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    • Hi, Yes the antichrist spirit is about " enforcement" coersion.   Rev 13 " he causes all to recieve the mark..." 
    • The sentence construction and grammar of the first two verses of the Bible indicate that God created all things in good order. The literal translation of Genesis 1 verse 2 is  2 BUT the earth BECAME a chaos, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Now, not only is God not the author of chaos, but darkness and a covering of water are sure indicators of His judgment. Something bad happened to a perfectly good earth - something so ugly that God was moved to cover the earth with water and switch off the lights. Bible students argue over this, but Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 both address a Principality that could not have been a man on earth. The theory is that Lucifer, an angel or cherub of light, was the first governor of the earth. Initially he was a good governor, but he overturned God's order (or tried to), and this ended in ruin and chaos. But God could not ever look on ruin and chaos and somebody had inhabited the earth, for God says in Isaiah 45; 18 For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited*: I am the LORD; and there is none else. It could be that one of the reasons why God man was made was to fill, or replenish the earth. the same words were said to Noah when there were just eight people left on earth. If you are interested, one of the most well known students of prophecy, G. H. Pember, wrote a book with the full argument called "Earth's Earliest Ages". It's been reprinted lately. It is very compelling. * The grammar is clear, but there is another element sometimes missed by students of the Bible. The word "created" in the Hebrew means "made out of nothing". The word "made" in the Hebrew means "made out of existing materials". And the word "formed" in the Hebrew means "formed like a potter forms his wet clay". The word "created" is only used twice in Genesis Chapter 1 - (i) the creation of the heaven and the earth, and (ii) the creation of the living things. Every other time God "made" something, it was with existing materials. This means that all the materials in Genesis 1, after verse 1, except for the souls of man and the animals, were already there. And when God talks about it being "inhabited", He does not say; "I created it to be inhabited". He says I "FORMED" it to be inhabited. That means that the work of six days was a restoration, not a creation. The word "formed" indicates that things were a certain way and the potter changed the "form". Unfortunately for our curiosity, when God wants to wipe out the old, He does such a good job of it that the evidence is just not there. That is why evolutionists seem to hit a wall at about 4,500 BC. It is the date of Noah's flood and all record of the past is gone. Just enough remains to say that the earth was in existence and the fossils hint at life before this flood. So also the immersion in Genesis 1:2. It just wiped out history. A universal flood is likened, in 1st Peter 3:18-21 to wiping the conscience clear.
    • Admittedly, my thoughts may not be accurate, but the following is how I currently view it. The Bible alludes to several time gaps in various dispensations or covenant theology. I will list them if requested. Are we all on the same page, using the Jewish lunar calendar of 360-day years? Using math, the Sanhedrin and Pharisees should have calculated and known the exact day their Messiah would enter Jerusalem on a donkey to present Himself on Palm Sunday.    Likewise, those Jews and Christians who survive the two halves of the tribulation (1260 + 1260 = 2,520 days), or seven years, should know to the day of Jesus’s 2nd Coming. The Rapture has always been imminent, with no signs or anything preceding it. Therefore, I surmise the tribulation lasts precisely 2,520 days, then the Lord’s feet hit the ground at the Mount of Olives. Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. (Daniel 12:12) Extensions to the 2,520 days seem to be a gap before the rod of iron millennial reign of Christ begins, the official inauguration of Christ as King, to set up the Kingdom of Heaven the Jews initially rejected. Several things must be dealt with in this interim before Christ’s reign. The holy land will be a mess from all the tribulation carnage, sin, and judgments and must be cleansed and purified. The image of the Beast, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet must be dealt with. Satan will be chained and cast out for a thousand years. The sheep and goat judgment of the nations must take place, etc. When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: (Matthew 25:31-34) The sheep will be blessed and allowed to enter the millennium; the goats will be killed off. As I implied, we all have different hermeneutics and interpretations of unfulfilled prophecy.
    • In the beginning we see God dividing things, like dividing the darkness from the Light.  But we also see God divided the waters from below from the waters that were from above.  These natural things were given as a shadow to symbolize greater spiritual truths, which I will get to in just a moment.   In the days of Noah when God was going to destroy all flesh, God did so by not only raining down on earth the waters from above, but God also opened up the fountains of the deep from below.   In the books of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and also in the Revelation we read that the voice of the Almighty is as the voice of many waters.  And in scripture God’s words are shown as Living waters which proceed out of the belly and mouth of those who are born of God’s Spirit.   But we also see in scripture the voice of the multitudes and nations on earth are shown as like troubled waters, like waves that roar like great waters, the rushing of Nations like the rushing of mighty waters.  And in Revelation 17:15 we read the waters where the whore sits, are many peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues.     So the sound of the many waters from both heaven and earth symbolize “the sound of voices”.  I needed to explain this first so that you might understand this next part.     In the Revelation we see the waters being made bitter because of a star called wormwood, and many men died because of those bitter waters.  We also see the waters being turned to blood, and many dying because of the bloody waters.  Many believe this is speaking of natural waters like H20, but I believe it is speaking of “many peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues” as I showed above.   Also we are told in the Revelation spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the Dragon, the beast, and the false prophet.  And in Revelation 12:15 we see the serpent cast out of his mouth waters as a flood, so that the woman might be carried away of the flood.  It is not hard to imagine what these waters represent that come out of the mouth of the serpent, because it is words that usually come out of the mouth.   In the Devils case it is lies that come out of his mouth, as Jesus said the Devil is a liar and there is no truth in him.  So those who belong to his body (the beast) and those who are of his false prophet spirit, would also be speaking lies by his spirit.     I believe the natural plagues shown in the Exodus from Egypt were to also symbolize spiritual plagues that would take place in the last days.  If you look at the plague of frogs shown in the Exodus story, you will see the frogs come up out of the waters and get into everything, even upon Pharaoh and all his servants.   These 3 unclean spirits like frogs in the Revelation are the spirits devils which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, in order to gather them together to the battle of the great day of God Almighty.   So here is how I see it.   The waters (many peoples, nations, tongues) are being made bitter, because it is written they turned judgment into wormwood, and they leave off righteousness in the earth.  Also in scripture the Lord speaks of violent men, as being “bloody men”.  So the waters (many peoples, nations, and tongues) being turned to blood could represent men becoming more and more violent, and turning to violence.   I see the 3 unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth as representing lies, propaganda, and misinformation that is leading the Nations of the world  to come out against Israel.  This of course is all happening according to God’s will, so in the end they will know that He is the Lord.   Peace     
    • Okay. I hear you. We're both on the same side. Peace.
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