17 :22-23;26).I wonder if any particular "denomination" is going to mean anything when it comes to judgment time. Especially where the requirements of agape love are not met, regarding love for each other in the broadest Christian sense?
    1 point
  43. I thought I stuck pretty close to what the text actually says. Let me look at that again. Looking at the Word itself, I AM assuming the word "saint" is used to mean exactly what it means in every other place it's used in the NT. Born-again, by the power of the Holy Spirit who then indwells the believer. As far as assumptions go that seems a very safe one to me. The power to overcome these saints is GRANTED. Who can grant such power but Father? We need an understanding of how our Father who is love could grant such a writ of authority to the beast (and i assert that such an explanation DOES exist and makes perfect sense). Every tribe, tongue and nation is mentioned so we're not just hearing about the 144,000 or Israelites or Jews exclusively. And then I'd have to ask why those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life as an exception (the only ones who DO NOT worship the beast) unless there are some present to reject that demand for worship. It seems to speak pretty clearly and what you are identifying as my "assumptions" still seem very well grounded in the Word as far as I can see. Lets look at your next assertion by actually reviewing Dan 12. I'm trying to make sure we don't get lost in the pile of things before us so I'm stepping through your post one bit at a time. I highlighted in green (Jesus) because I have a question there. Why do you say this is Jesus speaking to Daniel? That's an 'assumption' I need some evidence for. If I'm understanding the context of this encounter properly (and we have to back all the way up to Chapter 10 to find where this encounter starts) this is an angelic messenger who identifies himself in ways that don't seem to fit Jesus Himself. We've got quite a few instances in the OT where we DO see what appears to be pre-incarnate manifestations of Jesus but I don't think this is one of them. Back at the beginning of the encounter this heavenly being testifies that he was sent (my assumption is that Father sent him) to bring a response to Daniel's petition for understanding. And we're given a description of this heavenly messenger. There are some similarities in this description that coincide with a description of Jesus found in Rev 1, BUT...the following verses seem to describe circumstances that COULDN'T fit Jesus. The angel witnesses that he was withstood by a principality. Actually HINDERED in his mission for three whole weeks? I am doubtful any principality can hinder Jesus from doing anything. I suppose these statements I will make next are debatable, but 1. The messenger was "sent" and sent as a response to Daniel's prayer 2. The messenger did not possess sufficient strength to "break through" the resistance of a principality by himself. 3. Evidently Michael is dispatched to assist him in completing his commission to deliver understanding to Daniel. And with Michael's entrance the resistance is overcome. If we're to interpret this being as being Jesus Himself, then we're setting up a situation where Jesus needed Michael's help to get the job done. Now personally i find that a fantastic assumption....unbelieveable in the extreme. This is probably enough for one post. But I want to stick to looking at your post until you're satisfied I'm not just glossing it over and refusing to address it.
    1 point
  44. That was a good story. You know God's servant Corrie Ten Boom said false teachers will tell you you will not go through the tribulation. The post trib view is right. There is only one view taught in the bible. But I will not fight about it. They can believe in the pre trib if they want to bad enough.
    1 point
  45. Hi Marilyn, "To him who overcomes".... What does this person "overcome". This letter is written to the church in Laodicea. Jesus tells them to buy gold from him that is refined by fire. To those He loves, He reproves and disciplines. This sounds a lot like going thru tribulation. "starting in the trib"....... I don't see anywhere in the verse you are using that shows explicitly that the church will start judging starting thru the trib. I do believe that we will judge the angels and the nations, but only AFTER the Lord returns, at the end of the 7oth week, after the vials have been poured out, after....not before. So what is the purpose of the tribulation? That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. (Ephesians 5:27) As we consider the state of the Christian churches in the wealthy democracies we are appalled. Truly, the Church is a valley of dry bones. It is a house of death, as was true of Israel in the days of Jeremiah and Ezekiel. Every evil work abounds. Self-seeking is accepted as normal behavior. Instead of a humble waiting on the Lord there is smugness and spiritual pride.
    1 point
  46. Hi Marilyn, 1. `Do you not know that the saints will judge the world (system)? ....Do you not know that we shall judge the (fallen) angels? ` (1 Cor. 6: 2 & 3) 2. `God....send (s) Jesus .....until the time of restoration of all things...` (Acts 3: 21) These quotes above are very true. But they don't tell us that the church won't be here during the tribulation. And can you reference any scriptures that tell us that the church will..... judge the world system and fallen angels during the tribulation.
    1 point
  47. Hi, thanks for reaching out. It takes a lot of humility to break your silence. You sound very depressed. Let God mend your (currently) broken spirit. You are not a burden, don't ever call yourself that. You are a child of God
    1 point
  48. Johannatan, I am so sorry it took a while to respond. I have not been online much after work as I am doing a lot of things such as planning a vow renewal ceremony. This includes the crocheting I have to do. I as well deal with a chemical imbalance and understand your struggles. I hope to be able to post more in the future. I hope you had a great week.
    1 point
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