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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/2019 in Posts

  1. Always pray and ask God to explain it to you. When you do understanding something underline it or keep a diary and record it. Then when a situation comes up where you can apply it to your life, do so. Usually you will find an opportunity within the week, or something has happened recently that you can apply it to. That way the word becomes a part of you and you remember it. The New Testament especially is meant to be very practical.
    7 points
  2. I'm sorry for this. I've had friends and acquaintances who had abortions when we were all younger. They were not saved at the time. They didn't tell me for years later and after their salvation. Why did they tell me? They struggled with guilt and shame untold. It was crippling. What was my reaction? I loved them, counseled them, offered an ear and shoulder. I cannot imagine for the life of me scorning them or cutting them off. Is your friend a Christian? Two things: [1] Never, EVER tell her husband. That's not your place and never will be. Never, EVER tell anyone else. What would the purpose be other than gossip? She came to you for a reason. Pray to God that He will help you know what it is. [2] Have you sinned? Yes. I have, too. You can be grieved by her sin, but to cut her off - and you did call her your dearest friend - is not the Christian thing to do. If she is not saved - she needs Christ. If she is saved - she needs to repent. That's what I always ask women who have come to me to tell me things like this. One woman, who was in her 30's and just saved about 4-5 years, joined our church and wanted to sing in the choir so badly. One day, she called me on the phone to tell me about her two abortions when she was in her teens. She said, "I know my babies are in heaven. But does God hate me and will my babies hate me when I go to heaven?" I said, "Is this why you don't sing in choir?" She said, "Yes.". I said, "Have you gone to God with this and repented before him of this sin?" She said, "Yes, I have." I said, "Then get in the choir loft next Sunday. And no, God does not hate you and your babies, whatever age they may be in heaven, do not and will not hate you." She is your dearest friend.....she needs you. She CAME to you. Help her.
    6 points
  3. Good answers for you already by everyone. Just keep reading the Bible, especially the New Testament, and pray for understanding. If you come across difficult to understand verses, jot down the reference. Then you can look up the meaning in a couple of Bible commentaries. Also, I hope you have a good church....you can make a list of some of your questions on some verses, and ask your pastor about them.
    4 points
  4. I think I can address this. I am elderly, I live alone and I don't go to church for various reasons. I do love the Lord and He is the only thing that keeps me going at times. I questioned at first, cried about it, wondered about it, but nothing changed and God didn't seem interested in answering any prayers about it. Over time, I realized that He WAS answering other prayers and He was and is teaching me things I would never have learned from someone else, not even a pastor. God is your teacher, He is your companion, He is your Father, your Husband, your Help, your Counselor and more. For me, I find it hard to get past the clamor of what this person believes or that person believes and to look and hear God's voice through the Bible and through prayer to know what I believe and understand. This solitary life makes that possible and awesome. I don't know if this is a passing phase in your life, but accept it and enjoy it and thank God for it. You could be blessed far more than you realize.
    4 points
  5. I think it is easy for we humans to draw the wrong conclusions when God acts with either mercy or judgment towards us or others. We tend to be unable to see from His perspective. (That is before the Holy Spirit indwells us). Being born into existence in this world is fully unconditional. We don't merit natural life any more than we merit an eternal life. But survival IS conditional in both. Even a child understands that natural life has conditions even after an unmerited birth into the world. The mind of a child can grasp that seeming inconsistency. Then there is a religious indoctrination that takes the common sense of a natural life...and fails to apply that same principle to the higher form of life which is in Christ. For these going backwards appears as advancement. Such is the way of indoctrination. We know that God is merciful. He will pardon a murderer. But if that person calculates that since God is willing to forgive 70 times 7 then one can potentially kill another 489 people without danger of retribution or punishment. This is how we tend to "legalize" mercy or forgiveness. Of course there are they that believe that God's mercy is unlimited...as in...I can kill all the people in the world...and yet God will forgive me for it. So we can become legalistic in our understanding of mercy and grace. We can turn God into an object that serves us...and more so than even as we do to fellow mortals. We often think nothing of treating God far worse than we would a friend. Do we slap a Christian friend to watch him turn the other cheek? Can we use God as a dumping ground for our sins? To do this is to take on something evil...an unworthy attitude. Before we were forgiven by God we were all sinners....but to take on this new hypocrisy and iniquity of an easy attitude towards sin in the face of God's goodness by calculating JUST HOW forgiven we really are...makes us unworthy of His forgiveness. Redemption puts us in a new position...but not the position that many think. We are meant to change our attitude...not exploit God's willingness to forgive further sins. Grace makes us MORE responsible for sin not less. To whom much is given, more is required. Do we claim Jesus as our personal dumping ground for our sin? Is that the purpose of Jesus' coming into the world...so that we would choose Him to suffer for us? But this is to steal away God's purpose in order to have God serve man. We do this so often. Should men seek to exploit God's mercy for their own purposes. Is this not a great evil to do so? God doesn't redeem us or forgive us because He approves of our behaviour. Quite the opposite. He forgives us in order to change our attitude. God does not forgive us so that we would have more security. He doesn't forgive us in order to serve us and our will. He forgives us so that we might serve Him and His will. God forgives us that we might learn to BE worthy of His efforts towards us. We prove whether we are in truth redeemable or not by our attitude AFTER He has forgiven us. God redeems us away from our sins and into His life. No one remains forgiven as they re-embark on the very things that caused the need for forgiveness in the first place. Jesus said...Go and sin no more lest something worse happen to you. Salvation is always conditional. God is sovereign...we are not. God decides on whom He will have mercy. God is not ours to use. Nobody deserves forgiveness but once forgiven there is a righteousness that says we should maintain that forgiveness by now learning or accommodating that same forgiveness towards others. And this is NOT an option. Forgiveness is NOT unconditional....although it is unmerited. There is a huge difference between the two. A child understands this...but adults can be persuaded by religious indoctrination to abandon all reason. Once forgiven always forgiven? OFAF? Notice the parable of the unforgiving servant https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+18%3A21-35&version=KJV Amos 9:10 All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword, which say, The evil shall not overtake nor prevent us. Notice it is the sinners of God's people...the ones that were already forgiven. But their attitude is a continuing unrighteousness. So then they are judged by God (Who is both merciful AND just) for their attitude towards the favour they had once received. It was not fruitful in them. They remained sinful in their attitude.
    3 points
  6. Abraham showed God that He believed Him by His actions aswell
    3 points
  7. Shalom @Pekoudah An excellent post. Amen. We also shouldn't forget another principal in the Bible. If one continues within their sin, assuming God will forgive them when they are ready to repent, they might never get the opportunity. In such scenarios, God can choose to blind such people or harden their hearts to ensure their wicked scheme is not successful! These days, there seems to be a severe lack of the fear of Yahweh. There's little reverence when there are discussions about the wonderful gift of salvation and the undeserved grace He shows us. Many speak in ways they wouldn't dare to if the Lord Jesus was a moderator on this forum. You'll probably get a lot of aggression for the above, but I thought it was inspired. I know that this is how a lot of non-believers see how Christians are - hypocrites who just dump there responsibilities "at the cross" and carry on as they are, singing about grace. Great post Pekoudah. Love & Shalom
    3 points
  8. Persistence and Prayer.. Specifically Prayer asking God to cause you to understand what you need to understand.. You can always post questions online about specific passages asking others what they believe they mean.. Maybe the LORD will send an answer through a brother or sister in Christ.. But the most dependable source of understanding is the Holy Spirit who can make even the most simple person have great wisdom..
    3 points
  9. Hey Darrell, Jesus used parables to teach spiritual truths from the listeners life experiences, using examples they would be familiar with in their every day lives. He used the soils as examples of people hearts, they all understood the soil had to be prepared before the seeds were planted if they want their crops to grow and produce for them, ...the spiritual truth He was showing is the condition of the human heart when the Gospel is announced, the seed that fell by the roadside was illustrating a hard, unprepared heart, ...the seed that fell in the stony places is also illustrating a hard, unprepared heart, we call it head knowledge that has never descended to be received and appropriated into the heart, ...the seed that fell among thorns was soil that had been initially prepared, but the cares of this world stunted the growth, ...finally the seed that fell on the good soil is not only a prepared heart, but also requires constant attention to watering, of cultivation, keeping the weeds and insects out. Can one change? ...that depends on the preparation of one's heart and God planting the seed again, ...if there is truly a desire to receive Jesus into the heart, the Word tells us God knows our thoughts and the desires of our hearts, ...couple with that that God doesn't, it's not His will, that any should perish, so yes, we can change the condition of our heart, ...it's really simple, ...just cry out to God, sincerely from the heart, in complete and total understanding that we are sinners, that need to be saved, ...like it's recorded in the Word, the man cried out to Jesus, ...Lord, have mercy on me a sinner, ...many of us here have said those very same words, ...and He is faithful and true to forgive us of our sins. When asked why He spoke in parables, ...He said, "Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, but to them it is not given." So..., if you understand what I have written, then you're in the Kingdom of Heaven, ...you are a born again child of God, ...now you need to water and cultivate the Word that is alive in you. An excellent tool to study God's Word is available online, ...just google e-Sword, it's free and there are many Bible versions, good commentaries, dictionaries, lots of good stuff to use to grow in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Lord bless
    3 points
  10. Hi Tzephanyahu, From my listening to people on this forum, I would say that my points are - 1. Listening to the Holy Spirit in our daily lives. 2. Discerning what is of the world, of me and of God. 3. Knowing God`s purposes for the Body of Christ, for Israel and for the nations. regards, Marilyn.
    3 points
  11. What Jostler said~is my 2 cents too. Stunned with the accuracy of the truth, in all honesty.
    3 points
  12. Remember ... You are never alone. God is with you always. When I first accepted Jesus I was the only one of all the people I knew. The change in my life from being a drug addict and party goer to a child of God was a tough road, and when things got lonely for me, I just would spend more time with God. Still, to this day, I have only a handful of people I know who are Christians, but associate with those who are lost more than I thought I would. I see this as being an example of God to them. We all have a reason for being where we are in life. Just look for that reason and you will be able to accept who you are, even if it means you are the only child of God in a group.
    3 points
  13. Part of the challenge in being a Pastor is loneliness. I am friends with many of the people in our church but there is and most likely always be some degree of separation between them and me. A recent survey found 78% of Pastors have no close friends. What I am not sure of is how to find and make new friends. I welcome any input. Thanks very much Rick
    2 points
  14. Amen! "Faith without works is dead." Our behavior, what we do, is the only evidence that we actually do believe. A good verse here to remember... The promise of God was only passed on to his son, God says, "because Abraham listened to My voice and kept My mandate, My commands, My statutes, and My instructions.” (Gen 26:5) If Abraham had only "believed" and not obeyed the charge of God, God would have looked for another through whom to bless the nations and establish the lineage of the Messiah.
    2 points
  15. Actually that's not what grace is. You have just described mercy...and mercy. Grace is the power to fulfill the whole will of God. Grace brings holiness. Many people still walk in their own power and want grace to justify them while still in the walk according to the flesh. But this is the opposite to the plain teachings of the bible. Grace is the power to walk as Jesus walked
    2 points
  16. Actually, you need to have the courage and faith to take the next step in the race. No one wins a race by staying in one place. The Christian life is a walk...not just one step....even if it is in the right direction.
    2 points
  17. After remaining silent for a year, she told someone. It's coming up on what would have been a first birthday. I wonder if this is starting to eat at her inside. At some point (and maybe already) she's likely to realize that this was a terrible decision on many levels that she is going to have to live with. Speaking with you might have been one of her first attempts to try to undo the damage. I don't know, but perhaps she is perhaps at a spiritual place where God can start doing some much needed work in her life. I'd guess it was probably very hard for her to bring this up and mention it to you. I suspect she remembers the date quite well and this might be something that haunts her every year for the rest of her life as it's somewhat near mother's day (at least in the US it is). I'm wondering if she's also wrestling with whether to and how to tell her husband. I'd guess this has to be having at least some impact on their marriage. Speaking for myself, I'd only make a decision to cut her out of my life based on her current attitude being awful. If her attitude is one of callousness and apathy as if this was nothing and she'd do it again, I'd have huge concerns. On the other hand, if she is seeing this as a huge mistake that pains her and she is starting to come to terms with what she did, I'd consider it from the standpoint of how much God might use you to spiritually minister into her life right now. In the long run, God can redeem everything no matter how dark. A few years from now after being spiritually restored and growing more, her testimony could well stop some women from having abortions and help those who did to find healing and forgiveness.
    2 points
  18. 1. A diluted faith 2. Pride 3. The danger of becoming the Church of Laodicea.
    2 points
  19. Amen. Well said. So many fail to realize that God's love is absolutely conditional once we begin our journey, our discipleship with Jesus. We cannot take His mercy & grace for granted. I was recently attracted to this website "Worthy Christians" in the first place, because that concept is so misunderstood in the majority of today's teachings, and especially the songs on "Christian" radio. I've written often on the need for followers of Jesus to be proven worthy if they are to inherit the promises of God. A great many of folks were "saved" from bondage in Egypt; they were baptized, partook of Christ and followed the Spirit (as Paul explains clearly in 1Cor 10), yet only TWO men were found worthy enough to enter the Promised Land. Did God fail to keep His promise? No, the bulk of those in the wilderness took His promise for granted, and refused to do things His way. Their disobedience separated them from God. His love and mercy did not override their disobedience, and they proved themselves unworthy. I've done a bit of sharing on this. Tried to post a video on the site, but at nearly an hour, I guess it was too long for this site. Entitled "WORTHY" I look into the many Bible passages and the teaching's of Jesus & the Apostles on the necessity of the saints overcoming and being proven worthy if they are to inherit the promises of God and enter into His rest. I have the video "WORTHY" on my website - To Him Who Overcomes/Videos and on Youtube as well - Kingdom of God video teachings, for any who might be interested. Personally, I cannot settle for a lesser Gospel than what the NT declares. God's plan & purpose is infinitely more than the bulk of the Christian religion has known. But Praise God, He is unveiling that plan in the present hour! May we be among those with "ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches." Amen.
    2 points
  20. In love, I tell you this, YES YOU ARE WRONG. Repent. I worked several years full time for a pro-life ministry. Because we always loved the aborting mothers, we had ones enter our clinic seeking their third or fourth abortion, then they were saved. Consider very carefully whether Jesus hates this woman NOW after He died on the cross for her!
    2 points
  21. God is not interested in your reformation or trying to change yourself.....He wants to see change, but only HE can do it .He will change you from the inside out which is something only HE can do.Only the Holy Spirit can make the heart contrite and that type of heart ( soil) is the only type that is ready to receive the “ seed” of the Gospel that Jesus promised would save you if you merely believed it.1Cor15,1-4 Christianity begins when you see yourself as a lost sinner who needs a Savior, then turn to Jesus to do that saving.Only the opening of your eyes by theHoly Spirit will allow you to see your lost condition. The best prayer for the unsaved man is “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner”. I guarantee he will hear and show you mercy by having the Holy Spirit pay you a visit.....the rest, with the leading of that Spirit ,will pretty much take care of itself—- He will lead you into all righteousness.....God bless you, you are in my prayers...
    2 points
  22. "Dear brother, I think you may have created a mountain of work for yourself, but God bless and sustain you as you "set your hand to the plough." The three things most of us have seen have already been penned. 1. Maintaining a personal walk. 2.Having the ability to share "The Gospel" in humility, respecting others opinions, without judgement. 3. I think discipleship is mandatory, not just seeing someone saved, and see you in heaven, but mentoring them, or putting them in a positive, bible teaching church environment.
    2 points
  23. Darrell, the fact that you are here, seeking, asking questions, is proof the seed planted within you is shooting down roots. Good/great soil. Just needs water. Over the years, there were so many scripture verses that I couldn't understand, and then one day "wham!" "why didn't I see this before??" Some takes time. Start with the milk (of the word) A good study bible for getting started is the 'Amplified Bible' It expands the original verses for a simpler understanding. I use one on difficult verses, myself. I buy a lot of them to give away to seekers. Cheap on E Bay, for less than 5 bucks, used, free shipping, some like new. The more you read the word of God (Light-truth), the more the false data (darkness-untruth) is replaced. Psalm 119:11 KJV; Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Amplified version; Psalm 119:11 Amplified Bible Your word I have treasured and stored in my heart, That I may not sin against You. Another Example; John 3:16-18 Amplified Bible (AMP) 16 “For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] [a]only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send the Son into the world to judge and condemn the world [that is, to initiate the final judgment of the world], but that the world might be saved through Him. 18 Whoever believes and has decided to trust in Him [as personal Savior and Lord] is not judged [for this one, there is no judgment, no rejection, no condemnation]; but the one who does not believe [and has decided to reject Him as personal Savior and Lord] is judged already [that one has been convicted and sentenced], because he has not believed and trusted in the name of the [One and] only begotten Son of God [the One who is truly unique, the only One of His kind, the One who alone can save him]. If you memorize just one verse a month, Darrell, you may only have a dozen in a year, but a hundred and twenty in ten years. That is more than most Christians memorize in a lifetime. I'll get you started: Jesus wept....
    2 points
  24. I think three main thoughts that the church today struggles with is: 1. Lukewarmness in love for God- I think the main way that we see this is in the compromises that people make with the world and our interest in both being friends with God and friends with the world. 2. Lukewarmness in our love for each other- I think this is one of the main ways that the devil divides churches. He wants us to turn on each other and tear each other apart. In many cases, that is exactly the way it is in many churches. Our lack of love for God overflows into our lack of love for each other 3. Biblical ignorance- many people just don't read their Bible much at all and are ignorant about what it says. If they don't like something the pastor says they want to argue without researching it and seeing if it is true. People seem to want their ears tickled in this day and time and not told the truth from scripture
    2 points
  25. I could likewise say the same about you seeing things thru your preconceptions, but I would be stooping to your level. There were no chapter and verse divisions in the original. Therefore, the “after these things” I see from a textual construct and grammatical aspect. In that case, it would refer to the immediate subject of the writing that preceded it, the churches. True the subject changed, but that in no way negates the grammatical principle. Less ambiguity when one follows well established and recognized hermeneutical and grammatical principles. Otherwise, one could make it fit anything they wanted.
    2 points
  26. Just remain humble n keep trying
    2 points
  27. @angels4u This thread is such a great encouragement! These last couple days the scriptures you have posted in it have been a special blessing...full of hope and comfort
    2 points
  28. So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. 2 Cor 4:16
    2 points
  29. This poem is a tribute to my beloved mother who died on February 27th. My Mother's Legacy First mother's Day without my mom Is rather sad and hard This year I can not call her up Or even send a card There's so much love inside of me I feel I must address it And so for me to write a poem Is one way to express it My mother was the kindest soul She loved to give and share So sensitive to everyone And always there with prayer She shone so bright for Jesus In the things she'd do and say Reflecting Him to others In a clear and gentle way Whenever I was sick or down Or simply felt alone She always had the words I'd need And such a tender tone Her faith was so enduring It would rise above my fear Her voice, her laugh, her wisdom Are the memories I hold dear Her heart for Christ, her love for me and all our family... These things I'll always treasure They're my mother's legacy
    2 points
  30. Hi all, every nonbeliever can have some posts here on Worthy before George decides that they shouldn't be able to reply any more. While I don't want to discuss the new system... I would like to ponder about the question how we can contribute to make a convincing case for faith while they still can post in the main sections... in case they still come and do so. In my opinion we should try hard to argue as good as possible while we can discuss with them here in the visible area. It's very important for them, I guess. And it is very good for us, since spreading the gospel is what Christians are called to do, I think. As for me, the Gospel is everything I have to offer, more or less, right now. A few suggestions may be allowed... 1) if you have a new theory to offer, like earth water during the flood splashing as high as the moon... please don't promote it in the threads with nonbelievers. If you must propose your theory.... please do it in a Christians-only-thread. 2) turn-or-burn calls don't work, if the nonbeliever doubts: God's existence, the existence of sin, hence any need to repent... please do them in a Christians-only-thread. 3) if you want to do a science quiz... please do it in a Christians-only-thread. Science knowledge is great but put gospel first, please. 4) I think it would be best if only a few (very few, maybe just one) Christian posters could lead the discussion with a doubter at a specific time. If he is done, the next one please. Let all things be done decently and in order. 1 Cor 14:40. Please avoid chaos in the threads reaching out to nonbelievers. ... continuing tomorrow... Regards, Thomas
    1 point
  31. I am having trouble understanding the bible, I read it and next thing I find what I forget what I just read. is this what Jesus was talking abought in Matthew 13:3, when abought the various types of soil ? And if so can one change ?
    1 point
  32. Have you come yet to the conclusion that it isn't the doctrine per se that makes one righteous before God...but how we hold onto it? One can be a grace legalist after all....just as much a legalist as someone who thinks eating pork sends one to hell. But isn't pushing grace on others an all forgiving assignment? As in...the ends justify the means? But the ways of God are to be the means we use. We only fool ourselves by trying to help God with our limited understanding about something. How can a person misapply grace? By white-knuckling an aspect of the truth but shutting one's eyes to another. By pushing a perceived understanding of a truism but in the power of the flesh. By trying to convey something that escapes our natural minds so as it not to affect our actual lives. We are to speak the truth in love. If love is missing in the message it may have an aspect of truth in it...but it is still lacking in Christ. Therefore it is lacking in truth. God is love. He is truth. Legalism displays an all too common rigidity in our demeanor towards others. But real life....real spiritual eternal life...is living and spontaneous...open to seeing new aspects and facets of God and His ways. We will have all of eternity to ponder the ways of God. But there are many here that believe they have received enough understanding already to shut their own books and now teach grace in a legalistic manner....calling all who would point out the imbalance as being legalists themselves. But this is not the way with they who seek the Lord from a pure heart. Pride does that. It refuses to be taught...but waits to decide for itself when and what is to be believed. It is the outward carnal man running the show. Sure, such a person will change their views from time to time. But if anyone shares that newly accepted view before he is ready to do it by self-will...then that one is ridiculed and despised. What is never learned is the WAY we do things...that it is the process that counts. No one will ever be judged by God for the accuracy of their beliefs. That is the domain and practice of the judgmental among us. What we believe is important. But what are those beliefs causing us to do? We will all be judged by what we have done with what we have been given after all. To whom much is given...more will be required.
    1 point
  33. If you think God’s “ gonna git ya” because you shop on Sunday , you are a weak Christian.....If you tell somebody else that they are damned for shopping on Sunday, you just might be a legalist....
    1 point
  34. Shalom everyone This is fantastic information which has helped reveal the common problematic themes of today. Thank you so much @pinacled, @Still Alive, @PromisesPromises!, @Cletus, @thomas t, @GandalfTheWise, @Pekoudah, @AnOrangeCat, @Tigger56, @Jostler, @In Him, @Sonshine☀️, @Marilyn C, @jsimms615, @Heybro. You have all contributed in ways that either confirmed my ideas or schooled me to others. So, again, thank you all very much for taking the time to reply thoughtfully, honestly and wisely. I pray that Yahweh blesses you all for your kindness and concern for the Body today. I will be using this information to help design the "Christian" section of my apologetics website. I need to focus my time on the most pressing needs of the Christian today, so the advice that all of you have provided so far has helped me massively. May Yahweh lead us with wisdom and love to help our brothers and sisters out of these struggles. Love & Shalom
    1 point
  35. Ezekiel 36:27 (NASB) "I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances. “and cause you to walk in my statutes” Can their be a more glorious promise of God to the human heart? The hope of the prospect of God Himself fulfilling this promise in us, has got no choice, but to cause the heart that longs to be obedient to Him to rejoice. But how does He do this? In scripture we read; 2 Peter 1:4 (NASB) “For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust.” By God Himself personally fulfilling His promises in each and every life. In scripture we read; Hebrews 3:18-19 (NASB) “And to whom did He swear that they would not enter His rest, but to those who were disobedient? So we see that they were not able to enter because of unbelief.” Here we see God has equated disobedience with unbelief Hebrews 4:3a (NASB) “For we who have believed enter that rest,~~~~~~” Entering into the rest of the promises of God. This is what God is waiting and hoping for that each soul that would be His, enters into this; Rest of faith. For only as a believer enters this rest of faith can God fulfill His promises in the life of the believing soul. Hebrews 4:2b (NASB) ~~~~~but the word they heard did not profit them, because it was not united by faith in those who heard. “Was not united by faith” This is what causes God’s promises to not be realized in the heart of a believing soul; Failure to belief God and take Him at His word. Failure to belief God and take His promises literally and personally to ourselves. Is what causes a believer to stumble and fail and not enter into the fullness that is their Christ in them. For all true faith in God receives from God. Scripture has many things that it says God will do in the heart of the believer; “I will perfect that which concerns you” “I will cause you to walk in my statutes” “I will give you a new heart” and many other promises that are for the believer, but to realize them the believer must; ~unite them with faith~ Blessing as we read of God’s wonderful promises and unite them with faith, so we might receive what was promised. Much love in Christ, Not me
    1 point
  36. I once worked with a lady who told me that after her third divorce she came to realize that it wasn't them.
    1 point
  37. I appreciate the topic, and i have a feeling the REAL answers are more like a spiderweb in relation to each other, than a linear list of importance, so I'd expect different ones among us may highlight different perspectives, but I bet the discussion will be thought provoking. I doubt any one answer will encompass all there is to be profitably shared. I personally identified most with @PromisesPromises! answer so far, but, I'd modify it a little. I think my "angle" is just a little different, expressed in different words, but I'm still pretty much seeing things the same way, just looking at it from a different direction. In my opinion THE number one problem is: 1. Unbelief. We have (corporately and individually) a real struggle with being unbelieving believers. "Believing" is the work of God. And its real work, and a constant challenge to continue in the work. Where we fail to DO the work, we suffer loss and lack of appropriating the promises given as our own experiential reality. One of the biggest "belief failures" is our lack of really believing we ARE one with Him. It denies us the depth of relationship He died for us to be able to enjoy with Him and Father through Him. Which leads to my #2 issue. 2. Shallow personal relationships with Him. We're not guilty of wanting too much, but of settling for way too little. Which leads me to think of what I believe KEEPS us from believing in and experiencing the depths of oneness and relationship with Him, which is #3. 3. Shame is THE number one problem that keeps us from experiencing depth of relationship. And number 2 isn't even close. my 2 cents
    1 point
  38. I believe the main issues Christians struggle with the most in these days and times is due to social issues and the lack of strength being provided by local churches. Too many churches have attempted to be "with the times" and have failed to maintain a strong stance on many issues facing Christians today. So none of my answers have to do with doctrinal issues such as baptism, salvation, etc. As seen in this forum many have strong stances on these things. I also have strong stances on the three things I will list as I and the church in which I belong speak out about these things, but I do feel many struggle with these three things. Here are my three: ( 1) homosexuality - some churches allow homosexuals to become preachers and leaders within their churches. This has caused division in various denominations. Christians struggle with "politically correct", are they born that way or is it a choice of lifestyle?" Should I judge or should I be tolerant?" This is a major issue for various churches and individual christians at this time. (2) This has some ties to number one, the question of love - how should it be followed in present times. "Is tolerance....love?, is judgement and discernment.... anti-love?" Christians are bombarded by the mainstream media and much fun is made of Christians in this day and age. It is difficult sometimes to stand out and all have a desire to be accepted, but at what cost? Christians often are displayed as unloving and judgemental, this is difficult for a Christian to face and stand strong against. (3) Despite calm displayed by many, most people, Christians included know that our world is in a downward spin. Evil has crept as a fog across this nation and across the world, there is fear and unease. Many believe in an end time, but most have always desired it to be in a time other than their lifetime. Christians need the strength of unity and conviction. We are in deed in the last generation that will walk apart from our Lord and the fear in many must be addressed and faith must be strengthened. There is a need for strong churches who preach truth without fear, but as I look across this landscape, I know it is surely missing.
    1 point
  39. you might be interested in this http://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2015/June/Ex-Muslims-Lighting-the-Way-for-Islams-Collapse
    1 point
  40. Just because God is silent doesn't mean He's not listening to us. The Bible says, "Be still and know that I am God" Sometimes when we pray we talk to much. we spend so much time on what we are saying we don't stop long enough to listen. We might not get an answer right off the bat but He will always answer us. We might not like the answer but He will never forsake one of His kids.
    1 point
  41. There is always only one real issue a believer has and that is.......... living their life completely for the Lord. The reason that this is the only issue that they have, is because nothing in a believer's life, matters as much. So, maintaining true and complete devotion to God and Christ is always the real struggle, is the "working out your faith with fear and trembling"....and IS the "course" you are to complete. Paul even suggest that believers never marry so that they are don't become tied up with "things of this life" that are going to come for you to deal with all your life, >through marriage. Time is Life. And what you give your time to, is what you are living for.....every day, every minute.
    1 point
  42. If any consolation Jesus was lonely too. Not even the disciples could understand the loneliness of Doing the will of the Father. He prayed alone while the disciples slept. He faced the suffering of the cross alone. He felt forsaken by the Father. He went through this loneliness for us. He said we wwould have loneliness for his sake. I am a lonely Believer but I am consoled by My interment relationship with Him. My favorite worship song is " As the Deer Panteth for the waters the verse that made tears in my eyes was 'Hes my friend and my brother even though you are a King I love you so much more than anything." I live alone In my little apartment but I am used to being alone but I'm not really alone because we talk together every day. My wife is went home a year ago but my life in Christ is filled with loneliness that no one could see. I have heart disease. I have chest pain often but I just look up from my Computer and see her picture with her smiling face But she is with Jesus now and I now I will see Jesus and her soon. So I know loneliness but I am comforted because He is with me, and so is she Pray everyday and have a good devotional. spend time with Jesus every day. That what I do.
    1 point
  43. Exactly. God puts His Spirit in us, (born again) then He begins the process of conforming us into the image of Jesus. Its all God. We are the benefactors. "God who started salvation IN YOU< will Himself be Faithful to complete it". Philippians 1:6. = OSAS Salvation is the Grace of God. Its a FREE Gift that He starts and completes. All sin is forgiven. Redemption has come. Romans 4:8 explains that once we are saved, IF we sin, willfully or accidentally, The Blood of Jesus is still the same Atonement, always cleansing, always keeping you saved. Romans 4:8 explains that God does not charge you in Eternity for your sin, as He has already Judged Christ on the Cross for them ALL.
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. Every new day is one step closer to seeing Christ's return, are you ready?
    1 point
  46. You may be broken, but YOU ARE NOT USELESS. No matter where we are in life, God has more in store. He never wants you to quit growing. Seeing and feeling your brokenness every day is painful. Growth is painful Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong. Give God your broken crayons He will use them. ?️
    1 point
  47. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 1 Cor 4:18
    1 point
  48. I would suggest that the resurrected saints of Matthew 27 were those in the section of hades reserved for the redeemed dead. The passage in Matthew doesn't say specifically, but many of the early church writers who knew the apostles or students of the apostles wrote that Yeshua took these resurrected saints to the Father. Without any appreciable evidence to contradict that, that is what I am sticking with.
    1 point
  49. (1) we should never judge them or use scripture to condemn them in how we post (that is the Holy Spirit's job) (2) we should give Biblical answers with scripture references that emphasize Faith in use (3) we should have a personal testimon(y)(ies) that shows we conducted ourselves through Faith in God and He brought us through
    1 point
  50. Mark wrote from Peter's perspective. Matthew followed the order of Mark, with additions to it. But Luke only generally followed that order, and in many places varied from it. Luke's Gospel was more of a collection of remembrances of many different people, not a sequential narrative. So it should be of no surprise that this story of Lazarus might not have been heard by Peter. He was not with Jesus every moment; no one was. As far as John goes, this type of story was not something he deals with; his list of topics is very limited, and mostly concerns sayings and events that the other Gospels left out. So there is no good reason to disbelieve that Jesus told this story, any more than there is reason to disbelieve Luke's stories about the nativity of Jesus which only Luke reported.
    1 point
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